用lingo的血糖仪 那天不小心 可能脱衣服时太猛了 还是碰到哪 censor 脱落了 发现掉出来的针头比印象中短 担心是不是有一小段针还在身体里。已经过了两三天了 无痛无感觉 只要不要跑到血管里就行。请问一下大家遇到这种问题吗。须要担心吗 掉出的censor 照片附上。这是第二个lingo 另外昨天带第三个lingo 时 正好去Dr office do bloodwork. Glucose 156 while lingo says 90. huge difference! 这个lingo配带时出了比较多的血 是不是位置不对? I knew my glucose level should have been much higher than 90 because i just had lunch which included a bunch of carb. But the glucose level seem more accurate now - today is the 2nd day of this sencer. 好像最顺时是第一个censor….
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另外昨天带第三个lingo 时 正好去Dr office do bloodwork. Glucose 156 while lingo says 90. huge difference! 这个lingo配带时出了比较多的血 是不是位置不对? I knew my glucose level should have been much higher than 90 because i just had lunch which included a bunch of carb. But the glucose level seem more accurate now - today is
Unlock the power of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) with the Freestyle Libre 3+ plan. Track your glucose levels in real-time and gain insights into how food, exercise, and lifestyle affect your health. Order $50 or more. 20% OFF with Code SPRING20 Order $100 or more. 25% OFF with Code SPRING25