何止是文革,没见他当众(包括他太太)打他太太的脸? “And here’s the thing, because the cameras are all on, anything that I say, no matter how crazy, Usha has to smile and laugh and celebrate it... I’m going to be good though, honey.“ https://www.thedailybeast.com/jd-vance-ribs-usha-on-stage-she-has-to-smile-no-matter-what-crazy-i-spew/
落地无声 发表于 2025-03-18 09:16 何止是文革,没见他当众(包括他太太)打他太太的脸? “And here’s the thing, because the cameras are all on, anything that I say, no matter how crazy, Usha has to smile and laugh and celebrate it... I’m going to be good though, honey.“ https://www.thedailybeast.com/jd-vance-ribs-usha-on-stage-she-has-to-smile-no-matter-what-crazy-i-spew/
“The professors are the enemy.”是尼克松的名言。万斯在这里其实是玩了个梗。 Nixon: The press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. The establishment is the enemy. The professors are the enemy. Professors are the enemy. Write that on the blackboard 100 times and never forget it. Kissinger: I, on the professors— Nixon: Always— Kissinger: —I need no instruction at all. Nixon: Always— Kissinger: And on the press, I’m in complete agreement with you— Nixon: It’s the enemy. So we use them, at times. But remember, with the exception, now and then, of a—I think Wilson, maybe—there are two or three—Howard Smith. Yes, there are still a few patriots, but most of them are—they’re very disappointed because we beat ’em in the election. They know they’re out of touch with the country. It kills those bastards. They are the enemy, and we’re just gonna continue to use them, and never let them think that we think they’re the enemy. You see my point? But the press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. That’s all. 见https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1969-76v09/d175
回复 1楼 bigxianzun 的帖子 这不是新发明。 原话是尼克松说的,就是促进中美友好的的那位美国总统。 尼克松对基辛格说: The press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. The establishment is the enemy. The professors are the enemy. Professors are the enemy. Write that on the blackboard 100 times and never forget it. 假新闻是大众的敌人,权威是自由的敌人,向社会灌输错误理念的教授是国家的敌人。 尼克松又说: It’s the enemy. So we use them, at times. But remember, with the exception, now and then, of a—I think Wilson, maybe—there are two or three—Howard Smith. Yes, there are still a few patriots, but most of them are—they’re very disappointed because we beat ’em in the election. They know they’re out of touch with the country. It kills those bastards. They are the enemy, and we’re just gonna continue to use them, and never let them think that we think they’re the enemy. You see my point? But the press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. That’s all. 教授里也有个把爱国者,所以,有时要用教授。这些人跟国家脱节。
大青椒 发表于 2025-03-18 10:42 回复 1楼 bigxianzun 的帖子 这不是新发明。 原话是尼克松说的,就是促进中美友好的的那位美国总统。 尼克松对基辛格说: The press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. The establishment is the enemy. The professors are the enemy. Professors are the enemy. Write that on the blackboard 100 times and never forget it. 假新闻是大众的敌人,权威是自由的敌人,向社会灌输错误理念的教授是国家的敌人。 尼克松又说: It’s the enemy. So we use them, at times. But remember, with the exception, now and then, of a—I think Wilson, maybe—there are two or three—Howard Smith. Yes, there are still a few patriots, but most of them are—they’re very disappointed because we beat ’em in the election. They know they’re out of touch with the country. It kills those bastards. They are the enemy, and we’re just gonna continue to use them, and never let them think that we think they’re the enemy. You see my point? But the press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. That’s all. 教授里也有个把爱国者,所以,有时要用教授。这些人跟国家脱节。
落地无声 发表于 2025-03-18 09:16 何止是文革,没见他当众(包括他太太)打他太太的脸? “And here’s the thing, because the cameras are all on, anything that I say, no matter how crazy, Usha has to smile and laugh and celebrate it... I’m going to be good though, honey.“ https://www.thedailybeast.com/jd-vance-ribs-usha-on-stage-she-has-to-smile-no-matter-what-crazy-i-spew/
看了看视频下面的评论。网上说,人口普查局数据显示, 62%的美国人没有学士学位,和我感觉的有些出入。 U.S. Census Bureau data indicates that about 62% of Americans do not hold a bachelor's degree. https://www.google.com/search?q=62%25+americans+do+not+go+to+college&oq=62%25+americans+do+not+go+to+college&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRiPAtIBCjE1OTUzajBqMTWoAgiwAgHxBcbowuwegCR8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
ecaeca 发表于 2025-03-18 10:22 “The professors are the enemy.”是尼克松的名言。万斯在这里其实是玩了个梗。 Nixon: The press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. The establishment is the enemy. The professors are the enemy. Professors are the enemy. Write that on the blackboard 100 times and never forget it. Kissinger: I, on the professors— Nixon: Always— Kissinger: —I need no instruction at all. Nixon: Always— Kissinger: And on the press, I’m in complete agreement with you— Nixon: It’s the enemy. So we use them, at times. But remember, with the exception, now and then, of a—I think Wilson, maybe—there are two or three—Howard Smith. Yes, there are still a few patriots, but most of them are—they’re very disappointed because we beat ’em in the election. They know they’re out of touch with the country. It kills those bastards. They are the enemy, and we’re just gonna continue to use them, and never let them think that we think they’re the enemy. You see my point? But the press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. That’s all. 见https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1969-76v09/d175
万斯在讲话中认为大学自己声称的作用有:1. 传播真理和知识 (disseminate truth and knowledge);2.教育下一代年轻人(train the next generation of young minds)。他声称现在的大学明显没有完成这两个任务,甚至在做相反的事情。所以大学是应该攻击的目标。 其实万斯的这个观点并不新鲜,至少近十几年的进步主义者对传统大学的态度跟万斯很接近:“大学很坏,我们要向大学进攻。”进步主义者进攻大学的方式有游行示威罢课等等,效果包括一些学院改名,一些雕像拆除,一些反动教员失去教职,学生录取标准变化等等。 但是即使进步主义者做了这么多,大学对很多人来说仍然显得很坏。就算对大学持肯定态度的人谈起高昂的学费或者不公平的录取标准也会咬牙切齿。进步主义者当然认为这是目前的大学不够进步所致,解决方案就是要更进一步的进步。但是另一方面也有万斯这样的人,认为大学的问题就是近十几年的进步主义,证据就是把进步主义者做的一些荒唐事集中列举一下,这当然很刺激很能引起一些人的共鸣。但是他的解决方案,其实没有具体解决方案,大概就是要保守。但是他也说不出来到底要保守到一个什么程度。如果真打倒了大学,那还要不要大学,要怎么办大学? 我们当然要明白万斯作为政客的狡猾之处,但也要理解大学的现状绝对谈不上是完美的,甚至谈不上是稳定的。本来最有资格有动力进攻大学的是大学自己,但是如果大学觉得只想维持现状或者做点裱糊,那就难免遭到左右两方面的轮流进攻,直到这个体系彻底崩溃为止。
osu本科,当了几天大头兵, 然后dei进了耶鲁攒政治资本, 投靠Peter Thiel。
何止是文革,没见他当众(包括他太太)打他太太的脸? “And here’s the thing, because the cameras are all on, anything that I say, no matter how crazy, Usha has to smile and laugh and celebrate it... I’m going to be good though, honey.“ https://www.thedailybeast.com/jd-vance-ribs-usha-on-stage-she-has-to-smile-no-matter-what-crazy-i-spew/
他自豪啊,太太必须臣服于自己还要展示于众。 他当年说过:为了孩子,女人即便在家暴的婚姻中也不要离婚。 他对自己孩子也不咋地,为了接领袖的电话,发怒于孩子,事后还当笑话讲出来。 可能在他的保守派受众里,这是模范家庭典范。
Nixon: The press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. The establishment is the enemy. The professors are the enemy. Professors are the enemy. Write that on the blackboard 100 times and never forget it.
Kissinger: I, on the professors—
Nixon: Always—
Kissinger: —I need no instruction at all.
Nixon: Always—
Kissinger: And on the press, I’m in complete agreement with you—
Nixon: It’s the enemy. So we use them, at times. But remember, with the exception, now and then, of a—I think Wilson, maybe—there are two or three—Howard Smith. Yes, there are still a few patriots, but most of them are—they’re very disappointed because we beat ’em in the election. They know they’re out of touch with the country. It kills those bastards. They are the enemy, and we’re just gonna continue to use them, and never let them think that we think they’re the enemy. You see my point? But the press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. That’s all.
这不是新发明。 原话是尼克松说的,就是促进中美友好的的那位美国总统。 尼克松对基辛格说: The press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. The establishment is the enemy. The professors are the enemy. Professors are the enemy. Write that on the blackboard 100 times and never forget it. 假新闻是大众的敌人,权威是自由的敌人,向社会灌输错误理念的教授是国家的敌人。 尼克松又说: It’s the enemy. So we use them, at times. But remember, with the exception, now and then, of a—I think Wilson, maybe—there are two or three—Howard Smith. Yes, there are still a few patriots, but most of them are—they’re very disappointed because we beat ’em in the election. They know they’re out of touch with the country. It kills those bastards. They are the enemy, and we’re just gonna continue to use them, and never let them think that we think they’re the enemy. You see my point? But the press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. That’s all. 教授里也有个把爱国者,所以,有时要用教授。这些人跟国家脱节。
“德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的一位著名天文学家(John Kormendy)撤回了一份预印本和一篇已发表的论文,此前批评者指责他加剧了该领域的不平等现象。他表示,他对此事“难以言表”的歉意,并将暂停工作,让争议平息。他还暂停了自己写的一本关于这一主题的书的出版“
他不辞职,就是国会弹劾下台! 别无选择,由不得他 要说无赖,真比不上民主党弹劾下台的川普, 搞司法迫害34项罪名更是史无前例
那34项罪名是人民陪审团定的罪,你是觉得陪审团都是民主党?别忘了,陪审团里有一个只看FOX NEWS的川粉。
我还真全听了,槽点太多, 真是造谣一张嘴,辟谣跑断腿。
全美国人民的陪审团说了, 我们要trump当总统。民主党搞得那个小陪审团就是政治迫害, 要trump上台拨乱反正。
你懂个屁的美国法制体系。醒醒吧, 就因为全美国人民的陪审团表态了, 现在所有的charge 全部dismiss了。
他整段话以“ prof is enemy”结尾,就不要说别人断章取义了吧。 我听了全部的讲话,他倒是断章取义的高手。比如故事之一,有个奶奶带着孙女来,因为女儿overdose了,他说就是border没看牢,fentanyl 进来杀了她女儿。问题是fentanyl也不是自己爬到嘴巴里的啊。
你们左毒废渣一刻不撒谎都不能呼吸,陪审员谎称只看foxnews还不是不用眨眼吗? 能把这个陪审员投川普的选票亮出来证实吗? 司法迫害还要扮演川粉,真是费尽心机一场空 到头来自己拉的屎,自己全都吃回去。
看了看视频下面的评论。网上说,人口普查局数据显示, 62%的美国人没有学士学位,和我感觉的有些出入。
U.S. Census Bureau data indicates that about 62% of Americans do not hold a bachelor's degree.
我小的时候看飘,对white trrash没有具象的理解。
后来看美剧Justified, 看到一批white trash的生活状态,非常惊愕。
不敢发表意见算是什么大事吗? 我上班也不敢随便发表意见啊 和孩子同学家长点头之交也不随便发表意见啊
随便发表意见也不是什么天赋人权吧 他当然可以发表 只是可能不被认同而已 也不会被暴力对待或开除。难道他发表什么意见都要被附和被捧着才叫言论自由吗
难道不是lab里面的叫兽和这种下面的学生,把药理机制研究透,正确应用于临床,才能投入市场吗?靠事后企业监管,是不是说这些副作用,研究出来就先无视,然后出了那么多海豹宝宝,让企业来擦屁股? 呵呵,你的逻辑真是好笑。不是事前了解清楚,反而怪事后出事了,企业需要来监督这些lab制作出来的东西。lab研究的各种怪物,承担的风险是0,承担的责任也是0, 果然是一伙的。大学的叫兽真好当,出了事情就各种甩手。可怜了那些海豹宝宝。这不证明当初这些人发表的paper更加水!简直把人命当作自己实验的对象。 那个研究蝙蝠的石叫兽,弄了个大covid,死了那么多人,也没有承担任何责任。美国一帮子去资助的科研人员,也没人来承担任何社会责任。搞这种研究,弄了那么多人命的,真是都是晚上不怕鬼上身吗?心里能够安心吗?自己不怕招报应吗? 企业最多卖假货,还要追责任。杀人犯杀了人,还要判刑,这种研究怪物的叫兽,弄死了那么多人,却不需要承担任何责任,还可以被人叫做叫兽。
我觉得美国有38%的成年人有bachelor's or higher degree已经很高了。其实很多有bachelor's degree的人教育程度并不能达到大学水平。