从图书馆借了一本guide book,觉得不错,应该推荐给坛子里的姐妹们。对咱们这些non-native speakers为宝宝挑选书本,提供了很好的帮助。 书名是Reading with babies, toddlers, and twos-- a guide to choosing, reading and loving books together. (点击连上amazon网站) 下面的这个链接,可以看到书的index。 http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/1402206127/ref=sib_dp_pt/103-0851089-3181464# 这本书最大的优点是列了很多参考书单,书名,作者,以及故事简介。这样无论是购买,或者是借阅,都非常方便。 比如Ten picutre books we dare you not to enjoy; twenty-five picture books for every child's library; books for babies with a word or two(Ball! dog! cat!); Can't put them down storybooks..... 书单是这样子的,简单抄一点: The Classics Twenty-five picture books for every child's library These are great books-- books you'll find in every library, every preschool, every bookstore. You've probably heard of many of them; some you may remember from your own childhood and some you may read to your grandchildren someday. 1. Clifford the big red dog, Norman Bridwell. Yes, it's a television series; yes, it's a franchise...but the original books are really good and perfect for babies and toddlers. Big, red dog. Need we say more? 2. Harold and the Purple Crayon, Crockett Johnson. You may remember Harold, but you probably didn't think of him as a book for very young babies. In fact, he workds very well--simple illustrations and many moons. 3. Goodnight Moom 4. Big Red Barn, 5. Go, Dog. Go! 6. Pat the Bunny 7. The Very Hungry Caterpillar 8. Hop on Pop 9. Where's spot? 10. Time for bed 11. The Little Fire Engine 12. Guess How Much I Love You 13. Where the Wild Things Are 14. Corduory 15. Caps for Sale 16. Babies 17..................................
Thank you for shareing. I am looking for this kind of info now. 不客气。你头像里面的宝宝好可爱啊。
我小声问一句哈,大家给宝宝是读英文的书还是中文的啊? haha, 我也有同样的问题啊。 而且我很懒,不想照书念,宝宝小的时候大概也就顺口胡诌几个我还记得的故事了。等她再大点,就让她自己看吧,呵呵
我小声问一句哈,大家给宝宝是读英文的书还是中文的啊? 双语家庭的家长,还是应该多在家里给孩子说中文,讲中文故事。 中文书可以在当当上买,或者家里人带来。很多中文的韵律是必须说中文才了解的。毕竟我们现编也遍不出多少。 其实美国这边的picture books资源很丰富。小孩子主要是看画面,读书也大多是培养习惯和增加词汇量。我们完全可以多借些这边的书,结合故事,翻译给孩子听,说成中文的故事,对大部分家长来说不难,只是没有书的话,很难想素材。更小一点的孩子,还不需要看情节性强的书,大多是词汇类的,和漂亮的颜色鲜艳的画面。 我推荐的这本书里面,也写了不少关于读书早教的知识。虽然语言不一样,但是早教的本质是相通的,完全可以拿来借鉴。 孩子读书是一件很有趣的事情,和别的玩耍不一样,也帮助孩子建立了长久的兴趣。哪怕再小的孩子,也能得到快乐,宁宁现在就有几本书,一读就会笑,当然大部分时间他也是在玩。其实玩就可以了,我们不就是想让孩子觉得这是快乐的事情吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-4 0:43:23编辑过]
不知道其他的宝宝是怎么样的,我家的一给他看书讲故事,就把书抢过去啃,根本不听,还搞的我看不了书 都是这样的。呵呵。 我给他讲故事的时候,都是离得一定远度,要够够不着。或者他躺在地上,我坐着,举着书。