美国政府单的针对ccp的委员会给普渡校长发信,要求搜集并且上报中国学生信息。 被搜集的信息如下 What information does the committee seek? The letter asks for information about the students that includes: a list of all universities that Chinese national students previously attended; their sources of tuition funding; the type of research they are conducting; a list of laboratories and research initiatives where they currently work; a country-by-country breakdown of applicants, admittances, and enrollments at the university; whether the university has policies to prevent foreign nationals from working on projects tied to U.S. government grants (e.g., Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, National Science Foundation funded research); restrictions on Chinese nationals enrolling in export-controlled coursework (e.g., advanced semiconductor engineering, quantum computing, AI, and aerospace engineering); and what percentage of Chinese graduates from the university remain in the United States, and what percentage return to China.
What information does the committee seek? The letter asks for information about the students that includes:
a list of all universities that Chinese national students previously attended;
their sources of tuition funding;
the type of research they are conducting;
a list of laboratories and research initiatives where they currently work;
a country-by-country breakdown of applicants, admittances, and enrollments at the university;
whether the university has policies to prevent foreign nationals from working on projects tied to U.S. government grants (e.g., Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, National Science Foundation funded research); restrictions on Chinese nationals enrolling in export-controlled coursework (e.g., advanced semiconductor engineering, quantum computing, AI, and aerospace engineering);
and what percentage of Chinese graduates from the university remain in the United States, and what percentage return to China.
普渡本来就是搞高超音速导弹研究 政府肯定要注意的