以下是引用chenxiaomi在2008-11-16 21:21:00的发言: Is the parent still eligible if he lives outside MA now? 其实他们不查的。但是检查身体都是在community hospital做的,如果out of ma,怎么来查身体呢?
以下是引用chenxiaomi在2008-11-16 21:21:00的发言: Is the parent still eligible if he lives outside MA now? should not be eligible. sounds like it's a state benefit. outside of MA, no benefit unless her father is a qualify citizen.
爸爸今年2月份来的,申请了free care,后来收到据信,说不qualify mass health,我很疑惑,因为我们没有申请mass health啊。后来搬家去了纽约,此时也就搁浅了。
9月份爸爸又过来了,我不甘心,又打了电话询问free care。折腾了好几次,终于弄明白了。原来上次申请free care已经成功了,只是所有的申请人自动被评估是否符合mass health的条件,我爸爸不满足那些条件
下一步就开始检查身体。已经看过2次医生加一次eye doctor,作了心电图超声波血糖等各项检察,全都是免费的!还在这边买了高血压药,co-pay 1元,也没有交过。
3。visa status没限制
4。一定得在community hospital 检查
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-17 10:06:32编辑过]
Is the parent still eligible if he lives outside MA now?
其实他们不查的。但是检查身体都是在community hospital做的,如果out of ma,怎么来查身体呢?
Is the parent still eligible if he lives outside MA now?
should not be eligible. sounds like it's a state benefit. outside of MA, no benefit unless her father is a qualify citizen.
可是如果父母用B2签证过来,没呆满半年,就不能算mass resident吧。这样怎么满足freecare的条件呢 ?