Cyrus Janssen Can’t wait to hear the anti-China crowd complain and slam this video. But here is what happened. IShowSpeed, one of America’s most popular YouTubers with over over 37 million subscribers just went to China and is sharing his experiences. This is massive because millions of young Americans will get to see China from the eyes of one of their favorite content creators. 4.3 million views in the first 6 hours of a 6 hour continuous livestream! This is absolutely fantastic numbers and shows how curious the world is about learning the truth about China. It’s funny, because some of the biggest anti-China YouTubers are complaining about a lack of views on YouTube, well there is one simple rule to understand about social media Algorithm = Audience The truth about China has been exposed and millions have now awoken to the fact that Western media has been lying to them for years. Haters are going to hate. They will say “the CCP obviously paid IShowSpeed a lot of money to spread positive stories about China” But the simple truth, is content creators go where there are interesting stories to tell and China is one of the most fascinating countries in the world Stay curious everyone! Go experience the world and open your eyes to the truth!
我也问我娃这人是谁,娃惊讶表情回消息说你成天刷Tiktok没看到这个人吗?可Tiktok FYP真从来没推过这人 我狗了一下most followed person on tiktok,好家伙,Tiktok FYP基本从来没给我推过排名前20的。排名前20的只有推过Zach King 接下来排名28的ESPN,29的Mechael Le有推过 真是代沟了
icecoffeelu 发表于 2025-03-24 17:59 Cyrus Janssen Can’t wait to hear the anti-China crowd complain and slam this video. But here is what happened. IShowSpeed, one of America’s most popular YouTubers with over over 37 million subscribers just went to China and is sharing his experiences. This is massive because millions of young Americans will get to see China from the eyes of one of their favorite content creators. 4.3 million views in the first 6 hours of a 6 hour continuous livestream! This is absolutely fantastic numbers and shows how curious the world is about learning the truth about China. It’s funny, because some of the biggest anti-China YouTubers are complaining about a lack of views on YouTube, well there is one simple rule to understand about social media Algorithm = Audience The truth about China has been exposed and millions have now awoken to the fact that Western media has been lying to them for years. Haters are going to hate. They will say “the CCP obviously paid IShowSpeed a lot of money to spread positive stories about China” But the simple truth, is content creators go where there are interesting stories to tell and China is one of the most fascinating countries in the world Stay curious everyone! Go experience the world and open your eyes to the truth!
Can’t wait to hear the anti-China crowd complain and slam this video. But here is what happened.
IShowSpeed, one of America’s most popular YouTubers with over over 37 million subscribers just went to China and is sharing his experiences.
This is massive because millions of young Americans will get to see China from the eyes of one of their favorite content creators.
4.3 million views in the first 6 hours of a 6 hour continuous livestream! This is absolutely fantastic numbers and shows how curious the world is about learning the truth about China.
It’s funny, because some of the biggest anti-China YouTubers are complaining about a lack of views on YouTube, well there is one simple rule to understand about social media
Algorithm = Audience
The truth about China has been exposed and millions have now awoken to the fact that Western media has been lying to them for years.
Haters are going to hate. They will say “the CCP obviously paid IShowSpeed a lot of money to spread positive stories about China”
But the simple truth, is content creators go where there are interesting stories to tell and China is one of the most fascinating countries in the world
Stay curious everyone! Go experience the world and open your eyes to the truth!
根本没说过这个人, 但一问孩子,孩子说他巨出名,美国青少年里没有不知道他的。
小达伦·沃特金斯(英语:Darren Watkins Jr.;2005年1月21日—),别名为IShowSpeed或简称Speed,昵称甲亢哥,美国YouTuber,实况主和饶舌歌手。他因线上直播而闻名,实况内容以游戏为主,如《堡垒之夜》和《FIFA 23》。 知名游戏博客《Kotaku》称沃特金斯为YouTube上粉丝数量上升最快的主播之一。 [1]他还以其创作的歌曲《Shake》、《Ronaldo (Sewey) 》和 《God Is Good 》而闻名,这些歌曲也让他收获了很多粉丝。[2]
笑喷。 这大哥姐肯定是演的啦。很多内容应该是set up 的。娱乐效果还不错
我狗了一下most followed person on tiktok,好家伙,Tiktok FYP基本从来没给我推过排名前20的。排名前20的只有推过Zach King
接下来排名28的ESPN,29的Mechael Le有推过
好奇他怎么维持他的团队? 出镜周围的大概就有10人。 看似群演,但应该安排好的有不少, 又要团队运作。 yt上9小时360k播放量。能支撑这么大的团队?
这有啥落伍, 他的主要受众是足球体育迷,打游戏的,和这里人都不是一个赛道 他的视频不一定就是你的那杯茶,甚至大部分父母还会屏蔽 有流量不代表就是优秀,凤姐当初也有流量。
娃多大 我家十一岁妞完全不知道🤣 我也没不知道
😓 我家娃和朋友玩游戏,初中就知道他了
这个名字精准总结我的感觉 视频完全看不下去我
哈哈哈我还好,这娃特抽象特无厘头,但我还是能get到那个点,当然不是我个人特别喜欢的那类吧。就是觉得他超搞笑,也懂自我调侃。感觉他在Gen Z这些娃们中很火。