大姐 你可拉倒吧 Harvard Report Shows 79% A-Range Grades Awarded in 2020-21 Roughly 79 percent of the grades awarded at Yale University in the 2022–23 academic year were A’s or A-minuses, according to a new report by a Yale economics professor, published by The New York Times.
下面是Grok的回答 There isn’t a single, definitive statistic that applies universally to the “top 10 universities” because the percentage of graduates achieving a 4.0 GPA varies by institution, program, and even year. Additionally, universities don’t always publicly release exact data on this, and what constitutes a “top 10” can differ depending on the ranking system (e.g., U.S. News, QS, Times Higher Education). However, I can provide an informed estimate based on available data and trends. Maintaining a 4.0 GPA throughout college is rare, especially at highly competitive institutions like those often ranked in the top 10 (e.g., Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Princeton, Yale). These schools are known for rigorous academic standards, and grade inflation—while present at some—doesn’t guarantee perfect GPAs for many students. At elite universities, a 4.0 typically means earning straight A’s (or A+’s where applicable) across all courses, which is a significant challenge given the complexity of the coursework and the competitive student body. From general trends and anecdotal evidence: At Ivy League schools and similar top-tier institutions, the percentage of students graduating with a perfect 4.0 GPA is often estimated to be 1-5% of a graduating class. For example: At Harvard, grade inflation has been documented (e.g., a 2013 report noted the median grade was an A-), but a perfect 4.0 still requires all A’s, not just A-’s (which are typically 3.7). This suggests only a small fraction—likely around 1-2%—achieve it. At Stanford or MIT, where technical courses can be particularly demanding, the percentage might be even lower, possibly below 1% in some years, though Stanford’s historically lenient grading might push it slightly higher. Princeton, known for a past grade-deflation policy (since relaxed), likely has a similarly low percentage, closer to 1-3%. A key indicator comes from Latin honors thresholds. At many top universities, “summa cum laude” (the highest honor) is awarded to the top 1-5% of graduates, often requiring a GPA of 3.9 or higher—sometimes a perfect 4.0. For instance: At Yale, summa cum laude goes to the top 5%, but a 4.0 isn’t guaranteed even then, suggesting fewer than 5% hit the mark. At Penn, summa cum laude requires a 3.8+, with only about 2-3% likely reaching a full 4.0. Considering these factors, a reasonable estimate across the top 10 U.S. universities is that approximately 1-3% of graduates achieve a 4.0 GPA. This varies by school—higher at places with more grade inflation (e.g., Harvard, Brown) and lower at those with stricter curves (e.g., MIT, Caltech). Without specific, up-to-date data from each university for 2025, this range reflects the best synthesis of available patterns. If you’re looking for a precise number for a specific university, I’d need to dig deeper into that school’s records, but most don’t publish exact 4.0 stats. What do you think—does this range sound plausible to you given the reputation of these schools?
wudadan 发表于 2025-03-21 13:33 大姐 你可拉倒吧 Harvard Report Shows 79% A-Range Grades Awarded in 2020-21 Roughly 79 percent of the grades awarded at Yale University in the 2022–23 academic year were A’s or A-minuses, according to a new report by a Yale economics professor, published by The New York Times.
我有同样的疑问。是不是差不多就行了,省下来的时间用来social或者干别的。 大学本科的A比高中难拿很多。
藤校80%都拿A GPA3.5应该是垫底的水平
瞎说,藤校大部分拿B 和C
为什么觉得social就是正事儿?他只要愿意学,不是那种很痛苦的学,你让他学呗。 我是不清楚怎么控制好好准备考个90分,跟不那么好好准备,考个80分。你告诉我哪一部分是不用好好准备的?
大姐 你可拉倒吧
Harvard Report Shows 79% A-Range Grades Awarded in 2020-21
Roughly 79 percent of the grades awarded at Yale University in the 2022–23 academic year were A’s or A-minuses, according to a new report by a Yale economics professor, published by The New York Times.
是的,牛蛙实际是包括多方面,至少两方面 (应该还有更多) 1. IQ 高,花少时间就能学会。 2. 都是学习认真,自觉,自推的。 他们不太可能贪玩而不认真学习的。他们自己会接受不了 LOW GPA 的 (即使没有家长监督) 高 GPA 对第一份工作是有帮助的。有些公司 HR 要求 GPA 达到制订的标准 才给 Intern job 机会的。
我说的是成绩好, 全A。
GPA能够反应学习和工作态度 但是不能反应动手能力和沟通能力 GPA4.0基本可以保证是个老实孩子 但实际工作能力可能千差万别
全A毕业 私校不难 公校不易
你有孩子私校4.0 毕业的嘛? 恭喜你了,养了一个学霸。
都选最简单的 保证毕业的课, 4.0 应该不难
你就甭酸了 整的跟全A多大个事儿似的
按现在grade inflation的程度,如果专业课只是 过关,那基本等于什么也没学
一个专业总有几门课是难的 想全A,真不容易。
There isn’t a single, definitive statistic that applies universally to the “top 10 universities” because the percentage of graduates achieving a 4.0 GPA varies by institution, program, and even year. Additionally, universities don’t always publicly release exact data on this, and what constitutes a “top 10” can differ depending on the ranking system (e.g., U.S. News, QS, Times Higher Education). However, I can provide an informed estimate based on available data and trends. Maintaining a 4.0 GPA throughout college is rare, especially at highly competitive institutions like those often ranked in the top 10 (e.g., Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Princeton, Yale). These schools are known for rigorous academic standards, and grade inflation—while present at some—doesn’t guarantee perfect GPAs for many students. At elite universities, a 4.0 typically means earning straight A’s (or A+’s where applicable) across all courses, which is a significant challenge given the complexity of the coursework and the competitive student body. From general trends and anecdotal evidence: At Ivy League schools and similar top-tier institutions, the percentage of students graduating with a perfect 4.0 GPA is often estimated to be 1-5% of a graduating class. For example: At Harvard, grade inflation has been documented (e.g., a 2013 report noted the median grade was an A-), but a perfect 4.0 still requires all A’s, not just A-’s (which are typically 3.7). This suggests only a small fraction—likely around 1-2%—achieve it. At Stanford or MIT, where technical courses can be particularly demanding, the percentage might be even lower, possibly below 1% in some years, though Stanford’s historically lenient grading might push it slightly higher. Princeton, known for a past grade-deflation policy (since relaxed), likely has a similarly low percentage, closer to 1-3%. A key indicator comes from Latin honors thresholds. At many top universities, “summa cum laude” (the highest honor) is awarded to the top 1-5% of graduates, often requiring a GPA of 3.9 or higher—sometimes a perfect 4.0. For instance: At Yale, summa cum laude goes to the top 5%, but a 4.0 isn’t guaranteed even then, suggesting fewer than 5% hit the mark. At Penn, summa cum laude requires a 3.8+, with only about 2-3% likely reaching a full 4.0. Considering these factors, a reasonable estimate across the top 10 U.S. universities is that approximately 1-3% of graduates achieve a 4.0 GPA. This varies by school—higher at places with more grade inflation (e.g., Harvard, Brown) and lower at those with stricter curves (e.g., MIT, Caltech). Without specific, up-to-date data from each university for 2025, this range reflects the best synthesis of available patterns. If you’re looking for a precise number for a specific university, I’d need to dig deeper into that school’s records, but most don’t publish exact 4.0 stats. What do you think—does this range sound plausible to you given the reputation of these schools?
也不一定非要全a啊, 3.8以上都算很好的gpa。
跟高中一样,有些 inflation, 有些 deflation. 出了名压分的康奈尔,拿全A可不容易。听说很多通识大课平均分不到70
前几年在我们这里,GPA3.97 都申请不上CS, 太可怕了。。。
是的,不容易。赞一下我小孩。 他不是天才,没有 USMO,但是个自推型的。UCLA 上了两年应用数学, 后两年转去 CS。UCLA 应用数学前两年课比 CS 课难很多。最后毕业 GPA 3.99. 只一门课拿了 A-, 而且是门很简单的课 (据他说是不小心)。他在高中是全A (包括 13名 AP)。PSAT 和 ACT 都是满分。
你要是stem 3.97太牛了。拿一个A-就是3.7。
不一定吧。好几个藤校都被说GPA inflated。
这个Harvard grade inflation应该是有的。我们高中一个牛蛙去了,说他每门课都差不多满分,但A的标准不到80分,他对那些低分拿A的很不屑。我们也算好高中,他和其他学习好的娃差距没有那么大。可见Harvard给分标准是松一些。毕竟进Harvard有各种途径,很多都不是靠学习。
如果以后准备申请硕士,或者申请法学院/医学院之类的,那GPA蛮重要的 如果是准备本科毕业就找工作的,那么找实习,比高GPA更重要
不用申请就有的只看成绩的奖学金? 我没听说过。
行了吧,啥学校啥专业?州立旗舰的区别大了,阿拉巴马也是旗舰,能跟UCB比吗?与专业也有很大关系,如果你是UCB EECS的3.97我说你蛮厉害,感觉不会是。 其次私立名校的区别也不小,比如布朗的GPA,全美最高?
有些变态教授按bell shape curve打分、控制拿A的学生人数
有变态教授还curve down, 我娃中过招。