在网上找的post, 给大家一个参考 : I'm trying to decide between the Marathon and True Fit for both of our cars:
2003 Mitsubishi Lancer (probably installed using LATCH rear passenger side, but maybe in the middle with the shoulder / lap belt) 97 4Runner (middle lap only belt)
Why I like the Marathon over the True Fit: - Rear tether - Safety Reputation
Why I like the True Fit over the Marathon - Removable head rest is going to make the fit better in my Lancer - No-rethread harness
I'm leaning towards the Marathon right now. Is there anything else I missing? I don't need to have both be the same, I just didn't have a reason not to. Thanks! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M fans: Assuming you're in the US where both rear face to 35lbs, I'd probably lean towards the Marathon.
Keeping in mind the Marathon won't last you as long in terms of top harness slots (17" on the MA, 17.5-18" on the TF). So you'll need either a different seat with taller top slots down the road, or you'll be moving to a booster sooner in the MA than in the TF. Something to consider.
But the rf tether option, overall quality/rep, and cover choices are what sways me to be honest. I don't mind the shorter usefulness, because I'm okay with 17" top slots on a convertible seat.
As for the no re-thread harness, it's just not something you'll be doing very often anyway, so I wouldn't consider it a deal breaker.
I also prefer the solid back of the MA to the cut-out appearance of the TrueFit (just being honest, don't flame me pls).
So for me it would be the MA over the TF if I lived in the US and could afford the difference in cost and was okay with a shorter usage time. Just my
Now if the primary sticking point for you is the rf tether option, and you have the time to wait, you might consider the new TF with the anti-rebound bar do out in the next while. The anti-rebound bar/foot will provide some of the same enhanced rebound protection as the rf tether option on the MA.
p.s. we have an '08 Lancer GTS and the MA fits lovely in the backseat. So much so that I'm on a mission to have 2 MA's back there instead of 1 MA and 1 Radian. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tf fans: I'm of the opposite opinion of Angie.
I used to own a MA (sold it a few weeks ago,) and have a True Fit. The True Fit has a deeper shell and really just seems like a more solid seat to me. It is much wider in terms of interior space, but only @ 1" wider overall than the MA, if that. It's also very deep, so tons of leg room which is great for older rf'ing kids and gives lots of leg support once they're ff'ing.
I got rid of my MA because my dd found it uncomfortable & it wasn't being used. She's 35lbs, 40.5" tall. She was using the top harness position with about 1.75" to grow, but was running out of shoulder space. Her legs also hung out the front a few inches, so she didn't have her upper legs supported all the way - I suspect it's more of a problem with a seat high on a base like the MA than seats that are close to the vehicle seat like the Radian and True Fit.
Personally speaking again, the True Fit seems better made to me, and I trust the company more. It fits bigger kids better than the MA and lasts longer height wise. I love the infant insert so it's one seat that would allow you to skip an infant bucket if you so desired...
I could really care less about rf tethering, so that doesn't factor in to my decision. While I think there may be benefits for older rf'ing kids, newborns and young babies I wouldn't recommend tethering anyways. Though I will say the anti-rebound foot on the True Fit does get me excited. I'd buy another one in a heartbeat if it arrives in Canada while ds still has lots of time to rf.
Anyways, I say try each of them in your vehicle. What works for each family is really individual and there's no "right" seat for everyone and most definitely no "safest" seat with what knowledge we have.
One other thing to factor in, is that the True Fit has a 7yr lifespan while the MA has a 6yr expiry. If you plan to pass the seat down, it may be something to consider.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-11 1:26:39编辑过]
我看了review好像还可以,但是很纠结britax marathon~~马拉松舒服吗?想这两天就定下来了,趁着ebay ms 30%~~
我看了review好像还可以,但是很纠结britax marathon~~马拉松舒服吗?想这两天就定下来了,趁着ebay ms 30%~~
我想说得是我跟lg开始也是不能理解为什么britax这么贵,因为好多牌子看着也很不错,布料摸着也很舒服。但当我们不能免俗的把马拉松搬回家时,我们没有失望,一方面,很安全,布料和塑料托没有一点异味,宁一方面,视野好,空间很大,我家田宝很喜欢,以前她可是非常抗拒坐car seat的。
可能好的car seat值得投资吧~
我看了review好像还可以,但是很纠结britax marathon~~马拉松舒服吗?想这两天就定下来了,趁着ebay ms 30%~~
你从ms live search 到ebay 买buy it now的东西有30% cash back. 我想来想去最近要添的大件就只有covertible了,所以想敲定下来。。。
我想说得是我跟lg开始也是不能理解为什么britax这么贵,因为好多牌子看着也很不错,布料摸着也很舒服。但当我们不能免俗的把马拉松搬回家时,我们没有失望,一方面,很安全,布料和塑料托没有一点异味,宁一方面,视野好,空间很大,我家田宝很喜欢,以前她可是非常抗拒坐car seat的。
可能好的car seat值得投资吧~
我看了review好像还可以,但是很纠结britax marathon~~马拉松舒服吗?想这两天就定下来了,趁着ebay ms 30%~~
其他东西我都比较后妈,baby gear我比较舍得花
其他东西我都比较后妈,baby gear我比较舍得花
你不俩娃吗?怎么买3个 car seat?
昨天去Walmart看,好像只有first year的。
看到好多MM说britax marathon好,偶也动心了~~
以下是引用nnlynn在2008-10-11 1:24:00的发言:
看大家都在讨论britax的马拉松和blvd, 儿子快8个月了,开始找covertible.小农俺的budget比较紧,看baby杂志看到这个car seat, 有点长草。有没有妈妈用过的,给点建议或者给俺灭灭草? 看着好舒服阿~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-11 1:26:39编辑过]
你从ms live search 到ebay 买buy it now的东西有30% cash back. 我想来想去最近要添的大件就只有covertible了,所以想敲定下来。。。
俺老土,很多东西都不知道。上次在二月楼里问起car seat的事,有MM提到britax 马拉松,俺还在奇怪什么是马拉松呢,现在才明白原来是牌子
俺老土,很多东西都不知道。上次在二月楼里问起car seat的事,有MM提到britax 马拉松,俺还在奇怪什么是马拉松呢,现在才明白原来是牌子
乐乐妈考古一下开源节流里的关于ms ebay 30% cash back的帖子,里面说的很详细。大概就是你用你msn 的live 账号登录到live seach, 然后随便搜索一个东西,比如ps3, 出来的ebay链接点进去,基本上在ebay里买buy it now的东西用paypal 付款可以有30%的cash back.
这个first year true fit 30%以后只要130了,还free shipping, no tax. 所以我动心了,上来问问好不好。
你从ms live search 到ebay 买buy it now的东西有30% cash back. 我想来想去最近要添的大件就只有covertible了,所以想敲定下来。。。
哦,ebay上the first years 的颜色好难看啊,听你这么说,我也想是不是应该买个britax呢?
你不俩娃吗?怎么买3个 car seat?
britax carseat就是大。要是有俩放一起很挤就是了。
I'm trying to decide between the Marathon and True Fit for both of our cars:
2003 Mitsubishi Lancer (probably installed using LATCH rear passenger side, but maybe in the middle with the shoulder / lap belt)
97 4Runner (middle lap only belt)
Why I like the Marathon over the True Fit:
- Rear tether
- Safety Reputation
Why I like the True Fit over the Marathon
- Removable head rest is going to make the fit better in my Lancer
- No-rethread harness
I'm leaning towards the Marathon right now. Is there anything else I missing? I don't need to have both be the same, I just didn't have a reason not to. Thanks!
M fans:
Assuming you're in the US where both rear face to 35lbs, I'd probably lean towards the Marathon.
Keeping in mind the Marathon won't last you as long in terms of top harness slots (17" on the MA, 17.5-18" on the TF). So you'll need either a different seat with taller top slots down the road, or you'll be moving to a booster sooner in the MA than in the TF. Something to consider.
But the rf tether option, overall quality/rep, and cover choices are what sways me to be honest. I don't mind the shorter usefulness, because I'm okay with 17" top slots on a convertible seat.
As for the no re-thread harness, it's just not something you'll be doing very often anyway, so I wouldn't consider it a deal breaker.
I also prefer the solid back of the MA to the cut-out appearance of the TrueFit (just being honest, don't flame me pls).
So for me it would be the MA over the TF if I lived in the US and could afford the difference in cost and was okay with a shorter usage time. Just my
Now if the primary sticking point for you is the rf tether option, and you have the time to wait, you might consider the new TF with the anti-rebound bar do out in the next while. The anti-rebound bar/foot will provide some of the same enhanced rebound protection as the rf tether option on the MA.
p.s. we have an '08 Lancer GTS and the MA fits lovely in the backseat. So much so that I'm on a mission to have 2 MA's back there instead of 1 MA and 1 Radian.
tf fans:
I'm of the opposite opinion of Angie.
I used to own a MA (sold it a few weeks ago,) and have a True Fit. The True Fit has a deeper shell and really just seems like a more solid seat to me. It is much wider in terms of interior space, but only @ 1" wider overall than the MA, if that. It's also very deep, so tons of leg room which is great for older rf'ing kids and gives lots of leg support once they're ff'ing.
I got rid of my MA because my dd found it uncomfortable & it wasn't being used. She's 35lbs, 40.5" tall. She was using the top harness position with about 1.75" to grow, but was running out of shoulder space. Her legs also hung out the front a few inches, so she didn't have her upper legs supported all the way - I suspect it's more of a problem with a seat high on a base like the MA than seats that are close to the vehicle seat like the Radian and True Fit.
Personally speaking again, the True Fit seems better made to me, and I trust the company more. It fits bigger kids better than the MA and lasts longer height wise. I love the infant insert so it's one seat that would allow you to skip an infant bucket if you so desired...
I could really care less about rf tethering, so that doesn't factor in to my decision. While I think there may be benefits for older rf'ing kids, newborns and young babies I wouldn't recommend tethering anyways. Though I will say the anti-rebound foot on the True Fit does get me excited. I'd buy another one in a heartbeat if it arrives in Canada while ds still has lots of time to rf.
Anyways, I say try each of them in your vehicle. What works for each family is really individual and there's no "right" seat for everyone and most definitely no "safest" seat with what knowledge we have.
One other thing to factor in, is that the True Fit has a 7yr lifespan while the MA has a 6yr expiry. If you plan to pass the seat down, it may be something to consider.