Coralxanpu 发表于 2025-03-19 15:11 系里秘书说不影响essential hiring, 比如换title或者new hire that are critical, 只是需要一步额外的审批手续。看看吧,我们本来正在高兴其他实验室都在开人,我们可以捡漏雇到更好的人,现在不知后续如何了。
Coralxanpu 发表于 2025-03-19 15:11 系里秘书说不影响essential hiring, 比如换title或者new hire that are critical, 只是需要一步额外的审批手续。看看吧,我们本来正在高兴其他实验室都在开人,我们可以捡漏雇到更好的人,现在不知后续如何了。
现在大学面临的财务问题有三个大点 一是有medical center的, Medicare和Medicaid究竟要砍多少 for ucla, this is 36% of budget 二是federal funding要砍多少。 for ucla, this is 12% of budget 三是endowment tax从1.4% 涨到14%-21%。 这个也会涉及到endowment funded 的位置要砍掉15%-20% 。 这三个里面任何一点都可以hiring freeze, 现在是三个。 所以如果一个department head还在想招人的事, 属于完全不了解形势。
bruinbeer 发表于 2025-03-19 15:49 现在大学面临的财务问题有三个大点 一是有medical center的, Medicare和Medicaid究竟要砍多少 for ucla, this is 36% of budget 二是federal funding要砍多少。 for ucla, this is 12% of budget 三是endowment tax从1.4% 涨到14%-21%。 这个也会涉及到endowment funded 的位置要砍掉15%-20% 。 这三个里面任何一点都可以hiring freeze, 现在是三个。 所以如果一个department head还在想招人的事, 属于完全不了解形势。
这是统计方法造成的问题。那位层主贴的3110亿美元的政府高教支出,包含了征收的学费和其他费用。这部分费用实际上是学生和家长出的,但在统计上计算为政府高教支出。那个报告说了,政府高教支出增长的主要原因,就是学费增加了。 How have higher education expenditures changed over time? From 1977 to 2021, in 2021 inflation-adjusted dollars, state and local government spending on higher education increased from $116 billion to $311 billion (168 percent increase). (For more information on spending growth see our state and local expenditures page.) However, the composition of higher education funding also changed significantly over this period. Specifically, higher education charges as a share of total higher education spending grew from 30 percent in 1977 to a peak of 45 percent in 2011. In 2021, charges represented 37 percent of higher education spending. Tuition alone grew from 19 percent of higher education expenditures in 1977 to 31 percent in 2021. Tuition as a percentage of higher education spending grew in part because state direct appropriations per student declined over the period. That is, state and local spending on higher education only increased over the period because tuition payments increased.
shenandoah1 发表于 2025-03-19 23:50 这是统计方法造成的问题。那位层主贴的3110亿美元的政府高教支出,包含了征收的学费和其他费用。这部分费用实际上是学生和家长出的,但在统计上计算为政府高教支出。那个报告说了,政府高教支出增长的主要原因,就是学费增加了。 How have higher education expenditures changed over time? From 1977 to 2021, in 2021 inflation-adjusted dollars, state and local government spending on higher education increased from $116 billion to $311 billion (168 percent increase). (For more information on spending growth see our state and local expenditures page.) However, the composition of higher education funding also changed significantly over this period. Specifically, higher education charges as a share of total higher education spending grew from 30 percent in 1977 to a peak of 45 percent in 2011. In 2021, charges represented 37 percent of higher education spending. Tuition alone grew from 19 percent of higher education expenditures in 1977 to 31 percent in 2021. Tuition as a percentage of higher education spending grew in part because state direct appropriations per student declined over the period. That is, state and local spending on higher education only increased over the period because tuition payments increased.
shenandoah1 发表于 2025-03-19 23:50 这是统计方法造成的问题。那位层主贴的3110亿美元的政府高教支出,包含了征收的学费和其他费用。这部分费用实际上是学生和家长出的,但在统计上计算为政府高教支出。那个报告说了,政府高教支出增长的主要原因,就是学费增加了。 How have higher education expenditures changed over time? From 1977 to 2021, in 2021 inflation-adjusted dollars, state and local government spending on higher education increased from $116 billion to $311 billion (168 percent increase). (For more information on spending growth see our state and local expenditures page.) However, the composition of higher education funding also changed significantly over this period. Specifically, higher education charges as a share of total higher education spending grew from 30 percent in 1977 to a peak of 45 percent in 2011. In 2021, charges represented 37 percent of higher education spending. Tuition alone grew from 19 percent of higher education expenditures in 1977 to 31 percent in 2021. Tuition as a percentage of higher education spending grew in part because state direct appropriations per student declined over the period. That is, state and local spending on higher education only increased over the period because tuition payments increased.
bruinbeer 发表于 2025-03-19 15:49 现在大学面临的财务问题有三个大点 一是有medical center的, Medicare和Medicaid究竟要砍多少 for ucla, this is 36% of budget 二是federal funding要砍多少。 for ucla, this is 12% of budget 三是endowment tax从1.4% 涨到14%-21%。 这个也会涉及到endowment funded 的位置要砍掉15%-20% 。 这三个里面任何一点都可以hiring freeze, 现在是三个。 所以如果一个department head还在想招人的事, 属于完全不了解形势。
是的。 我们还心存侥幸, 有个很强的candidate, 本来手上有4个on site, 结果三个被取消,UCLA本是最后一个可能的offer.
所以最近的postdoc都人心惶惶了吗。 也是不容易。
有觉悟的老大们都在找funding, 撤offer, 砍不必要支出,保住现在的人将来少裁点。
刚去看了UCLA财报, contracts and grants 12%, medical center 36%. 通过hiring freeze间接裁员可能都还不够。
看你们怎么想了。 如果现在招的人比你们现在内部的好,回过头就裁现在的员工。 也可以不招新人。 尽量少裁现在的。
good question,UC学费这么贵,州内funding独立于FED,而且现在FED funding也不是全停了,所以之前的钱到底是怎么用的
嗯, 我们非常心仪的那个candidate, 本来我们也觉得这次能捡漏了。 说实话能走到on site这一步, 就UCLA这种公校, 都必须有很强的stats, 至少有nature, science这种水平的文章。
错了。 重来。
UCLA 36% medical center, 22% sales and services(住宿食堂球赛收费的lab其他服务等等), 12% contracts grants, 11% state, 8.3% 学费( financial aid占core fund 15%, 等于3.3%) , 6% private support, 3 UC general funds.
除掉state funding和tuition,剩下近80%都是靠FED funding?
话说,这次大选多少人选了TRUMP , 现在后悔吗? 祝好吧
现在大学面临的财务问题有三个大点 一是有medical center的, Medicare和Medicaid究竟要砍多少 for ucla, this is 36% of budget 二是federal funding要砍多少。 for ucla, this is 12% of budget 三是endowment tax从1.4% 涨到14%-21%。 这个也会涉及到endowment funded 的位置要砍掉15%-20% 。
这三个里面任何一点都可以hiring freeze, 现在是三个。 所以如果一个department head还在想招人的事, 属于完全不了解形势。
原因就是目标是higher ed,只要在这条🚢,别以为谁有啥特别,在嘛噶眼里都一样,找个理由那么点大的事,轮到哪个只是迟早的。
其实情况是反过来的,那些私立名校其实财务状况良好,而UC system本来就一直处在入不敷出的赤字状态。比如UCLA的财报 他们2022-2023年收入111.83亿美元,支出117.46亿美元,他们一家一年赤字就达5.63亿美元。
UC system的President在公开信中提到华盛顿的行政命令和加州政府的预算缩减是重要原因。
根据UC system网站,加州政府2025-2026年对UC的经费将减少7.95%,也就是减少3.96亿美元。这个对本来财务状况就不好的UC来说是个很大的打击。
如果经费主要来自联邦,那从开始就不应该差异收费。大家都交了Federal tax,凭什么加州居民可以占这个便宜。
就在2021年美国州和地方政府给higher education的总投资是3110亿美元,超过两万亿人民币。
UC 本来也不太待见本州交税的中产,学生里一半是不交学费的,另外一半里又有一半只交部分学费。
难道endowed chair的职位也可能不保?
简单的说当然是美国的大学支出多。比如根据UCLA的报告,他们一年支出117.46亿美元,其中salaries and wages有48.98亿美元,benefites有26亿美元,加起来74.98亿美元。
这个freeze 结束是不是还能招回来,一切照旧
不一定,Endowed chair是title,主要是从这个endowment fund里拿额外的💰,可做收入可做operational费用,具体看条款,一般都是有term可以renew的,endowment缩水那就拿完了不renew了呗。 但如果是开新faculty的职位,没钱自然就不能招了。这次大概率是要对endowment下手加税的。
How have higher education expenditures changed over time?
From 1977 to 2021, in 2021 inflation-adjusted dollars, state and local government spending on higher education increased from $116 billion to $311 billion (168 percent increase). (For more information on spending growth see our state and local expenditures page.)
However, the composition of higher education funding also changed significantly over this period. Specifically, higher education charges as a share of total higher education spending grew from 30 percent in 1977 to a peak of 45 percent in 2011. In 2021, charges represented 37 percent of higher education spending. Tuition alone grew from 19 percent of higher education expenditures in 1977 to 31 percent in 2021. Tuition as a percentage of higher education spending grew in part because state direct appropriations per student declined over the period. That is, state and local spending on higher education only increased over the period because tuition payments increased.
必然受到影响啊 很多老板都没有funding了
第三个endowment tax上涨对顶级私校太要命了!