我觉得有弹力的东西狠烘一下,会缩小。。。 还有J CREW的polo买来比较大而长,烘几次,就perfect fit了。 once you use steamer, you will never go back to iron..unless you need to hard press for lines and pleats.......
Chic MM, 谢谢你耐心的回答。从你的帖子中学到了好多。 不好意思,有两个问题我啥也想不明白: 1。夏天穿西服上课是不是很热,我想象自己穿着黑色suit, 学生都穿着shorts and T-shirt? 2。我试了试上面穿衬衫,把衬衫塞在pants里面(这样比较正式),可是要在黑板上写字,一抬手,衬衫就会从pants中出来一点,就不平整了。想问问你有这个问题吗,是把衬衫拉出一点点吗?我怀疑是不是我买的衬衫不合适。 你今天秀的silver pinstripe pants 和jcrew top 会穿去给学生上课吗? BTW, 那个衣服保养方子真是太有用了,受益匪浅。正准备去买几套suits,这下赶上了。 以下是引用Chic在2008-8-20 8:43:00的发言:
i wear suits to classroom.
no, dresses are not formal. sarah dress is for parties. =).
for MBA classroom, suits or at least formal jackets/blazers are must.
no, plenty of ways to make up lack of working experience. IMHO, working experience mostly helps with your poise, confidence, how mature you are psychologially; but NOT really with your knowledge. I dunno your major, for me, in order to keep up with the world, I read WSJ, economist, books, and HBS cases to get stories, as well as talking to colleagues and friends in the industry.
Where can you buy 能熨袖管,裤管的小板子? I never found it and I don't want to leave harsh lines on my shirts' sleeves, so I just don't iron the sleeves. Pants are a little better since they are wider and I can leave a pressed line in the front
以下是引用cosmo在2008-8-20 14:24:00的发言: Where can you buy 能熨袖管,裤管的小板子? I never found it and I don't want to leave harsh lines on my shirts' sleeves, so I just don't iron the sleeves. Pants are a little better since they are wider and I can leave a pressed line in the front i got mine at target.
they sometimes carry it. i am sure amazon has some.
以下是引用sunnyfield在2008-8-20 14:24:00的发言:chic MM 说的真实在啊。我要继续熬,希望早日看到彩虹。
以下是引用Chic在2008-8-20 8:46:00的发言:
add oil... ^^..you are doing something that is really hard, there is no question about it.. the fact you are doing it means you are good and you should feel proud of it... there are so many ways to keep yourself going,haha...i can go on and on ... [此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-20 14:39:42编辑过]
add oil... ^^..you are doing something that is really hard, there is no question about it.. the fact you are doing it means you are good and you should feel proud of it... there are so many ways to keep yourself going,haha...i can go on and on ... [此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-20 14:39:42编辑过]
please go on.......I am sort of stuck emotionally/lost the passion to work, and not spending as much time on my research.......
这些冬冬我都没有,看了你的帖子突然对化妆品长草了。。。 sculpt and shape means highlighting parts you want to look higher/bigger/brighter and shading the parts you want to look smaller/deeper/darker.
right, you do NOT need foundation before MAC S&S. [此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-20 15:08:15编辑过]
please go on.......I am sort of stuck emotionally/lost the passion to work, and not spending as much time on my research....... we all do once in a while... it comes and goes..
Chic MM, thanks for your encourgement. I will try my best to see the rainbow someday and prove that I am not "water". If you do not mind, can you share with us one or two of the many ways that you use to keep going when thing are not very bright? 以下是引用Chic在2008-8-20 14:38:00的发言:
add oil... ^^..you are doing something that is really hard, there is no question about it.. the fact you are doing it means you are good and you should feel proud of it... there are so many ways to keep yourself going,haha...i can go on and on ... [此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-20 14:39:42编辑过]
chic mm能推荐一下jcrew的黑裤子吗?我觉得黑裤子很难买。wool suit pant显得太正式,cotton的又缺少自然的光泽。我喜欢tweed,可惜只能冬天穿。其实黑毛衣也不好买,cashmere的黑毛衣手感和色泽都很一般,cotton的发乌,merino的黑毛衣是我目前能买到的比较满意的. mm有什么建议? i like BR wool pant. Regular00 is a perfect fit for me that I dont need alternation anymore. BR has more patterns and fits than Jcrew too
but i still think Jcrew black wool pants are good. you can match fun tops to dress down them.
black sweater I like JCrew merino and cashmere ones. it is hard to find very black sweaters I totally agree.
以下是引用sunnyfield在2008-8-20 15:19:00的发言: Chic MM, thanks for your encourgement. I will try my best to see the rainbow someday and prove that I am not "water". If you do not mind, can you share with us one or two of the many ways that you use to keep going when thing are not very bright?
以下是引用Chic在2008-8-20 14:38:00的发言:
add oil... ^^..you are doing something that is really hard, there is no question about it.. the fact you are doing it means you are good and you should feel proud of it... there are so many ways to keep yourself going,haha...i can go on and on ...
I dont know how to comment on it since i dont know your specific situation. in general, the most helpful thing IMO is to seek help from your spouse, BF, good friends... ppl you care the most ..and to find new motivation from them. secondly, try to convince yourself that you enjoy what you are doing...There are many ways to self-motivate: new plans, good exercises, go to conferences, set up deadlines....I am vague, but trust me you can come up with series reboot procedures after struggling for several years.. [此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-21 8:48:48编辑过]
steamer的功效其实是被广告推销商给夸大了. 那个东西其实处理真丝或者轻薄面料上的小褶还可以, 真要让衣服平整如新, 还得需要多功能多档次的iron.
dryer的高温的确很毁衣服, 而且信不信由你, 带spandex的面料越烘越大.
还有J CREW的polo买来比较大而长,烘几次,就perfect fit了。
我的衣服都是烘的, 难怪穿过两次就不喜欢了.
me too...
steamer的功效其实是被广告推销商给夸大了. 那个东西其实处理真丝或者轻薄面料上的小褶还可以, 真要让衣服平整如新, 还得需要多功能多档次的iron.
dryer的高温的确很毁衣服, 而且信不信由你, 带spandex的面料越烘越大.
不是的。 steamer是超级有用的。 你看所有professional的handling都用steamer就知道了。
处理最普通的cotton,tee, 和shirt之类的要用大力气press的,最好还是用iron。
处理silk wool,和所有delicate design的东西,都是steamer更强大方便。。。
但好的steamer和差的steamer抚平褶皱的能力有天壤之别。 我推荐的那个,不会错的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-20 14:15:00编辑过]
还有J CREW的polo买来比较大而长,烘几次,就perfect fit了。
once you use steamer, you will never go back to iron..unless you need to hard press for lines and pleats.......
1。夏天穿西服上课是不是很热,我想象自己穿着黑色suit, 学生都穿着shorts and T-shirt?
2。我试了试上面穿衬衫,把衬衫塞在pants里面(这样比较正式),可是要在黑板上写字,一抬手,衬衫就会从pants中出来一点,就不平整了。想问问你有这个问题吗,是把衬衫拉出一点点吗?我怀疑是不是我买的衬衫不合适。 你今天秀的silver pinstripe pants 和jcrew top 会穿去给学生上课吗?
BTW, 那个衣服保养方子真是太有用了,受益匪浅。正准备去买几套suits,这下赶上了。
以下是引用Chic在2008-8-20 8:43:00的发言:
i wear suits to classroom.
no, dresses are not formal. sarah dress is for parties. =).
for MBA classroom, suits or at least formal jackets/blazers are must.
no, plenty of ways to make up lack of working experience. IMHO, working experience mostly helps with your poise, confidence, how mature you are psychologially; but NOT really with your knowledge. I dunno your major, for me, in order to keep up with the world, I read WSJ, economist, books, and HBS cases to get stories, as well as talking to colleagues and friends in the industry.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-20 14:19:02编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-20 10:45:10编辑过]
wow, really nice post! Thanks for sharing the tips on 衣物保养.
when you hang your suit, do you hang them in the bag to avoid dust? Would it be bad if the cloth doesn't get enough breath?
just hang them in the closets. I dont think dust bag is a must in the US..in china. they are
chic有个问题想请教一下。如果我穿黑色的suit配pencil skirt,穿黑色还是肉色的袜子啊?还有,有什么pump推荐吗?要正式点的,而且我穿那种敞口的pump总是不跟脚,无论size有多合适。如果方便,能帮我从jcrew的collection里面挑一双吗?多谢了。我很少很少穿pump,只有一双mary jane,肯定不合适裙装了。
pump BR Jcrew plain一点的那些都行。
颜色保守的mary jane没有问题!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-20 14:23:47编辑过]
pump BR Jcrew plain一点的那些都行。
颜色保守的mary jane没有问题!http://www.jcrew.com/AST/Browse/WomenBrowse/Women_Shop_By_Category/shoes/heels/PRDOVR~96594/96594.jsp
以下是引用Chic在2008-8-20 8:46:00的发言:
Chic MM, 谢谢你耐心的回答。从你的帖子中学到了好多。
1。夏天穿西服上课是不是很热,我想象自己穿着黑色suit, 学生都穿着shorts and T-shirt?
2。我试了试上面穿衬衫,把衬衫塞在pants里面(这样比较正式),可是要在黑板上写字,一抬手,衬衫就会从pants中出来一点,就不平整了。想问问你有这个问题吗,是把衬衫拉出一点点吗?我怀疑是不是我买的衬衫不合适。 你今天秀的silver pinstripe pants 和jcrew top 会穿去给学生上课吗?
BTW, 那个衣服保养方子真是太有用了,受益匪浅。正准备去买几套suits,这下赶上了。 不好意思,有两个问题我啥也想不明白:
2。我试了试上面穿衬衫,把衬衫塞在pants里面(这样比较正式),可是要在黑板上写字,一抬手,衬衫就会从pants中出来一点,就不平整了。想问问你有这个问题吗,是把衬衫拉出一点点吗?我怀疑是不是我买的衬衫不合适。 你今天秀的silver pinstripe pants 和jcrew top 会穿去给学生上课吗?
以下是引用Chic在2008-8-20 8:43:00的发言:
1。不会啦,有空调。 我一般穿浅色suit。 银灰,ivory之类的。 视觉上凉快一些。
2. 我的shirt一般很长。 不会完全出来,万一出来我也不去管它。
lana top不能上课。。我上课只穿suits。
Where can you buy 能熨袖管,裤管的小板子? I never found it and I don't want to leave harsh lines on my shirts' sleeves, so I just don't iron the sleeves. Pants are a little better since they are wider and I can leave a pressed line in the front
i got mine at target.
they sometimes carry it. i am sure amazon has some.
犯困不用hide。。证明你累了。。。不管为什么, 这个不过是生理反应,不是intentional的。。谁累了都困。。
以下是引用Chic在2008-8-20 8:46:00的发言:
add oil... ^^..you are doing something that is really hard, there is no question about it.. the fact you are doing it means you are good and you should feel proud of it... there are so many ways to keep yourself going,haha...i can go on and on ...
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-20 14:39:42编辑过]
add oil... ^^..you are doing something that is really hard, there is no question about it.. the fact you are doing it means you are good and you should feel proud of it... there are so many ways to keep yourself going,haha...i can go on and on ...
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-20 14:39:42编辑过]
please go on.......I am sort of stuck emotionally/lost the passion to work, and not spending as much time on my research.......
对熨衣服一直是心有余力不足。决定试试MM推荐的这个DD。 COSTCO卖得似乎便宜些:
sculpt and shape means highlighting parts you want to look higher/bigger/brighter and shading the parts you want to look smaller/deeper/darker.
right, you do NOT need foundation before MAC S&S.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-20 15:08:15编辑过]
please go on.......I am sort of stuck emotionally/lost the passion to work, and not spending as much time on my research.......
we all do once in a while... it comes and goes..
以下是引用Chic在2008-8-20 14:38:00的发言:
add oil... ^^..you are doing something that is really hard, there is no question about it.. the fact you are doing it means you are good and you should feel proud of it... there are so many ways to keep yourself going,haha...i can go on and on ...
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-20 14:39:42编辑过]
不是的。 steamer是超级有用的。 你看所有professional的handling都用steamer就知道了。
处理最普通的cotton,tee, 和shirt之类的要用大力气press的,最好还是用iron。
处理silk wool,和所有delicate design的东西,都是steamer更强大方便。。。
但好的steamer和差的steamer抚平褶皱的能力有天壤之别。 我推荐的那个,不会错的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-20 14:15:00编辑过]
以下是引用xinlaide在2008-8-20 14:51:00的发言:
please go on.......I am sort of stuck emotionally/lost the passion to work, and not spending as much time on my research.......
How about this one? 30 seconds heat up and it has the same rating.
Where do you usually get your "樟脑丸"?
bookmark 了,谢谢!
看到chic mm 连生活中的小事,买衣服,化妆都这么认真,真的佩服,而且很好奇你的星座,是不是处女座或者摩羯座的呀?
chic那么爱美,当然是libra (天平座)啦。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-20 21:06:00编辑过]
chic那么爱美,当然是libra (天平座)啦。我猜是blood type B or O.
chic美女, 偶觉得你以前不化妆,或者化很淡 很淡的妆更漂亮也。 偶好象很土。。。
xixi...i am experimenting...
Chic, the last post is so so useful! Thank you!
Where do you usually get your "樟脑丸"?
walmart. moth ball
chic那么爱美,当然是libra (天平座)啦。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-20 21:06:00编辑过] 半仙一号
我忙的时候也送店里的。 只有自己特喜欢,怕店里弄坏的自己搞。
chic mm能推荐一下jcrew的黑裤子吗?我觉得黑裤子很难买。wool suit pant显得太正式,cotton的又缺少自然的光泽。我喜欢tweed,可惜只能冬天穿。其实黑毛衣也不好买,cashmere的黑毛衣手感和色泽都很一般,cotton的发乌,merino的黑毛衣是我目前能买到的比较满意的. mm有什么建议?
i like BR wool pant. Regular00 is a perfect fit for me that I dont need alternation anymore. BR has more patterns and fits than Jcrew too
but i still think Jcrew black wool pants are good. you can match fun tops to dress down them.
black sweater I like JCrew merino and cashmere ones. it is hard to find very black sweaters I totally agree.
Chic MM, 你给学生上课时背的是啥样的包包?能不能推荐一下?我觉得背书包不合适,可是包小了东西又放不下,如课本,学生的试卷,笔记本电脑等等?
我觉得长得精致的电脑包就行。 不要带明显logo的。
I like Vince's black sweater
是的 vince sweater很不错。。好像charcoal颜色偏多。。
直播了,good morning!
Jcrwe linen shorts,black suede flats
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-22 17:31:16编辑过]
大部分都捐了。。。塞箱子的也有。 哈哈
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-21 8:42:31编辑过]
remember u r in west coast?
bellring gets up so early.
remember u r in west coast?
how come I think you are in the same city as IdeaQ?
so happy to know you are in east coast
how come I think you are in the same city as IdeaQ?
so happy to know you are in east coast
Chic MM, thanks for your encourgement. I will try my best to see the rainbow someday and prove that I am not "water". If you do not mind, can you share with us one or two of the many ways that you use to keep going when thing are not very bright?
以下是引用Chic在2008-8-20 14:38:00的发言:
add oil... ^^..you are doing something that is really hard, there is no question about it.. the fact you are doing it means you are good and you should feel proud of it... there are so many ways to keep yourself going,haha...i can go on and on ...
I dont know how to comment on it since i dont know your specific situation. in general, the most helpful thing IMO is to seek help from your spouse, BF, good friends... ppl you care the most ..and to find new motivation from them. secondly, try to convince yourself that you enjoy what you are doing...There are many ways to self-motivate: new plans, good exercises, go to conferences, set up deadlines....I am vague, but trust me you can come up with series reboot procedures after struggling for several years..
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-21 8:48:48编辑过]
嘻嘻,对呀,又说错了。不过说我在west coast也是有点道理的
嘻嘻,对呀,又说错了。不过说我在west coast也是有点道理的
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-21 8:42:31编辑过]
I got confused, 偶一边灌水,一边conference call
hahhahahah....咋那可怜。。。。big hug
这件蝙蝠衫和我昨天show得dkny得简直太一样了。:)我也特喜欢这种款式。 chic穿得很美。
chic sounds from shanghai?
you said 伊
难怪嘎精致, no wonder