Should you get calcium from milk? When most people in the United States think of calcium, they immediately think of milk. But should this be so? Milk is actually only one of many sources of calcium, and there are some important reasons why milk may not be the best source for everyone. These include:
Lactose intolerance
Many people have some degree of lactose intolerance. For them, eating or drinking dairy products causes problems like cramping, bloating, gas, and diarrhea. These symptoms can range from mild to severe. Certain groups are much more likely to have lactose intolerance. For example, 90 percent of Asians, 70 percent of blacks and Native Americans, and 50 percent of Hispanics are lactose-intolerant, compared to only about 15 percent of people of Northern European descent. One alternative for those who are lactose intolerant but who still enjoy consuming dairy products is to take a pill containing enzymes that digest milk sugar along with the dairy product, or to consume milk that has the lactase enzyme added to it.
High saturated fat content
Many dairy products are high in saturated fats, and a high saturated fat intake is a risk factor for heart disease. And while it's true that most dairy products are now available in fat-reduced or nonfat options, the saturated fat that's removed from dairy products is inevitably consumed by someone, often in the form of premium ice cream, butter, or baked goods. Strangely, it's often the same people who purchase these higher-fat products who also purchase the low-fat dairy products, so it's not clear that they're making great strides in cutting back on their saturated fat consumption. For more information on dietary fats, click here.
Possible increased risk of ovarian cancer
High levels of galactose, a sugar released by the digestion of lactose in milk, have been studied as possibly damaging to the ovaries and leading to ovarian cancer. Although such associations have not been reported in all studies, there may be potential harm in consuming high amounts of dairy products.(9, 10)
Possible increased risk of prostate cancer
A diet high in calcium has been implicated as a potential risk factor for prostate cancer. In a Harvard study of male health professionals, men who drank two or more glasses of milk a day were almost twice as likely to develop advanced prostate cancer as those who didn't drink milk at all.(11) Moreover, the association appears to be with calcium itself, rather than with dairy products in general.
Clearly, although more research is needed, we cannot be confident that high milk intake is safe.
The bottom line-recommendations for calcium intake and bone health Adequate, lifelong dietary calcium intake is necessary to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Consuming adequate calcium and vitamin D and performing regular, weight-bearing exercise are also important to build maximum bone density and strength. After age 30, these factors help slow bone loss, although they cannot completely prevent bone loss due to aging. Milk and dairy products are a convenient source of calcium for many people. They are also a good source of protein and are fortified with vitamins D and A. At this time, however, the optimal intake of calcium as well as the optimal sources of calcium, are not clear. As noted earlier, the National Academy of Sciences currently recommends that people ages 19-50 consume 1,000 mg of calcium per day, and that those age 50 or over get 1,200 mg per day. Reaching 1200 mg per day would usually require drinking two to three glasses of milk per day over and above an overall healthy diet. However, these recommendations are based on very short-term studies, and are likely to be higher than what people really need. Currently, there's no good evidence that consuming more than one serving of milk per day in addition to a reasonable diet (which typically provides about 300 milligrams of calcium per day from nondairy sources) will reduce fracture risk. Because of unresolved concerns about the risk of ovarian and prostate cancer, it may be prudent to avoid higher intakes of dairy products. At moderate levels, though, consumption of calcium and dairy products has benefits beyond bone health, including possibly lowering the risk of high blood pressure and colon cancer.(12-14) While the blood pressure benefits appear fairly small, the protection against colon cancer seems somewhat larger, and most of the latter benefit comes from having just one glass of milk per day. Getting more than this doesn't seem to lower risk any further. For individuals who are unable to digest - or who dislike - dairy products and for those who simply prefer not to consume large amounts of such foods, other options are available. Calcium can also be found in dark green leafy vegetables, such as kale and collard greens, and in dried beans and legumes.
Calcium is also found in spinach and chard, but these vegetables contain oxalic acid, which combines with the calcium to form calcium oxalate, a chemical salt that makes the calcium less available to the body. A variety of calcium-fortified foods, such as orange juice, are now on the market. Calcium (and vitamin D) can also be ingested as a supplement. Antacids contain calcium as well. However, men may want to avoid calcium supplements for men because of questions about possible risks of prostate cancer. An extensive list of the calcium content of foods is available online from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These foods are good sources of calcium:
恩,我们俩买哪种大西瓜半个,总要放到坏掉丢掉一些。 后来就买小个西瓜的半个,或者大个西瓜的1/4来吃 我一周能吃掉一磅樱桃酱紫,但是哪种苹果阿橙子阿从来吃不动的
刚刚我问某位n年以前的经济系phd,他说没戏。可是国内这个人虽然我压根不认识,但是相熟老师的学生,所以我不好意思这么说。。。 虫虫想起来了,我原来这边学校里有几个师妹,不知道你认识吗?
虫虫想起来了,我原来这边学校里有几个师妹,不知道你认识吗? msg我吧。
我lg无意地戒掉了。后来他很懊恼,觉得世界上少了一件有乐趣的事情。 同意你家相公。 狗出来的 哈哈..有理
我最近迷上了chocolate milk,会不会不好?
我比你懒,我直接买人家弄熟的(我们这里一个local store的in store food特别好吃),回来微波炉一下就好了。。。他们也号称organic呢,今天晚上的roast beef sandwich就是他们弄的,一盒也就$5,比餐馆便宜去了。。。。
where??? where??
where??? where??
家门口一个超级大的而且是24小时开门的GROCERY STORE,
我们很少出门吃 结果还是1000刀grocery bill 也没吃龙虾啥的 就是量大 每星期水果都是costco 巨大的盒子 always: cherry, blueberry, strawberry, banana and peaches optional: rasberry, blackberry, apples,西瓜 vege: 生菜,青椒,芦笋,green bean, snap bean, 黄瓜, 牛奶,豆奶,酸奶,cheese, chicken breast, sausage, ham, fish, beef, sometimes pork 其他店补些蔬菜 有时候自己去摘果子,10-20刀不等
我们家4口人,每星期也就是100快钱打住了(costco 30,中国店70)
我一个人, 每次都要上百。 当然我不是每周去了。只是那地方都那么大包,随便买买就上一百二百的。每次账单打出来我都很诧异,然后自己算一遍还确实是对的
我们两个人一周300 55555 老妈刚做饭的时候是一周200 现在吃腻了,又变成300 差不多一个人一个星期要100刀,我觉得我还不止呢。 水果吃点贵的 or lunch outside,成本就上去了。
我们很少出门吃 结果还是1000刀grocery bill 也没吃龙虾啥的 就是量大 每星期水果都是costco 巨大的盒子 always: cherry, blueberry, strawberry, banana and peaches optional: rasberry, blackberry, apples,西瓜 vege: 生菜,青椒,芦笋,green bean, snap bean, 黄瓜, 牛奶,豆奶,酸奶,cheese, chicken breast, sausage, ham, fish, beef, sometimes pork 其他店补些蔬菜 有时候自己去摘果子,10-20刀不等 。。。。。 食量不大,可是哪个bill惊人啊。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
我们家4口人,每星期也就是100快钱打住了(costco 30,中国店70)
100刀够4个人吃,挺厉害的,能有鱼有虾么? 怎么你那边东西那么便宜阿。
差不多一个人一个星期要100刀,我觉得我还不止呢。 水果吃点贵的 or lunch outside,成本就上去了。
豆浆里边有雌激素,还是适量的好。 你身体怎样了?医生怎么说的。 我昨天想了一下,我要是掉那么多肉,估计都成骨头了。
我们说得就是做菜得成本啦,lunch outside这种都不算的啦
100刀够4个人吃,挺厉害的,能有鱼有虾么? 怎么你那边东西那么便宜阿。
俺们这农村,中国人也不算少,可惜就一家中国店,人家韭菜就能标价$3.99一磅的卖 够狠 和我们这边空心菜的价格差不多。韭菜是一小把,1刀。
那真的物价便宜,我们这边洋人商店的一小片新鲜鱼3-4刀把。 要你们一家怎么也要吃个4片把。这个成本就上来了。
你们那里吃的还是便宜。中午我吃不到那么便宜的。 最便宜也要8快。自己作也不便宜。肉都挺贵的。 还有水果也贵。
看到有个JM说organic的鸡是土鸡!其实不一样的。偶是乡下人,在乡下人的概念里面土鸡是指本地的鸡种而且是走地鸡。可能其他人的定义不一样,说说个人意见,没有人生攻击的意思。 一般饲养场养鸡都是类似大江鸡一类的种鸡,所以肉长得多而且饲养场是在鸡苗稍微大一点后(通常是2周)后开始笼养,就是把鸡关在一个一个单独的笼子里,一排排的笼子,不能到处走动只能吃东西睡觉。因为大棚和笼养都很拥挤,非常容易死,所以要加抗生素,而且大棚和笼养都是要加小太阳灯取暖的。大的饲养场都是18小时一天,不是24小时所以鸡不到50天就可以出笼了。 Organic的鸡只是不吃哪些抗生素,饲养方法和一般的鸡没有什么区别的。不是土鸡,至少不是欧们乡下人说的土鸡。现在国内买的土鸡也不是正宗的了,都是养鸡场养大了然后放养几个礼拜,所以根本没有鸡味道的。欧们乡下结婚的时候如果买鸡场的鸡肯定要被笑话的,都是乡里买的,而且鸡很小比外面买的鸡小至少1半! 欧们一般自己家里吃的都是一般的芦花鸡或者黑珍珠,放养的,要7-8个月才够大。鸡自己会在地里找吃的,平时只要傍晚给场子撒一把米粒就可以了,其实鸡什么都吃的。 另外说一句,乡下不兴养公鸡的,一窝鸡只要1个公鸡就够了,所以童子鸡一般都是公的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-14 17:20:45编辑过]
那就出去吃把。其实总吃自己作的不好。营养不全面。 还特别花时间。洗阿,烧的,烦的很,尤其夏天。 出去吃都是周末了,平时不会出去吃还是家里唱主角。中餐馆哪敢吃多啊。多脏呀,对身体不好还容易胖。而且就算不脏也不能天天出去吃啊,偶很小农的,这个钱偶宁愿存下来买东西。剩下西餐爱吃的没几家,好吃的几家在downtown,也都是偶尔去downtwon才吃。
怎么没人回答握? 我觉得organic的鸡炖起来不怎么香?是不是这只鸡吃得太素了?
我们很少出门吃 结果还是1000刀grocery bill 也没吃龙虾啥的 就是量大 每星期水果都是costco 巨大的盒子 always: cherry, blueberry, strawberry, banana and peaches optional: rasberry, blackberry, apples,西瓜 vege: 生菜,青椒,芦笋,green bean, snap bean, 黄瓜, 牛奶,豆奶,酸奶,cheese, chicken breast, sausage, ham, fish, beef, sometimes pork 其他店补些蔬菜 有时候自己去摘果子,10-20刀不等 你们的水果摄入糖分偏高,且蔬菜纤维素不够,建议多吃苹果和芹菜。
有不笼养外加all nature,不用激素抗生素的鸡的,trader joe's就有,不过也没有小时候吃的鸡香 costco的organic的鸡,还是那种快速育肥的肉鸡的口感 咱小时候吃的鸡...那都是成天在野地里奔跑..长肉也是靠自个一口一口觅食出来的.那肉多紧啊.
是嘛你们那里普通猪肉/牛肉一小塑料盘多少钱?就是那个一顿量的 我们这里一般的牛肉猪肉4快多肯定能买到了就是那种一般性的。sale的时候还有2块多一包的呢不过不怎么买就是了。贵点的牛肉也蛮多的,不过只用于BBQ,平时烧红烧啊小炒啊就故不了那么多了,只要新鲜就好了。 水果我们这里也蛮便宜的好像。超市经常有sale,大西瓜3.99/个 桃子什么的也就1块多一磅 如果去老墨超市水果就更便宜了。我们这里还不是农村哦,所以对这个菜价还算满意
那真的物价便宜,我们这边洋人商店的一小片新鲜鱼3-4刀把。 要你们一家怎么也要吃个4片把。这个成本就上来了。
从前城里sale 西瓜5.99-6.99, 现在不到$3.
草莓sale $1, organic 2.5$
canteloup $1 一只。 葡萄79c/LB, organic 1.5$/LB
每周都有不同的东西sale, 我会看看邮箱里的flyer, 心中有数。
Ralph, Vons 都有新鲜的organic produce
farmer's market, community supported farm 更是才摘下不久。
人生苦短,不等于要偏向虎山行。30年前,人们的饮食没那么多肉奶蛋,不也照样活吗?只不过被灌输了“肉奶蛋=更高生活质量” 的观念,如今才觉得难以接受。就象KFC, McDonal 在国内象征时髦
anyway, google一下,很多平时忽略的信息就出来了,自己选择吧
farmer's market的organic鸡是冻过的,不好吃。 反正在美国就没有好吃的鸡肉。最多炒炒烤烤,炖汤就表指望了
我吃肉不算多,那种估计大概也要5-6快的样子把。 我基本吃鱼和虾的。 不过我们这边水果贵,草莓打折的时候还要1。99-2。99的。 很小的西瓜也要2。99。大的打折也要4。99。苹果1。69一磅。 樱桃就更贵了。 哎...现在哪里都差不多这个价钱吧.
farmer's market的organic鸡是冻过的,不好吃。 反正在美国就没有好吃的鸡肉。最多炒炒烤烤,炖汤就表指望了 你家有院子没?
内是不是住downtown呀? 偶以前从downtown搬到郊区就是看啥都便宜。 鱼肉不是特别沉,4片估计也就1磅多吧。我看超市里8、9块或者十几块一磅的鱼我都不认识好像是海鱼看着肉粗不适合中国人烧菜呢。我经常买的tilapia又叫非洲鲫鱼和国内吃的鱼蛮像的,新鲜的5块左右一磅也不贵。如果做麻辣火锅catfish也可以。那就更便宜啦
我吃肉不算多,那种估计大概也要5-6快的样子把。 我基本吃鱼和虾的。 不过我们这边水果贵,草莓打折的时候还要1。99-2。99的。 很小的西瓜也要2。99。大的打折也要4。99。苹果1。69一磅。 樱桃就更贵了。 水果好像和我们差不多。草莓西瓜苹果什么的我们这里也都这个价格。樱桃么要是不是上市时候都不便宜吧。 我觉得能吃水果的能吃很多,像我好像水果就是吃不多。如果是吃饭吃过了更只有一点点可以吃了。真是郁闷!!如果是吃苹果饭前吃一个,吃饭都没食欲了。不知道是为啥。西瓜更是,一吃就涨了。
啊哦,这个偶就不知道le 还有dna变异的鸡啊? 转基因?
转基因? 恩...增加抗病能力啊..缩短生长时间啊..多了 不是玉米都引进了鲨鱼的DNA..让表面光滑炕虫.. 还有..实验的什么小动物来着..转基因皮肤发荧光.
没错,住城里。。。 买菜贵阿。
住downtown自己做的成本挺高的,真不如买外卖划算。我以前就经常吃家旁边的外卖。美式中餐看着还算干净生意很好,3个菜,2荤1素,外送一个饮料/汤。 才6快钱。偷懒的时候买那个当晚饭就不用烧了。这几个菜我自己做肯定成本比这个高。唯一缺点老要吃到甜酸鸡 WHERE..WHERE ..这么便宜.
farmer's market的organic鸡是冻过的,不好吃。 反正在美国就没有好吃的鸡肉。最多炒炒烤烤,炖汤就表指望了 偶们家这种鸡炖的汤都用来做火锅底料
偶们家这种鸡炖的汤都用来做火锅底料 你家吃的太好列..
WHERE..WHERE ..这么便宜.
恩...增加抗病能力啊..缩短生长时间啊..多了 不是玉米都引进了鲨鱼的DNA..让表面光滑炕虫.. 还有..实验的什么小动物来着..转基因皮肤发荧光.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-14 17:50:24编辑过]
大家去店里买水果,又没有注意过标签哦? 那些数字编码的头一个数字是有说法的 3 农药 4 / 88 转基因 9 有机
ground coffee,吸菜摘菜剩下的黄叶子,果皮
没人说organic的鸡是土鸡... 俺是说.真要organic还要考虑鸡本身..不仅仅是喂养的饲料.
大家去店里买水果,又没有注意过标签哦? 那些数字编码的头一个数字是有说法的 3 农药 4 / 88 转基因 5 杂交 9 有机
我基本上看看不用抗生素不用激素就算了。。。现在人家养鸡到一般超市卖的,肯定都挑长得快不生病的品种,哪里会考虑你口感呢。。。也不可能不喂食催肥的 这个怎么看?
这个怎么看? 包装上应该有说明.
这个怎么看? trade joe's的鸡蛋啊,鸡啊,no 荷尔蒙,no 抗生素,都是直接标明的,如果是 cage free,也是标明的
牛奶的钙是最好吸收的, 蔬菜里没多少钙吧.
这个,我也就是关心一下抗生素,hormon, pesticide...
我总觉得转基因说不准什么时候就跟人的DNA有什么冲突.. 对了.家里还剩一个转基因的玉米...我得赶紧吃了.
天啊,那一个月吃1k的好夸张。当然如果经常出去吃,也可以理解。好的餐馆可能俩人一次都要上百了。 我现在是自己,不怎么出去吃,在on diet,不过吃很多的水果、蔬菜、海鲜、mixed nuts。还有一些微波炉热一下就可以的西餐。一个月平均下来也就是120,而且还吃一半扔一半的。 我也一个星期吃俩西瓜啊,不过我们这里的local店都卖得很便宜,$2 ea. 而且我水果真得吃的不少吧,比如这周买了俩西瓜,一袋葡萄,一袋樱桃,5个桃子,5个李子,5个梨,一串儿香蕉。 以前办了costco的卡,但发现量太大了,大部分都扔掉了。就不去了。 如果蔬菜水果在我们这里的美国店买,jewel osco, dominick's什么的,那肯定要贵得多了。所以大家不妨开发一下local店咯,我们这里的希腊店,什么都有,还有韩国店,特别大;这两家蔬果也都很新鲜的,并不是退而求其次的选择。 对organic我一点儿都不哈。全世界人民大都受同样的污染,不都好好的嘛。呵呵。 我不说价格了,不过mm这个diet不是很合理,全部都是水果,淀粉类食物摄取过多,蛋白质略显不足
you get calcium from milk?
When most people in the United States think of calcium, they immediately
think of milk. But should this be so? Milk is actually only one of many
sources of calcium, and there are some important reasons why milk may
not be the best source for everyone. These include:
Lactose intolerance
Many people have some degree of lactose intolerance. For them, eating
or drinking dairy products causes problems like cramping, bloating,
gas, and diarrhea. These symptoms can range from mild to severe. Certain
groups are much more likely to have lactose intolerance. For example,
90 percent of Asians, 70 percent of blacks and Native Americans, and
50 percent of Hispanics are lactose-intolerant, compared to only about
15 percent of people of Northern European descent.
One alternative for those who are lactose intolerant but who still
enjoy consuming dairy products is to take a pill containing enzymes
that digest milk sugar along with the dairy product, or to consume
milk that has the lactase enzyme added to it.
High saturated fat
Many dairy products are high in saturated fats, and a high saturated
fat intake is a risk factor for heart disease. And while it's true that
most dairy products are now available in fat-reduced or nonfat options,
the saturated fat that's removed from dairy products is inevitably consumed
by someone, often in the form of premium ice cream, butter, or baked
Strangely, it's often the same people who purchase these higher-fat
products who also purchase the low-fat dairy products, so it's not
clear that they're making great strides in cutting back on their saturated
fat consumption. For more information on dietary fats, click
Possible increased
risk of ovarian cancer
High levels of galactose, a sugar released by the digestion of lactose
in milk, have been studied as possibly damaging to the ovaries and leading
to ovarian cancer. Although such associations have not been reported
in all studies, there may be potential harm in consuming high amounts
of dairy products.(9, 10)
Possible increased
risk of prostate cancer
A diet high in calcium has been implicated as a potential risk factor
for prostate cancer. In a Harvard study of male health professionals,
men who drank two or more glasses of milk a day were almost twice as
likely to develop advanced prostate cancer as those who didn't drink
milk at all.(11) Moreover, the association
appears to be with calcium itself, rather than with dairy products in
Clearly, although more research is needed, we cannot be confident that
high milk intake is safe.
The bottom line-recommendations
for calcium intake and bone health
Adequate, lifelong dietary calcium intake is necessary to reduce the
risk of osteoporosis. Consuming adequate calcium and vitamin D and performing
regular, weight-bearing exercise are also important to build maximum bone
density and strength. After age 30, these factors help slow bone loss,
although they cannot completely prevent bone loss due to aging.
Milk and dairy products are a convenient source of calcium for many people.
They are also a good source of protein and are fortified with vitamins
D and A. At this time, however, the optimal intake of calcium as well
as the optimal sources of calcium, are not clear. As noted earlier, the
National Academy of Sciences currently recommends that people ages 19-50
consume 1,000 mg of calcium per day, and that those age 50 or over get
1,200 mg per day. Reaching 1200 mg per day would usually require drinking
two to three glasses of milk per day over and above an overall healthy
However, these recommendations are based on very short-term studies,
and are likely to be higher than what people really need. Currently, there's
no good evidence that consuming more than one serving of milk per day
in addition to a reasonable diet (which typically provides about 300 milligrams
of calcium per day from nondairy sources) will reduce fracture risk. Because
of unresolved concerns about the risk of ovarian and prostate cancer,
it may be prudent to avoid higher intakes of dairy products.
At moderate levels, though, consumption of calcium and dairy products
has benefits beyond bone health, including possibly lowering the risk
of high blood pressure and colon cancer.(12-14)
While the blood pressure benefits appear fairly small, the protection
against colon cancer seems somewhat larger, and most of the latter benefit
comes from having just one glass of milk per day. Getting more than this
doesn't seem to lower risk any further.
For individuals who are unable to digest - or who dislike - dairy products
and for those who simply prefer not to consume large amounts of such foods,
other options are available. Calcium can also be found in dark green leafy
vegetables, such as kale and collard greens, and in dried beans and legumes.
Calcium is also found in spinach and chard, but these vegetables contain
oxalic acid, which combines with the calcium to form calcium oxalate,
a chemical salt that makes the calcium less available to the body. A variety
of calcium-fortified foods, such as orange juice, are now on the market.
Calcium (and vitamin D) can also be ingested as a supplement. Antacids
contain calcium as well. However, men may want to avoid calcium supplements
for men because of questions about possible risks of prostate cancer.
An extensive list of the calcium content of foods is available online
from the U.S.
Department of Agriculture. These foods are good sources of calcium:
大家还要注意一点,不是含钙高就是一定能够吸收的高,我们即使吃钙片,很多缺钙的人还是缺钙的 拿杯牛奶出去晒太阳
另外还要考虑bad fat, 卵巢癌,前列腺癌的隐患啊。
菠菜,甘蓝 就没有这些问题呀。而且补钙也不是越多越好啊
另外还要考虑bad fat, 卵巢癌,前列腺癌的隐患啊。
菠菜,甘蓝 就没有这些问题呀。而且补钙也不是越多越好啊
甘蓝是什么? 菠菜有草酸....不去除的话还会影响钙吸收呢