some comments about cream Blushes: Some cream blushes are way too dark for me: Constantinople, Montenegro are the ones I owned but swapped away. They are creamier than Multiples but easier to apply than Multiples. I simply use my fingers. They can be intimidating in the pan but pretty tamed on the skin. Cactus Flower (the shimmer is amazing) and Penny Lane (the best nude pink) are absolute beauties! I would recommend them wholeheartedly. [此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-4 13:27:51编辑过]
以下是引用Chic在2008-12-4 10:53:00的发言: doe, nina ricci, falling water, i will do the strong color blushes the next . ^* Hug hug. The cream blush swatches are GREAT! Never seen them before. Thank you so much...
some comments about cream Blushes: Some cream blushes are way too dark for me: Constantinople, Montenegro are the ones I owned but swapped away. They are creamier than Multiples but easier to apply than Multiples. I simply use my fingers. They can be intimidating in the pan but pretty tamed on the skin. Cactus Flower (the shimmer is amazing) and Penny Lane (the best nude pink) are absolute beauties! I would recommend them wholeheartedly. 正好在MUA上换到了一个 Penny Lane,还在等包裹。看来没有换错。^_^
some comments about cream Blushes: Some cream blushes are way too dark for me: Constantinople, Montenegro are the ones I owned but swapped away. They are creamier than Multiples but easier to apply than Multiples. I simply use my fingers. They can be intimidating in the pan but pretty tamed on the skin. Cactus Flower (the shimmer is amazing) and Penny Lane (the best nude pink) are absolute beauties! I would recommend them wholeheartedly.
Turkish Red (red coral): as the name (pretty much the national flag color).
此主题相关图片如下turkish red 0.jpg:
Can you show some neat pics, at least not that ugly? Your pics really hurt people's eyes.
Don't say: if you don't like, you can igore this post. But your pics are showed in Huaren homepage, once I open Huaren homepage, I have to see those ugly pics ... I can't ignore them and my eyes feel painful ...
Can you show some neat pics, at least not that ugly? Your pics really hurt people's eyes.
Don't say: if you don't like, you can igore this post. But your pics are showed in Huaren homepage, once I open Huaren homepage, I have to see those ugly pics ... I can't ignore them and my eyes feel painful ...
他家粉状的blush我已经收的差不多了,现在准备开始收cream的了,呵呵。最喜欢的两个颜色就是Cactus Flower和penny lane,昨天刚刚定了个Cactus Flower。用手涂的话,容易涂晕么?曾经用过bobbi家的膏状腮红,感觉很不好晕染均匀啊 it is easy to blend with hands.
Given the uncertain period of time we are living in, let's focus on our job (meaning hard working), our health (meaning more exercising), family and friends (meaning cherishing and enjoying every gathering), on enriching ourselves by learning new knowledge (meaning more reading), by traveling the world (meaning you having a great time on your vacation), and experiencing different dimensions of life (meaning exploring new stuff that brings true happiness as well as reining in our discretionary spending).
I was thinking about the other day that it is time to say good bye to our twenties. Let's prepare and embrace the next phrase of our life. =)))
Given the uncertain period of time we are living in, let's focus on our job (meaning hard working), our health (meaning more exercising), family and friends (meaning cherishing and enjoying every gathering), on enriching ourselves by learning new knowledge (meaning more reading), by traveling the world (meaning you having a great time on your vacation), and experiencing different dimensions of life (meaning exploring new stuff that brings true happiness as well as reining in our discretionary spending).
I was thinking about the other day that it is time to say good bye to our twenties. Let's prepare and embrace the next phrase of our life. =)))
the reminder is right on is a lot more general... i felt ashamed by the mismatch between words and actions... remember the fun project i talked about the other day? I am losing some sleep over it... will report to you after you come back.
Can you show some neat pics, at least not that ugly? Your pics really hurt people's eyes.
Don't say: if you don't like, you can igore this post. But your pics are showed in Huaren homepage, once I open Huaren homepage, I have to see those ugly pics ... I can't ignore them and my eyes feel painful ...
judging from your posts on huaren, i am not that convinced you are normal. in fact, i think you are anything but normal. chill honey bunny! LOL
judging from your posts on huaren, i am not that convinced you are normal. in fact, i think you are anything but attention freak. chill honey bunny! LOL
judging from your posts on huaren, i am now convinced you are her super fan. No wonder you are so desperate to jump out and help her, like her dear hubby
Multiples are tricky product, some ppl love them to death, some hate them. =) I think a light hand with NARS blush is always helpful.
I love luster and DT. I see that you have three blushes all in coral family. maybe you are warm toned mm. =)) Try a cool tone detour for your next splurge?
I Love love love NARS products' names. I think it is why the brand is strong enough to cultivate a cult. =D
The splurge deserves some silver lining, doesn't it? =)))
Just like the pretty icing on a cake. =) Without it, the cake is not the same cake anymore.
This color looks surprisingly great on lips. I for sure won't buy this color if not seeing this post. it was my first reaction....could this even work?
NARS is quite a genius turning intimidating colors into something unexpectedly flattering and tamed..
不是针对nars这个品牌啊,就是大家买东西要看适合自己的,不要为这种花哨的东西迷惑 Naming of a product is just one of the marketing strategies...... 一个产品因为名字而更加出众,只能说他们marketing做得成功,而不能说consumer哄小资,或者贩卖cheap exortism。 business is just all about strategies, and how to differentiate themselves from others... 所以怎么说这个方面NARS是成功的,呵呵。 不过其实,我就不知道眼影阿腮红阿能有什么大差别了,不就是显色度跟持久度的问题么,不会因为名字而升天了阿。 如果把mac跟nars排一起,我还是会选择nars把,因为mac没什么新意。- -。 [此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-5 20:39:58编辑过]
Naming of a product is just one of the marketing strategies...... 一个产品因为名字而更加出众,只能说他们marketing做得成功,而不能说consumer哄小资,或者贩卖cheap exortism。 business is just all about strategies, and how to differentiate themselves from others... 所以怎么说这个方面NARS是成功的,呵呵。 不过其实,我就不知道眼影阿腮红阿能有什么大差别了,不就是显色度跟持久度的问题么,不会因为名字而升天了阿。 如果把mac跟nars排一起,我还是会选择nars把,因为mac没什么新意。- -。 [此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-5 20:39:58编辑过]
Naming of a product is just one of the marketing strategies...... 一个产品因为名字而更加出众,只能说他们marketing做得成功,而不能说consumer哄小资,或者贩卖cheap exortism。 business is just all about strategies, and how to differentiate themselves from others... 所以怎么说这个方面NARS是成功的,呵呵。 不过其实,我就不知道眼影阿腮红阿能有什么大差别了,不就是显色度跟持久度的问题么,不会因为名字而升天了阿。 如果把mac跟nars排一起,我还是会选择nars把,因为mac没什么新意。- -。 [此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-5 20:39:58编辑过]
Naming of a product is just one of the marketing strategies...... 一个产品因为名字而更加出众,只能说他们marketing做得成功,而不能说consumer哄小资,或者贩卖cheap exortism。 business is just all about strategies, and how to differentiate themselves from others... 所以怎么说这个方面NARS是成功的,呵呵。 不过其实,我就不知道眼影阿腮红阿能有什么大差别了,不就是显色度跟持久度的问题么,不会因为名字而升天了阿。 如果把mac跟nars排一起,我还是会选择nars把,因为mac没什么新意。- -。 [此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-5 20:39:58编辑过] 新意来说,怎么着mac也不比nars差吧。。。 虽然限量出的麻木,但是每年总有些产品非常惊艳
等下学期买课本的时候捎上这本 face forward
我有他的 making faces这本书 页数也不太多 就是怕如果整本书拍照发上来会不会被告
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-3 15:27:25编辑过]
我最近在研究另一个makeup artist Keyvn Aucoin,想买他的concealer。
太谢谢Chic mm了。纠结这两块已经好久了。终于看到这么清楚的对比试色了。^_^
P.S. 赞mm从新开始更新的气度。^_^
time flies...
good luck on finals!!
mata hari好像是比desire universal一些哦。。
我突然很长草dolce vita的腮红,LZ请快快更新这个颜色吧!顺便问一下,这个腮红适合脸有点红的人吗?
把几个rose tone的放一块儿吧,DV啦Outlaw啦Taos啦,and Crazed(?)
好像还没show cream blush哦。
Cactus Flower (shimmering poppy): a 1969 comedic film directed by Gene Saks and starring Walter Matthau, Ingrid Bergman, and Goldie Hawn.
***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于50 才可浏览 *****
Album Cover
***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于50 才可浏览 *****
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-4 11:42:53编辑过]
Album Cover
***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于50 才可浏览 *****
***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于50 才可浏览 *****
Some cream blushes are way too dark for me: Constantinople, Montenegro are the ones I owned but swapped away.
They are creamier than Multiples but easier to apply than Multiples. I simply use my fingers.
They can be intimidating in the pan but pretty tamed on the skin.
Cactus Flower (the shimmer is amazing) and Penny Lane (the best nude pink) are absolute beauties! I would recommend them wholeheartedly.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-4 13:27:51编辑过]
我突然很长草dolce vita的腮红,LZ请快快更新这个颜色吧!顺便问一下,这个腮红适合脸有点红的人吗?
i think so, DV is pretty universally flattering, should be ok with light hand. =)
doe, nina ricci, falling water, i will do the strong color blushes the next . ^*
Hug hug. The cream blush swatches are GREAT! Never seen them before. Thank you so much...
Hug hug. The cream blush swatches are GREAT! Never seen them before. Thank you so much...
还有六度。。你不是想比较cream blush和multiples。。。我突发奇想的。。觉得它们很接近的颜色其实是。。。
上面 Gueule de Nuit, 中间Cannes, 下面Malibu
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-4 11:00:22编辑过]
我今天用了我那个cream blush,首先问个问题,为什么我这个里面没有nars通常有的那个透明塑料片
我发现它家连cream blush都很容易上色啊,我今天轻轻两下就成了猴子了。后来用concealer遮盖,晕。
好喜欢你的shimmering poppy,是闪银还是闪金的?
还看中了这个Gueule de Nuit
我今天用了我那个cream blush,首先问个问题,为什么我这个里面没有nars通常有的那个透明塑料片
我发现它家连cream blush都很容易上色啊,我今天轻轻两下就成了猴子了。后来用concealer遮盖,晕。
好喜欢你的shimmering poppy,是闪银还是闪金的?
还看中了这个Gueule de Nuit
nars的塑料片是防powder的,所有cream based的产品都不带plastic insert。
对。都要light hand的。 所以一丁点的一块都且用着。。。。。我的tuikish delight就是sample给其他人的。
some comments about cream Blushes:
Some cream blushes are way too dark for me: Constantinople, Montenegro are the ones I owned but swapped away.
They are creamier than Multiples but easier to apply than Multiples. I simply use my fingers.
They can be intimidating in the pan but pretty tamed on the skin.
Cactus Flower (the shimmer is amazing) and Penny Lane (the best nude pink) are absolute beauties! I would recommend them wholeheartedly.
正好在MUA上换到了一个 Penny Lane,还在等包裹。看来没有换错。^_^
some comments about cream Blushes:
Some cream blushes are way too dark for me: Constantinople, Montenegro are the ones I owned but swapped away.
They are creamier than Multiples but easier to apply than Multiples. I simply use my fingers.
They can be intimidating in the pan but pretty tamed on the skin.
Cactus Flower (the shimmer is amazing) and Penny Lane (the best nude pink) are absolute beauties! I would recommend them wholeheartedly.
他家粉状的blush我已经收的差不多了,现在准备开始收cream的了,呵呵。最喜欢的两个颜色就是Cactus Flower和penny lane,昨天刚刚定了个Cactus Flower。用手涂的话,容易涂晕么?曾经用过bobbi家的膏状腮红,感觉很不好晕染均匀啊
Turkish Red (red coral): as the name (pretty much the national flag color).
Can you show some neat pics, at least not that ugly? Your pics really hurt people's eyes.
Don't say: if you don't like, you can igore this post. But your pics are showed in Huaren homepage, once I open Huaren homepage, I have to see those ugly pics ... I can't ignore them and my eyes feel painful ...
Revolt (sheer grape): An album by British punk rock band, 3 Color Red
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-10 13:56:14编辑过]
Can you show some neat pics, at least not that ugly? Your pics really hurt people's eyes.
Don't say: if you don't like, you can igore this post. But your pics are showed in Huaren homepage, once I open Huaren homepage, I have to see those ugly pics ... I can't ignore them and my eyes feel painful ...
you are so vulnerable. pat pat
thx, corrected. =)
他家粉状的blush我已经收的差不多了,现在准备开始收cream的了,呵呵。最喜欢的两个颜色就是Cactus Flower和penny lane,昨天刚刚定了个Cactus Flower。用手涂的话,容易涂晕么?曾经用过bobbi家的膏状腮红,感觉很不好晕染均匀啊
it is easy to blend with hands.
Nars cream blushes spread well. =) good eyes! :P
Revolt (sheer grape): An album by British punk rock band, 3 Color Red
Album Cover
I love this one. Looks very nice.
you are so vulnerable. pat pat
No, I am not vlunerable. But I am just a normal person, I don't have the weird habit to enjoy torturing others.
其实拍照不过是个熟练功,多拍几次,立刻效果就好了, 没啥了不起的技术.
No, I am not vlunerable. But I am just a normal person, I don't have the weird habit to enjoy torturing others.
judging from your posts on huaren, i am not that convinced you are normal. in fact, i think you are anything but normal. chill honey bunny! LOL
又跑来看了一遍cream blush。这么一show,还真好看,有powder没有的光泽。不过上了脸以后真的会有差吗?
i think cream blushes' shimmering is also cream based. so spread evenly and naturally.
powder blushes' shimmer is maybe not as good? =)
更新的几个腮红照片, 拍的越来越好了,色彩很不错.
其实拍照不过是个熟练功,多拍几次,立刻效果就好了, 没啥了不起的技术.
thanks loads, sweetie!!!
i think cream blushes' shimmering is also cream based. so spread evenly and naturally.
powder blushes' shimmer is maybe not as good? =)
That makes sense! Cream blush持久吗?
That makes sense! Cream blush持久吗?
some multiples are not long lasting. Especially the dry ones.
but these cream blushes are pretty long lasting. I didn't detect any difference from power blushes in that aspect.
judging from your posts on huaren, i am not that convinced you are normal. in fact, i think you are anything but normal. chill honey bunny! LOL
Mark. PA!
chic,multiple duo是0.28oz,full size是0.50oz。。 duo很划算的,我那块riviera今天上嘴当唇彩,超粉嫩超可爱
Given the uncertain period of time we are living in, let's focus on our job (meaning hard working), our health (meaning more exercising), family and friends (meaning cherishing and enjoying every gathering), on enriching ourselves by learning new knowledge (meaning more reading), by traveling the world (meaning you having a great time on your vacation), and experiencing different dimensions of life (meaning exploring new stuff that brings true happiness as well as reining in our discretionary spending).
I was thinking about the other day that it is time to say good bye to our twenties. Let's prepare and embrace the next phrase of our life. =)))
Given the uncertain period of time we are living in, let's focus on our job (meaning hard working), our health (meaning more exercising), family and friends (meaning cherishing and enjoying every gathering), on enriching ourselves by learning new knowledge (meaning more reading), by traveling the world (meaning you having a great time on your vacation), and experiencing different dimensions of life (meaning exploring new stuff that brings true happiness as well as reining in our discretionary spending).
I was thinking about the other day that it is time to say good bye to our twenties. Let's prepare and embrace the next phrase of our life. =)))
^^ sweetie. gotcha!
have a great vacation!
^^ sweetie. gotcha!
have a great vacation!
the reminder is right on is a lot more general... i felt ashamed by the mismatch between words and actions...
remember the fun project i talked about the other day? I am losing some sleep over it... will report to you after you come back.
chic,multiple duo是0.28oz,full size是0.50oz。。 duo很划算的,我那块riviera今天上嘴当唇彩,超粉嫩超可爱
that is sweeeeeeeeet!
wait! you mean two colors combined 0.28 oz? or each color 0.28?
riviera is a super lovely one, my only complaint is that it is a tad too dry for my liking..
Can you show some neat pics, at least not that ugly? Your pics really hurt people's eyes.
Don't say: if you don't like, you can igore this post. But your pics are showed in Huaren homepage, once I open Huaren homepage, I have to see those ugly pics ... I can't ignore them and my eyes feel painful ...
怕受伤害还跳着进来 你这叫痛并快乐着 ~~~
然后把那些全部copy了 paste到快速回复拦 就是每一夜下面的这个可以输入的地方
然后ok发表回复 就不会上主业了~
chic你可以 点回复上传照片 然后设置好魅力
然后把那些全部copy了 paste到快速回复拦 就是每一夜下面的这个可以输入的地方
然后ok发表回复 就不会上主业了~
真坏,这样子人家都找不到理由进来阿歌利了, 坏人家的事儿么.
that is sweeeeeeeeet!
wait! you mean two colors combined 0.28 oz? or each color 0.28?
riviera is a super lovely one, my only complaint is that it is a tad too dry for my liking..
是没有orgasm涂上那种润感。。 :-(
我最近才开始对NARS感兴趣,买了2个powder腮红:Luster & Deep Throat,一个Multiple
可惜我是新人,看不到太多图片, 不过不要紧,支持你!
是没有orgasm涂上那种润感。。 :-(
Compared with Cannes on the left:
Compared with Riviera:
Compared with Riviera on the right:
Compared with Cannes (left) and Riviera (right)
Revolt (sheer grape): An album by British punk rock band, 3 Color Red
Album Cover
This color looks surprisingly great on lips. I for sure won't buy this color if not seeing this post.
我最近才开始对NARS感兴趣,买了2个powder腮红:Luster & Deep Throat,一个Multiple
可惜我是新人,看不到太多图片, 不过不要紧,支持你!
我多嘴一句啊,这个没必要吧。典型的哄小资的伎俩,贩卖cheap exortism啊。
其实这些名字,美国长大的或者对美国pop culture有点了解的,绝大多数都不需要考古的。好比说,假如中国某化妆品牌推出一腮红名叫武则天,或者芙蓉镇,你说咱中国人用考古才了解么,会因此对这个产品增加好感么
Revolt (sheer grape): An album by British punk rock band, 3 Color Red
this is surprisingly terrific!!!! I gotta try this next time at the counter!!! so impressed!!!
更新的几个腮红照片, 拍的越来越好了,色彩很不错.
其实拍照不过是个熟练功,多拍几次,立刻效果就好了, 没啥了不起的技术.
Be afraid of being questioned protecting famous id? If you don't, why not use your true id to say this?
judging from your posts on huaren, i am not that convinced you are normal. in fact, i think you are anything but normal. chill honey bunny! LOL
judging from your posts on huaren, i am not that convinced you are normal. in fact, i think you are anything but attention freak. chill honey bunny! LOL
chic你可以 点回复上传照片 然后设置好魅力
然后把那些全部copy了 paste到快速回复拦 就是每一夜下面的这个可以输入的地方
然后ok发表回复 就不会上主业了~
If she can do this way, I won't jump into this post because my eyes are rescued from Huaren homepage's pics.
真坏,这样子人家都找不到理由进来阿歌利了, 坏人家的事儿么.
judging from your posts on huaren, i am now convinced you are her super fan. No wonder you are so desperate to jump out and help her, like her dear hubby
我多嘴一句啊,这个没必要吧。典型的哄小资的伎俩,贩卖cheap exortism啊。
其实这些名字,美国长大的或者对美国pop culture有点了解的,绝大多数都不需要考古的。好比说,假如中国某化妆品牌推出一腮红名叫武则天,或者芙蓉镇,你说咱中国人用考古才了解么,会因此对这个产品增加好感么
Well said. Strongly agree with every word you said.
i think so, DV is pretty universally flattering, should be ok with light hand. =)
Be afraid of being questioned protecting famous id? If you don't, why not use your true id to say this?
这个同学,你不喜欢chic, 可能同她有过过节,或者你是对的,也或者她没错,再有或者是误会。就算怎么都好,你讨厌chic,那就看过chic的帖子路过就算了。 如果你是真诚的要题意见想她提高照片质量的,这种keep trashing someone's thread不会有任何好的效果,反而,大家看在眼里,会觉得很annoying. 何况由此至终我没有看出来你是对彩装有兴趣而进入这个铁子里面的,你只是不断的pick on Chic所有你可能攻击的地方来攻击。这样有意思么。她已经努力在提高照片的水平了,大家都看得到。你偏偏挑一张不是那么flattering得,而且还是盒子本身被用得多不flattering,不是chic自己灯光拍照不好。
你以前独立开铁表达过的观点,大家都了解了,支持你赞同你的,还是会支持你赞同你。 没错,公共论坛,你是可以想说啥就说啥,但是你现在这样穷追猛打不放手的作风,是不是有点恶作剧了?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-5 11:28:49编辑过]
我最近才开始对NARS感兴趣,买了2个powder腮红:Luster & Deep Throat,一个Multiple
可惜我是新人,看不到太多图片, 不过不要紧,支持你!
Thanks, and big hug!
Multiples are tricky product, some ppl love them to death, some hate them. =) I think a light hand with NARS blush is always helpful.
I love luster and DT. I see that you have three blushes all in coral family. maybe you are warm toned mm. =)) Try a cool tone detour for your next splurge?
I Love love love NARS products' names. I think it is why the brand is strong enough to cultivate a cult. =D
The splurge deserves some silver lining, doesn't it? =)))
Just like the pretty icing on a cake. =) Without it, the cake is not the same cake anymore.
是没有orgasm涂上那种润感。。 :-(
wow...these are precious palettes.
these palettes are $ saving for collectors. 9947 's color pick is unique and tasteful.
Antibes is such an intriguing color!! Does it look like sin or oasis?
no..not at all...sin and oasis are a lot darker.
I couldnt' find a powder counterpart for antibes. I agree with you that Antibes is very very pretty and intriguing and very unique.
The slight lilac tone will flatter your cool tone for sure. =)
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-5 13:15:11编辑过]
天天 我要看我偶像天天
不好意思 我歪楼了 ~
我多嘴一句啊,这个没必要吧。典型的哄小资的伎俩,贩卖cheap exortism啊。
其实这些名字,美国长大的或者对美国pop culture有点了解的,绝大多数都不需要考古的。好比说,假如中国某化妆品牌推出一腮红名叫武则天,或者芙蓉镇,你说咱中国人用考古才了解么,会因此对这个产品增加好感么
i don't think they are all American Pop Culture...Lots of them are ART pieces, and I personally think some are serious art pieces.
it conveys certain attitude...
Just like the rationale of buying a jacket from Balenciaga.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-5 13:19:56编辑过]
sweetie you are always so caring...
This color looks surprisingly great on lips. I for sure won't buy this color if not seeing this post.
it was my first reaction....could this even work?
NARS is quite a genius turning intimidating colors into something unexpectedly flattering and tamed..
use 187 and extra light hand... i think DV definitely last a life time.. tiny bit of product delivers.
i don't know that id... a cyber stalker...
土人问: 什么是chill honey bunny
pulp fiction
这个同学,你不喜欢chic, 可能同她有过过节,或者你是对的,也或者她没错,再有或者是误会。就算怎么都好,你讨厌chic,那就看过chic的帖子路过就算了。 如果你是真诚的要题意见想她提高照片质量的,这种keep trashing someone's thread不会有任何好的效果,反而,大家看在眼里,会觉得很annoying. 何况由此至终我没有看出来你是对彩装有兴趣而进入这个铁子里面的,你只是不断的pick on Chic所有你可能攻击的地方来攻击。这样有意思么。她已经努力在提高照片的水平了,大家都看得到。你偏偏挑一张不是那么flattering得,而且还是盒子本身被用得多不flattering,不是chic自己灯光拍照不好。
你以前独立开铁表达过的观点,大家都了解了,支持你赞同你的,还是会支持你赞同你。 没错,公共论坛,你是可以想说啥就说啥,但是你现在这样穷追猛打不放手的作风,是不是有点恶作剧了?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-5 11:28:49编辑过]
不明白为什么总有人想把好好的一个帖子变成吵架帖。不管出于什么原因,但是真的非常 ANNOYING !
我是个新人,不是mj,也不是谁的big fan。但凭良心说,chic mm的帖子真的让我很受益。很多纠结已久的色号,都能在chic mm这个帖子里看到很清晰的对比图,对我们这种新人来讲是非常有用的。
而且,真不知道chic mm现在的图有哪里不好了??她之前贴的图被几个mm指出不好的地方,人家也都花时间改了重新贴过了。我觉得能做到这样已经很有气度了,不明白为什么还有人来找茬!
i don't think they are all American Pop Culture...Lots of them are ART pieces, and I personally think some are serious art pieces.
it conveys certain attitude...
Just like the rationale of buying a jacket from Balenciaga.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-5 13:19:56编辑过]
芙蓉镇也勉强算serious art piece吧,中国人还会fan一个叫芙蓉镇的腮红不?
按照这个思路,小时候看的忍者神龟,神龟们叫米开朗琪罗、达芬奇。。。谁敢说能比它们更serious art的。但好像没人认为,忍者神龟传递了artistic attitude吧
汗,不是存心抬杠的。其实那些电影都是经典老电影,很多我自己都喜欢。女人觉得这些名字有意思而更喜欢这个产品也挺正常的。但一定要拔高觉得起了这些名字就代表着文化底蕴啥的就太牵强了。何况大部分中国人会觉得这些特有文化,只是因为我们对western culture不够了解而已。
我多嘴一句啊,这个没必要吧。典型的哄小资的伎俩,贩卖cheap exortism啊。
其实这些名字,美国长大的或者对美国pop culture有点了解的,绝大多数都不需要考古的。好比说,假如中国某化妆品牌推出一腮红名叫武则天,或者芙蓉镇,你说咱中国人用考古才了解么,会因此对这个产品增加好感么
Naming of a product is just one of the marketing strategies......
一个产品因为名字而更加出众,只能说他们marketing做得成功,而不能说consumer哄小资,或者贩卖cheap exortism。
business is just all about strategies, and how to differentiate themselves from others...
如果把mac跟nars排一起,我还是会选择nars把,因为mac没什么新意。- -。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-5 20:39:58编辑过]
it was my first reaction....could this even work?
NARS is quite a genius turning intimidating colors into something unexpectedly flattering and tamed..
who are you????
real chic??
Naming of a product is just one of the marketing strategies......
一个产品因为名字而更加出众,只能说他们marketing做得成功,而不能说consumer哄小资,或者贩卖cheap exortism。
business is just all about strategies, and how to differentiate themselves from others...
如果把mac跟nars排一起,我还是会选择nars把,因为mac没什么新意。- -。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-5 20:39:58编辑过]
Naming of a product is just one of the marketing strategies......
一个产品因为名字而更加出众,只能说他们marketing做得成功,而不能说consumer哄小资,或者贩卖cheap exortism。
business is just all about strategies, and how to differentiate themselves from others...
如果把mac跟nars排一起,我还是会选择nars把,因为mac没什么新意。- -。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-5 20:39:58编辑过]
Naming of a product is just one of the marketing strategies......
一个产品因为名字而更加出众,只能说他们marketing做得成功,而不能说consumer哄小资,或者贩卖cheap exortism。
business is just all about strategies, and how to differentiate themselves from others...
如果把mac跟nars排一起,我还是会选择nars把,因为mac没什么新意。- -。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-5 20:39:58编辑过]