哪一个STATA 好用啊?

楼主 (北美华人网)
土人我没玩过STATA, 现在想把所有可能需要的软件都装齐了.... 想问问大家, 哪一个STATA 最好用, 我不是FINANCE 的, 主要做ORGANIZATIONAL RESEARCH, -STATA/SE
- Small STATA 最后祝大家开学愉快!
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i use STATA/SE
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首先不建议用Small Stata,能处理的数据太小。Stata/MP估计你也用不上,又不是服务器。 Stata/SE或者Stata/IC就看你的数据大不大了。下面是详细介绍: Stata/MP: The fastest version of Stata (for dual-core and multicore/multiprocessor computers) Stata/SE: Stata for large datasets Stata/IC: The standard version of Stata Small Stata: A smaller, student version of Stata (for educational purchases only) Stata/MP is the fastest and largest version of Stata. Most computers purchased since mid 2006 can take advantage of the advanced multiprocessing of Stata/MP. This includes the Intel CoreTM Duo and the AMD X2 dual-core chips. On dual-core chips, Stata/MP runs 40% faster overall and 72% faster where it matters, on the time-consuming estimation commands. With more than two cores or processors, Stata/MP is even faster. Stata/SE, Stata/IC, and Small Stata differ in the dataset size that each can analyze. Stata/SE and Stata/MP allow datasets with up to 32,767 variables. The number of observations is limited only by the amount of RAM in your computer. Stata/SE and Stata/MP allow matrices up to 11,000 x 11,000 on computers with sufficient memory. An implication of this is that Stata/SE and Stata/MP can fit models with more independent variables (up to 10,998).

Stata/IC allows datasets with as many as 2,047 variables. The number of observations is limited only by the amount of RAM in your computer. Stata/IC can have at most 798 right-hand-side variables in a model.

Small Stata is limited to analyzing datasets with a maximum of 99 variables on approximately 1,000 observations. Small Stata can have at most 38 right-hand-side variables in a model.
5 楼
thanks a lot, concord mm..... how have you been doing recently?
6 楼
以下是引用concord在2007-8-20 13:33:00的发言:
首先不建议用Small Stata,能处理的数据太小。Stata/MP估计你也用不上,又不是服务器。 Stata/SE或者Stata/IC就看你的数据大不大了。下面是详细介绍: Stata/MP: The fastest version of Stata (for dual-core and multicore/multiprocessor computers) Stata/SE: Stata for large datasets Stata/IC: The standard version of Stata Small Stata: A smaller, student version of Stata (for educational purchases only) Stata/MP is the fastest and largest version of Stata. Most computers purchased since mid 2006 can take advantage of the advanced multiprocessing of Stata/MP. This includes the Intel CoreTM Duo and the AMD X2 dual-core chips. On dual-core chips, Stata/MP runs 40% faster overall and 72% faster where it matters, on the time-consuming estimation commands. With more than two cores or processors, Stata/MP is even faster. Stata/SE, Stata/IC, and Small Stata differ in the dataset size that each can analyze. Stata/SE and Stata/MP allow datasets with up to 32,767 variables. The number of observations is limited only by the amount of RAM in your computer. Stata/SE and Stata/MP allow matrices up to 11,000 x 11,000 on computers with sufficient memory. An implication of this is that Stata/SE and Stata/MP can fit models with more independent variables (up to 10,998).

Stata/IC allows datasets with as many as 2,047 variables. The number of observations is limited only by the amount of RAM in your computer. Stata/IC can have at most 798 right-hand-side variables in a model.

Small Stata is limited to analyzing datasets with a maximum of 99 variables on approximately 1,000 observations. Small Stata can have at most 38 right-hand-side variables in a model. NIU REN!!!
7 楼
以下是引用concord在2007-8-20 13:33:00的发言:
首先不建议用Small Stata,能处理的数据太小。Stata/MP估计你也用不上,又不是服务器。 Stata/SE或者Stata/IC就看你的数据大不大了。下面是详细介绍: Stata/MP: The fastest version of Stata (for dual-core and multicore/multiprocessor computers) Stata/SE: Stata for large datasets Stata/IC: The standard version of Stata Small Stata: A smaller, student version of Stata (for educational purchases only) Stata/MP is the fastest and largest version of Stata. Most computers purchased since mid 2006 can take advantage of the advanced multiprocessing of Stata/MP. This includes the Intel CoreTM Duo and the AMD X2 dual-core chips. On dual-core chips, Stata/MP runs 40% faster overall and 72% faster where it matters, on the time-consuming estimation commands. With more than two cores or processors, Stata/MP is even faster. Stata/SE, Stata/IC, and Small Stata differ in the dataset size that each can analyze. Stata/SE and Stata/MP allow datasets with up to 32,767 variables. The number of observations is limited only by the amount of RAM in your computer. Stata/SE and Stata/MP allow matrices up to 11,000 x 11,000 on computers with sufficient memory. An implication of this is that Stata/SE and Stata/MP can fit models with more independent variables (up to 10,998).

Stata/IC allows datasets with as many as 2,047 variables. The number of observations is limited only by the amount of RAM in your computer. Stata/IC can have at most 798 right-hand-side variables in a model.

Small Stata is limited to analyzing datasets with a maximum of 99 variables on approximately 1,000 observations. Small Stata can have at most 38 right-hand-side variables in a model. 看到这个才明白STATA/IC =intercool. 我用intercool用了很久,一直以为那也是简版;今年才蹭上了SE