
大航海时代以前和以后的西欧社会,有个屁 人类文明至高点和人权!大航海以前,西欧最盛行的就是奴隶贸易,大航海以后,更了不得,跨海的奴隶贸易。为啥西欧人能毫不犹豫把美洲土著全部杀。

Pipsqueak 发表于 2025-03-24 12:16
回复 93楼 落花人独处 的帖子

落花人独处 发表于 2025-03-23 14:23
回复 10楼 小乖媽咪 的帖子
别逗比郑和船多大至今是个迷,中国文字记录很多虚的,中国古代人不傻,不过只是发展成农业社会的巅峰。 近代科技毫无贡献。
1714英国国王悬赏几万英镑,给解决测量经度的人。 1609年伽利略发明天文望远镜。 中国的国王在干嘛? 炼丹?搞文玩? 还是后宫佳丽三千外面嫖娼?
中国的儒家哲学思想加封建奴隶制 是束缚社会的根本原因。 别用偶然来解释了。 中国古代的文化繁荣也只是体现在文学文字领域。 每个朝代开始就是祖宗之法不可变。 科学技术数学物理化学都是可有可无的存在。

落花人独处 发表于 2025-03-23 18:33
回复 58楼 落花人独处 的帖子
朱元璋杀勋贵几万几万的杀。 欧洲死刑无非砍头绞刑。 中国搞出来的什么剥皮拉,车裂拉。 诛九族,瓜蔓抄,凌迟,什么把人手脚砍断了做成人彘。 一到饥荒人易子而食,张巡守睢阳,吃人肉军粮, 我觉得这人活着可能不如奴隶制下的奴隶。

你大概看了人云亦云的洗脑文,怎么被洗脑就怎么宣扬出来了,不屑于看看任何关于西方历史的书,东方酷刑很多,西方在这方面也绝不逊色,拿你赞赏的耶教代表梵蒂冈来说,死刑犯处决的时候,从上刑车出监狱那一刻就开始各种切割折磨,给群众欣赏的,到刑场基本不会有什么人形了,你提到的布鲁诺在刑车上就被刺穿了舌头,扒光了衣服,你以为就是把他烧死那么简单?西方历史学家研究这些酷刑的书很多滴,你可真是丢脸而不自觉LOL,随便给你摘几个最常见的,第三个hanged, drawn,and quartered 可是人尽皆知的哦。

Pear of Anguish Crimes: Homosexuality, Miscarriage, Blasphemy, Lying Punishment: Step One: Insert small, pear-shaped instrument into anus, vagina, or mouth. Step Two: Slowly separate instrument’s four leaves from each other, expanding enough to mutilate victim. The Rack Crimes: Various Punishment: Step One: Fasten hands and feet to rollers or cords at opposite ends of a wooden frame. Step Two: Turn handle and ratchet slowly, pulling limbs in opposite directions until joints are dislocated. Hanged, Drawn, and Quartered Crimes: Various Punishment: Step One: Hang victim until near death. Step Two: Disembowel victim while conscious. Step Three: Throw innards into a fire within victim’s sight. Step Four: Cut or tear off limbs and behead. Coffin Torture Crime: Blasphemy Punishment: Step One: Enclose victim inside human-shaped metal frame under the sun. Step Two: Set rats loose to consume victim’s flesh. Barrel Pillory Crime: Excessive Drinking Punishment: Step One: Fit oaken cask over the body. Step Two: Force victim to kneel in his or her own filth for days. The Judas Chair Crimes: Various Punishment: Step One: Slowly place vaginal canal or anus over the point of a pyramid-shaped chair. Step Two: Lower victim onto chair, stretching the orifice and causing internal mutilation.
Mintcafe 发表于 2025-03-24 20:04
你大概看了人云亦云的洗脑文,怎么被洗脑就怎么宣扬出来了,不屑于看看任何关于西方历史的书,东方酷刑很多,西方在这方面也绝不逊色,拿你赞赏的耶教代表梵蒂冈来说,死刑犯处决的时候,从上刑车出监狱那一刻就开始各种切割折磨,给群众欣赏的,到刑场基本不会有什么人形了,你提到的布鲁诺在刑车上就被刺穿了舌头,扒光了衣服,你以为就是把他烧死那么简单?西方历史学家研究这些酷刑的书很多滴,你可真是丢脸而不自觉LOL,随便给你摘几个最常见的,第三个hanged, drawn,and quartered 可是人尽皆知的哦。

Pear of Anguish Crimes: Homosexuality, Miscarriage, Blasphemy, Lying Punishment: Step One: Insert small, pear-shaped instrument into anus, vagina, or mouth. Step Two: Slowly separate instrument’s four leaves from each other, expanding enough to mutilate victim. The Rack Crimes: Various Punishment: Step One: Fasten hands and feet to rollers or cords at opposite ends of a wooden frame. Step Two: Turn handle and ratchet slowly, pulling limbs in opposite directions until joints are dislocated. Hanged, Drawn, and Quartered Crimes: Various Punishment: Step One: Hang victim until near death. Step Two: Disembowel victim while conscious. Step Three: Throw innards into a fire within victim’s sight. Step Four: Cut or tear off limbs and behead. Coffin Torture Crime: Blasphemy Punishment: Step One: Enclose victim inside human-shaped metal frame under the sun. Step Two: Set rats loose to consume victim’s flesh. Barrel Pillory Crime: Excessive Drinking Punishment: Step One: Fit oaken cask over the body. Step Two: Force victim to kneel in his or her own filth for days. The Judas Chair Crimes: Various Punishment: Step One: Slowly place vaginal canal or anus over the point of a pyramid-shaped chair. Step Two: Lower victim onto chair, stretching the orifice and causing internal mutilation.

给大家推荐个意大利的博物馆。我们在Siena逛的torture museum,看看西方历史上那些酷刑,很恐怖。