姐姐告诉我,我该怎么证明自己呢?也对这个家庭有贡献?我该出去打工?我曾经想过,我们这边有招babysitter,但是他不愿意哦 first of all, what do you think of yourself?
it is reasonable that you are depending on him right now becuz you are a new comer to this country
like the first a few months i was here ( icame here for marriage too), i didnt know anything about how to pay bills, how to shop for some certain things.and definately i was living on his money,cuz i couldnt take care of the family as much as i wanted to. but first , you got to have a mind that you are not going to live like this forever. then you start to be involved more and more in the family, i dont know about you but i can talk about myself....if you are interested....
赡养自己的母亲这是一开始就要考虑到的问题,怎么会到了结婚后才想到这是个问题。 well said, that is my question to lz. lz's mom's health problem has been existing for a while and lz should have plan before marriage.
and yes, he can hire cooks, he can hire house cleaners, he can almost buy everything with his money, and definately he can make a living without you
but lets see, once you are more involved in this family, can a party company replace a warm herted pretty loving party hostess? can a nanny replace a loving mother? can the cook replace a romantic dinner with lover's face across your seat? no...he can make a living ,but if he is really in love with you, he can not make a happy life without you. he can even buy sex with money, but can he buy the passion of the love which shows without any faking from a lovely woman's face?
if he thinks his marriage is only a jin3 shang4 tian1 hua1 to his life instead of the reason he is living the happiest moment in his life, then....get him on huaren, i will give him a lesson [此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-9 11:51:37编辑过]
considering his age, its normal that he needs a kid right now
but now im confused, i dont know why you guys got married at the first place, if you can give more details....we can't judge you or your hubby with only a small peek into your life...
it is reasonable that you are depending on him right now becuz you are a new comer to this country
like the first a few months i was here ( icame here for marriage too), i didnt know anything about how to pay bills, how to shop for some certain things.and definately i was living on his money,cuz i couldnt take care of the family as much as i wanted to. but first , you got to have a mind that you are not going to live like this forever. then you start to be involved more and more in the family, i dont know about you but i can talk about myself....if you are interested....
i see too many of this kind of words from your replies. you want me be honest? i feel a little sad for you. you already assume yourself a position to be a follower of your husband.
considering his age, its normal that he needs a kid right now
but now im confused, i dont know why you guys got married at the first place, if you can give more details....we can't judge you or your hubby with only a small peek into your life... 这就是为什么我问lz跟lg是怎么认识的。
i see too many of this kind of words from your replies. you want me be honest? i feel a little sad for you. you already assume yourself a position to be a follower of your husband. 我觉得也是,现在有这样的感觉,不知道该怎么办 [此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-9 12:03:07编辑过]
i dont have too much time here, but i d love to say something here, because we are on the same boat, we came here for marriage and love, well, you are in a luxury cruise i m in a broken little junk, lol, but anyway, i can say that i m having a pretty much happy life by so far, i think this has to do with the following key points:
1. why we got married. cuz we make each other's life happier and complete. either my lg or i could say without any dount that i cant live without her/him. you need your spouse not becuz you need spouse's money. then the same thing, you dont need spouse's money doenst mean you dont need your spouse. we believe that our love is the key that we can live happy now. sh*t happens all the time, but as long as we are together, nothing matters. personally i think this is why we should have a marriage.
2. i have been through the time that i dont know why im here. i didnt make money, i was a bad housekeeper, then i was thinking, why he still wanted me here, he could live the same without me(like what you lg said),but then i realized, even just a cup of tea you get from your wife or husband means so different with a cup of 5 dollar starbucks coffee.
3. if you think you are depending on your husband, then i have to say, yes you are. but hey, in fact you dont have to.yes right now you need his help to get more used to the life in the states, but isnt that a normal thing that lovers help each other when one of them is in a difficult situation? if you want to be independant, maybe you got to say the same thing: i can live without him literraly except my heart will be broken becuz i lose the love. you have so many choices ahead of you, you came here for love, so it doesnt mean you have to crawl into american society to have a better life. you can pack and go, you can do a lot of things in your life without him. so say it to yourself, sis, you are not depending on him, let alone your mother.
4. talking about your mother, i know even you dont really know what the detailed things you should do for her right now. so leave the doubts alone about your husband, tell him you r missing your mother, you wish you could do something for her, right now maybe she needs more emotional comfort than just money from you. tell your hubby, even just a bunch of flowers might make my mother's day. if he ever has any doubt that you are going to just rob money from him to give it to your mother, by this he should understand that it is not about money, it is more about family love, just like how he cares for his family
ok i got to go, wish you good luck [此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-9 12:21:29编辑过]
所以lz最好给more details,不然为什么你觉得你lg不信任你?也许他的确是好人,只是还没有build trust with you,也许最好你还是和他的ex一样,早点回去算了。 dianzhang, I edited. would you please delete the quote?3x
MM, you are lucky that your LG didn't talk sweet, he was just being honest with you. (I was in the same age as you in the very first relationship, a much older BF "talked the talks" never "walked the walks", My ideal life was that I would met someone special, fell in love and live happily ever after, I had a couple good guy friends while growing up, never in a serious relationship though, easily trapped by an old experienced guy, this is Qing Chang Lao Shou)
since I don't have the full picture of your situation, I have two suggestions: 1.have a baby as he and his family wanted if you want to stay in the marriage, that's why he thinks he married you. by any means if you won't be able to tolerate him later, you will get the child support.
2.leave as soon as you can, there is no point to just hang around longer, waste your time!
but in that thread, lz said the hubby is going to give her 10k, she can use it as she wants. If that's true, lz can send money to mom yah. but I doubt if he really gave her that money...
but in that thread, lz said the hubby is going to give her 10k, she can use it as she wants. If that's true, lz can send money to mom yah. but I doubt if he really gave her that money...
i think that's just his hubby's BS. 漂亮话说着, lzmm 面皮这么薄, 什么都不懂, 爱情第一的, 绝对说不出要钱的话来。 要是说了,他肯定会义正言辞, 说是图他的钱了。 或者退一步, 说你不会理财, 我在银行工作, 我给你钱, 但是我来帮你管, 一下子就把寄给丈母娘的话都回去了
first of all, what do you think of yourself?
it is reasonable that you are depending on him right now becuz you are a new comer to this country
like the first a few months i was here ( icame here for marriage too), i didnt know anything about how to pay bills, how to shop for some certain things.and definately i was living on his money,cuz i couldnt take care of the family as much as i wanted to. but first , you got to have a mind that you are not going to live like this forever. then you start to be involved more and more in the family, i dont know about you but i can talk about myself....if you are interested....
must be rich
我斗胆问一下,lz跟lg谈恋爱的时候,有没有探讨过将来自己双方的父母怎么办呢? 尤其是象你这样一个人嫁到美国来的。 不一定是严肃的探讨,但也可以沟通一下说说各自对未来的小家,还有大家的打算。 这样也是增进互相了解的一个方式呀。
well said, that is my question to lz.
lz's mom's health problem has been existing for a while and lz should have plan before marriage.
but lets see, once you are more involved in this family, can a party company replace a warm herted pretty loving party hostess? can a nanny replace a loving mother? can the cook replace a romantic dinner with lover's face across your seat? no...he can make a living ,but if he is really in love with you, he can not make a happy life without you. he can even buy sex with money, but can he buy the passion of the love which shows without any faking from a lovely woman's face?
if he thinks his marriage is only a jin3 shang4 tian1 hua1 to his life instead of the reason he is living the happiest moment in his life, then....get him on huaren, i will give him a lesson
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-9 11:51:37编辑过]
lz 你自己想明白了怎么安排母亲了吗?如果如你说的又不惦记老公寄钱又不非要把妈妈接过来同住.......那你到底是想怎样呢?
considering his age, its normal that he needs a kid right now
but now im confused, i dont know why you guys got married at the first place, if you can give more details....we can't judge you or your hubby with only a small peek into your life...
first of all, what do you think of yourself?
it is reasonable that you are depending on him right now becuz you are a new comer to this country
like the first a few months i was here ( icame here for marriage too), i didnt know anything about how to pay bills, how to shop for some certain things.and definately i was living on his money,cuz i couldnt take care of the family as much as i wanted to. but first , you got to have a mind that you are not going to live like this forever. then you start to be involved more and more in the family, i dont know about you but i can talk about myself....if you are interested....
i see too many of this kind of words from your replies. you want me be honest? i feel a little sad for you. you already assume yourself a position to be a follower of your husband.
______________how about you?The answer should be in your heart.
but the big difference is i am poor and you are rich ah
considering his age, its normal that he needs a kid right now
but now im confused, i dont know why you guys got married at the first place, if you can give more details....we can't judge you or your hubby with only a small peek into your life... 这就是为什么我问lz跟lg是怎么认识的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-9 12:07:39编辑过]
same question with zhuxiaodi.
it may take time to build up in the marriage
pray for LZ, what kind of man you have just married?!
i see too many of this kind of words from your replies. you want me be honest? i feel a little sad for you. you already assume yourself a position to be a follower of your husband.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-9 12:03:07编辑过]
好奇lz mm跟lg怎么认识的呀? 我今天太8了,真不好意思。
//handhand, me 8 too.
but the big difference is i am poor and you are rich ah
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-9 12:06:24编辑过]
it is normal..
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-9 12:12:49编辑过]
but the big difference is i am poor and you are rich ah
top 1%
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-9 12:09:11编辑过]
1. why we got married. cuz we make each other's life happier and complete. either my lg or i could say without any dount that i cant live without her/him. you need your spouse not becuz you need spouse's money. then the same thing, you dont need spouse's money doenst mean you dont need your spouse. we believe that our love is the key that we can live happy now. sh*t happens all the time, but as long as we are together, nothing matters. personally i think this is why we should have a marriage.
2. i have been through the time that i dont know why im here. i didnt make money, i was a bad housekeeper, then i was thinking, why he still wanted me here, he could live the same without me(like what you lg said),but then i realized, even just a cup of tea you get from your wife or husband means so different with a cup of 5 dollar starbucks coffee.
3. if you think you are depending on your husband, then i have to say, yes you are. but hey, in fact you dont have to.yes right now you need his help to get more used to the life in the states, but isnt that a normal thing that lovers help each other when one of them is in a difficult situation? if you want to be independant, maybe you got to say the same thing: i can live without him literraly except my heart will be broken becuz i lose the love. you have so many choices ahead of you, you came here for love, so it doesnt mean you have to crawl into american society to have a better life. you can pack and go, you can do a lot of things in your life without him. so say it to yourself, sis, you are not depending on him, let alone your mother.
4. talking about your mother, i know even you dont really know what the detailed things you should do for her right now. so leave the doubts alone about your husband, tell him you r missing your mother, you wish you could do something for her, right now maybe she needs more emotional comfort than just money from you. tell your hubby, even just a bunch of flowers might make my mother's day. if he ever has any doubt that you are going to just rob money from him to give it to your mother, by this he should understand that it is not about money, it is more about family love, just like how he cares for his family
ok i got to go, wish you good luck
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-9 12:21:29编辑过]
所以lz最好给more details,不然为什么你觉得你lg不信任你?也许他的确是好人,只是还没有build trust with you,也许最好你还是和他的ex一样,早点回去算了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-9 12:15:35编辑过]
another difference is that lianma and lianba married based on love, what about you:lz?
我问lz mm跟lg怎么认识的,不是我8,其实是真的想帮你分析一下你们爱情的基础有多少。
mm说为了爱情,什么都不顾的就来了。 但如果对一个人了解不够深的话,何谈爱情? 也许我真的是心太老了,不容易相信那种不顾一切的爱情。
我问lz mm跟lg怎么认识的,不是我8,其实是真的想帮你分析一下你们爱情的基础有多少。
mm说为了爱情,什么都不顾的就来了。 但如果对一个人了解不够深的话,何谈爱情? 也许我真的是心太老了,不容易相信那种不顾一切的爱情。
所以lz最好给more details,不然为什么你觉得你lg不信任你?也许他的确是好人,只是还没有build trust with you,也许最好你还是和他的ex一样,早点回去算了。
dianzhang, I edited. would you please delete the quote?3x
我问lz mm跟lg怎么认识的,不是我8,其实是真的想帮你分析一下你们爱情的基础有多少。
mm说为了爱情,什么都不顾的就来了。 但如果对一个人了解不够深的话,何谈爱情? 也许我真的是心太老了,不容易相信那种不顾一切的爱情。
my soulmate,wineheart!!
I heard lots of similar stories.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-9 12:19:25编辑过]
其实,我小声说,我有时候也怀疑我lg到了他这把年纪遇到我,到底还有多少激情。 不过他更多的是对家庭的责任和忠诚,对老婆孩子的爱护,我就够了。 风花雪月那东西,虽然我年龄不大,但早也看得比较开了。
my soulmate,wineheart!!
hands hands
其实,我小声说,我有时候也怀疑我lg到了他这把年纪遇到我,到底还有多少激情。 不过他更多的是对家庭的责任和忠诚,对老婆孩子的爱护,我就够了。 风花雪月那东西,虽然我年龄不大,但早也看得比较开了。
我问lz mm跟lg怎么认识的,不是我8,其实是真的想帮你分析一下你们爱情的基础有多少。
mm说为了爱情,什么都不顾的就来了。 但如果对一个人了解不够深的话,何谈爱情? 也许我真的是心太老了,不容易相信那种不顾一切的爱情。
你老公的收入如果多于20万一年而还不肯每月出300yuan的话,那是他对你极度不信任,如果年薪小于10万,那是有心无力。如果年薪20万的40岁男子,房产大约应是80-100万,车子至少5万以上, 家庭支出每月至少在1 万元左右,不是不相信你先生的话,实在是如果真是1%, 不会到40岁才再结婚,而且是回国搬运,
学英语,自学,上课,英语好了,即使去BANK 作CASHIER也没什么不好。
还有, 你先生给你家用吗? 你有信用卡,驾照吗? 先把这些拿到手。
since I don't have the full picture of your situation, I have two suggestions:
1.have a baby as he and his family wanted if you want to stay in the marriage, that's why he thinks he married you.
by any means if you won't be able to tolerate him later, you will get the child support.
2.leave as soon as you can, there is no point to just hang around longer, waste your time!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-9 13:44:20编辑过]
你妈妈多大岁数,你才26, 你妈妈能多老,也不过50 出头吧, 还有就是他的病, 糖尿病一般就是靠养,注意饮食和锻炼,胰腺炎,既是炎症呢个,就有好的时候,重要的也是饮食 ,不要暴饮暴食,还有青光眼,根据年龄来说,也不是非常严重吧,如果你妈妈现在70岁以上,有这些病是非常让人的担心的,但是如果使50岁出头, 实在很难不让人觉得是。。。
你老公的收入如果多于20万一年而还不肯每月出300yuan的话,那是他对你极度不信任,如果年薪小于10万,那是有心无力。如果年薪20万的40岁男子,房产大约应是80-100万,车子至少5万以上, 家庭支出每月至少在1 万元左右,不是不相信你先生的话,实在是如果真是1%, 不会到40岁才再结婚,而且是回国搬运,
学英语,自学,上课,英语好了,即使去BANK 作CASHIER也没什么不好。
还有, 你先生给你家用吗? 你有信用卡,驾照吗? 先把这些拿到手。
I support this MM's last sentence!!!
反过来说 这样的老男人也有很多好处,他们有基础,生活能力强,不容易情绪化,出轨纪律也小,到时建立感情以后过日子的好对象。关键就是你能不能赢得他的信任和感情了。
look at this thread....sigh
看了这个才明白, 你这个老公, 太会忽悠了。
给自己找退路吧, 他跟本不怎么爱你
看了这个才明白, 你这个老公, 太会忽悠了。
给自己找退路吧, 他跟本不怎么爱你
he just needs company, a low cost company...
but in that thread, lz said the hubby is going to give her 10k, she can use it as she wants. If that's true, lz can send money to mom yah. but I doubt if he really gave her that money...
he just needs company, a low cost company...
but in that thread, lz said the hubby is going to give her 10k, she can use it as she wants. If that's true, lz can send money to mom yah. but I doubt if he really gave her that money...
i think that's just his hubby's BS. 漂亮话说着, lzmm 面皮这么薄, 什么都不懂, 爱情第一的, 绝对说不出要钱的话来。 要是说了,他肯定会义正言辞, 说是图他的钱了。 或者退一步, 说你不会理财, 我在银行工作, 我给你钱, 但是我来帮你管, 一下子就把寄给丈母娘的话都回去了
1 carat diamond < half month salary
went to read that post, sigh~
1 carat diamond < half month salary
wall street的是不是bonus很多?有一年看报道,说是平均交易员的bonus就上米了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-9 15:05:16编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-9 15:05:44编辑过]
wall street的是不是bonus很多?有一年看报道,说是平均交易员的bonus就上米了。
T家一克拉是1万-2万1之间。 1万的是最次的。
wall street的是不是bonus很多?有一年看报道,说是平均交易员的bonus就上米了。
颜色D-E的,Clarity VS1的,15000-17000
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-9 15:05:16编辑过]
T家一克拉是1万-2万1之间。 1万的是最次的。
颜色D-E的,Clarity VS1的,15000-17000
forgive my waste words...
看来我落伍了。好久没去看price了。 你都有大石头了,还看什么。
nod nod. diamond + 1% = hot post
after read the ring post, I am speechless...
forgive my waste words...
you are not along. Poor me.... after climbing all the floors...
nod nod. diamond + 1% = hot post
and in-law relationship...
还有一个整1克拉的,就是因为参数好,D色,VVS1, 21000。
还有一个整1克拉的,就是因为参数好,D色,VVS1, 21000。
还有一个整1克拉的,就是因为参数好,D色,VVS1, 21000。
use this number, he may get in 1%.
42,000/month * 12 = 500,000/yr
因为据说这样比较保值。 看上去大好多。
把我卖了也买不起啊。 而且昨天那sales说年底1。5以上的会涨价,年初已经涨过一次了。
把我卖了也买不起啊。 而且昨天那sales说年底1。5以上的会涨价,年初已经涨过一次了。
是吗?? 我说我刚才去bluenile看了一眼,怎么觉得bluenile也这么贵了。
因为据说这样比较保值。 看上去大好多。
after read the ring post, I am speechless...
forgive my waste words...
看了钻石贴, 我觉得LZMM被这个老男人忽悠了. 他就是想给自己找个生儿育女, 照顾他和家庭的人, 同时又不想付出, 又把钱看得紧紧的, 防着LP. LZMM又提上学自立, 又提妈妈养老的事, 他防得很紧啊, 生怕当了邮递员.
hands hands
颜色D-E的,Clarity VS1的,15000-17000
xs56.............you 8 po men!