摘自《美国儿科学会育儿百科0-5岁中文版》4-7个月孩子睡眠: 到4个月时,孩子睡眠时间至少可以跳过一次夜间哺乳,甚至整夜睡眠。整夜睡眠的意思是孩子从晚上7点睡到早上7点,或者从晚上10点睡到早上6点,差异是由孩子的生物钟决定的。热水浴,按摩,摇晃,讲故事,听轻音乐或者母乳以及配方乳喂养军有助于孩子放松,并进入睡眠状态。最终孩子可将这些活动与睡眠联系在一起,有助于放松和安静。 为避免孩子在上述活动期间入睡,在清醒时,把孩子放在婴儿床上,以便他学会自己入睡。轻轻放下孩子的头,对他轻声说晚安,然后离开房间。如果孩子哭泣,也不要重新回到房间,他会安静下来,自己入睡。 但是如果孩子在5分钟后仍然哭泣该怎么办?进房间,安慰他几分钟,不要抱他,然后离开。让他知道你爱他,并且在需要时会出现,但不要在房间停留。如果孩子仍然哭泣,5分钟以后再次回去,并且重复以上程序。一定要前后一致并坚持下去。这对你来说一样困难,如果孩子感觉到你再犹豫,这对他来说更加困难。如果孩子在夜间清醒时不需要你的帮助能重新入睡,就是对你最大的报偿。 在夜间许多孩子要哭泣一段时间,因此父母想知道长时间哭泣对孩子的心理有没有影响。如果你准确记录孩子的哭泣时间,就会发现实际上没有多长时间。如果父母坚定自己的信心,大多数孩子没夜的哭泣时间将减少,直到没有任何抗议地入睡。即使孩子夜间哭泣很长时间 (20-30分钟),也没有证据显示这会对孩子造成伤害。 夜间哭泣的持续时间在20分钟以上时,可能有必要检查是否有其他问题(例如毛发缠绕孩子的脚趾),但是这种终端应该是短暂的,对你来说重要的是不要使自己的好心情受影响,这样在孩子难以入睡时,你仍然可以保证平静而充满爱心。 当孩子在午夜清醒时,进入他房间前,给他几分钟时间入睡。如果孩子在6个月时仍然和你一个房间睡觉,这时应该让他单独睡觉了。当你在附近时,他可能因为感受到你的存在或听到你的声音而清醒。假如孩子仍然处于要bassinet中,他可能会感到拘束。到这个阶段,孩子睡眠时需要更大的空间伸展和运动,并且需要一张支撑很好的,尺寸足够的婴儿床,在翻滚时不会摔下。另外一个问题是房间光线不能太暗,孩子需要足够的光线才能确保自己处于一个熟悉的环境,用一盏夜灯有助于解决这个问题。 摘自supernanny一书, controlled crying technique,绝对是可以用的。步骤说简单也简单,说难也难,有些要点要把握住。 第一,the first time your child wakes, spend a few moments listening to the tone of the cry. Listen and observe. Try to stay calm and don't allow yourself to be swamped by feelings of panic. If the crying does not indicate distress, wait a moment. 第二, when there has been a substained amount of crying, go to the child. Don't turn on the light, don't make eye contact--look at the bridge of your child's nose or at his tummy. Don't talk or make conversation. Make a soothing noise--"sh" or "hush"--rub him on the back or the tummy, replace the covers and leave. (不要抱起来) 第三, accept the fact that your child will wake and cry again--it's a pattern you're dealing with. It might be an hour later, it might be five minutes later. When she cries again, wait for double the time before going into her and then repeat the same procedure. 第四,On subsequent wakings, carry on doubling the intervals between going in to soothe him. This is the point when most parentsw find that the going gets tough. Responding to your child's cry is a natural instinct. When you're trying to resist that urge, you'll have a rush of adrenaline, your hands will get hot and clammy, your heart will pound, and you'll feel like you're losing control. Understand that this is just your body's natural reaction, and try to stay calm. Get support from your partner--someone who can give you comfort and strength when you're feeling like this. 第五,don't give up and don't let it slide. The message will get across, perhaps sooner than you think. You should begin to see substantial improvements within a week. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-14 18:09:59编辑过]
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child 笔记。这本书写得真好,每次读了都觉得很受鼓舞,坚定决心。由于是图书馆借的,所以做了一些笔记,方便拿出来看。所以我同意ANA mm的说法,这本书值得一买。 关于睡眠规律: Months five to Eight: 16 percent have three naps, 84 percent have two naps Months nine: 5 percent have three naps, 91 percent have two naps, 4 percent have one nap. Months Ten to Twelve: 1 percent have 3 naps, 82 percent have two naps, 17 percent have one nap. Here are three dramatic turning points in sleep maturation for young children: 1. At six weeks of age, night sleep becomes organized. 2. At four months of age, day sleep is developing and night sleep is adultlike in terms of sleep cycles. 3. At nine months of age, the third nap is eliminated, naps are longer (especially for postcolic babies), and there is no need to be fed at night. 哄着睡(nurse to sleep)有问题吗? There is nothing wrong with nursing your baby to sleep when there is no sleep problem. Most nursing moms do this all the time. But if you have difficulty letting your child learn to fall asleep unassisted, your child always falls asleep at the breast, and your child has disturbed sleep, then nursing to sleep might be part of the sleep problem. It may reflect the kind of separation problems. Most mothers nurse their babies for soothing and comfort, and their babies either fall asleep at the breast or they don’t. In either case, they are put in the cribs when they need to sleep. 为什么孩子要早睡觉?早睡觉不会早醒吗? The major fear that inhibits parents from establishing an earlier bedtime is that this will cause their child to get up earlier to start the day. In fact, the opposite will occur. An earlier bedtime will allow your child to sleep later, just as a too-late bedtime will eventually cause a too-early wake-up time. Remember, sleep begets sleep. This is not logical, but it is biological. Sleep problems in children may cause maternal depression. Getting up too early may be caused by going to sleep too late. Earlier bedtimes often prolong night sleep and prevent early wake-ups. Getting up too early may be caused by going to sleep too late. Earlier bedtimes often prolong night sleep and prevent early wake-ups. Boredom may be masked tiredness. If your child’s motor is idling and she’s not going anywhere, maybe she’s tired. Boredom may be masked tiredness. If your child’s motor is idling and she’s not going anywhere, maybe she’s tired. nap时间到了,孩子好像不困,不想睡觉怎么办? As long as your child retains the expectation that she can convince you to play during nap time, she won’t nap well. If she thinks she can outlast you, she won’t give up her protesting. Self-agency might lead him to protest naps because he would rather play than sleep. If you allow him to skip his nap, then he will become fatigued. The natural adaptive response to fatigue is to fight it with stimulating hormones, which allow him to maintain more wakefulness. However, this heightened state of alertness or arousal creates an inability to easily fall asleep or stay asleep for subsequent naps and night sleep. Not only does a vicious circle of sleep problems begin, but your child may also develop emotional ups and downs or a reduced attention span as a by-product. Self-agency might lead him to protest naps because he would rather play than sleep. If you allow him to skip his nap, then he will become fatigued. The natural adaptive response to fatigue is to fight it with stimulating hormones, which allow him to maintain more wakefulness. However, this heightened state of alertness or arousal creates an inability to easily fall asleep or stay asleep for subsequent naps and night sleep. Not only does a vicious circle of sleep problems begin, but your child may also develop emotional ups and downs or a reduced attention span as a by-product. Fatigue causes increased arousal. Therefore, the more tired your child, the harder it is for him to fall asleep, stay asleep, or both. Fatigue causes increased arousal. Therefore, the more tired your child, the harder it is for him to fall asleep, stay asleep, or both. 让孩子自己入睡前,父母的小动作 Small, soothing efforts such as kissing the forehead, rearranging the blankets, comforting, and patting appear trivial to parents, but they interfere enormously with learning to fall asleep unassisted. 孩子夜里醒来怎么办 Partial awakenings or light sleep stages, called arousals, occur every one to two hours when your child is asleep. Sometimes your child will cry out or cry during these arousals. Going in to him at the time of these partial awakenings will eventually lead to a night-waking or night-feeding habit. This is because picking up, holding, and feeding your baby will eventually cause him to force himself to a more alert state during these arousals for the pleasure of your company. He will learn to expect to be fed or played with at every arousal. Sometimes your child will cry out or cry during these arousals. Going in to him at the time of these partial awakenings will eventually lead to a night-waking or night-feeding habit. This is because picking up, holding, and feeding your baby will eventually cause him to force himself to a more alert state during these arousals for the pleasure of your company. He will learn to expect to be fed or played with at every arousal. Parents should not project their own emotions or misinterpret these naturally occuring arousals as signifying loneliness, fear of the dark, or fear of abandonment. Parents should not project their own emotions or misinterpret these naturally occuring arousals as signifying loneliness, fear of the dark, or fear of abandonment. Be silent and unemotional; appear disinterest or mechanical. No more night entertainment. Be silent and unemotional; appear disinterest or mechanical. No more night entertainment. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-15 0:44:14编辑过]
家长有帮助孩子建立良好睡眠习惯的责任 You are enforcing an age-appropriate nap and bedtime schedule. Your child initially may not cooperate by falling asleep immediately. Don’t give up. You are harming your child when you allow unhealthy sleep patterns to evolve or persist—sleep deprivation is as unhealthy as feeding a nutritionally deficient diet. 主要的睡眠问题 It cannot be emphasized enough: The major sleep problems in babies from five to twelve months old develop and persist because of the inability of parents to stop reinforcing bad sleep habits. Some parents don’t see themselves as interfering with an important learning process in their child, namely, learning how to soothe themselves to sleep unassisted. The failure of children to fall asleep and stay asleep by themselves is the direct result of parents’ failure to give their child the opportunity to learn these self-soothing skills. In other words, some parents can’t leave their kids alone long enough for them to fall asleep by themselves. Don’t underestimate children’s competence and ability to learn at these early months! 要坚持 Do not underestimate the enormous power of partial reinforcement to ruin your efforts to overcome baby’s habit of getting out of the crib. If you are not silent and your discuss getting out of bed when it is occurring, your social behavior reinforces getting out of the crib. 要在自己能够控制局势的时候进行调整 Do not attempt to correct unhealthy sleep habits unless you see a clear period ahead when you will be in control. Don’t trust more relatives or baby-sitters to do as good a job as you can to correct unhealthy sleep habits. Also, if your child’s sleep improves during a retraining period but suddenly he becomes worse, appears ill, or seems to be in pain, let your pediatrician examine him for the possibility of an ear or throat infection. 别找借口! Don’t hide behind excuses; there will always be one handy! Some families use extreme fussiness/colic(birth to six months), teething (six to twelve months), separation anxiety (twelve to twenty-four months), “terrible twos” (twenty-four to thirty-six months), and fears (thirty-six to forty-eight months), one after another, to “explain” why their child wakes up at night and has trouble returning to sleep by himself. 调整初期 When your overtired child first starts to sleep better during a retraining period, he may appear, in the beginning, to be more tired than before! You are unmasking the underlying fatigue that had previously been present but was hidden by the turned-on, hyperalert state. 孩子自己能自然而然得改掉不良睡眠习惯吗? Question: Won’t my baby simply outgrow this habit? A: Believe it or not, eighteen-year-old college freshmen who don’t sleep well had difficulties sleeping as infants, according to their mothers, as reported in one study. It seems that if the child doesn’t have the early opportunity to practice falling asleep by herself, she’ll never learn to fall asleep easily. 可不可以等孩子大一点再调整? Question: Why is it good for my child to cry? Why not delay sleep training until he is older and more reasonable? A: Crying is not the real issue. We are leaving the child alone to learn to sleep. We are leaving him alone to forget the expectation to be picked up. We allow him to cry; we are not making him cry in the sense that we are hurting him. When he is older and still not sleeping, it will be harder for him to learn how to sleep well. Plus, losing sleep is physically unhealthy, just as is too little iron or too few vitamins in his diet. Question: Why is it good for my child to cry? Why not delay sleep training until he is older and more reasonable? A: Crying is not the real issue. We are leaving the child alone to learn to sleep. We are leaving him alone to forget the expectation to be picked up. We allow him to cry; we are not making him cry in the sense that we are hurting him. When he is older and still not sleeping, it will be harder for him to learn how to sleep well. Plus, losing sleep is physically unhealthy, just as is too little iron or too few vitamins in his diet. 孩子哭泣的时候怎么办? When your child is crying and she is not hungry, say to yourself: “my baby is crying because she loves me so much she wants my company, but she needs to sleep. I know the value of good sleep, and I love my baby so much that I am going to let her sleep.” 1. When the duration of protest crying at night is open-ended, not limited, learning to fall asleep unassisted takes place. 2. When you put a time limit on how much protest crying at night you can tolerate or accept before going to the baby, you teach the baby to cry to that time limit. Letting your child cry when he protests going to sleep or staying in his crib is not the same as making your child cry as if were hurting him. Leave him alone (extinction) or try controlled crying (graduated extinction). [此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-15 0:55:40编辑过]
孩子在哭,感觉guilty怎么办? If you want to try allowing your child to learn to soothe herself to sleep but still feel you wouldn’t be able to listen to her cry, consider the following: Why can’t I let my baby cry? 1. Unpleasant childhood memories. These may surface and remind you of feelings of loneliness or being unwanted. 2. Working mother’s guilt. You may feel guilty about being away from your child so much. We already tried and it didn’t work. Maybe the child was too young then; maybe you taught her, by your behavior, that if she cried for more than a certain amount of time, you would go to her; maybe you unknowingly provided partial reinforcement by going to her at some times but not at others. 3. I enjoy my baby’s company too much at night. This may be because you’re not a good sleeper yourself. 4. If I don’t nurse my baby at night, she might lose weight. This is not true. 5. We’re under a lot of stress. In my child won’t sleep, Jo Douglas and Naomi Richman write:If you are feeling stressed, your child may respond by not sleeping so well. If the stress is related to difficulties between you as parents, you may think that your young child will not notice, but the chances are that he will. His way of waking at night and coming into your bed can be a way of preventing you from talking to each other and sorting out your problems, and his presence can act as a useful contraceptive. Although this quote applies to older children, it’s possible that maintaining the baby’s night waking or having the baby sleep with you when he or she is younger also serves the purpose of avoiding martial problems. 6. I feel that I am a bed parent if my baby cries. You are not a bed parent if you are helping your baby learn healthy sleep habits. 7. I am afraid that letting my baby cry will cause here permanent emotional harm. There is no evidence that protest crying while your child is learning how to sleep better will cause any kind of emotional problems later in life. 怎样才是“好父母”?让孩子哭的父母是后妈吗? What does it mean to be a “good parent”? Parents feed and protect their young and provide comfort and guidance. When your baby cries, you go to him. On the surface, it certainly seems reasonable to say that the cry of your baby communicates messages: feed me, change me, pick me up, hold me, hug me, or rock me. The question is, Why is it that when a parent makes a complete response to these messages, some babies still cry? Alternatively, if crying is a form of necessary communication, why is it that many parents will deliver complete, loving, and sensitive care even when their babies do not cry? Perhaps crying as a signal system is not perfect: some babies cry even when they don’t need to cry because their needs are being cared for, and other babies don’t cry but still receive the care they need. It my be an instinct: birds fly, babies cry. In infants, it is possible that crying is no longer tightly linked to infant survival but still occurs as a behavioral remnant of some distant past. An important fact is that the meaning of crying changes with age. The baby may cry because he is hungry and needs food to survive. The toddler may cry because he wants a second helping of dessert after dinner. The child may cry when afraid. The teenager may cry when feeling hopeless. The adult may cry from happiness at a wedding. Not all crying signifies pain. Unfortunately, when parents talk about crying, the assumption is that crying equals pain. This leads to the sometimes hidden thought: “If my baby cries, I am a bad parent.” Thanking about how mothers relate to their babies during these early times and how they forge close relationship led to two popular concepts: infant bonding and attachment theory. Both focus almost exclusively on mothers and both claimed that future events would be strongly influence by early experiences. A father told me that “it was painful for him and his wife to admit that what they had been doing was wrong and not good for their child.” What were they doing? At several months of age, they were going in about every two hours, every time the child cried a little. He said that it would have been much easier to blame or get angry with someone like me who said that too much attention at night was not good for their baby, and accuse me of giving bad advice, than it was to recognize that they were the ones responsible for her continued night wakings and irritability during the day. Another mother said that the reason some mothers and fathers have such strong emotional rejection of my advice is quite simple: parental guilt. Since they spend so little time with their child because they are both working, they feel bad and try to spend more time after work in the evening playing with their child. They cannot consider that the bedtime is too late for the child’s healthy, so they conclude that my advice regarding early bedtimes must be incorrect. 一个母亲的自述 “I felt cruel, insensitive, and guilty” When she would scream for over an hour during nap time and in the evening, I felt cruel, insensitive, and guilty. Three things kept me going: my husband’s support; Dr. Weissbluth’s concern, encouragement and compassion; and the fact that I knew it had to be done—Amanda had to learn to sleep. It took Amanda about a week to catch on to the idea. The bags under her eyes faded, her sporadic screaming attacks stopped, and her personality was that of a predictable baby—a sweetheart when rested and a bear when she’s past a nap time or her bedtime. I would offer these suggestions to other mothers and fathers who have to take this measure in order to teach their babies to sleep: You, as parents, have to understand and believe intellectually that it is the right thing to do. Otherwise feelings of guilt will overpower you, and you will give in. You must have the support of your spouse, as it will be too much of a strain to bear alone. You are doing what is best for your baby. It seems cruel and unacceptable as a loving new mother to let your baby cry. But it is a fact of parenting—many, many things will bring tears and protests in the years to come. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-15 1:04:59编辑过]
以下是引用latin在2007-8-14 17:53:00的发言: 换做我,我可能会分两步: 1、叫了过去哄哄,但是不抱到大床上睡,必须在自己的床上睡; 2、1没问题之后,再看情况解决半夜叫妈妈的问题(我觉得有可能叫是因为想到大床上和爸爸妈妈一起睡觉,既然不能上大床,可能就不叫了或者醒来哼几哼几自己又睡了)…… good point
在调整之前我看了两本好书,同时在实践中有了一些心得。曾经也想过写一个帖子,但是觉得下笔很艰难,因为作息调整不光包括了睡眠习惯的建立,也包括了整个吃饭玩耍的routine,内容太丰富了,好像还没有到能自己概括出来的程度。所以一直是在各个讨论帖里面零碎得回贴,没想到,现在要去找这些帖子整理,更加难了。 关于是否写这个帖子,还有个“心结”---怕被砸,不愿意好心写帖子,却被人说成是“残酷”的后妈典型。因为说到作息调整,很多姐妹想到的就是sleep training和“后妈”。对于这两点,我觉得sleep training只是一个统称,不是简单的把孩子放下去哭到睡,这里面有很多的学问,否则还要那么厚的书干什么。当然我个人不喜欢训练这个词,因为这不是在训练孩子去达到某项技能,而是调整孩子找回自己本就有的能力,而且这关系到孩子长久的睡眠习惯,伴随孩子一生,而不是在备战一时的比赛。所以我觉得调整更加符合实际情况。孩子在最初的三个月新生儿期,很多情况都差不多。之后,有些孩子能够自我转换,有些孩子要慢一些,有些家庭调整了,有些家庭延续了一些习惯,孩子们的差别渐渐就出来了。其实如果有心想调整,不用担心是不是太晚,符合生物钟规律的,孩子会接受。家长也需要学习,永远都不是太晚。 在不少帖子里面看到,很多姐妹对sleep training有一些误会,觉得sleep training就是把孩子一个人扔在crib里面哭到绝望,很不人道,怕孩子心理有阴影,也有人觉得孩子以后长大了自然而然就好了。我觉得这些姐妹多半是对“训练”这个词有所误解,如果因为舍不得孩子哭,而觉得作息调整无法接受,未免有些武断了。也有些姐妹曾经尝试过,还没有对如何作息调整了解清楚,贸然行事,或者只尝试了1-2天,效果不太好,得出作息调整没有用甚至害了孩子的结论。 当然我也更不愿意承认自己是后妈,我不是为了自己能睡觉,才坚持让幼小的孩子自己睡。如果孩子晚上醒几次我就喂几次能带来好的结果,我一定能够做到,不光是我,很多母亲都能。我之所以调整作息,正因为我是个亲妈,才有这样的passion,能够研究孩子的作息规律,能够耐心的日以继夜的调整孩子作息,能够为了孩子的健康和长久的利益来做这一切。起码这5个月来,我和另外一些调整的姐妹们,自我觉得母子感情更好了,了解孩子更多了,孩子早晨醒来带着满足的笑容,白天玩起来开心得很。 出于以上的原因,我一直没有写这个帖子。可是,我在昨天回完sycamorefall mm的求助帖以后(http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardID=333&ID=342352&page=1),觉得自己的心态应该更开放才好。很多姐妹寻求帮助,却无从找起。毕竟不是每个妈妈都有空看书,参加讨论的。把这些心得体会梳理出来,让感兴趣的姐妹们有所了解,方便以后查找,应该还是有意义的。也许现在还不能写全,但起码能有个框架,将来也好补充。 当然,正如parenting方式有很多,作息习惯也不是只有一个标准。我写这个帖子没有说只有这一种方法好的意思。我只是提倡孩子有健康规律的作息,吃饭睡觉有大致的time frame。在曾经的讨论中,我得到了不少姐妹的鼓励,小小鸟,enen,dryice,ANA, harmony, wintermelon, warmice, 小小妈,苹果妈,莲妈等等等等,更是因为yiyi妈essence给我的直接敦促,让我知道我的感想有写的价值。对大家哪怕有一丁点儿的帮助,我写这个帖子也算是对得起自己了。 有姐妹曾经提到过美国的流派,说有人支持sleep training,也有很多人反对sleep training。在我阅读的过程当中,我感觉有分歧意见的是,容忍孩子哭泣的时间,到底是controlled crying,还是leave him alone的方式。但是没有一个专家会跳出来说,一个5-6个月的孩子是可以鼓励没有规律作息的。 后啰嗦说一句:作息调整是长期的努力,建立好以后,全家的生活都很规律。但是开始之前,最后先做到心里有底,有个计划,再全面调整,不要急于改变,事倍功半。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-7 0:12:55编辑过]
我觉得看一些好书,就像是走了捷径,不需要全部靠自己摸索,走弯路。很多是孩子普遍的心理,完全可以借鉴。当然,要真正懂得孩子,光看书是不行的,自己的孩子自己更懂得,更何况每个孩子都是unique的。 其实我们来上网,不也是来借鉴他人的经验吗?”
在这里我要感谢两个姐妹,是她们推荐的书,才让我知道孩子的睡眠习惯是多么的重要,调整作息是如何重要,应该怎么做。这两个姐妹大家都熟悉,lavandula, amychen106。这两本书不少姐妹也都熟悉。一本是拉拉的推荐,the contended little baby book,现在已经有新版的了,一本是amy的推荐,healthy sleep habits, happy child。前者重实践,后者重理论,相辅相承,虽然不是同一个作者,甚至不是同一个国家的作者,看了以后,感慨和收获良多。我是看完以后才着手调整的,所以没有走太多的弯路,宝宝过渡得比较顺利。写这个帖子,其实也是补充自己的理解,有些是悟出来的,书上没有写这么明白,但是再回去看书,觉得很多问题都通顺了不少。 The New Contented Little Baby Book by Gina Ford
http://www.amazon.com/New-Contented-Little-Baby-Book/dp/0091912695/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/002-5702021-1528063?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1187124673&sr=8-1 我建议姐妹们可以买这本书。因为上面是很详细的schedule,还有一些如何操作的事例是比较好的。经常可以拿出来比照。我当时是根据她的时间安排,做了一个我自己的时间安排表,贴在墙上。刚开始的时候,经常搞不清出什么时候该干什么。后来就完全习惯了,觉得很容易理解。 这本书是从出生的孩子开始写。我的体会是大部分妈妈可能3个月以后参照她的schedule比较好。3个月之前的孩子,最好还是按需喂养,夜里起来喂奶是很自然的事情,不用可以强求睡整觉这个结果。但是如果有心尝试3个月之前的时间安排,像ANA mm一样,完全可以有比较好的效果。3个月前不管是否采用这个schedule,书上关于如何调整孩子的生活,如何安排吃,玩,睡是可以被所有家庭借鉴的。尽量建立良好的习惯,比如每次都放回到crib里面睡觉,能够看mobile, 水族馆之类的玩具,自己慢慢睡觉。吃完奶以后好好玩一下,再睡。而不是每次吃饱了就睡,睡醒了又吃。 这本书amazon上的review很多。第一个就是个医生提反对意见的,不过我看她主要也就是反映初期的问题。起码我觉得3-4个月以后的schedule参考起来是很有意义的。我也很喜欢里面的事例,有点像supernanny,是到一些家庭去调整孩子睡觉,对通常姐妹们的疑问“什么时候可以进去看孩子,让孩子睡到什么时候”,有比较现实的指导意义。 还有,这本书的schedule直到1岁,所以1岁以后的家长就不用买了,除非生老二,呵呵
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Md Weissbluth
http://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Sleep-Habits-Happy-Child/dp/0345486455/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/002-5702021-1528063?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1187124765&sr=1-1 这本书我是从图书馆借的。有很多理论的说明,但是很容易懂。我通过这本书更好地了解了孩子睡眠的重要性。我了解了孩子不会自动的outgrow睡眠问题。有些孩子看似3-4岁左右好起来了,但其实和别的孩子相比还差不少,有些teenager开始就有更严重一些的睡眠问题。其实我们自己大多数也有不同种的睡眠差异,这和我们小时候的情况是有联系的。 这本书也是值得买的,我是图书馆借的,所以自己在看的时候,作了很多笔记。而且图书馆也是经常排长队借这本书的。ANA mm也说了,经常翻看有好处。我觉得这本书最大的优点是,读完以后,觉得自己非常有信心去做改变,光看第一本书,对着一个时间表,不容易下决心。 唐一句,买书的时候,如果没有amazon八折卡,可以买borders的八折卡,它们是一样的价格,amazon prime也能用。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-15 1:06:50编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-15 1:11:05编辑过]
以下是引用OuiCestLaVie在2007-3-31 0:44:00的发言:
yilan type辛苦了。我不太明白的是,这么rigorously follow一个schedule真的work吗?比如9am那觉不可以睡超过45分钟?
等你开始调整以后,你就会发现这些时间不是僵硬的,而是一个规律性的问题。孩子是秩序性顺序性很强的。9点钟那觉不超过45分钟,是因为如果宝宝能够好好睡,他就足够了,到点起来该吃就吃该玩就玩。如果这觉时间太长,后面的规律就又要被打破了。那个时间表也没有规定到分钟,而是留有半个小时的量。但是有些需要注意的地方,比如最好不要晚于什么时候吃,什么时候就不要再睡了,还是很有道理,那是经验之谈。 虽然每个宝宝都是不同的,但是如果往这个routine引导,宝宝会找到他的规律,不会和大人乱闹,更不会出现overtired的表现。他不排斥到了睡觉的时候就睡,还会在该醒的时候自然醒来,睡到了30-45分钟,醒来高高兴兴,大人也就好带了。根据这个routine来的还有一个好处是,它是循序渐进的,以后加solid food,睡整觉,取消早觉等等,会很顺应得下去,有预见性,不会觉得突然有什么重大改变,宝宝也会很自然的过渡各个生长阶段。 当然,我也不想说,所有宝宝都要按照这个routine来做。但是至少4-5个月大的宝宝,如果晚上睡得不好,不妨参考这些routine调整,帮助宝宝更好的吃饭睡觉。
以下是引用dryice在2007-4-15 0:13:00的发言:
yilan,宁宁当初 也是cry-out了嘛?哭了多久才知道是要睡觉的?
宁宁在5个半月前都是要人哄着睡,自己放在床上不肯睡。所以如果要过这一关,必然是要哭一下的。如果一声都不哭,也不太现实哈。否则就只能老样子哄着睡。 但是宁宁晚上8点就睡觉,是之前我定下的规矩。所以他到那个时候就会困,虽然他奶奶在,我不方便在那个时候调整他,又一次他爸爸想让他自己睡,明明都困得不行了,他还哭了20分钟,奶奶都怒了。所以不了了之。我就知道这样不行,于是看了很多书,等待机会以后调整。 到点就困的好处是,他知道自己累了,应该要睡觉了。就是想反抗,不想自己睡,也闹不了多久。第一天晚上他哭了20分钟,以后就基本上睡过去了,甚至我们出房间都没有听到什么响声。当然也会有些反复,可能某一天哼哼唧唧,或者哭10分钟也有可能。哭泣是一种自然的发泄精力的方式,也说明宝宝要睡觉了。 相对来说,宁宁白天哭的时间多一点。因为他白天NAP的习惯不好,觉又短,给他调整白天的作息花了很长时间。因为白天是不能真正的CRYOUT的,到了点,就应该起,不论之前他睡了多少。
yilan mm, 她现在9点到9点半之间和12 点半到1点之间都会睡觉了。每次都很容易睡着,不需要怎么哄。这是一大进步。可是每一觉仍然只能睡30 分钟左右。照schedule来看,我想第一觉时间短应该没问题,可是第二觉该怎么办呢?我一般在她完全醒过来之前就哄她。有时候她可以继续睡10 几分钟,大部分时候就还是睡不着了。我在想是不是不该哄她?要不要让她哭一下看能不能自己睡回去呢?还是说由她去,醒了就不要再睡了,慢慢她自己会睡长一些?谢谢! 恭喜mm,能够在那两个时间段睡下去,就是一大进步。这两个时间段是很符合宝宝生物钟规律的。现在睡得好,吃饭也会规律,玩耍也能精力充沛,出门也是方便了许多。 只能睡30分钟左右,也是宁宁从4个月开始的毛病,从我5个半月开始调整宁宁作息,这是最后才解决的一个问题,因为他什么时候醒来没有办法强制。但是有一点,我可以肯定,是可以慢慢调整睡长些的。下午这觉,一直到1岁以后都是keep的,还是白天唯一的nap。45分钟以下的午睡nap,都是cat nap,没有完全起到午睡应该有的效果。如果建立好这个习惯,宝宝的注意力会集中不少。healthy sleep habits, happy child的书里面,做过2-3岁孩子的比较,nap好和nap不好的孩子,虽然晚上都能睡12小时,白天的学习和玩耍中,确实区别不小。 宁宁大概花了1个多月的时间,现在他能够睡到1个半小时,甚至2小时,需要我把他唤醒,醒来的时候都挺开心的。下午睡不好的时候,晚上5-6点,宝宝就容易困,这时候尽量阻止他睡,有一次宁宁在highchair里面等着吃辅食的时候,头都抬不起来了。但是自从他睡好了以后,他下午直到睡前都是精神很好的。 contented little baby book书里提到了这样的例子,5个半月的一个孩子,白天不愿意nap,或者很快就醒。方法是仍然在这个时间段里面把他放下去,如果他只睡半小时,那不要在他醒来的时候就马上去把他抱出来,让他在里面多躺一下。可能有时候他醒了会玩,有时候醒了会哭,尽量在crib里面多待些时间,哪怕1小时也好。我想这样做的好处,是能够确保他在nap的时间段里,nap,而不是干别的,有利于逐步调整,慢慢能睡长的。 我有时候进去看看他,拍拍他,希望他再睡过去。不过这个倔小孩,从来不听劝的,拍也没有用。而我也不会再去抱着他睡。差不多折腾到1小时,我可能就把他抱出来了。当时如果睡了1小时,我就很开心了。 宝宝大些就会好了吗?
以下是引用essences在2007-4-15 0:18:00的发言:
因为LZMM的宝宝现在夜里要起来4-5次,9个月的宝宝,这样的程度,肯定是要进行调整的,否则孩子的睡眠没法保证。这也不是自然得大了就能好,因为很大程度上是习惯问题。我曾经看一些妈妈说自己的孩子2-3岁,晚上还是这样的,不肯自己在小床上好好睡觉。 现在不是坚不坚持SLEEP TRAINING的问题,大方向肯定是对的,但是用什么方式需要探讨。不能治标不治本,否则连标也治不了。不能晚上睡觉不好,就只用CRYOUT的办法。每本SLEEP SOLUTION的书,都会苦口婆心地说,要总体调整,才能让孩子逐渐过渡。 其实6-9个月之间调整孩子睡眠是挺好的。如果之前孩子已经自然过渡,那很好。如果不能自然过渡,可能晚上就会越起越多,父母就应该下决心调整。当然什么方法,什么程度因人而异,但是每天晚上4-5次的起,肯定是要不得的。早点让孩子自己学会睡觉,睡觉之前有一套READING等ROUTINE,都是在长大以后都可以坚持下去的。 但是,如果能早看一些这方面的知识,就像版上一些MM,比较早给孩子建立一些条件反射,让孩子学会在CRIB上睡,都不需要在以后花那么多力气来校正坏习惯。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-15 1:11:42编辑过]
(20-30分钟),也没有证据显示这会对孩子造成伤害。 夜间哭泣的持续时间在20分钟以上时,可能有必要检查是否有其他问题(例如毛发缠绕孩子的脚趾),但是这种终端应该是短暂的,对你来说重要的是不要使自己的好心情受影响,这样在孩子难以入睡时,你仍然可以保证平静而充满爱心。 当孩子在午夜清醒时,进入他房间前,给他几分钟时间入睡。如果孩子在6个月时仍然和你一个房间睡觉,这时应该让他单独睡觉了。当你在附近时,他可能因为感受到你的存在或听到你的声音而清醒。假如孩子仍然处于要bassinet中,他可能会感到拘束。到这个阶段,孩子睡眠时需要更大的空间伸展和运动,并且需要一张支撑很好的,尺寸足够的婴儿床,在翻滚时不会摔下。另外一个问题是房间光线不能太暗,孩子需要足够的光线才能确保自己处于一个熟悉的环境,用一盏夜灯有助于解决这个问题。 摘自supernanny一书,
controlled crying technique,绝对是可以用的。步骤说简单也简单,说难也难,有些要点要把握住。 第一,the first time your child wakes, spend a few moments listening to the tone of the cry. Listen and observe. Try to stay calm and don't allow yourself to be swamped by feelings of panic. If the crying does not indicate distress, wait a moment. 第二, when there has been a substained amount of crying, go to the child. Don't turn on the light, don't make eye contact--look at the bridge of your child's nose or at his tummy. Don't talk or make conversation. Make a soothing noise--"sh" or "hush"--rub him on the back or the tummy, replace the covers and leave. (不要抱起来) 第三, accept the fact that your child will wake and cry again--it's a pattern you're dealing with. It might be an hour later, it might be five minutes later. When she cries again, wait for double the time before going into her and then repeat the same procedure. 第四,On subsequent wakings, carry on doubling the intervals between going in to soothe him. This is the point when most parentsw find that the going gets tough. Responding to your child's cry is a natural instinct. When you're trying to resist that urge, you'll have a rush of adrenaline, your hands will get hot and clammy, your heart will pound, and you'll feel like you're losing control. Understand that this is just your body's natural reaction, and try to stay calm. Get support from your partner--someone who can give you comfort and strength when you're feeling like this. 第五,don't give up and don't let it slide. The message will get across, perhaps sooner than you think. You should begin to see substantial improvements within a week.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-14 18:09:59编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-15 0:44:14编辑过]
The major sleep problems in babies from five to twelve months old develop and persist because of the inability of parents to stop reinforcing bad sleep habits. Some parents don’t see themselves as interfering with an important learning process in their child, namely, learning how to soothe themselves to sleep unassisted. The failure of children to fall asleep and stay asleep by themselves is the direct result of parents’ failure to give their child the opportunity to learn these self-soothing skills. In other words, some parents can’t leave their kids alone long enough for them to fall asleep by themselves. Don’t underestimate children’s competence and ability to learn at these early months! 要坚持 Do not underestimate the enormous power of partial reinforcement to ruin your efforts to overcome baby’s habit of getting out of the crib. If you are not silent and your discuss getting out of bed when it is occurring, your social behavior reinforces getting out of the crib. 要在自己能够控制局势的时候进行调整 Do not attempt to correct unhealthy sleep habits unless you see a clear period ahead when you will be in control. Don’t trust more relatives or baby-sitters to do as good a job as you can to correct unhealthy sleep habits. Also, if your child’s sleep improves during a retraining period but suddenly he becomes worse, appears ill, or seems to be in pain, let your pediatrician examine him for the possibility of an ear or throat infection. 别找借口! Don’t hide behind excuses; there will always be one handy! Some families use extreme fussiness/colic(birth to six months), teething (six to twelve months), separation anxiety (twelve to twenty-four months), “terrible twos” (twenty-four to thirty-six months), and fears (thirty-six to forty-eight months), one after another, to “explain” why their child wakes up at night and has trouble returning to sleep by himself. 调整初期 When your overtired child first starts to sleep better during a retraining period, he may appear, in the beginning, to be more tired than before! You are unmasking the underlying fatigue that had previously been present but was hidden by the turned-on, hyperalert state. 孩子自己能自然而然得改掉不良睡眠习惯吗? Question: Won’t my baby simply outgrow this habit? A: Believe it or not, eighteen-year-old college freshmen who don’t sleep well had difficulties sleeping as infants, according to their mothers, as reported in one study. It seems that if the child doesn’t have the early opportunity to practice falling asleep by herself, she’ll never learn to fall asleep easily. 可不可以等孩子大一点再调整? Question: Why is it good for my child to cry? Why not delay sleep training until he is older and more reasonable? A: Crying is not the real issue. We are leaving the child alone to learn to sleep. We are leaving him alone to forget the expectation to be picked up. We allow him to cry; we are not making him cry in the sense that we are hurting him. When he is older and still not sleeping, it will be harder for him to learn how to sleep well. Plus, losing sleep is physically unhealthy, just as is too little iron or too few vitamins in his diet. Question: Why is it good for my child to cry? Why not delay sleep training until he is older and more reasonable? A: Crying is not the real issue. We are leaving the child alone to learn to sleep. We are leaving him alone to forget the expectation to be picked up. We allow him to cry; we are not making him cry in the sense that we are hurting him. When he is older and still not sleeping, it will be harder for him to learn how to sleep well. Plus, losing sleep is physically unhealthy, just as is too little iron or too few vitamins in his diet. 孩子哭泣的时候怎么办? When your child is crying and she is not hungry, say to yourself: “my baby is crying because she loves me so much she wants my company, but she needs to sleep. I know the value of good sleep, and I love my baby so much that I am going to let her sleep.” 1. When the duration of protest crying at night is open-ended, not limited, learning to fall asleep unassisted takes place. 2. When you put a time limit on how much protest crying at night you can tolerate or accept before going to the baby, you teach the baby to cry to that time limit. Letting your child cry when he protests going to sleep or staying in his crib is not the same as making your child cry as if were hurting him. Leave him alone (extinction) or try controlled crying (graduated extinction).
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-15 0:55:40编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-15 1:04:59编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-14 17:14:53编辑过]
yilan, 这本书是对多大的宝宝的? 有toddler吗? 其实小凤凰睡觉还可以, 但就是睡前老想着要我陪。 半夜醒来了, 也要找我, 我不理她, 就哭着喊。 有啥方法让她不找我? co-ask. 我家现在也是这状况。
co-ask. 我家现在也是这状况。 暂时没经验啊。lala推荐的书是到1岁的。我也还没有遇到这种情况。 其实我想大原则也一样的,前面也说了,要看操作性了。 不知道lala有没有遇到这个问题?
co-ask. 我家现在也是这状况。 睡觉前, 啃啃唧唧的号半天, 必须开着门, 还要开着夜灯, 幸好上次败了个 doyourhome 的小鱼贝壳的string light, 一夜点到亮的。 还会在床上喊“ 妈妈, 陪陪我”, 我去check她的时候, 就是搂着我的脖子, 要我陪睡。 自己会开门半夜溜到我们的房间。
yilan, 这本书是对多大的宝宝的? 有toddler吗? 其实小凤凰睡觉还可以, 但就是睡前老想着要我陪。 半夜醒来了, 也要找我, 我不理她, 就哭着喊。 有啥方法让她不找我? 我觉得哈,大宝宝就要靠讲道理了,慢慢来。为了给苹果戒手指,我也陪睡了几个月,后来的再次training,主要就是靠讲道理,现在基本上就是念书关灯,再陪几分钟,我就可以离开了,苹果爸爸在家,我就是出去“陪爸爸”,不在家,我是要出去做家务/吃饭……任何理由苹果都接受。
睡觉前, 啃啃唧唧的号半天, 必须开着门, 还要开着夜灯, 幸好上次败了个 doyourhome 的小鱼贝壳的string light, 一夜点到亮的。 还会在床上喊“ 妈妈, 陪陪我”, 我去check她的时候, 就是搂着我的脖子, 要我陪睡。 自己会开门半夜溜到我们的房间。 看你写的这些细节,我觉得最大的可能就是,她给自己“营造”了一些氛围,而这个氛围的存在和作用是为了“抵抗”“现实”的,就是说,她其实明白,或着说基本上明白她这样做,起不了什么实质的作用,但是她还是要这样自己来创造一个环境,使得自己感觉到自己是存在在一个她更prefer的环境中,她还没有“做决定”来接受事实,那时她就不会需要这么多的“条件”的存在了。这算是一种“安抚”,自我安抚吧。
我家这样的还听不进道理咋办呢。 睡下时还好。关灯讲故事,一会儿就着了。可有时12点左右会醒,一骨禄站起来,叫妈妈,或妈妈抱抱。一定叫到我出现再抱到大床上,才又睡着。 我觉得小baby要靠建立习惯。让他知道什么样是可以的,什么样是不可以的,不要多纠缠。 大一些的孩子,自然是要靠讲道理和立规矩的。
我家这样的还听不进道理咋办呢。 睡下时还好。关灯讲故事,一会儿就着了。可有时12点左右会醒,一骨禄站起来,叫妈妈,或妈妈抱抱。一定叫到我出现再抱到大床上,才又睡着。 一定意义上来说,是因为她“知道”你“一定”会来抱她的。
看你写的这些细节,我觉得最大的可能就是,她给自己“营造”了一些氛围,而这个氛围的存在和作用是为了“抵抗”“现实”的,就是说,她其实明白,或着说基本上明白她这样做,起不了什么实质的作用,但是她还是要这样自己来创造一个环境,使得自己感觉到自己是存在在一个她更prefer的环境中,她还没有“做决定”来接受事实,那时她就不会需要这么多的“条件”的存在了。这算是一种“安抚”,自我安抚吧。 恩,我觉得关掉灯让她在黑暗里面躺着, 也挺吓人的。 夜灯就夜灯吧。 关键是半夜叫我, 我起不来。
yilan, 我那个朋友没有回复,我今天晚上再帮你问阿!
我家这样的还听不进道理咋办呢。 睡下时还好。关灯讲故事,一会儿就着了。可有时12点左右会醒,一骨禄站起来,叫妈妈,或妈妈抱抱。一定叫到我出现再抱到大床上,才又睡着。 哇,yiyi跟我家小麦一摸一样,晚上睡觉和白天nap都很规律,就是半夜醒了,站着叫唤,没人里再哭嚎,一定要放到大床上,自己一翻身就睡过去了。真是气人呀,这个问题也不是天天发生,猫一天狗一天的,隔三差五就犯病。
对了,嗯嗯,你看没看传奇姥姥贴?分析一下那姥姥是什么心态? 没看过呢,我这几天一直比较忙,等我晚上有时间看看,回贴给你
恩,我觉得关掉灯让她在黑暗里面躺着, 也挺吓人的。 夜灯就夜灯吧。 关键是半夜叫我, 我起不来。 选择一个作为安抚是没有什么问题的,但是如果是太多的“人工条件”,还是应该引导她更好的面对,反之容易行成一种“习惯”,就不是特别好了。 哈哈,是呀,转天还要上班呢。
我家这样的还听不进道理咋办呢。 睡下时还好。关灯讲故事,一会儿就着了。可有时12点左右会醒,一骨禄站起来,叫妈妈,或妈妈抱抱。一定叫到我出现再抱到大床上,才又睡着。 换做我,我可能会分两步:
一定意义上来说,是因为她“知道”你“一定”会来抱她的。 nod。
恩,我觉得关掉灯让她在黑暗里面躺着, 也挺吓人的。 夜灯就夜灯吧。 关键是半夜叫我, 我起不来。 我一直是留夜灯的,有点光亮,但是他自己一个人玩不起来
2、1没问题之后,再看情况解决半夜叫妈妈的问题(我觉得有可能叫是因为想到大床上和爸爸妈妈一起睡觉,既然不能上大床,可能就不叫了或者醒来哼几哼几自己又睡了)…… good point
yilan,你要是8楼不够用,第九楼我可以帮你贴的。 好啊!灵犀妈,这阵子贴照片可太少了啊,群众有意见了
选择一个作为安抚是没有什么问题的,但是如果是太多的“人工条件”,还是应该引导她更好的面对,反之容易行成一种“习惯”,就不是特别好了。 哈哈,是呀,转天还要上班呢。
一定意义上来说,是因为她“知道”你“一定”会来抱她的。 我也这么想。可是我不抱她大家都没法睡,而且哭时间长点我妈不会干。一般我那会儿还没睡,索性就哄哄睡好了。 这个也没法以建立全天routine的方法解决。 其实对于有老人的家庭给孩子sleep training的一大障碍就是老人。 yiyi小时候自己睡得很好。突然9个月的时候有那么几天,对关灯自己睡表示反抗,要哭几分钟。我在门口守着。把奶奶气得不行,直骂我们是不是和孩子有仇。好在她只哭几分钟,过几天又好了。我可以想象有些宝宝可能会哭很久,老人不出来阻碍才怪。
哇,yiyi跟我家小麦一摸一样,晚上睡觉和白天nap都很规律,就是半夜醒了,站着叫唤,没人里再哭嚎,一定要放到大床上,自己一翻身就睡过去了。真是气人呀,这个问题也不是天天发生,猫一天狗一天的,隔三差五就犯病。 一模一样
恩, 要抱小熊, 要开夜灯。 房门等她睡着了, 我会给关上的。 是不是还是太多了? 所以我现在每天都睡眠不足。 多了点,多和少的区别,我觉得是这样,人家那么小一个人睡,开个小灯或着抱个小熊还不是正常的;不过要是弄了一堆东西来作为她的routine的一部分,好象是过家家,但是不利于她更早的“接受”事实;早晚的区别,就是早一些,她能更好的通过控制自己来控制周围,而非需要来“控制”周围来稳定自己;毕竟现实是,我们只能控制自己。 女人至少要保证7小时的睡眠,我连续2,3个月只睡5个小时,折腾的够呛
2、1没问题之后,再看情况解决半夜叫妈妈的问题(我觉得有可能叫是因为想到大床上和爸爸妈妈一起睡觉,既然不能上大床,可能就不叫了或者醒来哼几哼几自己又睡了)…… 我也试过不抱起来,把她放倒到小床里,轻声安抚。可她一定会再站起来。而且放倒的同时会哭得更凶。 我觉得她就是喜欢靠着大人暖暖和和地睡着。大小床无所谓。
我也这么想。可是我不抱她大家都没法睡,而且哭时间长点我妈不会干。一般我那会儿还没睡,索性就哄哄睡好了。 这个也没法以建立全天routine的方法解决。 其实对于有老人的家庭给孩子sleep training的一大障碍就是老人。 yiyi小时候自己睡得很好。突然9个月的时候有那么几天,对关灯自己睡表示反抗,要哭几分钟。我在门口守着。把奶奶气得不行,直骂我们是不是和孩子有仇。好在她只哭几分钟,过几天又好了。我可以想象有些宝宝可能会哭很久,老人不出来阻碍才怪。 我就说嘛,不记得你以前说yiyi有这种情况来着
多了点,多和少的区别,我觉得是这样,人家那么小一个人睡,开个小灯或着抱个小熊还不是正常的;不过要是弄了一堆东西来作为她的routine的一部分,好象是过家家,但是不利于她更早的“接受”事实;早晚的区别,就是早一些,她能更好的通过控制自己来控制周围,而非需要来“控制”周围来稳定自己;毕竟现实是,我们只能控制自己。 女人至少要保证7小时的睡眠,我连续2,3个月只睡5个小时,折腾的够呛
我也这么想。可是我不抱她大家都没法睡,而且哭时间长点我妈不会干。一般我那会儿还没睡,索性就哄哄睡好了。 这个也没法以建立全天routine的方法解决。 其实对于有老人的家庭给孩子sleep training的一大障碍就是老人。 yiyi小时候自己睡得很好。突然9个月的时候有那么几天,对关灯自己睡表示反抗,要哭几分钟。我在门口守着。把奶奶气得不行,直骂我们是不是和孩子有仇。好在她只哭几分钟,过几天又好了。我可以想象有些宝宝可能会哭很久,老人不出来阻碍才怪。 可以理解阿。有时候真不知道是婆媳关系重要,还是孩子健康重要。 老人们大多对这一套根本没听说过,觉得孩子小的时候,就是要母亲这样牺牲的 其实我们小的时候,父母大多工作忙,条件艰苦,才没有空来哄我们
lz 我们家的晚上睡的很好,可以一觉睡12/3个小时,有时候甚至能睡14小时,可是白天往往只有两个nap,10-20分钟就醒来,醒来后精神很好。我通常醒了以后都不去管他,他自己能玩一个小时左右,那我怎么办呢,听之任之么? 还有我们家的经常9点才起来,所以9点那个nap是不大可能了
晚上早一点放下去,8点左右入睡可以吗?尽量不要超过9点。早上如果已经超过12个小时了,进去拉窗帘,发出点声音,让孩子醒来,不要耽误吃早饭的时间,这也很重要。 9点的nap,可以根据时间相应得推移,一般是在早晨醒来的2个小时左右,这个nap是在延续晚上的睡眠,所以容易入睡,然后醒来就可以持续到午觉。 通常1岁多的孩子,早上的nap慢慢就消失了。中午的nap一定要睡好。
对了, yilan 你的夜灯是什么样的? 在哪儿买的? 我觉得 我上次买的 stringlights 还是有点亮。 我有两种,一种是在bedbathbeyond买的night light,一般放在墙上的地缘插座上。 一种是ikea买的调节明暗度的开关,我现在用的是这种。
我也试过不抱起来,把她放倒到小床里,轻声安抚。可她一定会再站起来。而且放倒的同时会哭得更凶。 我觉得她就是喜欢靠着大人暖暖和和地睡着。大小床无所谓。 其实大人陪伴孩子没有错。但是如果时间太长,每天晚上都这么折腾,变成了习惯,就要警惕了。 所以我如果要进去看孩子,都是做好准备的,因为离开的时候,他肯定会哭得更加大声,但是时间会短些。
我有两种,一种是在bedbathbeyond买的night light,一般放在墙上的地缘插座上。 一种是ikea买的调节明暗度的开关,我现在用的是这种。 是不是小星星那样的灯?
我说过的阿。还记得你们给我很多建议,主要是要让她哭一次。 不过后来我想睡前讲故事,就改成讲故事兼陪睡了。我发现睡前关上灯,娘俩说说话,讲讲故事,交流效果出奇的好。可能黑暗里安静,又没有其他东西的干扰吧。好几次我都可以看到她眼里火花一闪,然后就说点什么让人惊讶的话出来。真是难得的quality time. 我觉得睡前讲故事是很好啊。宁宁nap之前我都给他讲故事的,这样的quiet time非常好。但是我一样会在他清醒时候走人。
我说过的阿。还记得你们给我很多建议,主要是要让她哭一次。 不过后来我想睡前讲故事,就改成讲故事兼陪睡了。我发现睡前关上灯,娘俩说说话,讲讲故事,交流效果出奇的好。可能黑暗里安静,又没有其他东西的干扰吧。好几次我都可以看到她眼里火花一闪,然后就说点什么让人惊讶的话出来。真是难得的quality time. 我原来就是讲故事, 然后关灯陪睡觉, 后来发现她会变得很依赖我在傍边, 现在逐渐调整成 讲故事, 然后留个夜灯给她让她一个人睡。
其实对于有老人的家庭给孩子sleep training的一大障碍就是老人。 这也是我坚持不让父母公婆过来的原因, 我希望自己不受干扰的带宝宝, 可能头几个月会辛苦的, 但宝宝的作息时间规律了, 宝宝长的好, 我们以后也会轻松些. 而且我太不认同我婆婆带我LG哥哥小孩的方式了, 小的时候白天全是她抱着睡觉的, 放都放不下, 现在小孩都三岁了, 还跟父母岁一张床.
晚上早一点放下去,8点左右入睡可以吗?尽量不要超过9点。早上如果已经超过12个小时了,进去拉窗帘,发出点声音,让孩子醒来,不要耽误吃早饭的时间,这也很重要。 9点的nap,可以根据时间相应得推移,一般是在早晨醒来的2个小时左右,这个nap是在延续晚上的睡眠,所以容易入睡,然后醒来就可以持续到午觉。 通常1岁多的孩子,早上的nap慢慢就消失了。中午的nap一定要睡好。 谢谢yilan,我们家的才四个月...他现在基本7点左右就睡了,然后一直睡到9点起来,今天6点已经睡了。。。他老爹早上7点半起来上班,有时候洗澡什么的会把他吵醒,但是他要是不是睡到自然醒的话,就会一整天都折腾。。。听了你的建议,准备晚上去买本书好好读读
是不是小星星那样的灯? 长今, 可以给小凤凰选个她喜欢的卡通的night light, 有些好可爱的.
我觉得睡前讲故事是很好啊。宁宁nap之前我都给他讲故事的,这样的quiet time非常好。但是我一样会在他清醒时候走人。 同意同意,陪的时间长点短点都没关系,关键就是要在孩子清醒的时候走人,如果一直到睡着都有大人在身边,醒来发现大人不在了自然要找。别说孩子,我半夜醒来LG不在身边的话我也会纳闷他哪儿去了,如果他出差,我自然不会想这个问题,醒来就assume我就该是一个人睡的。
是不是小星星那样的灯? 不是哎,就是很普通的螺旋纽
这也是我坚持不让父母公婆过来的原因, 我希望自己不受干扰的带宝宝, 可能头几个月会辛苦的, 但宝宝的作息时间规律了, 宝宝长的好, 我们以后也会轻松些. 而且我太不认同我婆婆带我LG哥哥小孩的方式了, 小的时候白天全是她抱着睡觉的, 放都放不下, 现在小孩都三岁了, 还跟父母岁一张床.
我原来就是讲故事, 然后关灯陪睡觉, 后来发现她会变得很依赖我在傍边, 现在逐渐调整成 讲故事, 然后留个夜灯给她让她一个人睡。 其实这种入睡方式是挺好的。跳跳说得对,让她选一个自己喜欢的night,一个喜欢的玩具入睡
我原来就是讲故事, 然后关灯陪睡觉, 后来发现她会变得很依赖我在傍边, 现在逐渐调整成 讲故事, 然后留个夜灯给她让她一个人睡。 我们现在就处于依赖阶段。我打算等我妈走了,再试试让她自己睡。现在白天我妈都陪玩很久她才能睡,这个我无法改变。要等我妈走了,才能改变方式。
长今, 可以给小凤凰选个她喜欢的卡通的night light, 有些好可爱的.
我觉得你现在很有书本经验的说。 我跟着yilan, 拉拉她们学了不少, 我现在还都是纸上谈兵, 没实战经验. 就希望宝宝到时候一定要配合. 和和. 月子里就只有辛苦LG了, 出了月子我想什么都会好的.
我们现在就处于依赖阶段。我打算等我妈走了,再试试让她自己睡。现在白天我妈都陪玩很久她才能睡,这个我无法改变。要等我妈走了,才能改变方式。 老人都是这样的, 小凤凰奶奶在这儿的时候, 每次都要抖抖抖, 抖半天才能放下。
我跟着yilan, 拉拉她们学了不少, 我现在还都是纸上谈兵, 没实战经验. 就希望宝宝到时候一定要配合. 和和. 月子里就只有辛苦LG了, 出了月子我想什么都会好的.
小麦妈,因为小麦喜欢在大床上睡,曾经成功过,所以他更加坚持一点。 你去看他的时候,尽量保持低沉的语调,甚至不说话,不开灯,不要看他的眼睛,你可以看他额头的地方(这是supernanny教的),你拍拍他,然后就走,不需要按倒他,因为他们站起来很快。我每次离开宁宁的时候,他基本上都是坐着或站着,然后他没什么想法了,才会自己去睡。 上个月有一集supernanny,两个孩子睡living room,在床上呆不住,supernanny就叫妈妈在地板上坐着,不说话,不开灯,如果孩子离开床,就把孩子放回去,第一个晚上这样折腾了将近2个小时,第二个晚上半个多小时,后来就好了,孩子断了念头了,直到他妈妈不是在做游戏。 这一集我也看了, 那两个小孩可真皮呀. 那个妈妈是连拖带拽的拉他们到床上去的.
其实这种入睡方式是挺好的。跳跳说得对,让她选一个自己喜欢的night,一个喜欢的玩具入睡 她这几天可以慢慢得自己睡了。 虽然睡前还要叫我好几次, 什么时候可以晚上也不找我就好了。
有了一肚子的学问, 是不是摩拳擦掌的盼着宝宝早点出来, 可以实战了? 我觉得我都还没准备好, 我还得给我LG准备个菜单, 让他月子那段时间给我做来吃. 还跟我LG说, 我们要做好充分的准备来对付小猪.
我觉得我都还没准备好, 我还得给我LG准备个菜单, 让他月子那段时间给我做来吃. 还跟我LG说, 我们要做好充分的准备来对付小猪.
我说过的阿。还记得你们给我很多建议,主要是要让她哭一次。 不过后来我想睡前讲故事,就改成讲故事兼陪睡了。我发现睡前关上灯,娘俩说说话,讲讲故事,交流效果出奇的好。可能黑暗里安静,又没有其他东西的干扰吧。好几次我都可以看到她眼里火花一闪,然后就说点什么让人惊讶的话出来。真是难得的quality time. 老了,没记清
yiyi妈,不要太担心,我觉得小孩子的适应能力还是蛮强的,yiyi那么聪明,肯定调整得过来的。 当时小小断奶未果+ 生病,每天晚上都要醒过来起码5、6次要吃奶,我爸妈来了当天就开始断奶,小小和他们睡一个房间,我们搬到楼上。 头天晚上小小哭的这个凄惨啊,爸爸妈妈的狂叫,过了几天就好一点,再过几天,他也认识到是和外公外婆睡在一起没有奶吃了,晚上醒来三次左右,但每次就哼哼了。 现在他一般9点多睡到凌晨2、3点,有时会到4、5点,起来叫唤要吃牛奶,给点牛奶后倒头就睡,睡到早上6点就要起来玩了,他起的比较早,所以现在白天还有两个nap。 虽然小小晚上睡觉还不是最好,不过我已经很满意了,比之前有了不少进步。我打算等我爸妈下个月走后,再慢慢的把他凌晨的那顿牛奶给断了。
你老公会做饭吗? 要不, 请个专门做饭的保姆呢? 他会做, 但我还是需要找些简单的菜让他做, 那段时间睡眠不足, 他也会很累. 主要他可能也不知道我那个时候该吃什么, 我就先给他安排一下. 怕请不到合适的保姆也麻烦, 那天我买了zz推荐的costco的鸡汤, 我觉得味道不错, 用起来也方便.
他会做, 但我还是需要找些简单的菜让他做, 那段时间睡眠不足, 他也会很累. 主要他可能也不知道我那个时候该吃什么, 我就先给他安排一下. 怕请不到合适的保姆也麻烦, 那天我买了zz推荐的costco的鸡汤, 我觉得味道不错, 用起来也方便.
跳跳要自己坐月子阿!真不简单! 从精神上支持一下!