哈哈哈哈哈。。。。i love tanned skin! you look cute and healthy with a bit tan. Right... Then don't laugh at my freckles!! I am and look tired. Any suggestions on how to make eyes pop?
Right... Then don't laugh at my freckles!! I am and look tired. Any suggestions on how to make eyes pop?
i think you need to restore your skin from the sun, wind and ocean first. use more serum and mask.
i love gals with light freckles, soooooooooo cute! I usually go with the summery colors after tanning my skin, such as south beach, mustique... for the eye colors, maybe alhambra, AAE, tokyo are the colors to go! Take a break from those muddy, fall-ish colors.
Liquid Sky: a 1982 science fiction film produced and directed by Slava Tsukerman that has become a cult classic on the midnight movie circuit, about aliens in New York.
Ondine(plum with gold shimmer): Robert Olivo, aka Ondine, Andy Warhol superstar, best known for his role in Chelsea Girls (1966). Quotes about Ondine "You can't enjoy what he's doing to your psychology if you're so weak that you become paranoid, and there are people who tend to do that. Otherwise, if you had any intellectual integrity at all, you would just feel his love, and you would enjoy it like it was better than a theater performance because it was really live." - Billy Name Compared with Ashes to Ashes:
A 1964 photograph of Ondine by Billy Name, from Steven Watson's Factory Made ***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于50 才可浏览 *****
Silent Night (metallic with gold particle): Silent Night, Bloody Night, a horror film directed by Theodore Gershuny, viewed as an early prototype of what would become known as the "slasher film". It stars Patrick O'Neal and cult actress Mary Woronov.
以下是引用orangegal在2008-12-18 11:38:00的发言: 这两块蓝色真清淡美丽,感觉很“凉”。不知道擦到眼上什么样呢 I will do the swatches another time...too many pics at once. =), I like these unusual colors. [此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-18 13:52:51编辑过]
i like the metallic side of violetta the most...=)
i actually like lots of purples, party monster and strada, joulie poupee, babylon are also nice. strada is a bit chalky and difficult to spread the shimmer evenly.
if you ask me which purple i hate, probably the one in demon lover..
i like the metallic side of violetta the most...=)
i actually like lots of purples, party monster and strada, joulie poupee, babylon are also nice. strada is a bit chalky and difficult to spread the shimmer evenly.
if you ask me which purple i hate, probably the one in demon lover..
I would say the one in Sugarland... Looks so pretty in pan with gold shimmer but does not show up at all on the lid!
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小小推荐我最近的HG red lippie
Nars is famous for its reds. Sephora Flame 10 anniversary lippie is a relativley low maintenance one.
e/s: Earth Angel; Blush: Penny Lane; Lip: Flame.
哇 chic用这个red太美了
thx for your swatches. so helpful!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-14 20:14:40编辑过]
NARS single e/s has three types: matte, shimmer, and glitters (aka night series).
Matte Singles:
Bali (neutral taupe): Indonesian Island
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Film Poster:
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[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-14 21:11:46编辑过]
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以下是引用微酸beauty在2008-12-14 11:32:00的发言:
谢谢橘子和beauty mm。
看了楼主的贴决定买nars了,最长草glida, luster,和Mata Hari,想3块中选2块,想问下如果皮肤比较白,选哪两个比较好呢?glida 和luster主要有什么区别呢?谢谢!!!
luster 金色shimmer带蜜桃粉色,shimmer很多,highlight不错。
gilda 是粉橘色带点金色shimmer
mata hari是黯淡亚光的cotton pink。这几个很不一样。。皮肤较白,如果是cool tone的,先买mata hari吧。如果是warm tone的,gilda好了。 Luster偏金黄,比较unique一点的blush。
nod 这几个颜色中,luster很美。 sertao有点太黄了。madly有点muddy。 penny lane光泽没有这么好。 嘻嘻
哇 chic用这个red太美了
这个flame很daily的red。和FDB一样是HG级别。。但比fire down below实用多砬=))
luster 金色shimmer带蜜桃粉色,shimmer很多,highlight不错。
gilda 是粉橘色带点金色shimmer
mata hari是黯淡亚光的cotton pink。这几个很不一样。。皮肤较白,如果是cool tone的,先买mata hari吧。如果是warm tone的,gilda好了。 Luster偏金黄,比较unique一点的blush。
以下是引用love_shiya在2008-11-27 19:24:00的发言:
NARS又不是你开的,这些东西也不是你的,你也就长长草,什么都喜欢,怎么不见你试色呢,你用过几个NARS?让你给我们看看你那好看干净的妆面,标准的试色,上天啊~怎么有这么完美的圣母来声讨我们的chic MM啊~
Sophia (cool brown): The one and only beautiful Sophia Loren.
Strongly agree! She is stunning beautiful ! You can recognize her immediately in hundreds of people.
请问taj mahal实用吗?这个颜色太特别了,极草
美女,我也问过一样的问题~~答案是taj mahal和地中海橘色还是有区别~~不过我还是pass了,地中海那个橘色,我用来刷腮红也很特别很好看的,而且这个颜色无论是做腮红还是做眼影都用得极少,有一块就够了
请问taj mahal实用吗?这个颜色太特别了,极草
taj mahal 上脸以后很橘很亮。。
我还没有试过地中海当blush呢!下次搞个swatch。 =))
总结一下你一共花了多少钱在上面吧?只算nars 的
哈哈哈哈哈。。。。i love tanned skin! you look cute and healthy with a bit tan.
Strongly agree! She is stunning beautiful ! You can recognize her immediately in hundreds of people.
只有sephora才卖。 是sephora开店10周年的纪念限量。。。我觉得颜色非常耐看。。。。我超喜欢red lippie的,对这个颜色一见钟情。。
哈哈哈哈哈。。。。i love tanned skin! you look cute and healthy with a bit tan.
Right... Then don't laugh at my freckles!!
I am and look tired. Any suggestions on how to make eyes pop?
Right... Then don't laugh at my freckles!!
I am and look tired. Any suggestions on how to make eyes pop?
i think you need to restore your skin from the sun, wind and ocean first. use more serum and mask.
i love gals with light freckles, soooooooooo cute! I usually go with the summery colors after tanning my skin, such as south beach, mustique... for the eye colors, maybe alhambra, AAE, tokyo are the colors to go! Take a break from those muddy, fall-ish colors.
好想要blue angel, 可都找好久都找不到呢,美女你在哪里淘到的?
怎樣判斷自己皮膚是什么TONE呢?我一直覺得自己是黃皮,結果有次在LANCOME專柜,BA竟然說我是粉TONE,我很疑惑,究竟是如何判斷呢?而你提到的WARM TONE 和COO TONE我就更不是很懂了。
另外,我買了SUPER O,還剛買了EA,還有MAC 的GENTLE,想各種顏色都試一下找到合適自己的顏色,挺版上很多MM推薦LUSTER, SIN,還有粉紅色的那三塊,以及你最喜歡的DV等等,我不知道繼續該如何嘗試才可以找到適合自己的腮紅顏色呢?請問你有啥建議么?
好想要blue angel, 可都找好久都找不到呢,美女你在哪里淘到的?
我在makeupalley.com找人换来的。 正好是个BNIB的。 要不找人换,要不就找英国朋友在英国nars网站上买。 =)))
chic MM你的NARS真全,絕對是我敗NARS前的重要參考。
怎樣判斷自己皮膚是什么TONE呢?我一直覺得自己是黃皮,結果有次在LANCOME專柜,BA竟然說我是粉TONE,我很疑惑,究竟是如何判斷呢?而你提到的WARM TONE 和COO TONE我就更不是很懂了。
另外,我買了SUPER O,還剛買了EA,還有MAC 的GENTLE,想各種顏色都試一下找到合適自己的顏色,挺版上很多MM推薦LUSTER, SIN,還有粉紅色的那三塊,以及你最喜歡的DV等等,我不知道繼續該如何嘗試才可以找到適合自己的腮紅顏色呢?請問你有啥建議么?
如果是粉皮,那就是靠近cool tone的。用偏橘的blush可能没有用偏粉的blush好看。
Super O偏粉,应该很适合你。 Luster其实蛮黄的,如果你是cool tone不一定会好看。 Sin和DV都比较适合cool tone mm。 当然还有很冷很冷的MAC gentle。
判断方法最好就找几个benchmark。。比较你和你朋友的皮肤,你BF的,就可以看出来。我有朋友是warm tone的,皮肤泛红, cool tone的一个朋友,皮肤泛青。我自己就是黄黄的。
如果是粉皮,那就是靠近cool tone的。用偏橘的blush可能没有用偏粉的blush好看。
Super O偏粉,应该很适合你。 Luster其实蛮黄的,如果你是cool tone不一定会好看。 Sin和DV都比较适合cool tone mm。 当然还有很冷很冷的MAC gentle。
判断方法最好就找几个benchmark。。比较你和你朋友的皮肤,你BF的,就可以看出来。我有朋友是warm tone的,皮肤泛红, cool tone的一个朋友,皮肤泛青。我自己就是黄黄的。
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Album Cover
Poster and Marlene as Lola Lola:
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Poster and the stars:
Quotes about Ondine "You can't enjoy what he's doing to your psychology if you're so weak that you become paranoid, and there are people who tend to do that. Otherwise, if you had any intellectual integrity at all, you would just feel his love, and you would enjoy it like it was better than a theater performance because it was really live." - Billy Name
Compared with Ashes to Ashes:
A 1964 photograph of Ondine by Billy Name, from Steven Watson's Factory Made
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Poster of 2003 film
Poster of 1998 film
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-18 13:16:16编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-18 13:40:14编辑过]
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a song by blondie, since it is one of the fav by NARS
I will do the swatches another time...too many pics at once. =), I like these unusual colors.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-18 13:52:51编辑过]
我又看了眼sugarland。。好像就是照片里面的颜色。。这个砂糖一般的shimmering particle很容易掉,pigment本身还算持久,虽然不是非常pigmented。
barbuda, ashes to ashes, ondine, cairo 这4个颜色还真是挺像的啊
A2A是metallic的,光泽比较像MJ metallic,颜色是taupe。 ondine有金粉紫色的brown。 barbuda 的shimmer不是很明显,比ondine更紫,cairo没有那么紫,偏黄。 不过很接近。。都是neutral色系
白色那边是shimmer的。黑色是matte的。 =)
会。。layer一层是灰色的,这个matte质地比较creamy,很容易build up。 layer几层就是satin感觉的黑色。。可以深到纯黑。。
比较容易脏,因为颜色需要build up得很小心均匀,但是好在质地比较容易handle
我又看了眼sugarland。。好像就是照片里面的颜色。。这个砂糖一般的shimmering particle很容易掉,pigment本身还算持久,虽然不是非常pigmented。
谢谢mm,请问mm的底妆(我指liquid foundation)也是用的nars的吗?不知道mm有什么好的推荐。
want to see Bombshell...
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-19 13:22:49编辑过]
谢谢mm,请问mm的底妆(我指liquid foundation)也是用的nars的吗?不知道mm有什么好的推荐。
I love Strada
want to see Bombshell...
i left bombshell at another apt, i guess..couldn't find it..your new grass? ^^
use a light hand =)))
请问CHIC, NARS里最好看的紫色是哪块啊?
i like the metallic side of violetta the most...=)
i actually like lots of purples, party monster and strada, joulie poupee, babylon are also nice. strada is a bit chalky and difficult to spread the shimmer evenly.
if you ask me which purple i hate, probably the one in demon lover..
i like the metallic side of violetta the most...=)
i actually like lots of purples, party monster and strada, joulie poupee, babylon are also nice. strada is a bit chalky and difficult to spread the shimmer evenly.
if you ask me which purple i hate, probably the one in demon lover..
I would say the one in Sugarland... Looks so pretty in pan with gold shimmer but does not show up at all on the lid!
I would say the one in Sugarland... Looks so pretty in pan with gold shimmer but does not show up at all on the lid!
i see that one as in pink family.... not pigmented but with deceiving sparkles