总算找到总结了,这下想找bpa free的jms心里有数了。 BOTTLES: BPA Free: Adiri Natural Nurser Avent Tempo System Born Free Bottles Evenflo Glass Bottles Gerber Bottles (Clear View, Gentle Flow, and Fashion Tints) Mam Ultivent Bottles by Sassy Medela Bottles and all pump products Nuby No-Drip Bottles Playtex Nurser (the one with the liner) Contains BPA: Adiri Breast Bottle (the one that looks like a boob) Avent Dr. Browns Munchkin Second Nature All other Evenflo Bottles All other Playtex Bottles First Year (all, including the new Breastflow) SIPPY CUPS: BPA Free: Avent Magic cup Muchkin Cupsicle Born Free Toddler Cup ALL Take n Toss products (~phew!~) Contains BPA: All other Sippy Cups PACIFIERS: BPA Free: Soothies Playtex “Binkie” Gerber’s Nuk line Contains BPA: Every pacifier that has a hard plastic shield on it is made with BPA. These can still be used safely although it is recommended that they are not heated and that they are replaced often, as soon as they show wear and tear.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-3 1:16:14编辑过]
这个网站里介绍很详细,还有图片连接 http://zrecs.huaren.us/2007/07/z-report-bisphenol-in-polycarbonate.html 还有,还有,再次强烈推荐这个Gerber 的Clear View,可以接medela pump,有5oz和9oz两种,1个一块钱,比单买medela的奶瓶便宜多了 (这是我第3次强烈推荐了)
我也比较喜欢这个,价廉物美。可是它没有vent system啊,宝宝会不会吃下很多气?给宝宝喂了两次,每次都看着她在里面吹泡泡。这是我唯一的concern。
我也比较喜欢这个,价廉物美。可是它没有vent system啊,宝宝会不会吃下很多气?给宝宝喂了两次,每次都看着她在里面吹泡泡。这是我唯一的concern。 我刚买回来给宝宝用了,我家宝宝没问题。 不过我儿子一向气不多,可能各家宝宝也不一样。
买了的就没有必要退了吧,除非你非常在意这个。 还有个问题想问一下各位:不同牌子的瓶子和奶嘴能混用吗? 这个应该没问题,我一直是混着用的。
我也比较喜欢这个,价廉物美。可是它没有vent system啊,宝宝会不会吃下很多气?给宝宝喂了两次,每次都看着她在里面吹泡泡。这是我唯一的concern。 我只用它pump奶存奶