Nothing's more important than keeping your child safe. Nothing. The Graco Bravo Nautilus 3-in-1 car seat is designed for both versatility and safety, offering right-size comfort and protection as your child grows. Nautilus is a harness seat, a high-back booster and a backless booster. Because it adapts as your child grows, from age 1 to age 10, you can buy one Nautilus instead of a toddler seat, booster seat and backless booster. One seat instead of three, without compromising on safety. Nautilus is the last car seat you'll ever need to buy.
Product Features: 3-in-1 muli-mode Car Seat for longer use Extended 5 point harness use from 20-65 lbs Converts into High-back belt positioning booster for use from 30 to 100 lbs Converts into Backless booster for use from 40 to 100 lbs 3 position recline for proper installation and comfort Overmolded armrests with easy access side storage One hand height adjustable head support grows with the child Open loop belt guides Premium softgoods package with full body pillow for added comfort Includes EPS, energy absorbing foam Machine washable fabric seat pads Can only be used as forward facing car seat [此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-19 13:38:24编辑过]
以下是引用as_still_water在2008-2-19 13:35:00的发言: 马拉松很好用啊,强烈推荐。。。孩子坐在上面看着就舒服,从来没有发生过反抗行为 我们那时候是从这个网上买的,219而已,比亚马逊便宜50刀,还FS 谢谢静水mm! amazon上有款britax boulv $299->$229. Just because the price and we had some amazon gift certificate, I think it may be better than Marathon?
以下是引用Jasmine_Tea在2008-2-19 13:39:00的发言: 谢谢静水mm! amazon上有款britax boulv $299->$229. Just because the price and we had some amazon gift certificate, I think it may be better than Marathon? 这个还可以防侧撞吧,价钱也不错,不是更好?
以下是引用Jasmine_Tea在2008-2-19 13:39:00的发言: 谢谢静水mm! amazon上有款britax boulv $299->$229. Just because the price and we had some amazon gift certificate, I think it may be better than Marathon? 不客气。你说的这个我没有用过,不过看价钱是比马拉松贵一档的样子
不懂帮顶。欧最近也为买car seat发愁呢。想买马拉松,可是小贵。在别的网站上看见有人推荐一款类似的,比马拉松便宜多了,才150。 不知道该买哪个了。也不知道该不该在lz的帖子里问。
more important than keeping your child safe. Nothing. The Graco Bravo
Nautilus 3-in-1 car seat is designed for both versatility and safety,
offering right-size comfort and protection as your child grows.
Nautilus is a harness seat, a high-back booster and a backless booster.
Because it adapts as your child grows, from age 1 to age 10, you can
buy one Nautilus instead of a toddler seat, booster seat and backless
booster. One seat instead of three, without compromising on safety.
Nautilus is the last car seat you'll ever need to buy.
Product Features: 3-in-1 muli-mode Car Seat for longer use Extended 5 point harness use from 20-65 lbs Converts into High-back belt positioning booster for use from 30 to 100 lbs Converts into Backless booster for use from 40 to 100 lbs 3 position recline for proper installation and comfort Overmolded armrests with easy access side storage One hand height adjustable head support grows with the child Open loop belt guides Premium softgoods package with full body pillow for added comfort Includes EPS, energy absorbing foam Machine washable fabric seat pads Can only be used as forward facing car seat
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-19 13:38:24编辑过]
不懂帮顶。欧最近也为买car seat发愁呢。想买马拉松,可是小贵。在别的网站上看见有人推荐一款类似的,比马拉松便宜多了,才150。 不知道该买哪个了。也不知道该不该在lz的帖子里问。
150的是什马牌子的呀?也在为买car seat 发愁。几乎就要买britax boulvound 了,可又见有人说不好,又倾向marathon了。 我们用这个,我觉得很好,难得跟风跟次对的。我觉得质量很好,还挺宽敞,宝宝坐着貌似也很舒服。 那个pp3我又发现个不好的地方,那个安全带挂在后面貌似很不牢靠,宝宝很容易就能折腾下来,现在宝宝又喜欢坐,还坐不稳当,每次推着我都有点胆战心惊的。
谢谢静水mm! amazon上有款britax boulv $299->$229. Just because the price and we had some amazon gift certificate, I think it may be better than Marathon? 这个还可以防侧撞吧,价钱也不错,不是更好?
谢谢静水mm! amazon上有款britax boulv $299->$229. Just because the price and we had some amazon gift certificate, I think it may be better than Marathon? 不客气。你说的这个我没有用过,不过看价钱是比马拉松贵一档的样子
这个光看外表不行的吧。 性能, 重量, 还有其他。。。 轮子好不好推等。 我昨天是带了娃去试的,我推了,她坐了,似乎俩个差别不大,可惜我娃不会说话,要是她能告诉我她喜欢那个就好了。 Quest肯定是不会错的,那是经过了众人的评判。我是拿不准这个新牌子的可靠性啊什么的,如果差不多的话,就想买这个便宜的了。相当于半价啊
我昨天是带了娃去试的,我推了,她坐了,似乎俩个差别不大,可惜我娃不会说话,要是她能告诉我她喜欢那个就好了。 Quest肯定是不会错的,那是经过了众人的评判。我是拿不准这个新牌子的可靠性啊什么的,如果差不多的话,就想买这个便宜的了。相当于半价啊