It seems to be a Princeton girl in ee department as somebody claims. And, more intriguing is that the girl deleted her stories immediately after the princeton girl's resume and photo were revealt online. So.... who knows?
以下是引用kivini在2008-2-19 13:21:00的发言: 我也是刚看了一点,本来开过在华人转的帖子,可是后来说不让转,我就没看下去,现在才重温了开头。。后来看到天涯的帖子,现在down了以后看。不过天涯讨论charlene_l是不是灭绝师太,我发现在开头,精英男给她生日唱歌,歌曲名“精英男说这首曲子叫Cher *****(我的大名)” ,如果可能是笔误,会不会就是Charlene的开头?有会多国语言的么?cher有什么意思的么,反正觉得不是英文的说 [em cher is francais, means "dear"
I followed the long story for a while. As I know, the last one she talked is a little handsome american asian-her student when she was TA. Am I wrong? or no picture? BTW, what does ORZ mean?
以下是引用jarvi在2008-2-27 12:51:00的发言: 我倒觉得她跟高尚男很配 故事到了后来,明显高尚男比她蠢多了,所以才被踢掉,看了照片更理解她的决定了 另外,她和暗恋男的故事有点像scarlett and ashley in gone with the wind, 总觉得暗恋男被她过度美化,因为各种原因造成的距离, 真正到手,一定很快腻味,而她的生活的butler又还没出现
以下是引用tinytoy在2008-2-28 0:06:00的发言: 我觉得大家觉得她猥琐是因为天涯上她是自己用另外的马甲(她的英文真名)登陆自己故意暴露自己的,并且引以为乐。 另外就是大家后来发现原来这几个所谓爱情故事,原来是同时发生在当事人身上,而她而一直以精英男的未婚妻自居。 虽然故事和现实不一样,不过就上面两条还不够猥琐吗?我觉得大家也不要一提mit, 就说wsn。 具体可以看看天涯上面的总结,纵然也片面至少可以看看另一个角度的故事 This is just a story. When I read it, I never think it is completely true. I don't believe that her boyfriend was unware of her other relationships if she was dating around, if they were living together, as other people said. Nobody is that naive. If they have agreed on a open relationship, there is nothing wrong for her to sleep around, or have some fantasy. It is just personal choice. [此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-28 13:04:28编辑过]
以下是引用manoe在2008-2-28 13:01:00的发言: This is just a story. When I read it, I never think it is completely true. I don't believe that her boyfriend was unware of her other relationships if she was dating around, if they were living together, as other people said. Nobody is that naive. If they have agreed on a open relationship, there is nothing wrong for her to sleep around, or have some fantasy. It is just personal choice. You may read it as whatever you want. And, it may be better for you to keep thinking that way. =) If it's just a story, why do you need to make excuses for her anyways?
以下是引用tinytoy在2008-2-28 13:18:00的发言: You may read it as whatever you want. And, it may be better for you to keep thinking that way. =) If it's just a story, why do you need to make excuses for her anyways? Because I like reading her story, quite entertaining. It is a pity to let this story spoiled by judgemental comments. I really don't care what kind of person she is behind the story. If she cheated on her boyfriend, it is their business, not mine.
以下是引用manoe在2008-2-28 13:26:00的发言: Because I like reading her story, quite entertaining. It is a pity to let this story spoiled by judgemental comments. I really don't care what kind of person she is behind the story. If she cheated on her boyfriend, it is their business, not mine. I agree with you (I like her story too), and that's the reason that I suggested you read it merely as a story. No offense. But as one mm said above, "确实哦。我看天涯那个贴里还有人贴出来这位mm和自己马甲自问自答。觉得很汗。哈哈, 很多时候就是这样,以为自己聪明到可以把全世界都玩了,其实还指不定是谁在玩谁呢, 呵呵我好酸哦。 " If a story can be read in another way around, and more entertaining, why not?
请问P大是指Princeton吗?? 北大啦
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-18 22:13:47编辑过]
what is 灭绝师太??
*****(我的大名)” ,如果可能是笔误,会不会就是Charlene的开头?有会多国语言的么?cher有什么意思的么,反正觉得不是英文的说
*****(我的大名)” ,如果可能是笔误,会不会就是Charlene的开头?有会多国语言的么?cher有什么意思的么,反正觉得不是英文的说
MM, 汇报一下哈,现在有完整的帖子。。。偶看完了,文笔真好。。。天涯真牛呀,八出了人名不说,还有所有当事人的照片
女主角:师太=JIAPING LIU=charlene_L
一号男主角:精英男=Tim STL事件曝光后,照片删除)
在这儿~~~ 事件人物回顾:
女主角:师太=JIAPING LIU=charlene_L
一号男主角:精英男=Tim STL事件曝光后,照片删除)
不是北大的,是上海某大学毕业的,P大指的是Princeton 她自己的简历上说是上海交大的, 笔风很不错, 故事就有点
第四个男是咋回事啊,我之跟到高尚男,谁给简介下哈 四号A男是作者暗恋的对象,法国人,数学家,在法国某机构工作。时常出差参加学术会议。作者为了他,不惜继续留校,etc...
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-26 13:30:15编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-26 18:00:19编辑过]
从这师太在天涯时尚发帖开始我就没跟 同为北美f1,人家咋就那么风流快活,我就这么闷骚呢。。。为了避免看了以后嫉妒,我都一直没去看帖子,嘿嘿。。。 不过最近这事确实闹大了。。一个认识她的朋友主动跑来跟我爆料说,她长得挺一般的,就是比较flirty,老穿超短裙。。我一下子就平衡啦,改天有兴趣去看看帖子,嘿嘿。。我真阴暗啊我。
hmm....高尚男和精英男都难看,我觉得A也很难看!!!!金发就不是我喜欢的类型。。不过我估计除了高尚男,其他应该都很矮。。 那个金发男喔,根本就不是大多数老外mm喜欢的型
hmm....高尚男和精英男都难看,我觉得A也很难看!!!!金发就不是我喜欢的类型。。不过我估计除了高尚男,其他应该都很矮。。 这个女生又高又瘦 照得男生应该不矮吧
这个女生又高又瘦 照得男生应该不矮吧 嗯,应该都不矮
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-26 22:19:07编辑过]
从这师太在天涯时尚发帖开始我就没跟 同为北美f1,人家咋就那么风流快活,我就这么闷骚呢。。。为了避免看了以后嫉妒,我都一直没去看帖子,嘿嘿。。。 不过最近这事确实闹大了。。一个认识她的朋友主动跑来跟我爆料说,她长得挺一般的,就是比较flirty,老穿超短裙。。我一下子就平衡啦,改天有兴趣去看看帖子,嘿嘿。。我真阴暗啊我。
偶再汇报一下,连初夜男的照片都有啦,瓦咔咔,太侵犯隐私了· 啊啊啊,哪里有,好人给我个LINK吧。我懒得上去天涯找了。 PS。跟高尚男和精英男比怎样?俺的小心肝不能在两天内给相同的东西雷两遍了
MM, 汇报一下哈,现在有完整的帖子。。。偶看完了,文笔真好。。。天涯真牛呀,八出了人名不说,还有所有当事人的照片
这个师太财贸双全的说。有空要看看她写的什么故事能够吸引这么多人看。 不过没看故事前先看人物介绍也很赞。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-27 13:17:49编辑过]
MM再继续巴一下吧, 那个她暗恋的偶像现在也在美国吗? 她们后来有什么故事? 鄙视一下自己的八卦先
我觉得她很真性情呢 非常欣赏这样的女孩 //hand hand, 你们不觉得这种生活其实是她个人聪明太过外加精力过剩的结果么?
我倒觉得她跟高尚男很配 故事到了后来,明显高尚男比她蠢多了,所以才被踢掉,看了照片更理解她的决定了 另外,她和暗恋男的故事有点像scarlett and ashley in gone with the wind, 总觉得暗恋男被她过度美化,因为各种原因造成的距离, 真正到手,一定很快腻味,而她的生活的butler又还没出现
我觉得这个姑娘是非常聪明精力很旺盛的,从她写的东西就能看出来,牛人一枚~~ second this
MITBBS的WSN对这位姑娘可是恨的咬牙切齿呢,不就是因为人家睡过几个老外嘛,至于么? 我同意她是个聪明人,但是对于她对男人的品味,不敢苟同。 我觉得大家觉得她猥琐是因为天涯上她是自己用另外的马甲(她的英文真名)登陆自己故意暴露自己的,并且引以为乐。 另外就是大家后来发现原来这几个所谓爱情故事,原来是同时发生在当事人身上,而她而一直以精英男的未婚妻自居。 虽然故事和现实不一样,不过就上面两条还不够猥琐吗?我觉得大家也不要一提mit, 就说wsn。 具体可以看看天涯上面的总结,纵然也片面至少可以看看另一个角度的故事
我觉得大家觉得她猥琐是因为天涯上她是自己用另外的马甲(她的英文真名)登陆自己故意暴露自己的,并且引以为乐。 另外就是大家后来发现原来这几个所谓爱情故事,原来是同时发生在当事人身上,而她而一直以精英男的未婚妻自居。 虽然故事和现实不一样,不过就上面两条还不够猥琐吗?我觉得大家也不要一提mit, 就说wsn。 具体可以看看天涯上面的总结,纵然也片面至少可以看看另一个角度的故事
我觉得大家觉得她猥琐是因为天涯上她是自己用另外的马甲(她的英文真名)登陆自己故意暴露自己的,并且引以为乐。 另外就是大家后来发现原来这几个所谓爱情故事,原来是同时发生在当事人身上,而她而一直以精英男的未婚妻自居。 虽然故事和现实不一样,不过就上面两条还不够猥琐吗?我觉得大家也不要一提mit, 就说wsn。 具体可以看看天涯上面的总结,纵然也片面至少可以看看另一个角度的故事
我觉得大家觉得她猥琐是因为天涯上她是自己用另外的马甲(她的英文真名)登陆自己故意暴露自己的,并且引以为乐。 另外就是大家后来发现原来这几个所谓爱情故事,原来是同时发生在当事人身上,而她而一直以精英男的未婚妻自居。 虽然故事和现实不一样,不过就上面两条还不够猥琐吗?我觉得大家也不要一提mit, 就说wsn。 具体可以看看天涯上面的总结,纵然也片面至少可以看看另一个角度的故事
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-28 13:04:28编辑过]
This is just a story. When I read it, I never think it is completely true. I don't believe that her boyfriend was unware of her other relationships if she was dating around, if they were living together, as other people said. Nobody is that naive. If they have agreed on a open relationship, there is nothing wrong for her to sleep around, or have some fantasy. It is just personal choice.
You may read it as whatever you want. And, it may be better for you to keep thinking that way. =) If it's just a story, why do you need to make excuses for her anyways?
You may read it as whatever you want. And, it may be better for you to keep thinking that way. =) If it's just a story, why do you need to make excuses for her anyways? Because I like reading her story, quite entertaining. It is a pity to let this story spoiled by judgemental comments. I really don't care what kind of person she is behind the story. If she cheated on her boyfriend, it is their business, not mine.
Because I like reading her story, quite entertaining. It is a pity to let this story spoiled by judgemental comments. I really don't care what kind of person she is behind the story. If she cheated on her boyfriend, it is their business, not mine. I agree with you (I like her story too), and that's the reason that I suggested you read it merely as a story. No offense. But as one mm said above, "确实哦。我看天涯那个贴里还有人贴出来这位mm和自己马甲自问自答。觉得很汗。哈哈, 很多时候就是这样,以为自己聪明到可以把全世界都玩了,其实还指不定是谁在玩谁呢, 呵呵我好酸哦。 " If a story can be read in another way around, and more entertaining, why not?
我觉得这个姑娘是非常聪明精力很旺盛的,从她写的东西就能看出来,牛人一枚~~ 特别羡慕精力旺盛的人,俺就折腾不起。。。。