科罗拉多州议会大楼肖像画家Sarah Boardman,水平还不如美术专业本科毕业生 大概是行贿了!或者其他原因的关系户! 除了画川普,还画过奥巴马和小布什 Sarah Boardman 作品集 https://www.sarahaboardman.com/works 个人介绍 https://www.sarahaboardman.com/about ========================================= Sarah was born in England, and spent many years traveling throughout Australia, Territories of Papua and New Guinea, New Zealand, Malaysia, the Middle East, many European countries, and the United States, while conducting a successful career in airline travel and business. During this time, she also pursued her passion for art. In 1985 Sarah began formal studies in Germany as an apprentice to a renowned “Alt Meister” learning and practicing the techniques of the Old Master Painters. She spent over 4 years studying and practicing these methods and subsequently worked assisting the Master and helping newer students. She won the distinction of being the top student in the atelier for 1987 and 1988. Sarah still finds inspiration in the study of the Old Master works. Sarah won the nationwide “Call for Artists” by Denver State, to paint the official portraits of President Barack H. Obama (presented 2011), and President Donald J. Trump (presented 2019). Both of these official portraits are on permanent display the Gallery of Presidents, Rotunda, in the Denver State Capitol building. Sarah has exhibited much art throughout her travels, both commissioned and non-commissioned work. Subjects have come from a wide variety of backgrounds, including 5 Presidential portraits, a District Court Judge, and numerous distinguished members of the U.S. Military. Sarah has always been passionate about painting portraits, being particularly intrigued by the depth and character found deeper in her subjects. Sarah believes that the ultimate challenge is to capture the “personality, character and soul” of an individual in a two-dimensional format. She uses a combination of realism and painterly aspects designed to draw the viewer into piece. Sarah employs models who are carefully chosen for their enigmatic personality and uniqueness and admits that some of her favorite subjects are “wonderfully ordinary people” whose faces show the tracks of real life. Sarah now works from her studio in Colorado Springs where she lives with her husband.
Sarah Boardman 作品集 https://www.sarahaboardman.com/works 个人介绍 https://www.sarahaboardman.com/about
========================================= Sarah was born in England, and spent many years traveling throughout Australia, Territories of Papua and New Guinea, New Zealand, Malaysia, the Middle East, many European countries, and the United States, while conducting a successful career in airline travel and business. During this time, she also pursued her passion for art.
In 1985 Sarah began formal studies in Germany as an apprentice to a renowned “Alt Meister” learning and practicing the techniques of the Old Master Painters. She spent over 4 years studying and practicing these methods and subsequently worked assisting the Master and helping newer students. She won the distinction of being the top student in the atelier for 1987 and 1988. Sarah still finds inspiration in the study of the Old Master works.
Sarah won the nationwide “Call for Artists” by Denver State, to paint the official portraits of President Barack H. Obama (presented 2011), and President Donald J. Trump (presented 2019). Both of these official portraits are on permanent display the Gallery of Presidents, Rotunda, in the Denver State Capitol building.
Sarah has exhibited much art throughout her travels, both commissioned and non-commissioned work. Subjects have come from a wide variety of backgrounds, including 5 Presidential portraits, a District Court Judge, and numerous distinguished members of the U.S. Military. Sarah has always been passionate about painting portraits, being particularly intrigued by the depth and character found deeper in her subjects. Sarah believes that the ultimate challenge is to capture the “personality, character and soul” of an individual in a two-dimensional format. She uses a combination of realism and painterly aspects designed to draw the viewer into piece.
Sarah employs models who are carefully chosen for their enigmatic personality and uniqueness and admits that some of her favorite subjects are “wonderfully ordinary people” whose faces show the tracks of real life.
Sarah now works from her studio in Colorado Springs where she lives with her husband.