以下是引用prada在2008-1-24 12:41:00的发言: baby sale是我喜欢的sale,我觉得比cof好。去年春天我也跳了,总结一下,对于要买春夏的衣服还是比较好的。我买的比较喜欢的有: 16刀。去年当裙子穿,今年明年还能当top穿。top 8刀,裤子16刀。很喜欢。裤子今年还能当短裤穿。哈哈。 还有几件19。5-》8刀的tshirt。 还有capris的裤子,也是可以穿起码俩年。我喜欢,因为比较实用,不用担心摔跤会把膝盖摔破。 还有裙子,16刀。 Beautiful colors, I like the 1st one the best, very spring.
以下是引用bluemask在2008-2-12 9:21:00的发言: 店长啊,我从店里头拿的这个flyer怎么说是2/20-3/2 呢? really? gymbohaven说提前到18号了,我觉得比较可信. 而且这个weekend president day sale additional 20% off all sales item too. so hopefully, on 18th, they have both sales going on in store.
以下是引用prada在2008-2-12 10:10:00的发言: really? gymbohaven说提前到18号了,我觉得比较可信. 而且这个weekend president day sale additional 20% off all sales item too. so hopefully, on 18th, they have both sales going on in store. 那更好。我刚好18好放假,否则20号那天就只能等下班才能去。
Presidents' Day Sale - Extra 20% Off Sale Items for Savings up to 60%1. EXTRA 20% OFF SALE: Valid for a limited time only. Offer valid for 20% off all previously reduced merchandise. In stores, the discount will be taken at register. At gymboree.com, all prices reflect discount. Valid at all U.S. and Canada Gymboree retail locations and online at gymboree.com. Discount is not valid at Gymboree Play & Music locations or Gymboree Outlets. Gymboree reserves the right to change or cancel this promotion at any time. Offer void where prohibited by law.
2. HOW TO EARN GYMBUCKS: In Stores: February 13, 2008 - April 6, 2008; Online: February 13, 2008 - April 2, 2008 For every $50 spent in a single transaction (not including purchases of gift cards/certificates) online or in store you will receive $25 worth of Gymbucks. Gymbucks will be subtracted in $25 increments if item(s) are returned or exchanged and remaining purchase falls below qualifying amounts. Purchase must exceed $50 before tax, donations and shipping fees and after Gymboree® Visa® discount, enrollment bonus and other discounts or promotions (to be determined by Gymboree). Gymbucks earned at gymboree.com and at U.S. stores cannot be redeemed in Canada. Prices shown in U.S. dollars. Additional restrictions may apply to international customers. [此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-13 9:24:48编辑过]
以下是引用robodog在2008-2-14 10:51:00的发言: Maybe it is from Plum. no,plum expired on june, the baby sale coupon expired in march. so i am pretty sure it is mailing coupon waiting....
以下是引用prada在2008-2-14 10:53:00的发言: no,plum expired on june, the baby sale coupon expired in march. so i am pretty sure it is mailing coupon waiting.... 估计是在金家有内线的人。。。我想到金家做系统,想用啥coupon code就用啥coupon code
What's New!
Circle of Friends August 21, 2008
Generic multiple use coupon code for 30% off everything, sale AND new line items.
Extra 20% off already marked down lines.
Can be combined with coupons.
$20, $10 price points on select new line Baby Girl/Baby Boy items
Can be combined with coupons.
沙发 圆圆姐她妈太厉害了,这店长当的真负责
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-17 16:02:27编辑过]
大家都从哪儿得到20%的coupon的,我是说原件。 谢谢! 有时gymboree会mail coupon。 如果你在他家网上买过东西,她们就有你的地址。不过也不是每次每人都有。 上次holiday的santa coupon大家是从mall里的santa拍照地方拿的。 还有plum 杂志里有,不过杂志要8刀。 还有如果你join 他家的play and music是,也会给你一张coupon。 总之gymboree一般不收printout的coupon,店里要用原件。 不过gymboree目前的系统coupon可以网上用一次,店里用一次。因为店里不scan barcode,只是把原价收走。
如果用金巴克买的东西,退,能得到store credit吗? 可以,只要你不带receipt,就按照当时的price给你store credit。这里比较tricky,就是说你要预料到你的items去退的时候没有再打折,不然就亏了。可以网上查价钱。一般来说,gymbuck redemption期间是不会打折的,过了redemption,一般最新的两个lines也不会打折(一般他家保持2个最新的系列full price)。 比如说这次,Trés Chic 系列肯定马上要20%off。其他20%off的就会mark down到40%off。所以要是事先就想return的,不如买最新的系列,虽然价钱贵,不过return东西也少,方便。
谢谢店长! 我提问: 1,如果金八克已经用过了,再凭60天以内的发票退用来第一次买的东西(就是送金八客那次的),钱能褪回卡里吗?还是给SC?是按发票上价格吗?还是按现在的价格? 可以。60天以内,钱会退给你到卡里。是按发票上价格。60天后到180天退,会给你merchandise credit, 是按发票上价格。 2,金家没有发票能按现在的价格退东西吗? yes。退给你merchandise credit(MC)。
MC不能earn,redeemgymbuck。这个是防治有人abuse。 3,发票下面有个ALL SALE 180 DAY,是啥意思? 就是说180天后就不能退了,final sale。 暂时就想起这么多,再次感谢!
弱弱地问一下,一般怎样才能得到gymbuck? For every $50 spent at Gymboree retail stores or www.gymboree.com during an earnings period, you will receive $25 worth of Gymbucks. http://www.gymboree.com/our_company/help_template.jsp?FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302954181#GymBucks
可以,只要你不带receipt,就按照当时的price给你store credit。这里比较tricky,就是说你要预料到你的items去退的时候没有再打折,不然就亏了。可以网上查价钱。一般来说,gymbuck redemption期间是不会打折的,过了redemption,一般最新的两个lines也不会打折(一般他家保持2个最新的系列full price)。 比如说这次,Trés Chic 系列肯定马上要20%off。其他20%off的就会mark down到40%off。所以要是事先就想return的,不如买最新的系列,虽然价钱贵,不过return东西也少,方便。 got it admiring
gymbuck已经花了,earn gymbuck时候买的衣服还能按买的价钱退啊?
baby sale是我喜欢的sale,我觉得比cof好。去年春天我也跳了,总结一下,对于要买春夏的衣服还是比较好的。我买的比较喜欢的有:
谢谢店长!要是有麻豆秀就更好了耶! 同事感叹一下今年看到的春夏款大不如前。 主要是她家会repeat类似去年的line,买多了就审美疲劳了。最近我买了些gap,买多了,gap也是repeat厉害。不过也是,designer不好当呀。
问个土问题, 店长,那个20%的COUPON都是咋来的泥,俺们从来没有收到过啊
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-3 18:08:16编辑过]
金玻璃太坏了,居然选我生日那天开始baby sale
金玻璃太坏了,居然选我生日那天开始baby sale
说到bubble, 好像他家的bubble评价很好,只是我还没买过。 还有一个bubble我很推荐,Gazillion Bubble,真的很好,walmart,toysrus都有,比别的bubble solution贵多了。我每年夏天要买不少,还有那种可以make直径半米多的大bubble的tube。 Gazillion Bubble好在哪里?泡泡大? 金家的bubble好在不会裂,会停在地毯,家具,衣服上,宝宝就乐滋滋一个个去摁碎。适合室内。
Gazillion Bubble好在哪里?泡泡大? 金家的bubble好在不会裂,会停在地毯,家具,衣服上,宝宝就乐滋滋一个个去摁碎。适合室内。
218是好number,呵呵。 我以为是214了,不好意思哈哈。也不知道218是总统日
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-12 1:54:29编辑过]
是说20% off 的coupon 已经寄出去了吗?还是有人都收到了? 店长, 请问一下, 那些dress这次要打折吗?
coupon我还没收到,希望这周能收到. 有jms收到了,吼一声. dress一般是40刀以内的打折,不过去年fall是,有几套special occasion的59刀的dress也打到20刀了. 这次不知道.
店长啊,我从店里头拿的这个flyer怎么说是2/20-3/2 呢? really? gymbohaven说提前到18号了,我觉得比较可信. 而且这个weekend president day sale additional 20% off all sales item too. so hopefully, on 18th, they have both sales going on in store.
really? gymbohaven说提前到18号了,我觉得比较可信. 而且这个weekend president day sale additional 20% off all sales item too. so hopefully, on 18th, they have both sales going on in store. 那更好。我刚好18好放假,否则20号那天就只能等下班才能去。
你就忍心看着哦们瞎买? 乱买?
你就忍心看着哦们瞎买? 乱买?
baby sale之后东西回到原价,还是也要降价,但是没有降到10,20那么多? 回到原价一阵,然后再20%off等等慢慢sale, 相当于其他的season preview sale.先卖出去点再说。
你就忍心看着哦们瞎买? 乱买?
Valid for a limited time only. Offer valid for 20% off all previously reduced merchandise. In stores, the discount will be taken at register. At gymboree.com, all prices reflect discount. Valid at all U.S. and Canada Gymboree retail locations and online at gymboree.com. Discount is not valid at Gymboree Play & Music locations or Gymboree Outlets. Gymboree reserves the right to change or cancel this promotion at any time. Offer void where prohibited by law.
In Stores: February 13, 2008 - April 6, 2008; Online: February 13, 2008 - April 2, 2008
For every $50 spent in a single transaction (not including purchases of gift cards/certificates) online or in store you will receive $25 worth of Gymbucks. Gymbucks will be subtracted in $25 increments if item(s) are returned or exchanged and remaining purchase falls below qualifying amounts. Purchase must exceed $50 before tax, donations and shipping fees and after Gymboree® Visa® discount, enrollment bonus and other discounts or promotions (to be determined by Gymboree). Gymbucks earned at gymboree.com and at U.S. stores cannot be redeemed in Canada. Prices shown in U.S. dollars. Additional restrictions may apply to international customers.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-13 9:24:48编辑过]
有个问题还是没明白,看到前面的人问了,如果当时我花了50刀得到25 金巴克, 而且把这个金巴克用掉了,现在如果要退掉当时那50刀里面的一件衣服(10刀),还能推回10刀吗?还是要按比例算,比较只退回5刀了,谢谢 推回10刀
推回10刀 啊,那起不是先买了再说,把金把克用掉,不喜欢的,贵的推掉
还有乌龟的。 嗬嗬,是亚。。。我家反正closet爆满,shed也爆满,不能再买乐。。。而且这次4。99白菜过后,看什么都觉得贵。
ebay已经有20%off的baby sale的胖子卖了,为啥我还没收到? 有人收到了吗? 没收到。capris啥价钱呀?
20刀,有了胖子就是16刀,再earn gymbuck。 不是最便宜,不过看在我们穿了无数次的份上,还是合算的。 嗯,我现在有盖普3T的capri两条,不过今年还是要穿2T的。不然我也去弄几条?你有啥推荐的吗?
还有周日新出的line,还没研究。 不过我没去店里看过,没有发言权。 对了,你有没有听说过pettiskirt,我要给你种草。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-14 10:50:13编辑过]
ebay已经有20%off的baby sale的胖子卖了,为啥我还没收到? 有人收到了吗? Maybe it is from Plum.
还有周日新出的line,还没研究。 不过我没去店里看过,没有发言权。 对了,你有没有听说过pettiskirt,我要给你种草。
Maybe it is from Plum. no,plum expired on june, the baby sale coupon expired in march. so i am pretty sure it is mailing coupon waiting....
等我来给你奔 好!
no,plum expired on june, the baby sale coupon expired in march. so i am pretty sure it is mailing coupon waiting.... 估计是在金家有内线的人。。。我想到金家做系统,想用啥coupon code就用啥coupon code
上次有人问过以前的金家衣服去哪里找图,哪位大牛回了一个网站好像是个妈妈把金家的图片都收集在一起。好心的再告诉一声哪个网站吧。 http://www.gymbohaven.com/