以下是引用嗯小嗯在2007-9-24 15:34:00的发言: heihei,三猫妈 xoxo back xoxo to little en~ 3rd cat vomiting last night, even all over me, kept us very busy seems not suffering this morning, so we sent him to daycare again
以下是引用delancey在2007-9-24 15:43:00的发言: back xoxo to little en~ 3rd cat vomiting last night, even all over me, kept us very busy seems not suffering this morning, so we sent him to daycare again 可怜的三猫怎么了?不过三猫这么坚强,真是棒小伙子呢 抱抱三猫
以下是引用嗯小嗯在2007-9-24 15:48:00的发言: 可怜的三猫怎么了?不过三猫这么坚强,真是棒小伙子呢 抱抱三猫 not quite sure, guess like this, search from his PED's website: Most vomiting is caused by a viral infection of the lining of the stomach or if your child eats something that disagrees with him. Often, a child whose vomiting is caused by a virus also has diarrhea.
以下是引用delancey在2007-9-24 15:50:00的发言: not quite sure, guess like this, search from his PED's website: Most vomiting is caused by a viral infection of the lining of the stomach or if your child eats something that disagrees with him. Often, a child whose vomiting is caused by a virus also has diarrhea. 3rd cat mom, there is stomach flu going around again. Lots of kids are getting sick. .... keep him hydrated and watch him closely... sometimes it causes fever as well. good luck to 3rd cat.
以下是引用delancey在2007-9-24 15:50:00的发言: not quite sure, guess like this, search from his PED's website: Most vomiting is caused by a viral infection of the lining of the stomach or if your child eats something that disagrees with him. Often, a child whose vomiting is caused by a virus also has diarrhea. 抱抱三猫,现在天气温差大,宝宝容易生病啊。
以下是引用小小鸟在2007-9-24 15:51:00的发言: 3rd cat mom, there is stomach flu going around again. Lots of kids are getting sick. .... keep him hydrated and watch him closely... sometimes it causes fever as well. good luck to 3rd cat. that's what his PED told us last Monday, I know lele got it even fever also, thanks! Maybe I should keep him at home, step parents sent him to daycare again although we checked he don't have fever at that moment
以下是引用delancey在2007-9-24 15:50:00的发言: not quite sure, guess like this, search from his PED's website: Most vomiting is caused by a viral infection of the lining of the stomach or if your child eats something that disagrees with him. Often, a child whose vomiting is caused by a virus also has diarrhea. 哦,看上去蛮有道理的,记得我听一个专家也说,如果吃了什么会拉肚子什么的说明身体本身在努力排出不愿被接受的东西。希望三猫今天都好好的
以下是引用delancey在2007-9-24 15:55:00的发言: that's what his PED told us last Monday, I know lele got it even fever also, thanks! Maybe I should keep him at home, step parents sent him to daycare again although we checked he don't have fever at that moment I am sosorry. Didn't I tell you it is going to be tough when he started school? But his immune system is going to be stronger and stronger.... and it will be better and better. Be strong! for you and for him!
以下是引用小小鸟在2007-9-24 15:59:00的发言: I am sosorry. Didn't I tell you it is going to be tough when he started school? But his immune system is going to be stronger and stronger.... and it will be better and better. Be strong! for you and for him! thanks for supporting
我觉得你做的太好了。我们做父母的,不为孩子出头,谁为? 我周末带孩子去打球,有个小孩子拿着大鬼的bat玩,大鬼当时不乐意啊,我还跟他反反复复的讲sharing的道理。。。结果没几分钟后,那孩子就当着他的面把求棍扔到fence的另一边去了,我气得。。。 当场告诉他,"I want you to bring it back for him please, NOW". 小白孩看了我一眼,乖乖的去捡了。。。
以下是引用janechenx在2007-9-24 15:55:00的发言: 再然后就是看到园长辞职的通知,没说辞职的原因.我LG就认为有可能是我造成的,至少有一部分是因我而起. 其实我认为自己还是属于很好相处的人,偶尔发发彪而已.在美国上研究生时也发过一次,后来我们系里那位骄傲的不得了的教授到我们studio给我道歉. No. You can't get her fired. Her unqualificiation got him fired. I don't like the way your hubby said it. It seems he's blaming you for protecting your child(and other chilrend that were bitten). He, as the father, should do it too. If he doesn't, he should at least support you when you do it.
以下是引用小小鸟在2007-9-24 16:14:00的发言: 我觉得你做的太好了。我们做父母的,不为孩子出头,谁为? 我周末带孩子去打球,有个小孩子拿着大鬼的bat玩,大鬼当时不乐意啊,我还跟他反反复复的讲sharing的道理。。。结果没几分钟后,那孩子就当着他的面把求棍扔到fence的另一边去了,我气得。。。 当场告诉他,"I want you to bring it back for him please, NOW". 小白孩看了我一眼,乖乖的去捡了。。。 谢谢夸奖!!! 不过我现在有点担心,大宝在老师们的呵互下,会不会变成 teacher's pet.
以下是引用janechenx在2007-9-24 16:23:00的发言: 谢谢夸奖!!! 不过我现在有点担心,大宝在老师们的呵互下,会不会变成 teacher's pet. mm, can you teach or share with me how to argue with other persons? I have a big concern about LEAD in my current house I rent. I tried to argue with landlord to do lead test for my daughter, finally I was very angry and still wait her response about my requirement.I don't know how to talk and argue with landlord about lead test, this is law requirement to protect children. I has been angry since I talked with landlord and still no any results. Poor monther!!!!!!!!! I know I should protect my girl, but don't know why I can't do it.
以下是引用iccc在2007-9-24 19:22:00的发言: mm, can you teach or share with me how to argue with other persons? I have a big concern about LEAD in my current house I rent. I tried to argue with landlord to do lead test for my daughter, finally I was very angry and still wait her response about my requirement.I don't know how to talk and argue with landlord about lead test, this is law requirement to protect children. I has been angry since I talked with landlord and still no any results. Poor monther!!!!!!!!! I know I should protect my girl, but don't know why I can't do it. 房子是1976年前盖的,又没有除lead的证明,通常来说就是有lead paint的. 你的房东不愿意做lead test,是因为一旦做了,就会有记录.将来他卖房子的话, 有那个记录估计不好卖. 如果房东要除lead的话,估计得花上万美元. 房子除lead的费用非常大,要把有lead的木头都拆下来,送到专门除lead的地方除lead,然后再一块一块钉回去. 个人认为美国的法律在lead paint 问题上有点小题大做. 象boston一类的老城市,绝大部分的房子都有lead paint 的, 象我自己住的房子做lead test的话,那是100%有lead paint 的. 法律规定了,如果自己住就不规定要除lead, 租给有小孩的人住就要除lead. 难道说房子owner的孩子就不需要受到法律的保护吗. 可想而知lead paint并没有象宣传的那么可怕. 其实这样的法律的最后的受害者是有孩子的房客, 很多房东不愿意多事,最后都不愿意租给有孩子的房客. 我说的都是大实话. MM可以查查你女儿的lead level, 如果在正常值内就不必当心了,如果不正常,可以立刻换个房子. 还有就是我们在中国长大的,都是在有lead paint的环境生长的, 如果我们去做lead level检查,估计都是在不正常范围内的.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-5 10:52:47编辑过]
第二次被咬时我就找园长谈了.然后我问园长要Biting Policy, 她把daycare的小册子给我,上面基本没有谈Biting 问题. 然后我问她要Biting guideline, 她居然说没有. 我当天就给总部打电话了. 电话一打去,总部的人就告诉我Biting guideline了. 然后我去接大宝时问了她们所有的老师,居然没有老师知道有Biting guideline. 这是有点不负责任。我家猫咪刚转到新幼儿园时也有一阵总咬人。园长和老师还把我们找去谈话,看看在家是不是也这样,给了一些有关孩子咬人的文章,材料什么的。后来我们都觉得是因为长牙,再加上换环境。老师就特别注意她,一发现有咬人的倾向就赶紧制止,然后给她磨牙的东西,过一阵就好了。
不砸不砸。 其实小孩子咬人并不是什么新鲜事,问题是老师不管就不对了
酒心:彪悍的童年啊。。还有,那时候物价可真低。。。 呵呵呵。。你的评语再精辟呢。
酒心:彪悍的童年啊。。还有,那时候物价可真低。。。 总结的太完整了,我又回去看了一次小小鸟写的,嘿嘿
总结的太完整了,我又回去看了一次小小鸟写的,嘿嘿 same as me
酒心:彪悍的童年啊。。还有,那时候物价可真低。。。 其实不是的,我小时候净被人欺负的,我5岁不到就上学了,所以同学都是比我大两岁的,自然欺负我。 就连那次咬人,也是被欺负后咬的,兔子急了都咬人嘛。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-24 15:34:47编辑过]
same as me heihei,三猫妈 xoxo
district manager没有打电话给那位小男孩的家长.但是记下了小男孩的姓名. 估计我们家大宝和那位小男孩都是在district manager的watchlist上吧.为什么这样说呢,三个星期前那位小男孩又被咬一次,daycare老师在被咬后马上打电话通知家长,并且告诉她当天早上班上有三个小孩被咬.下午district manager亲自打电话给小男孩的家长,放映情况.小男孩的家长说district manager只是知道小男孩被咬,不知道还有另外两位小朋友被咬. 是被别的小朋友咬吗?还是被蚊子咬的?
总结的太完整了,我又回去看了一次小小鸟写的,嘿嘿 不是有意写的。嘿嘿。。
不是有意写的。嘿嘿。。 嘿嘿,不过效果有了,回去又看,挺有意思的呢
en, 一直说被咬的,那咬人的小朋友呢? 我想知道,一般daycare里发生这种情况,到底时小朋友们打架的时候互咬,还是园里总有固定的一两个小朋友专门爱咬别人呢? 呵呵,2种可能都会有的,要是打架的咬人,可能相对简单一点,可以考虑是一种想“胜出”的手段;如果是“只有”几个小朋友咬人,一方面可能孩子的语言和表达方式还没develop好,所以不会表达才这样,也还会有其他复杂的原因
en, 一直说被咬的,那咬人的小朋友呢? 我想知道,一般daycare里发生这种情况,到底时小朋友们打架的时候互咬,还是园里总有固定的一两个小朋友专门爱咬别人呢? 原因很多的,长牙,换环境,打架,特别高兴或者特别喜欢某个小朋友不知道怎样表达都有可能咬人
heihei,三猫妈 xoxo back xoxo to little en~ 3rd cat vomiting last night, even all over me, kept us very busy seems not suffering this morning, so we sent him to daycare again
是被别的小朋友咬吗?还是被蚊子咬的? 有学校的incident report.我们家大宝手臂上到现在(2个多月了)还有三排清晰的牙齿印.不知道是不是永远都退不掉的.
我当然是希望特殊照顾大宝,但是daycare这么做了,我也没办法.总不能去干涉别人的工作吧.反正只要不再被咬,就达到我的目的了. learning how to deal with this kind of issue
有学校的incident report.我们家大宝手臂上到现在(2个多月了)还有三排清晰的牙齿印.不知道是不是永远都退不掉的. ah, poor DaBao, that 园长 should leave
May I ask which daycare is this? Chain daycare? Tuitor Time? kinder care, i think. lz mentioned.
en, 一直说被咬的,那咬人的小朋友呢? 我想知道,一般daycare里发生这种情况,到底时小朋友们打架的时候互咬,还是园里总有固定的一两个小朋友专门爱咬别人呢? 有的孩子到了一定年龄就是咬人,habbit。。。。 这个比较麻烦。 有的时候是先被咬,然后以后就用同样的方式反击,比如我家大鬼。。被咬2天后,反击。。。我5分钟后就接到电话。 咬人的孩子被timeout,拿回家一张咬人不好的诗。。。 被咬的孩子有一张incident report, 告知家长孩子被咬,但是咬人的孩子的名字不会被公布。我教育了,跟在孩子后面罗嗦了2个礼拜,不可以咬人。。。那是大鬼第一次,也是最后一次咬人。 有的是忍无可忍,在没有办法的下面,咬人,比如我家小鬼。。。 话说不清楚,被人欺负,忍无可忍下,只有咬人。 1个月出击2次。。。 后来被我也教育,教育,再教育, 再也没有发生。 所以说,我觉得咬人不可怕(孩子都有可能发生)但是老师不教育,学校不负责,却很可怕
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-24 15:48:51编辑过]
May I ask which daycare is this? Chain daycare? Tuitor Time? KinderCare, Chain daycare. 收费还是满高的.
May I ask which daycare is this? Chain daycare? Tuitor Time? i think she mentioned kindercare
大宝多大了? 2岁半.
back xoxo to little en~ 3rd cat vomiting last night, even all over me, kept us very busy seems not suffering this morning, so we sent him to daycare again 可怜的三猫怎么了?不过三猫这么坚强,真是棒小伙子呢
有的孩子到了一定年龄就是咬人,habbit。。。。 这个比较麻烦。 有的时候是先被咬,然后以后就用统一的方式反击,比如我家大鬼。。被咬2天后,反击。。。我5分钟后就接到电话。 咬人的孩子被timeout,拿回家一张咬人不好的诗。。。 被咬的孩子有一张incident report, 告知家长孩子被咬,但是咬人的孩子的名字不会被公布。我教育了,跟在孩子后面罗嗦了2个礼拜,不可以咬人。。。那是大鬼第一次,也是最后一次咬人。 有的是忍无可忍,在没有办法的下面,咬人,比如我家小鬼。。。 话说不清楚,被人欺负,忍无可忍下,只有咬人。 1个月出击2次。。。 后来被我也教育,教育,再教育, 再也没有发生。 所以说,我据的咬人不可怕(孩子都有可能发生)但是老师不教育,学校不负责,却很可怕 nod nod and nod again
抱抱三猫 not quite sure, guess like this, search from his PED's website: Most vomiting is caused by a viral infection of the lining of the stomach or if your child eats something that disagrees with him. Often, a child whose vomiting is caused by a virus also has diarrhea.
和尚上个星期被咬了,看着那些牙印,真是心疼啊。。 老师说是抢玩具时候被咬的,希望以后不要再有了。。 ah, monk got bite too, seems it's common
有的孩子到了一定年龄就是咬人,habbit。。。。 这个比较麻烦。 有的时候是先被咬,然后以后就用同样的方式反击,比如我家大鬼。。被咬2天后,反击。。。我5分钟后就接到电话。 咬人的孩子被timeout,拿回家一张咬人不好的诗。。。 被咬的孩子有一张incident report, 告知家长孩子被咬,但是咬人的孩子的名字不会被公布。我教育了,跟在孩子后面罗嗦了2个礼拜,不可以咬人。。。那是大鬼第一次,也是最后一次咬人。 有的是忍无可忍,在没有办法的下面,咬人,比如我家小鬼。。。 话说不清楚,被人欺负,忍无可忍下,只有咬人。 1个月出击2次。。。 后来被我也教育,教育,再教育, 再也没有发生。 所以说,我觉得咬人不可怕(孩子都有可能发生)但是老师不教育,学校不负责,却很可怕
有的孩子到了一定年龄就是咬人,habbit。。。。 这个比较麻烦。 有的时候是先被咬,然后以后就用同样的方式反击,比如我家大鬼。。被咬2天后,反击。。。我5分钟后就接到电话。 咬人的孩子被timeout,拿回家一张咬人不好的诗。。。 被咬的孩子有一张incident report, 告知家长孩子被咬,但是咬人的孩子的名字不会被公布。我教育了,跟在孩子后面罗嗦了2个礼拜,不可以咬人。。。那是大鬼第一次,也是最后一次咬人。 有的是忍无可忍,在没有办法的下面,咬人,比如我家小鬼。。。 话说不清楚,被人欺负,忍无可忍下,只有咬人。 1个月出击2次。。。 后来被我也教育,教育,再教育, 再也没有发生。 所以说,我觉得咬人不可怕(孩子都有可能发生)但是老师不教育,学校不负责,却很可怕
not quite sure, guess like this, search from his PED's website: Most vomiting is caused by a viral infection of the lining of the stomach or if your child eats something that disagrees with him. Often, a child whose vomiting is caused by a virus also has diarrhea. 3rd cat mom, there is stomach flu going around again. Lots of kids are getting sick. .... keep him hydrated and watch him closely... sometimes it causes fever as well. good luck to 3rd cat.
not quite sure, guess like this, search from his PED's website: Most vomiting is caused by a viral infection of the lining of the stomach or if your child eats something that disagrees with him. Often, a child whose vomiting is caused by a virus also has diarrhea. 抱抱三猫,现在天气温差大,宝宝容易生病啊。
3rd cat mom, there is stomach flu going around again. Lots of kids are getting sick. .... keep him hydrated and watch him closely... sometimes it causes fever as well. good luck to 3rd cat. that's what his PED told us last Monday, I know lele got it even fever also, thanks! Maybe I should keep him at home, step parents sent him to daycare again although we checked he don't have fever at that moment
not quite sure, guess like this, search from his PED's website: Most vomiting is caused by a viral infection of the lining of the stomach or if your child eats something that disagrees with him. Often, a child whose vomiting is caused by a virus also has diarrhea. 哦,看上去蛮有道理的,记得我听一个专家也说,如果吃了什么会拉肚子什么的说明身体本身在努力排出不愿被接受的东西。希望三猫今天都好好的
that's what his PED told us last Monday, I know lele got it even fever also, thanks! Maybe I should keep him at home, step parents sent him to daycare again although we checked he don't have fever at that moment I am sosorry. Didn't I tell you it is going to be tough when he started school? But his immune system is going to be stronger and stronger.... and it will be better and better. Be strong! for you and for him!
哎,这是也是我担心的呢,,孩子学样可快了。。。 做讲座的老师说咬人不会传的.有的孩子会咬人,有的不会.我有点怀疑这种说发. 我们家大宝从来没咬过人,也没咬过玩具.只有被咬的份.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-24 16:01:58编辑过]
有学校的incident report.我们家大宝手臂上到现在(2个多月了)还有三排清晰的牙齿印.不知道是不是永远都退不掉的. gosh, 真没想到小朋友们下嘴这么狠啊!我有时候非常生气了就咬LG一口解恨,当时也很疼留印,但第二天印就消了。 这个能留2个多月,当时都快咬出血了吧,真可怜!爸爸妈妈看着太心疼了。更觉得MM你做的非常对!
做讲座的老师说咬人不会传的.有的孩子会咬人,有的不会.我有点怀疑这种说发. 向我们家大宝,从来没咬过人,也没咬过玩具. 我刚才还想说,你家大宝性格太好了。。是不是很easy going啊。。不过被咬这么多次,真可怜。你要和她谈谈,教会她自我保护的方法。。。。比如说,告诉mean的小孩NO, then 走开,then告诉老师。。。 唉。。
I am sosorry. Didn't I tell you it is going to be tough when he started school? But his immune system is going to be stronger and stronger.... and it will be better and better. Be strong! for you and for him! thanks for supporting
gosh, 真没想到小朋友们下嘴这么狠啊!我有时候非常生气了就咬LG一口解恨,当时也很疼留印,但第二天印就消了。 这个能留2个多月,当时都快咬出血了吧,真可怜!爸爸妈妈看着太心疼了。更觉得MM你做的非常对! 小朋友咬人没轻没重,咬人可以咬得很厉害的.我们大宝第二次被咬那次,incident report上写没咬破皮,其实是破了,只是当时红肿着,看不出.后来消肿后,后结褐色的荚. 如果咬出血后,学校规定咬人着和被咬着要去各自的PED做几项检查,包括血液检查.这些检查有的是洲法规定的.主要是看看有没有通过血液传染疾病.而且检查费用好象要自己掏的.
ah, monk got bite too, seems it's common 正是因为很common ,所以大家都不当回事.其实是有很多方法可以解决的,关键是daycare愿不愿意投入人力去解决.
再然后就是看到园长辞职的通知,没说辞职的原因.我LG就认为有可能是我造成的,至少有一部分是因我而起. 其实我认为自己还是属于很好相处的人,偶尔发发彪而已.在美国上研究生时也发过一次,后来我们系里那位骄傲的不得了的教授到我们studio给我道歉. admire! 能讲讲这个故事吗?
再然后就是看到园长辞职的通知,没说辞职的原因.我LG就认为有可能是我造成的,至少有一部分是因我而起. 其实我认为自己还是属于很好相处的人,偶尔发发彪而已.在美国上研究生时也发过一次,后来我们系里那位骄傲的不得了的教授到我们studio给我道歉. No. You can't get her fired. Her unqualificiation got him fired. I don't like the way your hubby said it. It seems he's blaming you for protecting your child(and other chilrend that were bitten). He, as the father, should do it too. If he doesn't, he should at least support you when you do it.
我觉得你做的太好了。我们做父母的,不为孩子出头,谁为? 我周末带孩子去打球,有个小孩子拿着大鬼的bat玩,大鬼当时不乐意啊,我还跟他反反复复的讲sharing的道理。。。结果没几分钟后,那孩子就当着他的面把求棍扔到fence的另一边去了,我气得。。。 当场告诉他,"I want you to bring it back for him please, NOW". 小白孩看了我一眼,乖乖的去捡了。。。 谢谢夸奖!!! 不过我现在有点担心,大宝在老师们的呵互下,会不会变成 teacher's pet.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-24 16:29:38编辑过]
LZ 觉得Kindercare里面老师的Overall素质怎么样。家附近有一家,还没去看过,但是挺一个在Playgroud碰到的爸爸说,是挺一般的。
唉,今天去看了一家daycare。那么多孩子挤在一间黑区区的屋里,几个看上去素质不高的老师带着,回来后心里挺不舒服的。上来又看到大宝被咬的经历。 黑屋子一定不能去。房子要亮堂,孩子心里才高兴。不然看看family care?
哇,真是个好帖子。谢谢LZ MM写出来分享。看来下次去看Daycare的时候要加一个这个关于咬人的问题了。
LZ 觉得Kindercare里面老师的Overall素质怎么样。家附近有一家,还没去看过,但是挺一个在Playgroud碰到的爸爸说,是挺一般的。
it is franchise, so every daycare is different.
谢谢夸奖!!! 不过我现在有点担心,大宝在老师们的呵互下,会不会变成 teacher's pet. mm, can you teach or share with me how to argue with other persons? I have a big concern about LEAD in my current house I rent. I tried to argue with landlord to do lead test for my daughter, finally I was very angry and still wait her response about my requirement.I don't know how to talk and argue with landlord about lead test, this is law requirement to protect children. I has been angry since I talked with landlord and still no any results. Poor monther!!!!!!!!! I know I should protect my girl, but don't know why I can't do it.
mm, can you teach or share with me how to argue with other persons? I have a big concern about LEAD in my current house I rent. I tried to argue with landlord to do lead test for my daughter, finally I was very angry and still wait her response about my requirement.I don't know how to talk and argue with landlord about lead test, this is law requirement to protect children. I has been angry since I talked with landlord and still no any results. Poor monther!!!!!!!!! I know I should protect my girl, but don't know why I can't do it. 房子是1976年前盖的,又没有除lead的证明,通常来说就是有lead paint的. 你的房东不愿意做lead test,是因为一旦做了,就会有记录.将来他卖房子的话, 有那个记录估计不好卖. 如果房东要除lead的话,估计得花上万美元. 房子除lead的费用非常大,要把有lead的木头都拆下来,送到专门除lead的地方除lead,然后再一块一块钉回去. 个人认为美国的法律在lead paint 问题上有点小题大做. 象boston一类的老城市,绝大部分的房子都有lead paint 的, 象我自己住的房子做lead test的话,那是100%有lead paint 的. 法律规定了,如果自己住就不规定要除lead, 租给有小孩的人住就要除lead. 难道说房子owner的孩子就不需要受到法律的保护吗. 可想而知lead paint并没有象宣传的那么可怕. 其实这样的法律的最后的受害者是有孩子的房客, 很多房东不愿意多事,最后都不愿意租给有孩子的房客. 我说的都是大实话. MM可以查查你女儿的lead level, 如果在正常值内就不必当心了,如果不正常,可以立刻换个房子. 还有就是我们在中国长大的,都是在有lead paint的环境生长的, 如果我们去做lead level检查,估计都是在不正常范围内的.
至少应该让咬人的小孩和他/她家长出来说句话呀 这算什么啊 我娃幼儿园这点还不错,要是发生这种情况,这个小孩肯定就被拒了 小孩子虽然也有皮的时候,但是都很规矩 替楼主心疼下你家大宝 大部分daycare都是不允许老师告诉受害家长咬人的孩子的姓名的. 是受个人隐私法保护的. 同样的,孩子在daycare被打,也是不知道谁打的..
支持三宝妈,做的有理有节,赞一个! 谢谢三宝妈把这么宝贵的经验分享出来,班班是不是应该给加精啊?
district manager没有打电话给那位小男孩的家长.但是记下了小男孩的姓名. 估计我们家大宝和那位小男孩都是在district manager的watchlist上吧.为什么这样说呢,三个星期前那位小男孩又被咬一次,daycare老师在被咬后马上打电话通知家长,并且告诉她当天早上班上有三个小孩被咬.下午district manager亲自打电话给小男孩的家长,放映情况.小男孩的家长说district manager只是知道小男孩被咬,不知道还有另外两位小朋友被咬. 咬人的都是多大的孩子呀。听起来挺可怕的。怎么老出现咬人现象