如果你全额付掉的欠款中有一部分不是上个周期产生的,而是之前遗留下来的,那你说的是可能发生的。 I sent the full balance due to pay off my account, then the bank sent me a bill charging interest. How is this possible? Even though you paid off your account, there could have been residual interest from previous balances. Residual interest will accrue to an account after the statement date if you … have been carrying a balance from month to month.
个人经验是 pay in full before due day, and waiting for the 0 balance before you continue use this credit card
在Due date 前把账单上的余额付完就不会有利息了。 你月中付清,接着用的有可能又刚好在这个billing cycle上,所以你就是还有结余没付,产生的利息。
那就是付早了吧,每次账单要在收到statement之后due date之前付清就不会有利息了
I sent the full balance due to pay off my account, then the bank sent me a bill charging interest. How is this possible?
Even though you paid off your account, there could have been residual interest from previous balances. Residual interest will accrue to an account after the statement date if you … have been carrying a balance from month to month.