My kids can't get a job. Is the New Grad hiring market dead? I have twins (one daughter who studied marketing and one son who studied CS), and they can't get shit. They both went to UCLA and did internships at solid tech companies, but the firms weren't giving return offers. They tell me many of their classmates are in the same shoes. I'm also talking with lots of my friends with kids graduating this year or who graduated in 2024, and they tell me their kids can't get jobs either (all white-collar fields). Lots of these kids went to really good colleges (Ivy's, UNC, NYU, etc) and grinded through these brutal Bay Area public and private high schools like Harker or Saratoga. I've never seen anything like this for the entry-level market, not even 2008 or 2000! I'm 57 years old and have been around the block, living here in the Bay Area for 35 years. What is going on? Why are the youth being failed like this? Anyone else very worried for their kids? What I'm seeing is very concerning. I can support my kids, but this isn't good for society if young people are gonna struggle like this.
索楠嘉措 发表于 2025-03-24 12:40 My kids can't get a job. Is the New Grad hiring market dead? I have twins (one daughter who studied marketing and one son who studied CS), and they can't get shit. They both went to UCLA and did internships at solid tech companies, but the firms weren't giving return offers. They tell me many of their classmates are in the same shoes. I'm also talking with lots of my friends with kids graduating this year or who graduated in 2024, and they tell me their kids can't get jobs either (all white-collar fields). Lots of these kids went to really good colleges (Ivy's, UNC, NYU, etc) and grinded through these brutal Bay Area public and private high schools like Harker or Saratoga. I've never seen anything like this for the entry-level market, not even 2008 or 2000! I'm 57 years old and have been around the block, living here in the Bay Area for 35 years. What is going on? Why are the youth being failed like this? Anyone else very worried for their kids? What I'm seeing is very concerning. I can support my kids, but this isn't good for society if young people are gonna struggle like this.
🇮🇳🇺🇸🇮🇳🇺🇸🇮🇳🇺🇸🇮🇳🇺🇸🇮🇳🇺🇸🇮🇳🇺🇸🇮🇳🇺🇸🇮🇳🇺🇸🇮🇳🇺🇸🇮🇳🇺🇸 Exposing Caste-Based Hiring & Corruption in Ohio Banks – Without Naming Names for Legal Reasons (CEASE AND DESIST)
Forget about Americans.
While I was at the bank 🏦, I applied to hundreds of jobs— seriously and as a test of the system.… — Kumar Exclusive (@KumarExclusive) March 8, 2025
It's the same case with h1b visas when Americans of all race including Indian Americans are replaced by foreign workers on h1b visa, corporate media call it a racist movement when laid off Americans complain — jos (@Mjoshy25) March 18, 2025
索楠嘉措 发表于 2025-03-24 12:40 My kids can't get a job. Is the New Grad hiring market dead? I have twins (one daughter who studied marketing and one son who studied CS), and they can't get shit. They both went to UCLA and did internships at solid tech companies, but the firms weren't giving return offers. They tell me many of their classmates are in the same shoes. I'm also talking with lots of my friends with kids graduating this year or who graduated in 2024, and they tell me their kids can't get jobs either (all white-collar fields). Lots of these kids went to really good colleges (Ivy's, UNC, NYU, etc) and grinded through these brutal Bay Area public and private high schools like Harker or Saratoga. I've never seen anything like this for the entry-level market, not even 2008 or 2000! I'm 57 years old and have been around the block, living here in the Bay Area for 35 years. What is going on? Why are the youth being failed like this? Anyone else very worried for their kids? What I'm seeing is very concerning. I can support my kids, but this isn't good for society if young people are gonna struggle like this.
回复 54楼 落花人独处 的帖子 NSA hacked into servers at Huawei headquarters, reports say 不要乌鸦跳在猪身上,只看见别人的黑。用美国设备软件,NSA就hack进去你服务器。
His market isn’t the same market as his kids. I think it’s a mistake to use AI to replace entry level jobs. The existing experienced ones will retire eventually. Without the hands on experience, we lose the pipeline
I have twins (one daughter who studied marketing and one son who studied CS), and they can't get shit. They both went to UCLA and did internships at solid tech companies, but the firms weren't giving return offers.
They tell me many of their classmates are in the same shoes. I'm also talking with lots of my friends with kids graduating this year or who graduated in 2024, and they tell me their kids can't get jobs either (all white-collar fields). Lots of these kids went to really good colleges (Ivy's, UNC, NYU, etc) and grinded through these brutal Bay Area public and private high schools like Harker or Saratoga.
I've never seen anything like this for the entry-level market, not even 2008 or 2000! I'm 57 years old and have been around the block, living here in the Bay Area for 35 years.
What is going on? Why are the youth being failed like this? Anyone else very worried for their kids? What I'm seeing is very concerning. I can support my kids, but this isn't good for society if young people are gonna struggle like this.
🔥 最新回帖
马工产出高阿。 你看看 google facebook apple 的马工, 人家人均 revenue 非常高的。 这就是计算机的高效率。 AI 会不会革了马工的命, 还为时过早, 拭目以待。
我不觉得 AI 会是终极, 应该只是个工具, 会催生别的就业渠道。
他退了, 也不一定他的孩子就能接替他或者找到工作啊。 而且孩子没工作,他更不能退吧, 万一要靠他养呢
🛋️ 沙发板凳
老父亲退休, 他的职位被他人拿到, 往下推, 雇佣新人,去印度雇佣,而不是在美国找ng
这都是谷歌自己作的啊。 当年Oracle起诉google抄袭,没想到现在被别人抄袭吧。 呵呵 只是把别人的专利换了一个收费的方式。 所以你们知道甲骨文的拉里埃里森为啥一直川普了。 不是所有富人都是一条线的
不懂帮顶 是只有CS才如此,还是整个就业市场都不行? 他女儿学marketing 不是也没找到工作嘛 现在都是衰退预期,公司都在观望,能不招新人就不招
其他还好吧,我看周围ME, ECE的都是手里几个internship offers在挑挑拣拣, 有些公司现在还在招暑假intern(不过是越来越少了,萝卜都找到坑里)
did internships at solid tech companies 能找到实习, 没硬伤吧;我猜是只想半米,低工资比如10万的不愿意干
这人双胞胎儿女一起UCLA毕业,都找不到工作 却只替儿子着急,不替女儿着急,是不是重男轻女?
家长给存钱去创业?99%打水漂。 最多给个启动资金不至于饿死
这爸爸收入这么高, 就是死脑筋,不给孩子帮忙。
爸爸肯定有network, 硅谷的孩子找工作,很多靠父母上岸。
有个硅谷孩子,今年毕业,从来没有实习,发简历没有面试。 最后傻子码农爸爸没办法,到处找人,给搞定两个offer。 一个中厂,一个start up。 人家start up的技术头说送过来,一两年训练好去大厂找工作。
其实业绩下滑前两年就开始了了。 疫情结束后就没有真正好过。 美国的gdp增长完全是政府发钱无效投资。 导致高通胀,很多行业库存挤压挺严重的。 很多企业在等川普的政策其实在观望。 企业投资到底是回来还是新兴市场。 youtube的广告越来越傻了没发现么。大企业没钱了。 别看谷歌这个智能那个云最赚钱还是广告
House Hold Total Compensation 吧
烙印立马顶上,招同乡,或外包去Indian Campus吧
嗯嗯 他的tc能招至少6个ng
这个爸爸说了自己能养这对双胞胎了 担心的是社会问题
这么高的收入大不了自己多干几年等孩子们上车呗 大概率是他们家自己看不上10万工资的工作,死磕弯曲大厂而已。
你之前盯着it? 那是很小很小的一部分工作。
他退了也没用,junior job 不是outsource 就是被AI 取代 我都想多干几年给娃多攒些本呢
high tech?
it不都是high tech好嘛。
小白请教,什么是TC 和 HHTC
这社会问题只能通过川普的方式解决 美国现在还领先it 加金融吧。 其实这两个行业顾佣的人数很少。 而且现在出海遇到很大困难。 不是川普要阻断全球化, 是中国只想要自己的全球化。 美国科技七姐妹,只有微软苹果还可以。 其他的都各种限制 苹果是因为带产业链进去。微软的云业务现在也被打压的厉害。特斯拉一会儿这个限制一会儿哪里不让停。 什么google meta 之类的更别说了。 亚马逊商店已经死了,中国只有云,也不好卖。 能掏钱的银行国企根本不让买。 oracle也面临这个问题。
金融行业保险人民币业务房贷都不让搞。 这种国际化有何意义? 不如断了联系,把制造业回流,可以养活很多人。 不要担心价格高, 欧洲加拿大都有工业品。加拿大工资很低吗? 汽车为啥能哪里生产美国不生产? 如果一直盯着高薪办公室的工作。 那肯定不能解决美国人的就业问题。
硅谷是民主党的大本营,都是支持哈哈哈哈的。 以前是支持拜登的。 川普要的是支持制造业回流是满足自己选民的需求啊。 不过川普的政策也会对it产生影响的。 服务外包也会搞到贸易战里,也会造成逆差。 企业付钱买产品和买服务一个样子对美国公司都是逆差。
美国不想失去其他市场,不过哪些逆差的市场除外。 最终结果就是美国降低国际采购需求。 逼着产能输出到其他的国家。如果其他国家愿意接收那么就接收,不愿意只能贸易战。
中国明确下达317 419号文不允许采购外国软件,必须国产替代,年年提高比率。民企不管但是中国软件行业真正有采购能力的多数是国企和银行这种。 这种明确违反世贸承诺的做法才是现在川普下定决心脱钩的原因。 甲骨文 微软一年损失的许可费是多少?
那两个文件出来奥巴马抗议过,不过没啥鸟用。 奥巴马想解决问题,不过左派总有幼稚病。 有些国家听不懂话,只能大棒子打。
高科技领域前几年云计算。 中国要求数据中心必须合资。而且占比不能过半。 搞完了依然不允许购买其服务。 中国的银行可曾买过并用过亚马逊 微软甲骨文的云吗? 最多买了换许可费,没有用的
做的事情如果没有收益怎么办呢 怎么都把创业想这么简单
yearly cost 低于20w就一直养着呗,能上ira,ssn,也有title,也积累了创业经验,loss还能抵税,没亏太多
CS 哪有说的这么惨,本村ABC形势好于前2年
我们这确实不好 这几年new grad出来形式都不行
创业如果不需要前期投入, 不需要雇他人, 也不需要挣钱的话不难。
这些年中国是国外一开源,中国就自主。 国内的软件替代,有的就是换两个贴图。 费用比买美国的还高。一个自主可控就要别人交出源代码。 湾区的码农其实很多也都在做中国的生意, facebook 还有谷歌主要收入来源来自中国商品。 亚马逊更不用说中国商品集散地。 而微软甲骨文这种传统软件越来越被挤压。 这种模式显然不能持续。 还有像 tiktok这种赚钱的还是广告卖商品变现。 搞笑视屏根本不赚钱的。 如果要美国的产业可持续发展必然是高关税。 还有打击小包裹贸易。
这不是常识吗? 在美国.
是trump 1.0对包子极限施压,当时都说了,trump 1.0提的要求是新21条,然后弄死中兴后往死里搞华为,国内才下定决心脱钩的
擦,美国都不让用华为的硬件,你让中国的银行用亚麻和微软?让中国的敏感金融信息让 n / s。 a 看的一清二楚?
抵上3年irs audit 你,搞不好罚死
你搞错了,川普没上台的时候就已经发文了。 中兴华为是因为伊朗问题。
317 号文2014年发的。川普上台个锤子。 现在怪谁搞起来的没意义,川普说了我们反正到了这里,那么就继续干。关税战就是现在要做的
cs新毕业生两年不工作就废了, 不是医生护士
或者买几个房让娃管着, 收收租修修房.
oracle的vp 还不能给孩子搞到一个实习呢,Google 在美国有段时间只有一个本科opening. 我一个朋友找过一个谷歌高管,他说他如果能帮,肯定帮
NSA hacked into servers at Huawei headquarters, reports say
只能自己继续写代码,多多混GITHUB , 多多接一些简单的活。net working , net working
His market isn’t the same market as his kids. I think it’s a mistake to use AI to replace entry level jobs. The existing experienced ones will retire eventually. Without the hands on experience, we lose the pipeline
两娃ucla cs和marketing还算没做功课没铺路吗? 多大比例的父母能比他做些更好呢? 1%? 0.5%?