以下是引用huan45在2007-6-25 18:58:00的发言: 现在屯是不是太早? since you know gender already, it is ok to 屯la. actually I saw 8 dollar Robeez at nordstrom before. but need to pay $5 shipping at that time. So 10 dollar will be a good deal if shipping is free.
以下是引用tweety94555在2007-6-25 19:06:00的发言: since you know gender already, it is ok to 屯la. actually I saw 8 dollar Robeez at nordstrom before. but need to pay $5 shipping at that time. So 10 dollar will be a good deal if shipping is free. plus i can use GC and possibily 25% off code.
以下是引用OuiCestLaVie在2007-6-25 19:09:00的发言: 对了,这个鞋子经穿不?我想6-12, 12-18各买一双先。 我那天也在target看到first impression的了,差点就买了,原来只是型似阿。 6-12, 12-18 will be enough. if Henry started walking at around 1, you can get some shoes with better ankle support. I remember wispy mm mentioned stride ride, etc. not sure about "first impression", are they made of leather?
以下是引用tweety94555在2007-6-25 19:21:00的发言: 6-12, 12-18 will be enough. if Henry started walking at around 1, you can get some shoes with better ankle support. I remember wispy mm mentioned stride ride, etc. not sure about "first impression", are they made of leather? 好郁闷,我没做好功课 已经买了18-24m的了,还已经ship出来了
现在屯是不是太早? since you know gender already, it is ok to 屯la. actually I saw 8 dollar Robeez at nordstrom before. but need to pay $5 shipping at that time. So 10 dollar will be a good deal if shipping is free.
http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?boardid=333&topicid=215488&replyid=&skin=1 henry mom, check out this link. i wrote a long time ago. highly recommended! hehe, 我就是记得你推荐过来着。
since you know gender already, it is ok to 屯la. actually I saw 8 dollar Robeez at nordstrom before. but need to pay $5 shipping at that time. So 10 dollar will be a good deal if shipping is free. plus i can use GC and possibily 25% off code.
http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?boardid=333&topicid=215488&replyid=&skin=1 henry mom, check out this link. i wrote a long time ago. highly recommended! 对了,这个鞋子经穿不?我想6-12, 12-18各买一双先。 我那天也在target看到first impression的了,差点就买了,原来只是型似阿。
对了,这个鞋子经穿不?我想6-12, 12-18各买一双先。 我那天也在target看到first impression的了,差点就买了,原来只是型似阿。 6-12, 12-18 will be enough. if Henry started walking at around 1, you can get some shoes with better ankle support. I remember wispy mm mentioned stride ride, etc. not sure about "first impression", are they made of leather?
M,肥度中等。 谢谢MM.
around size 4-5 知道了, 谢谢MM.
Shoe Size
Shoe Size
Shoe Size
6-12, 12-18 will be enough. if Henry started walking at around 1, you can get some shoes with better ankle support. I remember wispy mm mentioned stride ride, etc. not sure about "first impression", are they made of leather? 好郁闷,我没做好功课 已经买了18-24m的了,还已经ship出来了
好郁闷,我没做好功课 已经买了18-24m的了,还已经ship出来了 我也买了18-24的,我觉得Eric个头大,没问题的。我家小圣是个大脚,国内买的一岁穿的鞋他现在只有不穿袜子才能套上。
6-12,最好不要买,穿不了两天 啊?我还准备加一双0-6的现在穿呢,没必要吗?
好郁闷,我没做好功课 已经买了18-24m的了,还已经ship出来了 这个不能用25% off的是吧?你买了哪个花色?
我也买了18-24的,我觉得Eric个头大,没问题的。我家小圣是个大脚,国内买的一岁穿的鞋他现在只有不穿袜子才能套上。 这么一说我也有点担心了,henry的脚好像满大的,我要不要弄双18-24呢?
啊?我还准备加一双0-6的现在穿呢,没必要吗? 不用买的,估计HENRY穿不上的,太小了.
不用买的,估计HENRY穿不上的,太小了. 谢谢,败了3双,6-12, 12-18, 18-24。全部cover, 总有一双可以穿吧。
一样啊!我家小小算是脚瘦了, 现在也穿不上12-18的了。
这个不能用25% off的是吧?你买了哪个花色? 我没有25%的 买了小鹿的18-24m 和雪花的12-18m,下午看的时候企鹅的已经没有大的了 图案好像满有局限性的,在家穿好了
我没有25%的 买了小鹿的18-24m 和雪花的12-18m,下午看的时候企鹅的已经没有大的了 图案好像满有局限性的,在家穿好了 呵呵,我也是买了小鹿和雪花。企鹅我差点就买双粉红的来囤着了。 还买了双18.9的大象。
扔到洗衣机里洗, thanks for the tips.
看得我真想买啊。。。只是前段时间跟着大宝妈跳丢,我已经给audrey买了10双鞋子了,什么运动鞋,凉鞋,小皮鞋,白色的粉色的金色的还有牛仔的。。。我在想我还要不要再买。 女孩子漂亮的鞋子太多了。。。我看得都流口水阿。