1. Graco travel system stroller and carseat 2. Crib, mattress (more than 150 coil), mobile and crib set, fitting sheet 3. Changing table and Pad, and Pad cover 4. Breast milk pump, Medela in Advanced is good 5. Feeding bottles, Born free (this one is better, BPA-free) or Dr. Brown’s is good. 4-5OZ. 6. Bottle brush, to clean the bottle and nipple 7. Bottle microwave sterilizer 8. Receiving blankets, size 30 in x 40 in 9. Swaddle Me infant wrap 10. 0-3 month baby clothes, front open is better. 11. Hat, socks & Mitten 12. Bibs 13. Diaper, size: N for new born, or size one is also ok. Papmers or huggies is good. 14. Wipes 15. Bath tube 16. Wash cloth 17. Dreft detergent, good to wash baby’s clothes 18. Bouncer or Swing 19. Pacifier 20. Baby Thermometer (usually hospital will give you a simple digital one)
Basic Medical Care 1. Breast Cream, Called Lansinoh lanolin; this protects breast feeding mom 2. Diaper rash cream, Desitin is good, or other brand, it contains zinc oxide. 3. Baby Nasal Aspirator and Saline nasal spray, to clean baby’s nose 4. Baby oil/powder 5. Aquaphor, help to protect baby’s skin 6. 70% Alcohol and cotton swab, clean the umbilical cord three times a day until it drops off. [此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-17 15:39:35编辑过]
Basic Stuff
1. Graco travel system stroller and carseat
2. Crib, mattress (more than 150 coil), mobile and crib set, fitting sheet
3. Changing table and Pad, and Pad cover
4. Breast milk pump, Medela in Advanced is good
5. Feeding bottles, Born free (this one is better, BPA-free) or Dr. Brown’s is good. 4-5OZ.
6. Bottle brush, to clean the bottle and nipple
7. Bottle microwave sterilizer
8. Receiving blankets, size 30 in x 40 in
9. Swaddle Me infant wrap
10. 0-3 month baby clothes, front open is better.
11. Hat, socks & Mitten
12. Bibs
13. Diaper, size: N for new born, or size one is also ok. Papmers or huggies is good.
14. Wipes
15. Bath tube
16. Wash cloth
17. Dreft detergent, good to wash baby’s clothes
18. Bouncer or Swing
19. Pacifier
20. Baby Thermometer (usually hospital will give you a simple digital one)
Basic Medical Care
1. Breast Cream, Called Lansinoh lanolin; this protects breast feeding mom
2. Diaper rash cream, Desitin is good, or other brand, it contains zinc oxide.
3. Baby Nasal Aspirator and Saline nasal spray, to clean baby’s nose
4. Baby oil/powder
5. Aquaphor, help to protect baby’s skin
6. 70% Alcohol and cotton swab, clean the umbilical cord three times a day until it drops off.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-17 15:39:35编辑过]
2. Crib, mattress (more than 150 coil), mobile and crib set, fitting sheet....lz....這150的是什麼來著啊~~謝謝...
床垫的COIL越多,就越硬,小于150 COIL的太软不利于宝宝的脊椎
床垫的COIL越多,就越硬,小于150 COIL的太软不利于宝宝的脊椎
其实早点儿屯也有好处,可以等deal 省些钱
nursing bra
nursing pad
boppy pillow
nursing bra
nursing pad
boppy pillow
问一声,boppy pillow 是干吗用的?
1. 从医院回来,顺产,下面伤口很痛,可以坐在这个上面,因为中间有洞,会好一点.没这么疼.
2.喂奶的时候抱着孩子可以把这垫在孩子身下,这样抱得比较省力,也好换姿势. 不过我用不来,所以在生完两星期伤口没有这么疼痛难受了,我对它也弃之不用了.
1. 从医院回来,顺产,下面伤口很痛,可以坐在这个上面,因为中间有洞,会好一点.没这么疼.
2.喂奶的时候抱着孩子可以把这垫在孩子身下,这样抱得比较省力,也好换姿势. 不过我用不来,所以在生完两星期伤口没有这么疼痛难受了,我对它也弃之不用了.
4. Baby oil/powder
Some books don't recommend using baby powder. Baby oil is safer since powder has the potential to get inhaled which would be bad for babies.