who can share their experience about how many this bottle they use? Just the number and the size, who want to type theirs? Thanks. Need to be refrenced.
my baby did not accept the born free bottle, although we bought six of the born free bottles since we like the cute shape. Playtax drop-in with latex nipple is the only system she accept, and it is for her transition from breast to bottles and back. So we spend a lot of money on the liners. We also tried MAM, NUk system and others, which are all rejected. So the bottle perference varies a lot from baby to baby.
So the bottle perference varies a lot from baby to baby.
Totally agree. My son rejected born free neeples, too, when we tried to change from medela 5-oz to born free 9-oz bottles. Fortunatley we bought 8-oz medela glass bottles recently.
反了反了. 是抗体会吸附在塑料奶瓶上, 不是玻璃. 这个我想学生物的都应该知道. 做任何免疫反应时用的都是塑料的东西, 蛋白质很很容易被塑料吸上的, 而且一旦吸附上了, 怎么冲都冲不掉的. Actully, you are wrong. I have to clarify this. I carefully searched some articles and read them. I can tell you for sure, antibodies stick on glass more than on plastic bottles (soft plastic bag is another story). The count of antibodies in plastic bottle-stored breast milk is about 140 (relative unit). The count of antibodies in glass bottle-stored breast milk is 110, can be as high as 130. It seem that the difference is not very big. So I think both glass plastic and glass bottles are fine. But plastic is still better because they are not easy to break.
In addition, the plastic supplies used in immunology experiment are coated, so that they immobolize antibodied.
By the way, I am a Ph.D. graduate majored in Genetics. And I am doing a lot of immunology experiment myself recently.
Buy plastic one, please refer to my last reply above. Also you can try drop-in system from playtax, your baby may like it. It is BPA-free and disposable. You just need spend more money on disposable liners, which makes this system the most expensive one. But what can i do, this is the only one system my baby accept.
Actully, you are wrong. I have to clarify this. I carefully searched some articles and read them. I can tell you for sure, antibodies stick on glass more than on plastic bottles (soft plastic bag is another story). The count of antibodies in plastic bottle-stored breast milk is about 140 (relative unit). The count of antibodies in glass bottle-stored breast milk is 110, can be as high as 130. It seem that the difference is not very big. So I think both glass plastic and glass bottles are fine. But plastic is still better because they are not easy to break.
In addition, the plastic supplies used in immunology experiment are coated, so that they immobolize antibodied.
By the way, I am a Ph.D. graduate majored in Genetics. And I am doing a lot of immunology experiment myself recently.
Actully, you are wrong. I have to clarify this. I carefully searched some articles and read them. I can tell you for sure, antibodies stick on glass more than on plastic bottles (soft plastic bag is another story). The count of antibodies in plastic bottle-stored breast milk is about 140 (relative unit). The count of antibodies in glass bottle-stored breast milk is 110, can be as high as 130. It seem that the difference is not very big. So I think both glass plastic and glass bottles are fine. But plastic is still better because they are not easy to break.
In addition, the plastic supplies used in immunology experiment are coated, so that they immobolize antibodied.
By the way, I am a Ph.D. graduate majored in Genetics. And I am doing a lot of immunology experiment myself recently.
一是比DR.BROWN的容易清洗,隐藏的洞洞少多了,而且也没有那么长的导气管需要清洗。 二是DR.BROWN长长的导气管,使得在喂奶的过程中常会发生虹吸现象,要多次的拧松瓶口来放气。而BRONFREE的不存在这个问题,宝宝能够开心的一口气把奶喝完。 REDUCE GAS的效果我觉得BORN FREE的要更好,可能跟小宝可以一次喝完奶,中途不用重新LACTH ON吸进空气有关吧。 想起来都就这么多了,其它JMS来补充吧。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-12 10:11:40编辑过]
我是在WHOLE FOOD买的,就是价钱贵些,TWIN PACK的,两个奶瓶要19.99.其它的地方可能有便宜的,不过我没有找过啊。。有JMS知道么? 刚才在amazon和bru网上搜了一下,都是这个价,不过就是可以用gc就是了
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-12 12:37:02编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-12 13:53:01编辑过]
我最喜欢born free的是不但没有bpa,而且清洗起来方便,不用拿个小刷子这捅那捅的。
看 bornfree 的网站上说 CVS 有卖,有姐妹们看到过吗?我附近没有 whole foods 德说。 估计和bru一样,只在网上卖
正好看到了这个帖子, 我也来说两句。 我是先用的dr. brown, 后来知道了BPA这个问题, 马上搜索发现了Born-free。 立刻换成了用born-free. 结果明显感觉born-free气多。 born-free的那个透明导气管很难洗, 而且里面总是有水进去,很麻烦。宝宝很不喜欢吃这个奶嘴, 不知道为什么
正好看到了这个帖子, 我也来说两句。 我是先用的dr. brown, 后来知道了BPA这个问题, 马上搜索发现了Born-free。 立刻换成了用born-free. 结果明显感觉born-free气多。 born-free的那个透明导气管很难洗, 而且里面总是有水进去,很麻烦。宝宝很不喜欢吃这个奶嘴, 不知道为什么
我今天在bru买到了born free的玻璃奶瓶,9oz的,带一个一号的奶嘴,一个10块多,用了15%的coupon大概九块五买的 这年头总是听说塑料的这不好那不好,今天看到玻璃得很开心,赶快抱了个回来
谢谢提醒, 抗体会被吸附在玻璃上,是什么原理呀?
反了反了. 是抗体会吸附在塑料奶瓶上, 不是玻璃. 这个我想学生物的都应该知道. 做任何免疫反应时用的都是塑料的东西, 蛋白质很很容易被塑料吸上的, 而且一旦吸附上了, 怎么冲都冲不掉的.
顺便问一下: Born free 9OZ奶瓶还有Dr.Brown的能放在Avent microwave那个消毒器中消毒吗? Thanks. 我也在别的帖子里正问这个问题呢。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-13 14:20:32编辑过]
顺便问一下: Born free 9OZ奶瓶还有Dr.Brown的能放在Avent microwave那个消毒器中消毒吗? Thanks. 可以吧。我们一直这样的。
正好看到了这个帖子, 我也来说两句。 我是先用的dr. brown, 后来知道了BPA这个问题, 马上搜索发现了Born-free。 立刻换成了用born-free. 结果明显感觉born-free气多。 born-free的那个透明导气管很难洗, 而且里面总是有水进去,很麻烦。宝宝很不喜欢吃这个奶嘴, 不知道为什么
反了反了. 是抗体会吸附在塑料奶瓶上, 不是玻璃. 这个我想学生物的都应该知道. 做任何免疫反应时用的都是塑料的东西, 蛋白质很很容易被塑料吸上的, 而且一旦吸附上了, 怎么冲都冲不掉的. 那意思就是说要是母乳的话,还是用玻璃瓶比较好是吗?
可以用,就直接用奶瓶带的LEVEL 1的奶嘴好了。我女儿出生到现在都是用的BORN FREE,她很喜欢。
这个奶瓶适合多大的宝宝用?我家宝宝才7周,基本胸喂,用奶瓶也用medela小奶瓶就够了,这个born free我都拿出来消毒好了,不知道什么时候能用的上
So the bottle perference varies a lot from baby to baby.
Totally agree. My son rejected born free neeples, too, when we tried to change from medela 5-oz to born free 9-oz bottles. Fortunatley we bought 8-oz medela glass bottles recently.
反了反了. 是抗体会吸附在塑料奶瓶上, 不是玻璃. 这个我想学生物的都应该知道. 做任何免疫反应时用的都是塑料的东西,
蛋白质很很容易被塑料吸上的, 而且一旦吸附上了, 怎么冲都冲不掉的.
Actully, you are wrong. I have to clarify this. I carefully searched some articles and read them. I can tell you for sure, antibodies stick on glass more than on plastic bottles (soft plastic bag is another story). The count of antibodies in plastic bottle-stored breast milk is about 140 (relative unit). The count of antibodies in glass bottle-stored breast milk is 110, can be as high as 130. It seem that the difference is not very big. So I think both glass plastic and glass bottles are fine. But plastic is still better because they are not easy to break.
In addition, the plastic supplies used in immunology experiment are coated, so that they immobolize antibodied.
By the way, I am a Ph.D. graduate majored in Genetics. And I am doing a lot of immunology experiment myself recently.
Buy plastic one, please refer to my last reply above. Also you can try drop-in system from playtax, your baby may like it. It is BPA-free and disposable. You just need spend more money on disposable liners, which makes this system the most expensive one. But what can i do, this is the only one system my baby accept.
Actully, you are wrong. I have to clarify this. I carefully searched some articles and read them. I can tell you for sure, antibodies stick on glass more than on plastic bottles (soft plastic bag is another story). The count of antibodies in plastic bottle-stored breast milk is about 140 (relative unit). The count of antibodies in glass bottle-stored breast milk is 110, can be as high as 130. It seem that the difference is not very big. So I think both glass plastic and glass bottles are fine. But plastic is still better because they are not easy to break.
In addition, the plastic supplies used in immunology experiment are coated, so that they immobolize antibodied.
By the way, I am a Ph.D. graduate majored in Genetics. And I am doing a lot of immunology experiment myself recently.
I may not remember the count exactly. Just like to clarify it here and let people get rid of their concern why buying plastic bottles.
我家的dr. brown也是bpa free的呀。:)
楼主妹妹是07年发的贴。可能那时候Dr. Brown 不是PBA free的。现在差不多所有牌子都是了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-12 8:55:08编辑过]
and the deal is still available,
Actully, you are wrong. I have to clarify this. I carefully searched some articles and read them. I can tell you for sure, antibodies stick on glass more than on plastic bottles (soft plastic bag is another story). The count of antibodies in plastic bottle-stored breast milk is about 140 (relative unit). The count of antibodies in glass bottle-stored breast milk is 110, can be as high as 130. It seem that the difference is not very big. So I think both glass plastic and glass bottles are fine. But plastic is still better because they are not easy to break.
In addition, the plastic supplies used in immunology experiment are coated, so that they immobolize antibodied.
By the way, I am a Ph.D. graduate majored in Genetics. And I am doing a lot of immunology experiment myself recently.