BPA free bottles and cups: Insulated 9 oz Printed Cup with Flip-It Straw (BPA in flip-it straw cover)
7oz and 11 oz 3 Stage Standard Bottle w/ handles (not to be confused with the 3 Stage polycarbonate bottles seen below)
10 oz Tinted Standard Bottles with Non-drip Nipple 3 Pack
Easy Grip 10 oz No-Spill Sports Sipper
10 oz Easy Grip No-Spill Sipper with soft silicone spout Also called the Gripper Cup with soft silicone spout
9oz No-spill Printed Cup with Silicone Spout 2 pack
9 oz Printed Insulated No-spill Cup with Silicone Spout 2 Pack
10 oz 2 Handle Cup with Soft Silicone Spout Also called 2 Handle No-spill 10 oz Cup
9oz Insulated No-spill Cup with Flip-it Cap 2 Pack (BPA in flip-it cap)
9oz No-Spill Printed Cup with Flip-it Straw (BPA in flip-it straw cover)
12 oz No-Spill Sport Sipper Also called 12 oz No-spill Gripper (or Easy Grip) Sport Sipper
7oz Non-Drip Standard Bottles 3pk
11oz Non-Drip Standard Bottles 3pk
12 oz No-spill Mega Sipper With Fat Flip-It Straw Also called 12 oz Mega Sipper, and 12oz No-Spill Sipper with Flip it Straw (BPA in flip-it straw cover* - see Update below)
14 oz Tinted Flip-It Leak-proof Straw Cup Also called the 10 & 14 oz Sport Sipper (BPA in flip-it straw cover)
我这里就贴一下BPA free 的产品的图和 含BPA 的产品图
BPA free bottles and cups:
Insulated 9 oz Printed Cup with Flip-It Straw (BPA in flip-it straw cover)
7oz and 11 oz 3 Stage Standard Bottle w/ handles (not to be confused with the 3 Stage polycarbonate bottles seen below)
10 oz Tinted Standard Bottles with Non-drip Nipple 3 Pack
Easy Grip 10 oz No-Spill Sports Sipper
10 oz Easy Grip No-Spill Sipper with soft silicone spout Also called the Gripper Cup with soft silicone spout
9oz No-spill Printed Cup with Silicone Spout 2 pack
9 oz Printed Insulated No-spill Cup with Silicone Spout 2 Pack
10 oz 2 Handle Cup with Soft Silicone Spout Also called 2 Handle No-spill 10 oz Cup
9oz Insulated No-spill Cup with Flip-it Cap 2 Pack (BPA in flip-it cap)
9oz No-Spill Printed Cup with Flip-it Straw (BPA in flip-it straw cover)
12 oz No-Spill Sport Sipper Also called 12 oz No-spill Gripper (or Easy Grip) Sport Sipper
7oz Non-Drip Standard Bottles 3pk
11oz Non-Drip Standard Bottles 3pk
12 oz No-spill Mega Sipper With Fat Flip-It Straw
Also called 12 oz Mega Sipper, and 12oz No-Spill Sipper with Flip it Straw (BPA in flip-it straw cover* - see Update below)
14 oz Tinted Flip-It Leak-proof Straw Cup
Also called the 10 & 14 oz Sport Sipper (BPA in flip-it straw cover)
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-22 0:00:22编辑过]
7 oz Two Handle Cup with Valveless No-Spill Soft Silicone Spout with Vari-Flow Feature
Nuby Two Handle Cup with Fat Flip-it Straw Top
Nuby 7oz Two Handle Cup with Valveless No-Spill Spout
Tinted No-spill Cup with Handles
9oz No Spill Clear Printed Cup (BPA in valve)
9oz No-spill Printed Cup with Flip-it Cap (BPA in valve and cap)
All Nuby No-spill Valves Currently Contain BPA
7oz No-spill Printed Cup (BPA in valve)
7oz and 9oz 3 Stage Grow Nurser with Handles, both Wide Neck and Standard Bottles
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-22 0:08:49编辑过]
不过有一点不太理解,在bpa产品的list上有一个:All Nuby No-spill Valves Currently Contain BPA, 那前面的No-spill的杯子不是都有这个阀吗,怎么还是BPA-free的呢?
不过有一点不太理解,在bpa产品的list上有一个:All Nuby No-spill Valves Currently Contain BPA, 那前面的No-spill的杯子不是都有这个阀吗,怎么还是BPA-free的呢?
No all cups use the valves.
thanks for infor!
弱弱的问: BPA in flip-it straw cover是直那个小盖子含BPA吗?