Washington, D.C.四月天 衣: 四月份穿春天的衣服就可以了。但我们去的那天天冷风大,棉衣手套帽子都用上了。 食: 带上snack和水,如果肚子饿了,就直奔第七大道。第七大道是非常繁华的一条街,有吃有玩有逛,Macys也在那里。不要想着在主要景点区找餐厅,很难找到一个,另外就是一些小摊上的东西。 住: 按常规离景点越近的酒店越贵,如果考虑荷包可考虑住的离景点稍微远一点的酒店,比如Wyndham Washington,完全可以走路到景点。又省钱,又可欣赏市区街景。 行: 穿上走路舒服的鞋,走路的时间会比较长。在华盛顿游玩不用租车,租车反而不方便,还要到处找停车的地方。 景点: 四月去华盛顿,最主要是“会樱花”。由于第一次去华盛顿,我们还参观很多博物馆(National Museum of the American Indian,National Gallery of Art,National Air & Space Museum 等),快游白宫和国会大厦及华盛顿纪念碑等。白宫被栅栏围着,游客们“品”白宫,警察叔叔却“观赏”着游客。如果想登上华盛顿纪念碑要很早去排队,否早就没有票。 1.华盛顿纪念碑 2.国会大厦 3. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-17 13:00:54编辑过]
Puerto Rico 游 衣: 夏天的衣服,最好带上小外套,早晚海风大,小心受凉,如果病了,海滩就玩不成了。另外,开往V岛和C岛的渡船上的空调打的很大,冷! 食:old sunJuan小城有很多餐厅,我们去了一家看上去还比家大的餐厅,服务和味道感觉还不错。V岛上bannas和Dtffi's餐厅也还行。在Puerto Rico很容易能找到 KFC, burger king,麦当劳等快餐店。我喜欢吃“the hot potato”的烤土豆。呵呵。另外,建议带一些零食,在海滩上玩很累,随时补充能量。当地的食物,叫不出来名字,用玉米烤的面饼和烤鱼,反正不对我的味口,但推荐一种叫pina colada的frozen饮料,如果要开车,可以要求不加rum。 住: 我们分别住puerto Rico的东部Fajardo inn和西部DORADO的Golden Sands Villas靠海地方,这两个地方都是在Orbitz网上评价比较高的,也比较经济实惠.我们放弃了在v岛和C岛上住,因为我怕蚊子咬.蚊子在这两个岛上真的很厉害,我看到有个出租躺椅和游泳设备的小伙子满腿是蚊子叮的包.蚊子比较喜欢我,我在Dtffi's喝几口饮料,就被它们咬了三个包.建议买一瓶驱蚊虫的喷液,我在target买的.喷了后,蚊子就远离我了. 行:在Puerto Rico租车很方便,AVIS,enterprise, dollars等都有,并且公司离机场很近(26高速旁边),沿路有加油的地方.我推荐一下enterprise,我们是在网上提前预定的,很经济实惠,租了7天,不算邮费130刀;在puerto rico开车就要小心一点,西班牙文会有点不习惯,记住几个主要的:SALIDA=EXIT, SOLO=ONLY, PARE=STOP. 虽然马路上有很多路标,标识指引要留心,很多马路有可能都汇集在一条主干线上,然后再分开,此时最容易糊涂走错道.不过不要紧,会很快找到自己的方向. 另附一遍原创的感想,请大家多指正我的英文,因为我的英语基础不太好,LG建议我用英文写感受,说对英文写作提升有帮助,请大家将就看看我这个烂笔头的小感想吧. Caribbean is an amazing place that one must visit for once at least in life. After spending eight days at Puerto Rico in Caribbean, my husband and I actually made up our mind to take a trip to Puerto Rico again several years later, seeking our tracks left there and discovering changes that may happen in the future. During the eight-day trip, we visited old San Juan, which is the oldest European city under the U.S. flag, El Yunque Rainforest, Rio Camuy Cave Park, Arecibo Observatory, and two famous natural islands (Vieques and Culebra). We spent most of our time basking on different beaches and pumping up at really clear seawater that we had never seen. Except for the beaches occupied by resort hotels, many public beaches appear plain idyllic without much man-made decoration and good services offered by resorts. At first, I felt not adapted to the environment of public beaches since it took time to find a place to wear my swimsuit and to wash away the sand on my feet. Yet, I love public beaches later on. Not only can I savor the broad view of sea, but also the stunning natural beauty. As many other tourists did, I worn my swimsuit already before going to a public beach, saving me a lot of time changing swimsuit. The most impressive and remarkable beach is the Flamenco Beach of Culebra island, which is called one of the world’s loveliest. It really deserves this title. Compared with other beaches, the Flamenco beach has the best sand and seawater. No algae can be found along beach. Walking on the sand, I felt I was walking on the soft cake flour. Swimming in the sea, I felt I was floating in the transparent spring water. What an enjoyable feeling!! The most unforgettable thing is to kayak our way into Bioluminescent Bay. We had two interesting experiences during the Bio-Bay tour. One was kayaking, which is a pretty popular sport in areas close to sea. To reach the Bio-Bay, we had to kayak in the sea first and then into a narrow canal surrounded by red mangroves. My husband and I had no Kayaking experience before. The sea wind was a little bit heavy and the bio-bay tour can only be arranged at night, making the kayaking much harder, but these did not scare us away. We were like two adventurers kayaking into darkness and exploring a wizard world. Even though it was our first time to kayak, we cooperated pretty well. Unlike another Chinese couple, we did not ask tour guides to chain our kayak behind theirs. We, instead, finished the whole trip by ourselves!! It was a two-hour kayak trip in the sea with fluctuant wave!! Another awesome experience was in the Bio-Bay, or the magic lagoon. As we entered the lagoon, magic effect happened. Every dip of our paddle stirred up shimmers of iridescence. In the middle of the lagoon, the water passed by fishes display many eerie glows. I scooped the seawater up, noticing many blue-green pearl-like organisms floating in my hands. It is said that the mysterious bioluminescence is created by these micro-organisms which thrive in an environment uniquely suited to their needs. To protect the bio-bay environment, the government enacted a law not to allow people swimming in the lagoon. Since this trip was wetty and our camera is not waterproof, we could only memorize this magical experience in our minds. We tasted many different traditional drinks, foods and fruits in Puerto Rico. Foods are so-so, not my cup of tea, but one type of drink named Pina Colada is very tasty. Pina Colada is a kind of frozen juice, made of light rum, coconut cream and crushed pineapple. Different restaurants have different tastes of Pina Colada. I was addicted to all of them!! During this trip, the embarrassing thing is that we don’t know Spanish, which is the main language in Puerto Rico. The road signs are all in Spanish. When we first saw the traffic signs “SALIDA”, “SOLO”, and “PARE”, we didn’t know they mean “exit”, “only”, and “stop” so that we drove into the wrong way and got lost several times. Fortunately, we quickly found our way out. We also had some regret in this trip since we missed the chance of booking a diving and snorkeling trip. We should have learnt the diving before going beaches. Many tourists carried their own diving equipment and snorkeling tools. Renting such equipment was not expensive, but taking safety issue into account, we eventually gave up diving and snorkeling without professionals going along with. Anyway, we planed to go there someday in the future. Diving at Caribbean is a dream that will come true!! [此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-21 9:26:39编辑过]
Vieques: 是一个一般的岛,除了bio-bay和sunbay,好象游玩的地方一般。岛的南部有两个餐厅还不错:一个叫bananas,我们点的牛肉和三文鱼的汉堡,份量足,非常新鲜。另外一个叫Dtffi's,好象是这个名,就在bananas的隔壁,游玩累了,我们进去喝了pina colada和一种coconut cocktail。 sun bay
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Prospect St, La Jolla, CA),在la Jolla 游玩时可以去吃吃,grilled food 味道很好,边吃边享受太平洋的美景。我的口水出来了。 http://www.georgesatthecove.com/ 住:住宿偏贵! 我们分别住了两个地方:super 8 和 Ramada,都是motel, 环境一般,价格相对便宜,98刀左右,是在priceline.com预订的。两家都提供免费简易早餐和免费上网,挺爽! http://www.priceline.com/ http://www.super8.com/Super8/control/home http://www.ramada.com/Ramada/control/home 行:一定要租车游。我们提前在网上预订的,下了飞机,租车公司有巴士接送到提车点。因为圣地亚哥的景点很分散,没有车会很浪费时间,也不方便。另外,圣地亚哥公路的路标字体小,快开到跟前才看清,想转弯,结果不能变道了。很多大的十字路口也都有摄像头。 景点:海洋世界 SeaWorld,la jolla beach,Marina Park。时间不够,我们留了遗憾:巴尔波亚公园 Balboa Park和旧城 Old Town没去。
(一)圣地亚哥海洋公园 1.鲸鱼馆
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Marina Park
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first class~~`
waiting for more
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El Yunque Rainforest 的瀑布
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在Vieques island 租躺椅时,老板送的自作冷饮
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