特朗普政府3/22日宣布将撤销约53万名来自古巴、海地、尼加拉瓜和委内瑞拉移民的合法身份。 这些移民是在前任政府启动的人道主义假释计划下进入美国的,(很多人也拥有了公民身份 fact check to be wrong)现在川普给他们30天时间自己离开美国,否则Ice来抓走。想起前几天Alien enemies act送去El Salvador 监狱的那两百多人的遭遇,估计也只能放弃家业离开。 edit: 此次被遣返的没有公民。
The Trump administration is moving to end temporary legal status for more than 530,000 people who arrived in the U.S. from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela through Biden-era temporary parole programs. 是针对这两类非法移民: Immigrants who cross the border illegally can be put into the fast-track deportation process known as expedited removal, for two years after they enter. But for those who entered through ports of entry without being officially "admitted" to the U.S. – as with those on parole – there is no time limit on their rapid removal
可是,German Tourists Detained for Weeks, Then Deported From U.S. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/13/world/europe/german-tourists-detained-deported.html 川普既“不想要有色人种”,连自己老乡德国白人也deport,莫非真相是川普只允许四川唐门之后来美国,要在美国设立唐门分舵?
yueliangcake 发表于 2025-03-23 12:27 可是,German Tourists Detained for Weeks, Then Deported From U.S. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/13/world/europe/german-tourists-detained-deported.html 川普既“不想要有色人种”,连自己老乡德国白人也deport,莫非真相是川普只允许四川唐门之后来美国,要在美国设立唐门分舵?
回复 1楼 deapsea 的帖子 https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c33706jy774o US President Donald Trump's administration has said it will revoke the temporary legal status of more than half a million migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Those migrants have been warned to leave the country before their permits and deportation shield are cancelled on 24 April, according to a notice posted by the federal government. The 530,000 migrants were brought into the US under a Biden-era sponsorship process known as CHNV that was designed to open legal migration pathways. Trump suspended the programme once he took office. It is unclear how many of these migrants have been able to secure another status in the interim that would allow them to stay in the US legally. The programme was launched under Democratic President Joe Biden in 2022, first covering Venezuelans before it was expanded to other countries.
cable 发表于 2025-03-23 13:31 回复 1楼 deapsea 的帖子 https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c33706jy774o US President Donald Trump's administration has said it will revoke the temporary legal status of more than half a million migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Those migrants have been warned to leave the country before their permits and deportation shield are cancelled on 24 April, according to a notice posted by the federal government. The 530,000 migrants were brought into the US under a Biden-era sponsorship process known as CHNV that was designed to open legal migration pathways. Trump suspended the programme once he took office. It is unclear how many of these migrants have been able to secure another status in the interim that would allow them to stay in the US legally. The programme was launched under Democratic President Joe Biden in 2022, first covering Venezuelans before it was expanded to other countries.
特朗普政府3/22日宣布将撤销约53万名来自古巴、海地、尼加拉瓜和委内瑞拉移民的合法身份。 这些移民是在前任政府启动的人道主义假释计划下进入美国的,(很多人也拥有了公民身份 fact check to be wrong)现在川普给他们30天时间自己离开美国,否则Ice来抓走。想起前几天Alien enemies act送去El Salvador 监狱的那两百多人的遭遇,估计也只能放弃家业离开。 edit: 此次被遣返的没有公民。
USC公民 还是 合法移民(PR) or temporary legal status? 你要么智商太低要么别有用心。🐖队员们输急了眼。👀💯💯🤣🤣🤣🤣
特朗普政府3/22日宣布将撤销约53万名来自古巴、海地、尼加拉瓜和委内瑞拉移民的合法身份。 这些移民是在前任政府启动的人道主义假释计划下进入美国的,(很多人也拥有了公民身份 fact check to be wrong)现在川普给他们30天时间自己离开美国,否则Ice来抓走。想起前几天Alien enemies act送去El Salvador 监狱的那两百多人的遭遇,估计也只能放弃家业离开。
edit: 此次被遣返的没有公民。
猫有猫道鼠有鼠道,西裔社区多的是各种婚姻移民,人家社区的资产人才律师商人各种政府门路比China town强几个档次。
各新闻网站说的是revoke the temporary legal status,根本没有楼主说的“很多人也拥有了公民身份”。 这53万人是在2023年1月拜登宣布的CHNV 项目中拿到的难民身份,即使这些人一进来就和美国公民结婚,稍微知道公民归化时间线的也知道不可能在2025年成为公民。
古巴人少数吧。 对古巴的那个特殊法案还有效吗?就是从古巴游到美国。一上岸就自动绿卡?
没有公民 都是零时签证 零时签证不等于合法移民
是针对这两类非法移民: Immigrants who cross the border illegally can be put into the fast-track deportation process known as expedited removal, for two years after they enter. But for those who entered through ports of entry without being officially "admitted" to the U.S. – as with those on parole – there is no time limit on their rapid removal
驱逐公民? 哈哈哈哈, 你们这些fake news啊
骗, 骗 , 骗
啥, 你们还不相信?
没错, 左棍造谣,都怪川粉。。。。。
可是,German Tourists Detained for Weeks, Then Deported From U.S. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/13/world/europe/german-tourists-detained-deported.html 川普既“不想要有色人种”,连自己老乡德国白人也deport,莫非真相是川普只允许四川唐门之后来美国,要在美国设立唐门分舵?
缅因州也屈服了,在transgender运动员问题上,为了得到federal funding。但是川普还不够,要缅因州长personal道歉才可以。
US President Donald Trump's administration has said it will revoke the temporary legal status of more than half a million migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Those migrants have been warned to leave the country before their permits and deportation shield are cancelled on 24 April, according to a notice posted by the federal government. The 530,000 migrants were brought into the US under a Biden-era sponsorship process known as CHNV that was designed to open legal migration pathways. Trump suspended the programme once he took office. It is unclear how many of these migrants have been able to secure another status in the interim that would allow them to stay in the US legally. The programme was launched under Democratic President Joe Biden in 2022, first covering Venezuelans before it was expanded to other countries.
翻译中文: 美国总统唐纳德·特朗普的政府表示,将撤销来自古巴、海地、尼加拉瓜和委内瑞拉的逾50万移民的临时合法身份。 根据联邦政府发布的一项通知,这些移民已被警告必须在4月24日其许可和递解保护被取消之前离开美国。 这53万名移民是通过拜登政府时期设立的CHNV担保计划进入美国的,该计划旨在为移民开辟合法渠道。而特朗普上任后已暂停该计划。 目前尚不清楚,这些移民中有多少人在此期间获得了其他合法身份,能够继续合法居留在美国。 该计划由民主党总统乔·拜登于2022年推出,最初仅适用于委内瑞拉人,随后扩大至其他国家。
------- 是拜登时期新设立的移民计划,特朗普取消了而已。
这个项目本来就是瞎搞,取消+遣返是应该的 一下子放进来50万人,也不知道有没有背景调查,大概率是要来吃福利的,败等政府是把美国当垃圾桶了啥都收,混帐
USC公民 还是 合法移民(PR) or temporary legal status? 你要么智商太低要么别有用心。🐖队员们输急了眼。👀💯💯🤣🤣🤣🤣
有啥傻眼的? 就好比 要是遣返 中国走线来的, 美华(不论左右)会在意?
哪里来的信息不对, 明明就是他自己给有意加上去来抓眼球的,只不过智商不在线闹了个周小平带鱼养殖一般的错误而已
另外,谁造谣都不对,左中右, 用造谣来推动自己agenda的都不对
有点混淆概念阿? 是坏还是蠢?
没错, 抓完罪犯就该抓良民了 处决完死刑犯就该处决非死刑犯了。。。。。。
问题是非移搞完了吗?还是非移搞不了 搞搞难民和合法签证的凑数?