[分享]Armed with these questions before you go to a doctor

楼主 (北美华人网)
这个贴子里会涉及到的依旧都是来自you, the smart patient一书。
Getting to know you http://images.oprah.com/download/pdfs/health/health_20060210_journal.pdf
我觉得这个health journal还是比较handy的,尤其第一页把所有的医生和保险有关的信息都可以列出来,然后每次打电话时,就不用面前放上一大堆名片和卡片了,为双方都可以结省更多的时间。 还有就是7,8页的relevant family health history了。   加这吧,下面几个网站,我用的还是比较多的,我觉得对一些病状还有test都还是解释的不错的,要是有用的上的时候,打印好了,带着去,绝对有震慑作用哈。
http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/home/tools/symptom.html http://www.mayoclinic.com/ http://www.texasheart.org/index.cfm http://www.revolutionhealth.com/ http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/hp.asp http://medlineplus.gov/

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-16 23:30:20编辑过]
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Who should be on your list   test:  just how likely are you to inherit this relative’s condition? To better assess your risk, answer these questions for each relative who has (or had) a disease  that might be genetically transmissible to you:   y/n   Is this an immediate, full-blood relative? Circle yes if it is your mother or father or a sibling (if a stepsibling, circle no) y/n   Did this relative get the disease with a suspected genetic link before age sixty-five? y/n   Did this relative die from this disease before age sixty-five? y/n   Was this disease likely caused by a genetic link, and not caused by environmental or lifestyle factors? (if the relative was a heavy smoker, a heavy drinker, or had a toxic or hazardous exposure at work, and these likely caused or contributed to the disease, circle no) y/n   Is there at least one other blood relative who also has or had any of these same diseases? y/n   Do you look like this relative, either inside or out? Meaning, do you have the same body type, same cholesterol problem, same bad temper, etc.?   If you circled one or two Ys, you may be at risk for inheriting this condition, so monitor it with your doctor. You circled three or more Ys? You’re likely at very high risk of inheriting the disease, so keep a watchful eye on it. Just keep your radar sharp for two factors: serious illness or death before age sixty-five, and potentially fatal conditions.   通常,自己的父母,兄弟姐妹,还有父母的父母都会在“晒选”范围之内,这里建议加上的还有父母的兄弟姐妹,还有自己的配偶,因为配偶和自己生存在一个完全相同的环境中,而且会有着最大的相互影响。这就是我比较喜欢这个表格的一个原因,因为以前会忽视到自己父母和祖父母以外的人,现在有了判断的标准后,也可以更好的为自己未来的健康负责吧
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-16 22:42:49编辑过]
3 楼
Describes medical problems straightforwardly in as much detail as possible
How much detail is enough? If you say you’re having headaches. 1. Where do you experience the pain? 2. Is it in the front of your head, at your temples, at the base of your skull, or throughout your entire head? 3. What kind of pain is it: a dull throbbing, a sharp piercing, or a constant ache? 4. How severe is the pain? 5. When dose it occur and how often? 6. When did the headaches start? 7. Have you been able to do anything to make the pain better? 8. What makes it worse? 9. Dose it wake you at night or keep you from sleeping?
The more detail your can provide, the better. In fact, more than 80 percent of health problems can be diagnosed by the information the patient provides his or her doctor: Cause—have you noticed what, if anything, triggers the symptoms? Severity—how bad is the pain or symptom? We’ll often ask you to rate the pain on a scale of one to ten, with one being no pain and ten being the worst pain you can imagine. You can give a half 2 J Previous or current treatments—have you tried any medications, dietary changes, or other treatment? Have they made a difference in your symptoms? 我个人的经验是,越正规,越好的专科医生在问这些问题时,应该说一个都不落下,而且通常都会有图来帮助你指明部位,也会把各种疼痛不舒服的症状尽量列全,供你选择,基本上我觉得这个和医院的规模还有医生的水平还是成正比的。 但是也有不少专科医生,表现的不是很敬业,所以不能指望我们碰到的每位医生都会问全,还是自己首先武装好,有很多病状很接近,但是如果他们没有汇总足够的信息,就无法作出比较准确的判断,医生的负责与否是一回事,首先是浪费了自己的时间,甚至可能耽误了治料的时间。所以一个简单明确的症状记录,还是很有必要的,尤其当医生发现你准备充分的来向他一个个发问时,他会更紧张你的情况。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-16 23:12:25编辑过]
4 楼
Questions for a new test   Before taking any test, always ask these questions: 1.        What does this test measure? 2.        Why do I need it? 3.        What could happen if I don’t have the test? 4.        Are there any alternatives to the test? 5.        Will my health insurance pay the total cost for this test? If not, how much will it cost? 6.        How accurate is the test? 7.        How frequently does this test return false positives(the results show a problem that doesn’t exist) and false negatives( the test says there’s no problem, but there is)? 8.        How is the test performed? 9.        What kind of pain or “discomfort” is involved? 10.    What can go wrong? 11.    How should I prepare for the test? 12.    How ill I feel after the test? (can I return to work immediately? Etc.) 13.    When will I get the results? 14.    Which lab is processing the test, and why did you choose that one? (check to see if the lab is accredited by the joint commission at www.jcaho.org or by the college of American pathologists at www.cap.org.) 15.        What’s the ideal result that I want to get on this test? 16.        After taking the test and getting the results, what’s the next step? 个人感觉,这些问题的最大的用处就是向医生表明了你的态度;还有就是如果有时间和条件,去看医生前适当的做些home work了解一些相应的专业名词,对于有可能要选择来进行进一步判断的测试也有些简单的了解,至少当医生说那些古怪的测试的名字时,不会完全的茫然。好象echo一共就有三种,每一个解释不过2,3行而已。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-16 22:44:49编辑过]
5 楼
Before the operation---1   Here are the key questions you should ask before undergoing any surgery. 1.       I know I’ve asked before, but can you review once again in lay terms why I need this surgery? 2.       What’ll happen if I run for the hills and don’t have it done? 3.       Can I peek at some of the data showing what happens if I “just say no”? 4.       What are the alternatives to surgery? 5.       What are the risks of the surgery in the hands of a skilled practitioner? What if he or she is not skilled? 6.       Is there an alternative or newer way to perform the surgery that offers different pros and cons? If so, which method will you use and why? Any minimally invasive options? Are those better? 7.       Will the benefits be permanent? By the way, how long is “permanent”? 8.       Where is the absolute best place to have this surgery done besides here? 9.       How many of these specific surgeries does this hospital do a year? 10.   How long will I be in the hospital? 11.   Is it possible to do this on an outpatient basis, and if so, would that be smart? 12.   Can this be done under local anesthesia instead of general? (don’t get knocked out unless it’s necessary, or the surgeon thinks it’ll be most beneficial.) 13.   How many times have you performed this procedure? 14.   How do your results in this operation compare with those of others surgeons? 15.   What kind of complications do your patient’s most frequently experience from this surgery? (don’t let the surgeon speak in generalities here.)
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-16 22:45:42编辑过]
6 楼
Before the operation---2 16. What should I do and not do immediately before and surgery? (find out about food, alcohol, medications, sex, triathlons, and other activities.) 17. Is the operation painful? How much pain will I be in after surgery? What painkillers will be given during and after surgery? 18. How long will I be laid up after this surgery—meaning flat on my back or really unable to get around easily? 19. How soon will be able to drive? Do I need someone with me for the first twenty-four to forty-eight hours? 20. What kind of scar (if any) will I have from the surgery? How long will it take to heal? 21. How much time from work can I milk this for? 22. Will I need physical therapy, and if so, for how long? 23. What will my insurance cover? What will my insurance not cover? 24. What complications should I be on the lookout for after surgery, and what should I do if they occur? 25. Who should I call after my surgery if I have questions, or if I experience something unexpected?  (get a specific phone number to call.)
  通常,我觉得这些问题,医生和手术前要见的护士,一定会过一遍的,不过自己提前看一下的好处,就是可以给自己一点提示,需要问什么,有什么是还不清楚的 Tips: Never shave your surgical site yourself. Shaving will leave you with thousands of tiny, invisible nicks that can increase your chance for infection, so let the team worry about defoliating you. Get some fresh air. Ask for supplemental oxygen during and after operation. A study found that receiving oxygen reduced infections in patients by 39 percent. Not bad for just inhaling. Have a blankie. Cold patients develop more complications, so make sure you request a blanket. You can kindly ask the surgeon if he or she will actually be performing the surgery and request that residents or others only assist. You want them to follow their usual routine for your operation.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-16 23:36:06编辑过]
7 楼
Every time you go to the doctor or see a specialist or get a test done, ask for a copy of your record from that day’s visit right then and there. It’ll cut down on later phone calls and faxes and aggravation try to dig up data after the fact. So before you leave, always get a receipt of what you had done that day. And just like at a fast-food restaurant, remind them that all services are free if you don’t get a receipt. Also, you can avoid a lot of hassles in trying to get information from one physician to another by making sure that you have all of the info in your hands first. 看病,手术,还有各种测试的记录自己手中有一份的最大好处,除了可以回家自己再做些更深入的了解外,就是如果想要get a second opinion,或着去看一些几乎不再收新病人的surgeon时会为自己结省很多时间和精力。 哦,补充一下的,这本书的作者有提了至少两次,手术前和医生的最后谈话时,不要忘记带上小录音机。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-16 22:51:31编辑过]
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有这样的一个统计调查,被告的医生,与没有被告的医生在犯错误的程度和几率上基本是相同的,不同的却是他们问诊的时间,没有被告的医生的问诊时间通常是18分钟左右,长于被告的医生2,3分钟;而又有专门受理此类案件的律师说,来告医生的病人,绝大多数都不是因为手术和诊断的成功于否,而是他们感到医生treat他们的方式令他们感到不舒服。 从医生进来时的表情,到握手的方式,到他询问病情时的态度这都是用来判断是否要和这个医生建立关系的标准之一;不过这里面家庭医生和专科医生还是有一定的区别的,家庭医生的友好程度和认真程度会被考虑的多些,因为基本上会建立一个相对来说更长久的关系;而专科医生,通常来说就是one time deal,所以更多要考虑和观察的还是他的技术和经验,虽然我们都会有很强有时也很准确的直觉,不过面对这样的选择问题时,还是可以给于更多一次的考验。 我个人的经验时,第一次碰到什么样的医生是有相当的运气在里面的,但是自己的武装程度是可以起到调解作用的,而且只有自己首先武装起来了,才有真正挑选和置疑的基础。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-20 22:56:44编辑过]
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thanks! ren zhen xue xi!
13 楼
以下是引用applecwn在2007-8-16 22:54:00的发言:
谢谢恩恩,这对我们这些对美国医疗体系不是很熟悉的人是很好的借鉴。 希望用不上哈 :)
14 楼
以下是引用amychen106在2007-8-16 22:56:00的发言:
谢谢恩恩 你最近给evil买什么漂亮的新裙子了没?
15 楼
以下是引用enen^_^在2007-8-16 23:00:00的发言:
你最近给evil买什么漂亮的新裙子了没? 没,给她买了很多玩具。 target的玩具。
16 楼
以下是引用amychen106在2007-8-16 23:04:00的发言:
没,给她买了很多玩具。 target的玩具。 哈哈哈,那个我知道
17 楼
进来偷看一下。。。hi~~~ now,我去睡觉了。 nighty night
18 楼
以下是引用enen^_^在2007-8-16 23:07:00的发言:
哈哈哈,那个我知道 等我回来拍些她玩玩具的照片给你看看。
19 楼
以下是引用小小鸟在2007-8-16 23:11:00的发言:
进来偷看一下。。。hi~~~ now,我去睡觉了。 nighty night sweet dream xoxo :)
20 楼
以下是引用amychen106在2007-8-16 23:12:00的发言:
等我回来拍些她玩玩具的照片给你看看。 这还差不多,尤其是那套高级的,让我看看evil玩的美样
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