另外,sungougou mm认为疫苗还是按时打比较重要。我个人也非常同意,认为定下的schedule应该有它的道理 我来小小反对一下疫苗不按时打,原因出处见: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/vis/downloads/vis-pneumoconjugate.txt个人觉得,如果1岁要接孩子回来 (马上要幼儿园),6个月的这一针还是要打得。毕竟是 2 岁以内的 免疫重点。。。---------------------------------Infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria can cause serious illness and death. Invasive pneumococcal disease is responsible for about 200 deaths each year among children under 5 years old. It is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in the United States. (Meningitis is an infection of the covering of the brain).
Each year pneumococcal infection causes severe disease in children under five years old, Before a vaccine was available, pneumococcal infection each year caused: - over 700 cases of meningitis - 13,000 blood infections, and - about 5 million ear infections
It can also lead to other health problems, including: - pneumonia, - deafness, - brain damage.
Children under 2 years old are at highest risk for serious disease.
Pneumococcus bacteria are spread from person to person through close contact. . Who should get the vaccine and when?
Children under 2 years of age: - 2 months - 4 months - 6 months - 12 to 15 months
Children who weren't vaccinated at these ages can still get the vaccine. The number of doses needed depends on the child's age. Ask your health care provider for details.
以下是引用风月无边在2007-9-10 15:52:00的发言: 可是你突然回答了人家这么一句话,挺奇怪的,牛头不对马尾的,人家也就是问了一下“回国到小地方,这个疫苗是不是就打不了?”,这跟虐待儿童有啥关系??? 啊~~~ 我只是想解释一下为什么美国这些东西不要钱. 然后虐待儿童是举例进一步说明. 好象越摸越黑了, now i don't know what i'm talking about
以下是引用千夜在2007-9-11 0:22:00的发言: 我找到上次我发给我的说明了,对于PCV7的 在24个月到6岁之间都可以打,说明是: Catch-up immunization (if missed earlier) 我来小小反对一下这个,原因出处见: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/vis/downloads/vis-pneumoconjugate.txt 个人觉得,如果1岁要接孩子回来 (马上要幼儿园),6个月的这一针还是要打得。毕竟是 2 岁以内的 免疫重点。。。 --------------------------------- Infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria can cause serious illness and death. Invasive pneumococcal disease is responsible for about 200 deaths each year among children under 5 years old. It is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in the United States. (Meningitis is an infection of the covering of the brain).
Each year pneumococcal infection causes severe disease in children under five years old, Before a vaccine was available, pneumococcal infection each year caused: - over 700 cases of meningitis - 13,000 blood infections, and - about 5 million ear infections
It can also lead to other health problems, including: - pneumonia, - deafness, - brain damage.
Children under 2 years old are at highest risk for serious disease.
Pneumococcus bacteria are spread from person to person through close contact. . Who should get the vaccine and when?
Children under 2 years of age: - 2 months - 4 months - 6 months - 12 to 15 months
Children who weren't vaccinated at these ages can still get the vaccine. The number of doses needed depends on the child's age. Ask your health care provider for details.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/12/5 18:48:04编辑过]
and death. Invasive pneumococcal disease is responsible for about 200
deaths each year among children under 5 years old. It is the leading cause
of bacterial meningitis in the United States. (Meningitis is an infection of the
covering of the brain).
Each year pneumococcal infection causes severe disease in children under
five years old, Before a vaccine was available, pneumococcal infection each year caused:
- over 700 cases of meningitis
- 13,000 blood infections, and
- about 5 million ear infections
It can also lead to other health problems, including:
- pneumonia,
- deafness,
- brain damage.
Children under 2 years old are at highest risk for serious disease.
Pneumococcus bacteria are spread from person to person through close
. Who should get the vaccine and when?
Children under 2 years of age:
- 2 months
- 4 months
- 6 months
- 12 to 15 months
Children who weren't vaccinated at these ages can still get the vaccine. The
number of doses needed depends on the child's age. Ask your health care
provider for details.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-11 7:51:04编辑过]
ridiculous 谁说不是呢,而且那个体检那么贵,买套基本体检仪器什么都够了
谁说不是呢,而且那个体检那么贵,买套基本体检仪器什么都够了 外国人难道就有钱啊,觉得国内已看到老外或者外国回来的就跟看见金子一样 反正这个费用我家是负担不起
是啊,实在太贵了,可是宝宝这6个月的这一针,只有那里打。。。。 所以还是尽量6个月体检了再送孩子回去。这样半年后大概接回来,一岁的一针还是能在美国大的。 sungougou mm,一定要谢谢你的帖子啊。我研究了好半天,很有帮助
外国人难道就有钱啊,觉得国内已看到老外或者外国回来的就跟看见金子一样 反正这个费用我家是负担不起 在北京的那些外交官都是去那里看病的,不过人家是公费,所以也不在乎这点儿钱。。。 我们自费当然肉痛啊肉痛
在北京的那些外交官都是去那里看病的,不过人家是公费,所以也不在乎这点儿钱。。。 我们自费当然肉痛啊肉痛
换算成300美元应该不算贵了,没有保险的话在美国也得需要这么多钱吧。。 没保险的可以去健康部打针,免费的
pat pat,为了宝宝健康,也是没有办法的事情,想想宝宝在国内的幸福生活就好了,钱毕竟是身外事
换算成300美元应该不算贵了,没有保险的话在美国也得需要这么多钱吧。。 在美国还交着保险的钱
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-10 13:23:37编辑过]
child well being checkup 及疫苗在美国不管有没有保险都是免费的. 好像还真是的。我们的保险很不好,家庭每个成员一年都有250刀的deductible。但我儿子的四岁体检是保险给付了,另外一次看病要自己付。
要是回国到小地方,这个疫苗在国内就打不了了吗? 美国人把小孩子当做国家财产来对待,比如果虐待儿童国家有权没收你的孩子.
要是回国到小地方,这个疫苗在国内就打不了了吗? 是啊,我们家那里就没有。 问了美国这边的医生,说可以回来在几岁补打的。 具体几岁忘了,反正是好几岁,接近十岁吧,那时候宝宝肯定回来了,就没仔细记了
就是说,孩子不仅是你自己的. 可是你突然回答了人家这么一句话,挺奇怪的,牛头不对马尾的,人家也就是问了一下“回国到小地方,这个疫苗是不是就打不了?”,这跟虐待儿童有啥关系???
最好是六个月的针打完再送宝宝回国。另外,燕莎那里有个国际医疗中心,除了肺炎针没有以外(05年底的情况),别的针也是和国外同步的,收费是北京那几个外资医院相对便宜的一个。而且可以找那里面的中国医生做针前检查,告诉医生你是自费让他给你一个会员价会便宜一点。 为啥要去那么贵的医院打呢? 咱们小时候不是都去普通医院的吗?也没啥问题呀 我朋友的孩子送回去,也都是去的普通医院。 国内同学的宝宝们也都这么过来的,没听说谁去和睦家了。
为啥要去那么贵的医院打呢? 咱们小时候不是都去普通医院的吗?也没啥问题呀 我朋友的孩子送回去,也都是去的普通医院。 国内同学的宝宝们也都这么过来的,没听说谁去和睦家了。
最好是六个月的针打完再送宝宝回国。另外,燕莎那里有个国际医疗中心,除了肺炎针没有以外(05年底的情况),别的针也是和国外同步的,收费是北京那几个外资医院相对便宜的一个。而且可以找那里面的中国医生做针前检查,告诉医生你是自费让他给你一个会员价会便宜一点。 不就是PV7国内没有吗,别的疫苗打国内的不就可以吗?
不就是PV7国内没有吗,别的疫苗打国内的不就可以吗? 人家可不就是在说这个pv7嘛
为啥要去那么贵的医院打呢? 咱们小时候不是都去普通医院的吗?也没啥问题呀 我朋友的孩子送回去,也都是去的普通医院。 国内同学的宝宝们也都这么过来的,没听说谁去和睦家了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-10 23:43:20编辑过]
再强调一遍,(我在原来的帖子里总结过 http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?boardid=333&topicid=303762&page=1 ) pcv7 这一针,在国内时 regular hospital 是没有对应针的,如果宝宝不到六个月送回去,而且大概1岁接回来还想keep这里的 schedule, 就可以考虑在国内的外资医院打这一针。这个最好和自己的保险商量好,如果能够报销就最好不过了。 rotateq : 美国疫苗的此 merck 出产,为口服,建议于宝宝 2、4、6个月大时使用, 第三次不能晚于32周。此疫苗在国内属于可选疫苗, 但是疫苗类型与美国的不同,是一年一次。 美国的这种类型 rotateq 疫苗在国内时找不到的。我们考虑再三,只好放弃了。 看到了,谢谢mm!!!
我找到上次我发给我的说明了,对于PCV7的 在24个月到6岁之间都可以打,说明是: Catch-up immunization (if missed earlier) 我来小小反对一下这个,原因出处见: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/vis/downloads/vis-pneumoconjugate.txt 个人觉得,如果1岁要接孩子回来 (马上要幼儿园),6个月的这一针还是要打得。毕竟是 2 岁以内的 免疫重点。。。 --------------------------------- Infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria can cause serious illness
and death. Invasive pneumococcal disease is responsible for about 200
deaths each year among children under 5 years old. It is the leading cause
of bacterial meningitis in the United States. (Meningitis is an infection of the
covering of the brain).
Each year pneumococcal infection causes severe disease in children under
five years old, Before a vaccine was available, pneumococcal infection each year caused:
- over 700 cases of meningitis
- 13,000 blood infections, and
- about 5 million ear infections
It can also lead to other health problems, including:
- pneumonia,
- deafness,
- brain damage.
Children under 2 years old are at highest risk for serious disease.
Pneumococcus bacteria are spread from person to person through close
. Who should get the vaccine and when?
Children under 2 years of age:
- 2 months
- 4 months
- 6 months
- 12 to 15 months
Children who weren't vaccinated at these ages can still get the vaccine. The
number of doses needed depends on the child's age. Ask your health care
provider for details.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-11 0:37:13编辑过]
2. 美国的
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-11 1:37:05编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-11 2:37:22编辑过]
另外,希望斑斑把这个帖子加精,补充了原来有的几个帖子没涉及到的讨论。。。 尤其是对 PCV7
我问了ped,为啥他说6个月的针可以等到12个月宝宝回美国的时候再打,说只有乙肝最重要,其他都可以推。我先在正愁着呢,怕宝宝不打疫苗没有抵抗力:(,不是6个月还有那个ipv小儿麻痹的疫苗要打么,这个能吃opv糖丸么?[em04] 也想知道,这边都是注射的,国内是口服的,可以改口服的吗?
另外国内的DTaP现在是无细胞的还是有细胞? 医生说现在北京都是无细胞的,你放心打吧。
也想知道,这边都是注射的,国内是口服的,可以改口服的吗? 我们反正就吃了糖丸,我觉得只要药的成分一样,什么样的形式并不重要吧!
我的宝宝回去的时候,6个月内的针都打过了。如果他打算两岁左右回来,那么PVC的第四针在一岁的时候需要在国内打吗?如果过了两岁再回来打,会不会晚了? 谢谢答复哦