Order one from NYC, blue in medium. But no order # or confirmation #...so confused. Sales in Boston SAKS is the best. Very nice...but they do not have medium available any more...I wonder if the tote will be too big for me...so I did not order that one... [此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-9 11:51:09编辑过]
以下是引用fromjj在2007-6-9 16:46:00的发言: double gaucho 啊,是不是那个large的,哇,我好喜欢那款呢。mm去的那个saks啊? chicago downtown. i like it too! but i think it's not worth that much. this one, same color too.
以下是引用Issis在2007-6-9 16:50:00的发言: chicago downtown. i like it too! but i think it's not worth that much. this one, same color too. 好喜欢呢,谢谢mm给的信息,刚打了电话,reserve了一个,不知道要不要呢,我喜欢白色的,可是红色也喜欢,有人说红色会退色,不知道会不会呢。
以下是引用metro3在2007-6-9 17:04:00的发言: 我又定了一个TOTE...因为我去我们LOCAL店看了实物(并不大)...一见钟情, 就打电话去BOSTON定了一个 所以偶定了两个, 蓝色MEDIUM, 红色TOTE....其实我觉得自己把颜色定反了...汗... i JUST bought the blue tote from the boston saks. i think the size is perfectly ok. i made sure it holds letter-size papers well, hehe.
以下是引用Angelena在2007-6-9 17:14:00的发言: i JUST bought the blue tote from the boston saks. i think the size is perfectly ok. i made sure it holds letter-size papers well, hehe. 那如果我当时我选了蓝色,你就买不到蓝色了...主要是我第一个定的蓝色,不想买两个一样的颜色...
以下是引用metro3在2007-6-9 17:18:00的发言: 那如果我当时我选了蓝色,你就买不到蓝色了...主要是我第一个定的蓝色,不想买两个一样的颜色... Yeah, I'd definitely prefer the tote in red and the medium in blue. the tote is hard to carry under the arm, but when you hold it in hand it dangles at the knee level. if you wear jeans (i suppose that vintage look goes well with jeans), it becomes blue on blue -_-
以下是引用Angelena在2007-6-9 17:28:00的发言: Yeah, I'd definitely prefer the tote in red and the medium in blue. the tote is hard to carry under the arm, but when you hold it in hand it dangles at the knee level. if you wear jeans (i suppose that vintage look goes well with jeans), it becomes blue on blue -_- 你的意思是我歪打正着买对颜色了? [此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-9 17:47:02编辑过]
以下是引用radish在2007-6-8 22:50:00的发言: ZT from the purse blog: Chicago saks, Boston saks & NYC saks who still have plenty of stock left + no tax if you have the bag shipped to you.
the small gaucho is $580.00 the Medium gaucho is $775.00 the tote w. double handle $845.00 Blue and Red 我觉得两个颜色都还不错 给metro还有其他mm补充一下: 第一个是double saddle Gaucho.原价1995,现在是997.5 第二个是那个tote with double handle, 845的那个。 medium的,形容一下,就是好比一个messenger bag,但是呢,上面的盖子是saddle形状的。旁边有一个小方兜子。 小的那个我今天没看见。。。
以下是引用shbaby在2007-6-10 1:22:00的发言: there are lot of in , sales说也是卖不掉从40%off降到50%off的。 我早上打电话到chicago saks问,他们说MEDUIM只有一个白色的...... 顺, 我觉得小的太小了点,装不了东西,而且我一向不喜欢太小的... [此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-10 1:28:37编辑过]
Wow! How did I miss this one? Thanks for all the info. I am going to call Dior boutique first thing in the morning. I am dying for the blue double saddle. It looks yummy!!!!!
以下是引用Dharma在2007-6-10 1:49:00的发言: Wow! How did I miss this one? Thanks for all the info. I am going to call Dior boutique first thing in the morning. I am dying for the blue double saddle. It looks yummy!!!!! blue double saddle is discontinued and most of the dior boutiques no longer have that style. They have the red one though.
Yes, good price. But the one i saw in the store is not so bright blue, it's kind of "Dirty" blue. Therefore not buy finally since i was wondering what time I can wear it.
以下是引用superball在2007-6-11 0:03:00的发言: anybody knows boston phone number, thanks a lot 6172628500, you can check the website saksfihuaren.usm and the chenk the store location bar, it will give the store's number all over the country
the small gaucho is $580.00
the Medium gaucho is $775.00
the tote w. double handle $845.00
Blue and Red
刚从live chat上下来,一定要有item number才能查的说`~ then what can we do???
偶打了一圈电话, MEDIUM大小的都了,剩下TOTE的比较多...
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-9 11:24:58编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-9 11:51:09编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-9 11:50:12编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-9 14:48:07编辑过]
刚刚去了saks,看到一个红色的medium gaucho,但是原价是1900+啊!50%off也要将近1000呢,不知道lz的700多的价钱是哪儿看的呢?ok~打电话证实了一下~那个原来不是medium gaucho,是double gaucho。 还有阿~我觉得那个tote不好看~
double gaucho 啊,是不是那个large的,哇,我好喜欢那款呢。mm去的那个saks啊?
double gaucho 啊,是不是那个large的,哇,我好喜欢那款呢。mm去的那个saks啊? chicago downtown. i like it too! but i think it's not worth that much.
chicago downtown. i like it too! but i think it's not worth that much.
我又定了一个TOTE...因为我去我们LOCAL店看了实物(并不大)...一见钟情, 就打电话去BOSTON定了一个 所以偶定了两个, 蓝色MEDIUM, 红色TOTE....其实我觉得自己把颜色定反了...汗...
i JUST bought the blue tote from the boston saks. i think the size is perfectly ok. i made sure it holds letter-size papers well, hehe. 那如果我当时我选了蓝色,你就买不到蓝色了...主要是我第一个定的蓝色,不想买两个一样的颜色...
Yeah, I'd definitely prefer the tote in red and the medium in blue. the tote is hard to carry under the arm, but when you hold it in hand it dangles at the knee level. if you wear jeans (i suppose that vintage look goes well with jeans), it becomes blue on blue -_- 你的意思是我歪打正着买对颜色了?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-9 17:47:02编辑过]
I definitely think so, hehe.
I definitely think so, hehe. 谢谢MM...第一次电话ORDER,总有点不放心...现在放心了...希望顺利收到东西... 周一邮寄出来,估计周五能收到,希望不要扔在门口...偶不放心...
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-9 18:57:57编辑过]
555,没人理我。 我出去看了看。蓝色的很好。我就下手了。从波士顿定的。希望礼拜一,或者礼拜二就能收到。是这个: 这个包刚出来我就喜欢,但是觉得不值那个价钱。现在成功拔草。 我觉得tote应该是最能装东西的,不过觉得double saddle更有意思一点(我喜欢有厚度的saddle)。红色的,实物比较偏砖红。蓝色的呢,旧旧的,偏暖的蓝色。我有红色包了,就买的蓝色。
MM...你贴的这个是double saddle吗?...其实我也瞒喜欢这个的...我定的比较急,又没见过实物,反正就是乱定...
oh... FYI: LZ's 1st pic is not the $700+ Medium Gouche, it's the $900+ Double Gouche
555,没人理我。 我出去看了看。蓝色的很好。我就下手了。从波士顿定的。希望礼拜一,或者礼拜二就能收到。是这个: 这个包刚出来我就喜欢,但是觉得不值那个价钱。现在成功拔草。 我觉得tote应该是最能装东西的,不过觉得double saddle更有意思一点(我喜欢有厚度的saddle)。红色的,实物比较偏砖红。蓝色的呢,旧旧的,偏暖的蓝色。我有红色包了,就买的蓝色。
MM...你贴的这个是double saddle吗?...其实我也瞒喜欢这个的...我定的比较急,又没见过实物,反正就是乱定... 是啊!这个感觉体积和Balenciaga City差不多,但是肯定不能装东西,算是个短处吧!我觉得搞不好连那个medium的包都比这个装的多。 这个包,两个saddle都是上面有一个拉锁,不是像tote那样可以大大的打开的。所以肯定不能靠着它装东西。我觉得你挑的那两个都挺好的。
ZT from the purse blog: Chicago saks, Boston saks & NYC saks who still have plenty of stock left + no tax if you have the bag shipped to you.
the small gaucho is $580.00
the Medium gaucho is $775.00
the tote w. double handle $845.00
Blue and Red
给metro还有其他mm补充一下: 第一个是double saddle Gaucho.原价1995,现在是997.5 第二个是那个tote with double handle, 845的那个。 medium的,形容一下,就是好比一个messenger bag,但是呢,上面的盖子是saddle形状的。旁边有一个小方兜子。 小的那个我今天没看见。。。 谢谢MM的补充.......等偶拿到了就兽一兽....
怪不得今天在SAKS经过它家店里面有人在试这个,,原来降价了。。。有点点心动吖!!! 亲爱的,心动不如行动,呵呵
蓝色和红色的TOTE我都在商店里看到了, 怎么说呢, 照片上是蓝色更好看,但是实物我觉得红色不比蓝色差, 就是都好看...那种蓝有股成旧的感觉
正在犹豫。已经order的同学们,到底是不是final sale呀? 是...不能退的...
there are lot of in , sales说也是卖不掉从40%off降到50%off的。 我早上打电话到chicago saks问,他们说MEDUIM只有一个白色的......
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-10 1:28:37编辑过]
谁能告诉我dior boutique的电话...或者那里可以查到
大家不要抢着去saks买了,final sale还不能退,不如去Dior的boutique买,同样50% off,货还很全。如果你住的地方没有boutique,可以打电话去别的州的试试。我今天去我这个城市的看了,还很多。我帮朋友买了个small gaucho in red。好像大家都对small size没兴趣。其实我觉得small size最好看。
我记得Dior boutique也是final sale?
Wow! How did I miss this one? Thanks for all the info. I am going to call Dior boutique first thing in the morning. I am dying for the blue double saddle. It looks yummy!!!!! blue double saddle is discontinued and most of the dior boutiques no longer have that style. They have the red one though.
我记得Dior boutique也是final sale? that's what i thought, too.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-10 17:39:16编辑过]
我记得Dior boutique也是final sale? 是,我问了,也不能退滴。
555,没人理我。 我出去看了看。蓝色的很好。我就下手了。从波士顿定的。希望礼拜一,或者礼拜二就能收到。是这个: 这个包刚出来我就喜欢,但是觉得不值那个价钱。现在成功拔草。 我觉得tote应该是最能装东西的,不过觉得double saddle更有意思一点(我喜欢有厚度的saddle)。红色的,实物比较偏砖红。蓝色的呢,旧旧的,偏暖的蓝色。我有红色包了,就买的蓝色。
我是后知后觉。这个包刚出来的时候,我还真没看上。这两年好象TASTE变了,开始喜欢皮子软软的做的旧旧的包包。对机车包的感觉也是这样。有一次,在CHICAGO试过,忘了试的是那一款,当时觉得GAUCHO上身很好看。 一直想要个蓝色的包呢,机车今年的那个蓝色有点怯,这个正好。TOTE看起来也很漂亮,但是从去年到今年买了好几个短手柄的包了,这次换个可以背的。 你的到了,别忘了上个真人。我的要到下周末才到。
anybody knows boston phone number, thanks a lot