记得多年之前有个华人跟他母亲坠下公路, 找了好久才找到, 差不多 10 多年了吧。 https://www.sfchronicle.com/news/article/mom-son-disappear-after-yosemite-visit-2605991.php (09-28) 14:33 PDT YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK -- Searchers are combing Yosemite National Park for two tourists who haven''''t been heard from since Friday. Xiaodong Yuan, 34, of Atlanta and his mother, Zhaohui Wang, 60, of China checked out of a cabin at Curry Village in Yosemite Valley on Friday morning. Their plan, according to family members, was to drive to Death Valley National Park and then on to Las Vegas. They never made it. After the mother and son failed to arrive in Las Vegas, their family reported them missing to police, park officials said. 20 年了。
根据 Coconino 县警长办公室发布的失踪人员通告,33岁的 Jiyeon Lee、59岁的 Taehee Kim 和54岁的 Junghee Kim 本月早些时候在旅游途中从大峡谷前往拉斯维加斯。他们最后一次被 GPS 追踪到的地点是3月13日沿着40号州际公路向西行驶。
警方表示,考虑到当天恶劣的天气状况及重大交通事故,GPS 可能将车辆重新规划路线,误导他们驶入森林公路,而该区域在恶劣天气下可能极其危险。
韩国驻洛杉矶总领事馆已介入调查,并与亚利桑那州公共安全局及 Coconino 县警长办公室保持合作,以推动案件调查。韩国方面还派遣了一名官员前往亚利桑那州,协助搜寻失踪者。
那边的山路太难开了 上次旅游经过 我没有开车 是其他人开车 我都很害怕 有些人开车太猛了
"他们最后一次被 GPS 追踪到的地点是3月13日沿着40号州际公路向西行驶"。都已经上I-40了,早就远离大峡谷了。
reee 40号公路离大峡谷开车都一个多小时了
“性别:男和女” 有男有女
那件事好像是发生在Yosemite 附近。
导航用离线地图。我以前在深山经常被google map指引沿着奇怪小路,但都走得通。
(09-28) 14:33 PDT YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK -- Searchers are combing Yosemite National Park for two tourists who haven''''t been heard from since Friday. Xiaodong Yuan, 34, of Atlanta and his mother, Zhaohui Wang, 60, of China checked out of a cabin at Curry Village in Yosemite Valley on Friday morning. Their plan, according to family members, was to drive to Death Valley National Park and then on to Las Vegas.
They never made it. After the mother and son failed to arrive in Las Vegas, their family reported them missing to police, park officials said.
20 年了。