Ashes to Ashes (violet brown with shimmer): a single by David Bowie, released in 1980. It made #1 in the UK and was the first cut from the Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) album. (referece credit to 阿某某)
Oasis (sparkling pink champagne): a 1955 French adventure drama directed by Yves Allégret, and written by Joseph Kessel, starring stars Michèle Morgan, Cornell Borchers, Carl Raddatz and Pierre Brasseur.
Ashes to Ashes (violet brown with shimmer): a single by David Bowie, released in 1980. It made #1 in the UK and was the first cut from the Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) album. (referece credit to 阿某某)
此主题相关图片如下ashes to ashes 0.jpg:
Album Cover:
此主题相关图片如下ashes to ashes 00.jpg:
此主题相关图片如下ashes to ashes 1.jpg:
Compared with Ondine on the LEFT.
此主题相关图片如下ondine and ashes to ashes 0.jpg:
被种草了,love this one. 有没有什么duo里有这个ashes to ahses的? 谢谢。
Multiples are tricky product, some ppl love them to death, some hate them. =) I think a light hand with NARS blush is always helpful.
I love luster and DT. I see that you have three blushes all in coral family. maybe you are warm toned mm. =)) Try a cool tone detour for your next splurge?
I Love love love NARS products' names. I think it is why the brand is strong enough to cultivate a cult. =D
The splurge deserves some silver lining, doesn't it? =)))
Just like the pretty icing on a cake. =) Without it, the cake is not the same cake anymore.
Hi so glad to see your response to my post! Hug hug. :)
I do think I'm warm toned (but I'm not mm, I'm in mid-30s with 2 kids, hehe). Every beauty adviser said Chinese were all warm toned... I didn't realise all the blushes I got were coral. I bought them after I did some research at MUA and Arora's blog. I picked these as I thought they were flattering colours suitable to almost all skin colours as claimed by many make up experts.
Well I do plan to get more, could you please give some suggestions? I don't know my skin colour in MAC-terms. I think I'm quite fair in Chinese, but obviously not as fair as Arora. Haven't seen your picture (is that you on your signature? So cute and pretty!), so I don't know how fair you are. In GA LSF foundation, I was using 4 and Estee Lauder Double Wear I use Fresco. I was very tempted to get MAC Gentle, but couldn't decide whether that's similar to the ones I have got. I only started learning make up stuff after I was 30, so I'm a bit of a learner. Would love to hear your tips!
Regarding NARS names, I would love to keep reading this thread and learn more about them. Thanks to you for letting me see other side of NARS.
As for the negative comments, don't worry about them. We are the masters of our own minds and moods. Can't let others dictate how we feel. Be happy! [此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-7 21:23:10编辑过]
Hi so glad to see your response to my post! Hug hug. :)
I do think I'm warm toned (but I'm not mm, I'm in mid-30s with 2 kids, hehe). Every beauty adviser said Chinese were all warm toned... I didn't realise all the blushes I got were coral. I bought them after I did some research at MUA and Arora's blog. I picked these as I thought they were flattering colours suitable to almost all skin colours as claimed by many make up experts.
Well I do plan to get more, could you please give some suggestions? I don't know my skin colour in MAC-terms. I think I'm quite fair in Chinese, but obviously not as fair as Arora. Haven't seen your picture (is that you on your signature? So cute and pretty!), so I don't know how fair you are. In GA LSF foundation, I was using 4 and Estee Lauder Double Wear I use Fresco. I was very tempted to get MAC Gentle, but couldn't decide whether that's similar to the ones I have got. I only started learning make up stuff after I was 30, so I'm a bit of a learner. Would love to hear your tips!
Regarding NARS names, I would love to keep reading this thread and learn more about them. Thanks to you for letting me see other side of NARS.
As for the negative comments, don't worry about them. We are the masters of our own minds and moods. Can't let others dictate how we feel. Be happy! [此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-7 21:23:10编辑过]
My best friend is a cool tone chinese. I can see the blue tone from her veins underneath her skin. any blue reds are stunning on her. However, any warm reds are off for her.
I am yellow tone. not really warm, since there is no red tone out of my skin. =). Yes, the icons I use for Hell and Chic are myself.
For cool tone blushes, I think Crazed is a great one. MAC Gentle would be similar and also a great great blush (it is very cool). Mata Hari is more cotton pinkish (a bit warmer). Would be nice cool tone addition too.
I am approaching 30. No kids but have a very very busy job. I guess I am pretty hooked by NARS. =) thanks for saying what you said. =) After a certain stage, you can only mind a few things in life. nothing else bothers.
Orgasm (peachy pink with shimmer): released in 2000 with Wonder Girl, Venice, Moonstruck, Sweet Dreams, Charade, Blue Lotus, line inspired by A Midsummer-Night's Dream. ***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于50 才可浏览 *****
My best friend is a cool tone chinese. I can see the blue tone from her veins underneath her skin. any blue reds are stunning on her. However, any warm reds are off for her.
I am yellow tone. not really warm, since there is no red tone out of my skin. =). Yes, the icons I use for Hell and Chic are myself.
For cool tone blushes, I think Crazed is a great one. MAC Gentle would be similar and also a great great blush (it is very cool). Mata Hari is more cotton pinkish (a bit warmer). Would be nice cool tone addition too.
I am approaching 30. No kids but have a very very busy job. I guess I am pretty hooked by NARS. =) thanks for saying what you said. =) After a certain stage, you can only mind a few things in life. nothing else bothers.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-8 0:56:47编辑过]
I will check out Crazed next time. But I think this is a very pigmented one. I don't want to buy any pigmented blush because I don't have MAC 187 brush. I only use a normal blush brush.
I should have got Gentle, damn. It was 15% off and I was hesitating. Well if I still think about it after Christmas, I will just go and get it.
Arora also recommended Mata Hari, saying it's a flattering colour. But I'm a bit scared of pink colour because I don't want to be a mutton dressed like lamb, haha. But I do like pink lip gloss and lipstick. When I was younger, I was into bright red or dark red and missed out all the pinks. Now that I'm getting older, I'm so interested in pink!
As for kids, no rush! I had my first when I was 32. Just enjoy the life, freedom, and NARS.... while you can. Life is totally different with kids, so it's good to be really prepared and ready.
[upload=jpg,madly 0.jpg]UploadFile/2008-12/2008121010295678116.jpg[/upload] [upload=jpg,madly and lovejoy 0.jpg]UploadFile/2008-12/2008121010295670658.jpg[/upload] [upload=jpg,madly and luster 0.jpg]UploadFile/2008-12/2008121010295667397.jpg[/upload] [upload=jpg,madly and penny lane 0.jpg]UploadFile/2008-12/2008121010295612965.jpg[/upload] [upload=jpg,madly lovejoy luster 0.jpg]UploadFile/2008-12/2008121010295691868.jpg[/upload] [upload=jpg,madly luster lovejoy penny lane 0.jpg]UploadFile/2008-12/2008121010295681498.jpg[/upload]
以下是引用tryfirst在2008-12-10 11:38:00的发言: Thank you. Is cool tone for fair skin? i am not sure if i get it correctly.
as opposed to warm tone, which is skin with red and golden tone, cool tone mms have skin with more green and blue in it. [此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-10 13:50:44编辑过]
I will check out Crazed next time. But I think this is a very pigmented one. I don't want to buy any pigmented blush because I don't have MAC 187 brush. I only use a normal blush brush.
I should have got Gentle, damn. It was 15% off and I was hesitating. Well if I still think about it after Christmas, I will just go and get it.
Arora also recommended Mata Hari, saying it's a flattering colour. But I'm a bit scared of pink colour because I don't want to be a mutton dressed like lamb, haha. But I do like pink lip gloss and lipstick. When I was younger, I was into bright red or dark red and missed out all the pinks. Now that I'm getting older, I'm so interested in pink!
As for kids, no rush! I had my first when I was 32. Just enjoy the life, freedom, and NARS.... while you can. Life is totally different with kids, so it's good to be really prepared and ready.
Compared with nars blushes, MAC ones are a lot cheaper and as pretty. I once got GEntle but swapped it away. I thought it was a bit too cool for me. (I miss it a lot though since it is too pretty...i think I will swap it back soon :P)
Among the cotton pink ones, I think Mata Hari is better suited for warm skin mms than desire or Angelika. I agree the hot pink is not as sophisticated, but nice to have one blush of the cotton pink family... in case you are in the mood. =)
As for lippies, reds are always more classic. I totally agree. Pink ones now are fantasies for me. I love schiap and funny face. They are ridiculous colors. =)
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on kids. =)))) The topic is hot around my age and among my friends.. I think no matter how clearly one sees the difference in the life styles, it is still all about the experience...=))))
我目前有orgasm, crazed, sin, zen, 想再添一块~所以想找找参考~~我偏白, 平常一般就刷刷腮红夹夹睫毛就出门啦........
only one....en.....orgasm can rule out DT, torrid, super o; sin can rule out oasis, outlaw...crazed can rule out cool tone blushes at this time..
among exhibit A, mounia, taos, DV (reds), I would recommend exhibit A; among luster, madly, sertao, lovejoy (neutral shimmers) i would recommend luster first.
If you are cool tone, Exhibit A first ; if you are warm tone, Luster first.
only one....en.....orgasm can rule out DT, torrid, super o; sin can rule out oasis, outlaw...crazed can rule out cool tone blushes at this time..
among exhibit A, mounia, taos, DV (reds), I would recommend exhibit A; among luster, madly, sertao, lovejoy (neutral shimmers) i would recommend luster first.
If you are cool tone, Exhibit A first ; if you are warm tone, Luster first.
no, DV was actually my choice if I were you. =)))))))) Go for it!
I suggest Luster and EA since they are unique, very different from what you have. But DV would be more flattering. DV is most sophisticated brick red IMHO. My HG blush.
Luster is not mature looking. It is high shine and peachy. Lovejoy and madly are mature indeed.
Desire, angelika or mata hari are not the best choices precisely for the reason you said.
EA is not that red with light hand... It is orange-ish red... the tomato color... so it is very brightening, brighten up your face even if a light hand.
no, DV was actually my choice if I were you. =)))))))) Go for it!
I suggest Luster and EA since they are unique, very different from what you have. But DV would be more flattering. DV is most sophisticated brick red IMHO. My HG blush.
Luster is not mature looking. It is high shine and peachy. Lovejoy and madly are mature indeed.
Desire, angelika or mata hari are not the best choices precisely for the reason you said.
芙蓉镇也勉强算serious art piece吧,中国人还会fan一个叫芙蓉镇的腮红不?
按照这个思路,小时候看的忍者神龟,神龟们叫米开朗琪罗、达芬奇。。。谁敢说能比它们更serious art的。但好像没人认为,忍者神龟传递了artistic attitude吧
汗,不是存心抬杠的。其实那些电影都是经典老电影,很多我自己都喜欢。女人觉得这些名字有意思而更喜欢这个产品也挺正常的。但一定要拔高觉得起了这些名字就代表着文化底蕴啥的就太牵强了。何况大部分中国人会觉得这些特有文化,只是因为我们对western culture不够了解而已。
just the pretty icing on the cake...would you buy a cake without icing?... I know I won't...
who are you????
real chic??
yes...i have a few IDs for uploading pics when hitting limits...
其实很多奢侈品都是selling imagination or exclusiveness... NOT that NARS is anything luxurious...
haha nice marketing topic here.
Album Cover:
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-10 13:57:28编辑过]
ashes to ashes我觉得是出自david bowie的名曲《ashes to ashes》.
mm太有才了!我这就去改。 。
ashes to ashes我觉得是出自david bowie的名曲《ashes to ashes》.
= =|||可是他跟方脸凯特不一样,他那是因为被人打了。我们mt书上还有一个跟他一模一样的女的,配合以anisocoria字样。
我当时心想,放david bowie照片不就好了?
mm太有才了!我这就去改。 。
可惜没有眼影叫做life on mars,不然还可以献一把。
= =|||可是他跟方脸凯特不一样,他那是因为被人打了。我们mt书上还有一个跟他一模一样的女的,配合以anisocoria字样。
我当时心想,放david bowie照片不就好了?
呃……好像是被George Underwood打的?
呃……好像是被George Underwood打的?
Compared with Dolce Vita on the right:
***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于50 才可浏览 *****
Compared with Mounia on the Left:
Compared with Outlaw on the right:
From LEFT TO RIGHT: Crazed Monia, Taos, Dolce Vita
Compared with Outlaw on the LEFT:
From LEFT to RIGHT: Outlaw, Crazed, Mounia, Taos, Dolce Vita, Amour
film poster:
Compared with Amour on the left.
***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于50 才可浏览 *****
Compared with Crazed on the RIGHT:
Compared with Taos on the Right:
***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于50 才可浏览 *****
***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于50 才可浏览 *****
Film Poster:
***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于50 才可浏览 *****
thanks~~~ i am soooo sloppy...
Mounia, Taos, Dolce Vita 这些个颜色可真像,腮红在脸上晕开了,还能区别开么?
这几个能的。 DV是亚光的。 Mounia偏brown tone。。Taos是正红。
chic mm辛苦了。。。taos,mounia,gilda,sin我最近都草上了。。。
Ashes to Ashes (violet brown with shimmer): a single by David Bowie, released in 1980. It made #1 in the UK and was the first cut from the Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) album. (referece credit to 阿某某)
Album Cover:
Compared with Ondine on the LEFT.
被种草了,love this one. 有没有什么duo里有这个ashes to ahses的? 谢谢。
被种草了,love this one. 有没有什么duo里有这个ashes to ahses的? 谢谢。
没有哪个duo有。 不知道哪个palette会不会有呢。
我也是yellow tone的。 算是fair吧。 A2A比较容易build up颜色。上多几层也不会觉得厚重。没有不显色的问题。 =)))
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-6 21:18:46编辑过]
没有哪个duo有。 不知道哪个palette会不会有呢。
我也是yellow tone的。 算是fair吧。 A2A比较容易build up颜色。上多几层也不会觉得厚重。没有不显色的问题。 =)))
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-6 21:18:46编辑过]
Thanks, and big hug!
Multiples are tricky product, some ppl love them to death, some hate them. =) I think a light hand with NARS blush is always helpful.
I love luster and DT. I see that you have three blushes all in coral family. maybe you are warm toned mm. =)) Try a cool tone detour for your next splurge?
I Love love love NARS products' names. I think it is why the brand is strong enough to cultivate a cult. =D
The splurge deserves some silver lining, doesn't it? =)))
Just like the pretty icing on a cake. =) Without it, the cake is not the same cake anymore.
Hi so glad to see your response to my post! Hug hug. :)
I do think I'm warm toned (but I'm not mm, I'm in mid-30s with 2 kids, hehe). Every beauty adviser said Chinese were all warm toned... I didn't realise all the blushes I got were coral. I bought them after I did some research at MUA and Arora's blog. I picked these as I thought they were flattering colours suitable to almost all skin colours as claimed by many make up experts.
Well I do plan to get more, could you please give some suggestions? I don't know my skin colour in MAC-terms. I think I'm quite fair in Chinese, but obviously not as fair as Arora. Haven't seen your picture (is that you on your signature? So cute and pretty!), so I don't know how fair you are. In GA LSF foundation, I was using 4 and Estee Lauder Double Wear I use Fresco. I was very tempted to get MAC Gentle, but couldn't decide whether that's similar to the ones I have got. I only started learning make up stuff after I was 30, so I'm a bit of a learner. Would love to hear your tips!
Regarding NARS names, I would love to keep reading this thread and learn more about them. Thanks to you for letting me see other side of NARS.
As for the negative comments, don't worry about them. We are the masters of our own minds and moods. Can't let others dictate how we feel. Be happy!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-7 21:23:10编辑过]
ashes to ashes的粉质感觉挺硬的,不太上色。但是颜色太漂亮了,难为LG居然每次我在sephora试一堆眼影时都挑这个最好看。
A2A is eye candy, a complex color that can be used alone, which is a great plus for any hectic morning. =) your LG has good eyes. =)
谢谢chic的试色,看完以后对blue angel很感兴趣,不过这个是不是已经不出了阿
It was stopped by NARS.
You can swap it from several MUAers. that was how I got mine. You could also buy it from UK website and let your UK friends send it to you. =)
Hi so glad to see your response to my post! Hug hug. :)
I do think I'm warm toned (but I'm not mm, I'm in mid-30s with 2 kids, hehe). Every beauty adviser said Chinese were all warm toned... I didn't realise all the blushes I got were coral. I bought them after I did some research at MUA and Arora's blog. I picked these as I thought they were flattering colours suitable to almost all skin colours as claimed by many make up experts.
Well I do plan to get more, could you please give some suggestions? I don't know my skin colour in MAC-terms. I think I'm quite fair in Chinese, but obviously not as fair as Arora. Haven't seen your picture (is that you on your signature? So cute and pretty!), so I don't know how fair you are. In GA LSF foundation, I was using 4 and Estee Lauder Double Wear I use Fresco. I was very tempted to get MAC Gentle, but couldn't decide whether that's similar to the ones I have got. I only started learning make up stuff after I was 30, so I'm a bit of a learner. Would love to hear your tips!
Regarding NARS names, I would love to keep reading this thread and learn more about them. Thanks to you for letting me see other side of NARS.
As for the negative comments, don't worry about them. We are the masters of our own minds and moods. Can't let others dictate how we feel. Be happy!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-7 21:23:10编辑过]
My best friend is a cool tone chinese. I can see the blue tone from her veins underneath her skin. any blue reds are stunning on her. However, any warm reds are off for her.
I am yellow tone. not really warm, since there is no red tone out of my skin. =). Yes, the icons I use for Hell and Chic are myself.
For cool tone blushes, I think Crazed is a great one. MAC Gentle would be similar and also a great great blush (it is very cool). Mata Hari is more cotton pinkish (a bit warmer). Would be nice cool tone addition too.
I am approaching 30. No kids but have a very very busy job. I guess I am pretty hooked by NARS. =) thanks for saying what you said. =) After a certain stage, you can only mind a few things in life. nothing else bothers.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-8 0:56:47编辑过]
Film Poster:
***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于50 才可浏览 *****
Two pics from the Exhibit:
***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于50 才可浏览 *****
Film Poster:
***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于50 才可浏览 *****
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-8 22:16:02编辑过]
我最喜欢O了。 喜欢O的金粉。 DT没有那么highlight。 :D
***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于50 才可浏览 *****
***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于50 才可浏览 *****
***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于50 才可浏览 *****
我最喜欢O了。 喜欢O的金粉。 DT没有那么highlight。 :D
哈,me too. 看你的试色也是觉得O最好看~~
...some other bluhes have even more provocative names
哈,me too. 看你的试色也是觉得O最好看~~
DT, O, Torrid are very close... but o's shimmer is sooo pretty..
sex is non shimmering, pretty warm. I can't think of anything very similar to it on the top of my is quite flattering.. dunno why it got DC
My best friend is a cool tone chinese. I can see the blue tone from her veins underneath her skin. any blue reds are stunning on her. However, any warm reds are off for her.
I am yellow tone. not really warm, since there is no red tone out of my skin. =). Yes, the icons I use for Hell and Chic are myself.
For cool tone blushes, I think Crazed is a great one. MAC Gentle would be similar and also a great great blush (it is very cool). Mata Hari is more cotton pinkish (a bit warmer). Would be nice cool tone addition too.
I am approaching 30. No kids but have a very very busy job. I guess I am pretty hooked by NARS. =) thanks for saying what you said. =) After a certain stage, you can only mind a few things in life. nothing else bothers.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-8 0:56:47编辑过]
I will check out Crazed next time. But I think this is a very pigmented one. I don't want to buy any pigmented blush because I don't have MAC 187 brush. I only use a normal blush brush.
I should have got Gentle, damn. It was 15% off and I was hesitating. Well if I still think about it after Christmas, I will just go and get it.
Arora also recommended Mata Hari, saying it's a flattering colour. But I'm a bit scared of pink colour because I don't want to be a mutton dressed like lamb, haha. But I do like pink lip gloss and lipstick. When I was younger, I was into bright red or dark red and missed out all the pinks. Now that I'm getting older, I'm so interested in pink!
As for kids, no rush! I had my first when I was 32. Just enjoy the life, freedom, and NARS.... while you can. Life is totally different with kids, so it's good to be really prepared and ready.
(seashell pink)
and lovejoy
and luster
and penny lane
lovejoy luster
luster lovejoy penny lane
chic mm,你有dream lover的e/s duo吗,听说是2004年的春季款。。。偶这几天在找swatch没找到哎。。。
哦,那偶就拔草了。。偶看到sephora上多放出来这个e/s duo。。
哦,那偶就拔草了。。偶看到sephora上多放出来这个e/s duo。。
嘻嘻。。先拔其他草。。dream love 和windstar 类似。。我觉得不急着要。。。
嘻嘻。。先拔其他草。。dream love 和windstar 类似。。我觉得不急着要。。。
Deep Throat (Peach with shimmer): the 1972 pornographic movie written and directed by Gerard Damiano and starring Linda Lovelace.
Film Poster:
Thanks for sharing. O looks better than DT. For older people like my mom or aunt, do you think which looks better, O or DT? Thanks.
Thanks for sharing. O looks better than DT. For older people like my mom or aunt, do you think which looks better, O or DT? Thanks.
O的shimmer不好说。。有很多人觉得上脸以后不好看。。如果她们皮肤太cool tone,我会推荐DT > O.
Thank you. Is cool tone for fair skin?
i am not sure if i get it correctly.
as opposed to warm tone, which is skin with red and golden tone, cool tone mms have skin with more green and blue in it.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-10 13:50:44编辑过]
Nars is famous for its reds. Sephora Flame 10 anniversary lippie is a relativley low maintenance one.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-10 13:58:27编辑过]
I will check out Crazed next time. But I think this is a very pigmented one. I don't want to buy any pigmented blush because I don't have MAC 187 brush. I only use a normal blush brush.
I should have got Gentle, damn. It was 15% off and I was hesitating. Well if I still think about it after Christmas, I will just go and get it.
Arora also recommended Mata Hari, saying it's a flattering colour. But I'm a bit scared of pink colour because I don't want to be a mutton dressed like lamb, haha. But I do like pink lip gloss and lipstick. When I was younger, I was into bright red or dark red and missed out all the pinks. Now that I'm getting older, I'm so interested in pink!
As for kids, no rush! I had my first when I was 32. Just enjoy the life, freedom, and NARS.... while you can. Life is totally different with kids, so it's good to be really prepared and ready.
Compared with nars blushes, MAC ones are a lot cheaper and as pretty. I once got GEntle but swapped it away. I thought it was a bit too cool for me. (I miss it a lot though since it is too pretty...i think I will swap it back soon :P)
Among the cotton pink ones, I think Mata Hari is better suited for warm skin mms than desire or Angelika. I agree the hot pink is not as sophisticated, but nice to have one blush of the cotton pink family... in case you are in the mood. =)
As for lippies, reds are always more classic. I totally agree. Pink ones now are fantasies for me. I love schiap and funny face. They are ridiculous colors. =)
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on kids. =)))) The topic is hot around my age and among my friends.. I think no matter how clearly one sees the difference in the life styles, it is still all about the experience...=))))
小小推荐我最近的HG red lippie
Nars is famous for its reds. Sephora Flame 10 anniversary lippie is a relativley low maintenance one.
玛雅edith piaf。。。
i think so too. =))))))))
好多啊。暖色系的我选BRAZIL 还是 BOHEMIAN GOLD啊?这2色啥区别?
Brazil is more vivid.
Bohemian gold is relatively more neutral.
I would recommend Bohemian gold. It is easier to handle than Brazil.
这几个:new delight,pacifica,calypso,dream lover,哪个还值得收呢?是不是这几个颜色都不大显色呢?
现在终于有机会买到一些停产的色号了,已经决定买ireland,babylon,marienbad,magambo,arctic,blue angel
这几个:new delight,pacifica,calypso,dream lover,哪个还值得收呢?是不是这几个颜色都不大显色呢?
paris's matte grey looks like dark navy. For some reason, it shows up navy on my lid. The white side is silver not icy blue.
marienbad is a lot more neutral than jezebel once applied. It is better than Jezebel if you are on a neutral, subtle, demure kick.
But I agree they are utterly similar.
Calypso is a great duo. Very unique and flattering. it is one of my fav.
Dream lover is nice if you have very pale skins. Might not show up on >NC20. I don't have new delight.
paris's matte grey looks like dark navy. For some reason, it shows up navy on my lid. The white side is silver not icy blue.
marienbad is a lot more neutral than jezebel once applied. It is better than Jezebel if you are on a neutral, subtle, demure kick.
But I agree they are utterly similar.
Calypso is a great duo. Very unique and flattering. it is one of my fav.
Dream lover is nice if you have very pale skins. Might not show up on >NC20. I don't have new delight.
谢谢chic mm呀
我目前有orgasm, crazed, sin, zen, 想再添一块~所以想找找参考~~我偏白, 平常一般就刷刷腮红夹夹睫毛就出门啦........
我目前有orgasm, crazed, sin, zen, 想再添一块~所以想找找参考~~我偏白, 平常一般就刷刷腮红夹夹睫毛就出门啦........
only one....en.....orgasm can rule out DT, torrid, super o; sin can rule out oasis, outlaw...crazed can rule out cool tone blushes at this time..
among exhibit A, mounia, taos, DV (reds), I would recommend exhibit A; among luster, madly, sertao, lovejoy (neutral shimmers) i would recommend luster first.
If you are cool tone, Exhibit A first ; if you are warm tone, Luster first.
=) my 2 cents
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-12 12:39:19编辑过]
only one....en.....orgasm can rule out DT, torrid, super o; sin can rule out oasis, outlaw...crazed can rule out cool tone blushes at this time..
among exhibit A, mounia, taos, DV (reds), I would recommend exhibit A; among luster, madly, sertao, lovejoy (neutral shimmers) i would recommend luster first.
If you are cool tone, Exhibit A first ; if you are warm tone, Luster first.
=) my 2 cents
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-12 12:39:19编辑过]
EA不会太红么?...因为我平常都不怎么化妆, 担心刷太突出的腮红会不自然呢.......
但是desire之类的candy pink也不适合我....不走可爱路线的......
有人和我推荐过DV, MM觉得合适么? 我看着颜色挺成熟的...而且我想要一块和我其他的腮红颜色差别比较大的~~DV符合吗?~
EA不会太红么?...因为我平常都不怎么化妆, 担心刷太突出的腮红会不自然呢.......
但是desire之类的candy pink也不适合我....不走可爱路线的......
有人和我推荐过DV, MM觉得合适么? 我看着颜色挺成熟的...而且我想要一块和我其他的腮红颜色差别比较大的~~DV符合吗?~
no, DV was actually my choice if I were you. =)))))))) Go for it!
I suggest Luster and EA since they are unique, very different from what you have. But DV would be more flattering. DV is most sophisticated brick red IMHO. My HG blush.
Luster is not mature looking. It is high shine and peachy. Lovejoy and madly are mature indeed.
Desire, angelika or mata hari are not the best choices precisely for the reason you said.
EA is not that red with light hand... It is orange-ish red... the tomato color... so it is very brightening, brighten up your face even if a light hand.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-12 13:13:59编辑过]
no, DV was actually my choice if I were you. =)))))))) Go for it!
I suggest Luster and EA since they are unique, very different from what you have. But DV would be more flattering. DV is most sophisticated brick red IMHO. My HG blush.
Luster is not mature looking. It is high shine and peachy. Lovejoy and madly are mature indeed.
Desire, angelika or mata hari are not the best choices precisely for the reason you said.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-2 12:50:07编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-2 12:50:30编辑过]