一周四天骑车上学 Mon: bike 60' + 30' arms tone up with video (fat burning 250cal+50cal) Tue: bike 120' + swim 45' (500+300) Wed: bike 60' + 20' pilates (winsor pilates with video) (250+100) Thu: bike 120' + swim 45' (500+300) Fri: jogging 30' + arms 30' (250+50) Sat: pilates 60' (250) tone up abs+buns Sun: pilates 60' (250) tone up abs+buns 主要是希望lose the last 10 pounds
Meal plan: never eat more than 1500 cal a day, but try to stay under 1300 To stuff myself up with the least calories, I need fiber (vege and whole wheat) and protein, and healthy fats. Try to avoid sugar and sat.fats Try to refrain from buying trash food and watch out for unhealthy free food. Also have some good easy snacks on hand so I won't buy some unhealthy stuff when I get extremely hungry.
顺便把以前写的一个东西贴过来,想减肥的MM不妨看看: 首先是整体估计,人的基因有差别,所以你可能永远达不到 Miss America的水平,但是 我们能做的是Do the best we can with what we have. 如果你的目的是减脂增肌,那么继续。如果你想象广告里说的那样在7天里减10lbs,请退 出。
好,首先,确定一个可实现的目标,比如减肥10lbs,适当tone up肌肉。 你减掉的体重是3500cal per pound of fat. 所以增加消耗减少摄入的热量是唯一的办法 。 举例:如果你现在每天吃1800 cal,不运动,保持现在的体重,那么一个月减3lbs就要求 create 10500cal deficit by dieting/exercise.
1.减少摄入:proper diet,一是不要吃太多,one calorie is one calorie,不管你吃 的是cheesecake还是看起来“无害”的水果。看看食品的nutrition facts, 对自己一天 的摄入有个大概估计会比较有用。二是注意营养搭配。不要以为你每天只吃1000cal的che ese cake能do you good. 因为营养成分不全且大部分时间你都会处于饥饿状态,你不太 可能这样保持很久。所以一旦你饿过头了,就会不管不顾什么都吃。这时,经常闹饥荒的 你的身体tend to preserve more fat,所以你吃同样多的东西会比fad diet前长的更胖 。所以说hunger是减肥的敌人。合理的方式是choose "good" foods over "bad" foods. 具体可以参考 US food pyramid. 我现在一般是30% calorie 来自 protein, <20 来自fat="" 控制sugar="" sodium的摄入,同时注意保证其他微量元素和矿物质足够。="" br="">Nutrition facts : http://www.diet-data.com/
另外要多喝水,afterall water is very filling。一天8杯(8oz)是常见的推荐quantity. 白水就好,茶什么的也好,含咖啡因的 饮料喝多了就不是那么健康了,虽然它也有boost up motabolism的效果。dehydrate的坏 处有n多,比如容易疲劳,运动容易受伤,皮肤不好,等,不详述了。
2.1 aerobics: 每次30-75分钟为宜,因为从20分钟开始你的身体才开始动用脂肪作为能 源。有氧运动以心跳为标准。达到(220-age)的60-85%为target zone. 可以慢跑,elliptical, spinning, stairmaster, kickboxing, 游泳,和各种健 身操等。经常改变锻炼的项目和强度是有好处的。以减肥为目的的话次数是多多益善,一 周7天的话效果会很好的。一般的说一周3次就可以保持健康。电视的informacial里各种g uru常说你用我的特殊减法设备,一周3次一次20分钟就可以怎样怎样,比如减20lbs什么 的。Again one calorie is one calorie,你想减的快只有消耗多一点,20分钟就能减自 然好,不能的话就延长使用时间。对了,无论如何一周不要吵过2lbs,我们的身体需要时 间调整,你减“重”减的快了,减掉的是水分和肌肉,对改善体形和保持健康没有好处。
2.2 anerobics: 达到85%以上,可以产生肌肉。说女生不用weight training怕长成施瓦 新格那样是没有根据的。female body tends to store more fat and develop less muscle than male body. 想当Mr America有那么容易吗?增加你的lean body mass 可以 帮助boost up your motabolism,就是让你睡觉的时候都多燃烧点热量。用8-10lbs的dumbbell多做些reps can be a good start. 针对对女生比较重要的area weight training可以集中在以下方 面
2.2.1 upper body: deltoids (帮助产生宽肩膀,穿衣服“挑”的起来), biceps,triceps 可以 tone up 胳膊,不flabby产生好看的线条, 参见VS的model. 胸大肌,可以改善第一围的形状,对下垂据说有效 背部肌肉,好处是可以和你身体其他部分协调。 这些通过一对5lbs~一对8lbs的dumbbell做一周两次的训练就可以达到 ,每次30分钟。http://mywebpages.comcast.net/castronova/WEIGHTLIFTING.HTML
2.2.3 abs: 谁都想有flat tummy, 不过做各种crunches并不能让你腹部平坦,只能develop abs muscle. 如果你的body fat%太高无论多么发达的腹肌都是看不出来的,因为被脂肪覆盖了。所以有说法是killer abs are not made in the gym but in the kitchen. 就是说靠合理饮食降低body fat% 是唯一的办法。当你的腹部脂肪足够少的时候,能够通过各种变形的crunches/reverse crunches 练出两条细长的肌肉形状就非常非常好了,也参见VS的model.一周两-四次,每 次30分钟。
3. 适当 做flexibility等训练,比如yoga, pilates等,能让你有beautiful posture and stance。比如你学会自然挺胸收腹,即使身体没有减任何脂肪从体形上看也好很多。
可以,我这里有很多, to begin when you have no idea about pilates: pilates for dummies after your know the instructions/jargons, you can use winsor pilates, she has several series maybe you can begin with basic and the famous 20'workout after you are comfortable with them, try accelerated body slimming/abs/buns and thighs she also has a 55' workout video so far none of them seems challenging enough for me, so I turned to abs toning videos.
以下是引用kittypeny在2/10/2004 10:45:11 AM的发言: 可以,我这里有很多, to begin when you have no idea about pilates: pilates for dummies after your know the instructions/jargons, you can use winsor pilates, she has several series maybe you can begin with basic and the famous 20'workout after you are comfortable with them, try accelerated body slimming/abs/buns and thighs she also has a 55' workout video so far none of them seems challenging enough for me, so I turned to abs toning videos.
2/10 food intake 1% milk 2 cups 220(16/5) cereal 190 (4/1) ham 100(24/2) cereal bar 210(15/7) ham 100(24/2) bread 90(4/1.5) cookie 400(5/20)-----being bad on this again :( chocolate 65*8 - 520(8/32) ---- sigh ham 140(20/2) vege 100(6/0) shrimp 70(16/1) ham140(20/2) total 2245(163/79.5) My god I just realized I ate just way too much to lose any weight, though I exercice a lot. Jesus help me be good! [此贴子已经被作者于2/12/2004 8:38:17 AM编辑过]
2/11 My quadracepts are killing me, I can't even walk up and down the stairs! but I believe all this pain will go away pretty soon. today as planned, 60' bike + 20 pilates 因为感觉很好,又加做了20的abs,比从前最好的时候略差一点 估计是肥肉bogged me down
And I guess my real goal should be to concentrate on not eating trash food this much, or I will never lose any weight! 另外游泳的结果是手(就是hand不是胳膊)很疼,真是分特。另外可以感觉到triceps和lower deltoids也有锻炼到。很好,相信可以改善flabby arms。 最后是pilates,稍微活动活动就去洗澡睡觉。 最近这两天怎么都睡不醒吃不够,感觉真是疲倦的要死啊
food intake 2370(118/57) 都怪学校又给大家吃cup cake, cookie, hot chocolate/whipped cream 说是庆祝冬天,庆祝valentine's day
以下是引用kittypeny在2/9/2004 1:30:25 PM的发言: wk...just checked the map, it seems the other site is 8.5 miles away....ft, so it is 120' bike on Tue/Thu. 看来游泳先45' 好了。。。
2/21 in a self defense class. Since it is the first one in a series, we didn't get much action today, only talking about techniques and general logistics. Plus a free lunch. bike 60' maybe I will do some pilates later when i get home.
It is hard to keep motivated than I thought. I have less problem with exercising. It is with proper diet that I have problem with. I see my weight going up, I see my clothes to have worse fit. But I could not stop eating! And all the exercise made me feel like I could slip away with eating tons of trash food but exercising hard. I guess this is emotional. I don't care what i am eating, I just want to eat a lot.
Also, anyone had problems with slight bleeding after intense workout?
以下是引用kittypeny在2/21/2004 3:56:02 PM的发言: It is hard to keep motivated than I thought. I have less problem with exercising. It is with proper diet that I have problem with. I see my weight going up, I see my clothes to have worse fit. But I could not stop eating! And all the exercise made me feel like I could slip away with eating tons of trash food but exercising hard. I guess this is emotional. I don't care what i am eating, I just want to eat a lot.
Also, anyone had problems with slight bleeding after intense workout?
一周四天骑车上学 Mon: bike 60' + 30' arms tone up with video (fat burning 250cal+50cal) Tue: bike 120' + swim 45' (500+300) Wed: bike 60' + 20' pilates (winsor pilates with video) (250+100) Thu: bike 120' + swim 45' (500+300) Fri: jogging 30' + arms 30' (250+50) Sat: pilates 60' (250) tone up abs+buns Sun: pilates 60' (250) tone up abs+buns 主要是希望lose the last 10 pounds
Meal plan: never eat more than 1500 cal a day, but try to stay under 1300 To stuff myself up with the least calories, I need fiber (vege and whole wheat) and protein, and healthy fats. Try to avoid sugar and sat.fats Try to refrain from buying trash food and watch out for unhealthy free food. Also have some good easy snacks on hand so I won't buy some unhealthy stuff when I get extremely hungry.
问问关于运动伤害,准备去医院看看,不知道英文怎么说 the slight bleeding has been going on for 2 weeks now, what kind of doctor should I see, and how should I describe the symptom? just "bleeding"? 虽然没有什么不舒服的,但是总不能去游泳太郁闷了。 sigh 现在果然是老了,随便运动运动就有问题,真是伤心啊
2/22 bike 30' 2/23 bike 60' 2/24 什么也没有运动,在家睡觉。最近怎么都睡不够,还总是很疲倦。无比郁闷 2/25 bike 60', arms weight training 25' 今天精神很好,a pair of 5 lbs seems very easy now. Definitely should use the 8 lbs next time. :)) 然后又继续15' abs,居然酸痛的要死简直无法做完,看来真是不进则退。以后无论什么时期一定要坚持abs,不然太容易退步了。 20' pilates,比较难的那种。obliques有进步,可以比较好的完成所有cris-cross 的动作了,shoulder blades基本保持不沾地,速度也可以跟上。 连续运动了90分钟,非常舒服,但是晚上slight bleeding的问题更严重了,结果游泳的计划不得不再次后延。 另外不小心又吃了过多的东西,看来应该坚决不在空腹的情况下grocery shopping,坚决不买任何不良的食物。 My fatty belly really gross me out. I have to make up my mind to get rid of them!!!!
这是偶目前打算做的workout分类 这是偶日常吃的东西的部分,这样统计每日intake就变的非常容易了 比如这样: Yeah! I am getting back to serious weight control / toning up business again~~ //sing : I am back to the saddle again....
Mon: bike 60' + 30' arms tone up with video (fat burning 250cal+50cal)
Tue: bike 120' + swim 45' (500+300)
Wed: bike 60' + 20' pilates (winsor pilates with video) (250+100)
Thu: bike 120' + swim 45' (500+300)
Fri: jogging 30' + arms 30' (250+50)
Sat: pilates 60' (250) tone up abs+buns
Sun: pilates 60' (250) tone up abs+buns
主要是希望lose the last 10 pounds
Meal plan: never eat more than 1500 cal a day, but try to stay under 1300
To stuff myself up with the least calories, I need fiber (vege and whole wheat) and protein, and healthy fats.
Try to avoid sugar and sat.fats
Try to refrain from buying trash food and watch out for unhealthy free food.
Also have some good easy snacks on hand so I won't buy some unhealthy stuff when I get extremely hungry.
Breakfast: 1%milk + cereal (+nuts) ~400
Brunch: cereal/power bar ~200-250
Lunch: whole wheat bread + lean ham ~ 300
Dinner: vege + shrimp ~200
Dessert/evening snack: yogurt/fruit/ ~200
[此贴子已经被作者于2/21/2004 3:56:46 PM编辑过]
首先是整体估计,人的基因有差别,所以你可能永远达不到 Miss America的水平,但是
我们能做的是Do the best we can with what we have.
好,首先,确定一个可实现的目标,比如减肥10lbs,适当tone up肌肉。
你减掉的体重是3500cal per pound of fat. 所以增加消耗减少摄入的热量是唯一的办法
举例:如果你现在每天吃1800 cal,不运动,保持现在的体重,那么一个月减3lbs就要求
create 10500cal deficit by dieting/exercise.
1.减少摄入:proper diet,一是不要吃太多,one calorie is one calorie,不管你吃
的是cheesecake还是看起来“无害”的水果。看看食品的nutrition facts, 对自己一天
ese cake能do you good. 因为营养成分不全且大部分时间你都会处于饥饿状态,你不太
你的身体tend to preserve more fat,所以你吃同样多的东西会比fad diet前长的更胖
。所以说hunger是减肥的敌人。合理的方式是choose "good" foods over "bad" foods.
具体可以参考 US food pyramid. 我现在一般是30% calorie 来自 protein,
<20 来自fat="" 控制sugar="" sodium的摄入,同时注意保证其他微量元素和矿物质足够。="" br="">Nutrition facts : http://www.diet-data.com/
另外要多喝水,afterall water is very
filling。一天8杯(8oz)是常见的推荐quantity. 白水就好,茶什么的也好,含咖啡因的
饮料喝多了就不是那么健康了,虽然它也有boost up motabolism的效果。dehydrate的坏
2. 增加支出:exercise. 简单讲分有氧运动(like jogging)和无氧运动(weight
training)。一个是burn fat一个是增加肌肉。
2.1 aerobics: 每次30-75分钟为宜,因为从20分钟开始你的身体才开始动用脂肪作为能
zone. 可以慢跑,elliptical, spinning, stairmaster, kickboxing, 游泳,和各种健
的。Again one calorie is one calorie,你想减的快只有消耗多一点,20分钟就能减自
2.2 anerobics: 达到85%以上,可以产生肌肉。说女生不用weight training怕长成施瓦
新格那样是没有根据的。female body tends to store more fat and develop less
muscle than male body. 想当Mr America有那么容易吗?增加你的lean body mass 可以
帮助boost up your
can be a good start. 针对对女生比较重要的area weight training可以集中在以下方
2.2.1 upper body: deltoids (帮助产生宽肩膀,穿衣服“挑”的起来),
biceps,triceps 可以 tone up 胳膊,不flabby产生好看的线条,
2.2.2 lower body: buns, thighs, 不用说了 lunges是最传统的,也是一周两次就好。
2.2.3 abs: 谁都想有flat tummy,
不过做各种crunches并不能让你腹部平坦,只能develop abs muscle. 如果你的body
abs are not made in the gym but in the kitchen. 就是说靠合理饮食降低body fat%
crunches 练出两条细长的肌肉形状就非常非常好了,也参见VS的model.一周两-四次,每
3. 适当
做flexibility等训练,比如yoga, pilates等,能让你有beautiful posture and
spot reduction (光减肚子不减胸,呵呵,其实没有可能的),
保鲜膜包着运动(你是要减“汗”ie water还是减“肥”啊?),
关于laxative减肥:laxative 作用于大肠,而且是在食物的calorie已经被吸收了以后。泻药能减少至多12%的热量吸收,而副作用就是一段时间后会形成依赖性。不吃泻药就根本没有bowel movement了。You weigh them.震动按摩(你当脂肪是鸡蛋啊,一打就散?据说现在唯一一个有效的器械能在长时间使用后减0.5厘米,用猪做的试验,人体试验还没有)。
还有很多urban legend一样的东西需要你自己擦亮眼睛。
最后,fitness的关键不是你这个星期或这个月减了多少lbs,而是要keep these fat off
your body for a life long time.所以fitness是一个生活习惯的问题,三天打鱼两天晒
以上完全是个人意见,disclaim any responsibility in using.
[此贴子已经被作者于2/21/2004 4:01:24 PM编辑过]
估计消耗300 calories (天气好点的时候估计为250,但是今天风还不小)
intakes, 格式如下 food ***calories(*g protein/*g fat)
1% milk 2 cups 220(16/5)
lean ham 125(30/2.5)
whole wheat bread 90(4/1.5)
creamer in coffee 20(0/2)
cereal bar 180(6/4)
shrimp 130(16/7)
vege 100(8/0)
chips 910(13/45.5)
今天把所有的trash food吃完了,明天开始好好表现。
[此贴子已经被作者于2/10/2004 5:13:51 PM编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2/10/2004 10:18:10 AM编辑过]
to begin when you have no idea about pilates: pilates for dummies
after your know the instructions/jargons, you can use
winsor pilates, she has several series
maybe you can begin with basic and the famous 20'workout
after you are comfortable with them, try accelerated body slimming/abs/buns and thighs
she also has a 55' workout video
so far none of them seems challenging enough for me, so I turned to abs toning videos.
我们学校的游泳池真好,也没有什么人,水特别舒服,而且比较凉,这样刺激大家不停的游。竞赛的在一边,recreational的在另一边。偶真的是多年没有这样好好游泳了。没有怎么数游的距离。偶实在是慢的丢人。和一个大妈在没有泳道的水面那里打来回。偶幸好比她快一点点。但是人家是完全不停,偶是一个来回就在池边稍稍停下,15秒数心跳,基本在35-40/15sec,正好在非常合适的fat burning zone,非常满意。
由于骑车去的,而且偶是著名的良牙,所以迷路n次的结果是今天biking time将会是200min!!所以为保存体力游了35分钟就起来了,没有push myself too hard.
晚上再来 update food intake.
1% milk 2 cups 220(16/5)
cereal 190 (4/1)
ham 100(24/2)
cereal bar 210(15/7)
ham 100(24/2)
bread 90(4/1.5)
cookie 400(5/20)-----being bad on this again :(
chocolate 65*8 - 520(8/32) ---- sigh
ham 140(20/2)
vege 100(6/0)
shrimp 70(16/1)
total 2245(163/79.5)
My god I just realized I ate just way too much to lose any weight, though I exercice a lot. Jesus help me be good!
[此贴子已经被作者于2/12/2004 8:38:17 AM编辑过]
but I believe all this pain will go away pretty soon.
today as planned, 60' bike + 20 pilates
估计是肥肉bogged me down
And I guess my real goal should be to concentrate on not eating trash food this much, or I will never lose any weight!
另外游泳的结果是手(就是hand不是胳膊)很疼,真是分特。另外可以感觉到triceps和lower deltoids也有锻炼到。很好,相信可以改善flabby arms。
food intake 2370(118/57)
都怪学校又给大家吃cup cake, cookie, hot chocolate/whipped cream
说是庆祝冬天,庆祝valentine's day
[此贴子已经被作者于2/12/2004 8:37:52 AM编辑过]
20' arms
20' abs
55' winsor pilates
bike 20' to a shop nearby
bike 60'
bike 60'
in a self defense class. Since it is the first one in a series, we didn't get much action today, only talking about techniques and general logistics. Plus a free lunch.
bike 60'
maybe I will do some pilates later when i get home.
I have less problem with exercising. It is with proper diet that I have problem with.
I see my weight going up, I see my clothes to have worse fit. But I could not stop eating!
And all the exercise made me feel like I could slip away with eating tons of trash food but exercising hard.
I guess this is emotional. I don't care what i am eating, I just want to eat a lot.
Also, anyone had problems with slight bleeding after intense workout?
the slight bleeding has been going on for 2 weeks now, what kind of doctor should I see, and how should I describe the symptom? just "bleeding"?
sigh 现在果然是老了,随便运动运动就有问题,真是伤心啊
2/23 bike 60'
2/24 什么也没有运动,在家睡觉。最近怎么都睡不够,还总是很疲倦。无比郁闷
2/25 bike 60', arms weight training 25' 今天精神很好,a pair of 5 lbs seems very easy now. Definitely should use the 8 lbs next time. :))
然后又继续15' abs,居然酸痛的要死简直无法做完,看来真是不进则退。以后无论什么时期一定要坚持abs,不然太容易退步了。
20' pilates,比较难的那种。obliques有进步,可以比较好的完成所有cris-cross 的动作了,shoulder blades基本保持不沾地,速度也可以跟上。
连续运动了90分钟,非常舒服,但是晚上slight bleeding的问题更严重了,结果游泳的计划不得不再次后延。
另外不小心又吃了过多的东西,看来应该坚决不在空腹的情况下grocery shopping,坚决不买任何不良的食物。
My fatty belly really gross me out. I have to make up my mind to get rid of them!!!!
这个还是注意一下的好, 减不减肥到次要, 身体练坏了可了不得
我觉得还是先去内科医生那里看一下, 再看他refer你到什么专科
light bleeding就是spotting了
也许是因为很久不锻炼, 突然大运动量, 身体内和而蒙有些失调, 导致spotting
关于多吃, 是不是你自我要求太高, 总想控制在多少之内, 反而容易暴
其实你要保持那么大的运动量, 一天吃1700卡应该也会减的, 无非就是减的慢一些
我说的吃多了,是over 3000cal 啊。。。
2/27 bike 30'
2/28 无
2/29 无
肌肉锻炼没有达到什么效果,可能是间隔太久了,以后应该每周2-3次abs, 2次arms
今天早上起来晚了,吃了power bar 马上骑车去学校,路上倒没有什么,到了以后忽然头晕耳鸣,痛苦的要死,不顾office hour 要迟到,坐下来喝了点自来水,虚汗一头,一两分钟后才缓过来。估计是缺水?
em, add oil to myself!
Yeah! I am getting back to serious weight control / toning up business again~~
//sing : I am back to the saddle again....
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-1 8:23:25编辑过]
goal weight 95 pounds
腰围goal 60cm :((((((((
I know what I want, and I know how I can get it,就是做的到做不到的问题了。
//add oil
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-8 12:53:47编辑过]