何止是文革,没见他当众(包括他太太)打他太太的脸? “And here’s the thing, because the cameras are all on, anything that I say, no matter how crazy, Usha has to smile and laugh and celebrate it... I’m going to be good though, honey.“ https://www.thedailybeast.com/jd-vance-ribs-usha-on-stage-she-has-to-smile-no-matter-what-crazy-i-spew/
落地无声 发表于 2025-03-18 09:16 何止是文革,没见他当众(包括他太太)打他太太的脸? “And here’s the thing, because the cameras are all on, anything that I say, no matter how crazy, Usha has to smile and laugh and celebrate it... I’m going to be good though, honey.“ https://www.thedailybeast.com/jd-vance-ribs-usha-on-stage-she-has-to-smile-no-matter-what-crazy-i-spew/
“The professors are the enemy.”是尼克松的名言。万斯在这里其实是玩了个梗。 Nixon: The press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. The establishment is the enemy. The professors are the enemy. Professors are the enemy. Write that on the blackboard 100 times and never forget it. Kissinger: I, on the professors— Nixon: Always— Kissinger: —I need no instruction at all. Nixon: Always— Kissinger: And on the press, I’m in complete agreement with you— Nixon: It’s the enemy. So we use them, at times. But remember, with the exception, now and then, of a—I think Wilson, maybe—there are two or three—Howard Smith. Yes, there are still a few patriots, but most of them are—they’re very disappointed because we beat ’em in the election. They know they’re out of touch with the country. It kills those bastards. They are the enemy, and we’re just gonna continue to use them, and never let them think that we think they’re the enemy. You see my point? But the press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. That’s all. 见https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1969-76v09/d175
osu本科,当了几天大头兵, 然后dei进了耶鲁攒政治资本, 投靠Peter Thiel。
何止是文革,没见他当众(包括他太太)打他太太的脸? “And here’s the thing, because the cameras are all on, anything that I say, no matter how crazy, Usha has to smile and laugh and celebrate it... I’m going to be good though, honey.“ https://www.thedailybeast.com/jd-vance-ribs-usha-on-stage-she-has-to-smile-no-matter-what-crazy-i-spew/
他自豪啊,太太必须臣服于自己还要展示于众。 他当年说过:为了孩子,女人即便在家暴的婚姻中也不要离婚。 他对自己孩子也不咋地,为了接领袖的电话,发怒于孩子,事后还当笑话讲出来。 可能在他的保守派受众里,这是模范家庭典范。
Nixon: The press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. The establishment is the enemy. The professors are the enemy. Professors are the enemy. Write that on the blackboard 100 times and never forget it.
Kissinger: I, on the professors—
Nixon: Always—
Kissinger: —I need no instruction at all.
Nixon: Always—
Kissinger: And on the press, I’m in complete agreement with you—
Nixon: It’s the enemy. So we use them, at times. But remember, with the exception, now and then, of a—I think Wilson, maybe—there are two or three—Howard Smith. Yes, there are still a few patriots, but most of them are—they’re very disappointed because we beat ’em in the election. They know they’re out of touch with the country. It kills those bastards. They are the enemy, and we’re just gonna continue to use them, and never let them think that we think they’re the enemy. You see my point? But the press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. That’s all.