
楼主 (北美华人网)
Eating Organic is not as expensive as I thought.
rough calculation says $50/week is enough for me, who eats a lot of
vegetables and fruits.

Summery of what I found online:

Buy these items organic as often as possible:

meat, eggs and dairy, Baby food.

green bean,tomato,  potato , spinach  ,bell peppers, cellery, hard winter squash

cherries,  and strawberries,cantaloupe, apples, imported grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, and red raspberries.

Don’t bother buying these items organic:

Seafood;  Cosmetics.

Buy these items organic if price is no object: (Multiple pesticide
residues are, in general, rarely found on conventionally grown versions
of these fruits and vegetables, according to research by the EWG.)

asparagus, avocados, bananas, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet corn, kiwi, mangos, onions, papaya, pineapples and sweet peas.

Breads, oils, potato chips, pasta, cereals, and other packaged foods, such as canned or dried fruit and vegetables.

Tips: buying organic on the cheap

If you decide that you’d prefer fewer chemicals and other additives
in your food, the choice isn’t an easy one. Organic sticker shock can
hit the most stalwart of organic shoppers. The fact is that organic
farmers produce more labor-intensive products and don’t enjoy the
economies of scale or government subsidies that their big brothers in
agribusiness do. But we found many ways to save on the cost of organic

Comparison shop. Do a price check among local grocery stores for
often purchased organic items and shop where you find the lowest
prices. In the New York City area, for example, we found a 4-ounce jar
of Earth’s Best organic baby food for as little as 69 cents and as much
as $1.29. When it comes to fresh produce, remember that you’ll save by
buying it in season.

Go local. You can find organic growers at most farmer’s markets,
anda USDA study in 2002 found that about 40 percent of those farmers
don’t charge a premium. For listings of local farmer’s markets and
other sources, go to www.ams.usda.gov/farmersmarkets and www.localharvest.org .

Join the farm team. Buy a share in a community-supported organic farm
and you’ll get a weekly supply of produce from spring until fall. The
cost to feed a family of four generally ranges from $300 to $500 for
the season. (Some farms also require you to work a few hours a month
distributing or picking produce.) The savings can be substantial. A
price study by a community-supported farm in the Northeast showed that
the average $10 weekly cost for a shareholder’s produce supply almost
always beat farmer’s market organic prices and often cost less than the
same nonorganic items at a supermarket. Go to www.sare.org for a list of community-supported farms.

Order by mail. National providers will ship items such as organic beef ( www.mynaturalbeef.com ). Some local businesses, such as FreshDirect ( www.freshdirect.com ) in the New York City area and Pioneer Organics ( www.pioneerorganics.com ) in the Pacific Northwest, offer home deliveries. Other helpful sites are at www.eatwellguide.org and www.theorganicpages.com .
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4 楼
TRY Farmer's market
5 楼
Food sold at farmer's market is not necessarily organic. Organic =/= home grown.
6 楼
whole foods的我觉得还不错啊,比我们这里本地超市的还新鲜呢
7 楼
WHOLE FOOD 好贵啊 买不起
8 楼
以下是引用windysnow在2007-7-18 0:35:00的发言:
Eating Organic is not as expensive as I thought.
rough calculation says $50/week is enough for me, who eats a lot of
vegetables and fruits.

I think organic foods are much more expensive. I buy organic eggs, milk and juice, but can not afford everything.
9 楼
以下是引用不爽男在2007-7-18 11:18:00的发言:
Food sold at farmer's market is not necessarily organic. Organic =/= home grown. agree
10 楼
11 楼
I buy organic food as much as I can afford
12 楼
以下是引用happyzj2在2007-7-18 13:25:00的发言:
我们家也就鸡蛋和牛奶是买organic的. same here, 争取以后有地方自己家里种菜,不用化肥,相对好些。 养猪养牛是不可能了,汗。