请阅读《再致全球每一个人的信.........》文章的人理解作者思考的简要提示Please read the artic

楼主 (北美华人网)
请阅读《再致全球每一个人的信.........》文章的人理解作者思考的简要提示 Please read the article "Once again, a letter to everyone in the world............" to understand the author's brief thoughts   《再致全球每一个人的信(1):川普掀开制度面纱后的人类请由此索求文明真相来合作铸就人类全面和平》(文章可在网上搜索)讲到的人类如何实现永久和平来可持续追逐文明这个问题,只能是先从哲学视角来简单先提示几点——可能对理解作者个人思考的想法有帮助。《Once again, a letter to everyone in the world (1): After Trump lifted the veil of the system, please seek the truth of civilization and work together to create comprehensive peace for mankind》(English readers can search for Chinese titles《再致全球每一个人的信(1):川普掀开制度面纱后的人类请由此索求文明真相来合作铸就人类全面和平》Read the full text of the article),When it comes to the question of how mankind can achieve permanent peace and pursue civilization sustainably, I can only briefly suggest a few points from a philosophical perspective - which may be helpful in understanding the author's personal thoughts.   1、文明的高度不是由上部决定的,而是由底层基础决定的。故而人人类迄今为止所有宣扬宏大叙事的,不是无知傻子就是觉得大家都不知而必须编造故事来做事的聪明骗子。The height of a civilization is not determined by its top, but by its underlying foundation.Therefore, all those who have promoted grand narratives so far are either ignorant fools or clever liars who think that no one knows and have to make up stories to get things done.   2、人类认知从来都是由表及里的。所以透过表象看见底层很不容易。人类走了几千年,到处探寻,还是被困在眼花缭乱的表象上,没有看到底层基础在哪里,所以立不稳文明。Human cognition has always been from the outside to the inside. So it is not easy to see the bottom through the appearance. Humans have walked for thousands of years and explored everywhere, but they are still trapped in the dazzling appearance and cannot see where the underlying foundation is, so civilization cannot be established.   3、这里的底层承托,一定是全时空随时存在的底层承托。唯有这样的底层,才决定其上所承托的是同一性质的,故而能相互共处同在。简单讲,性质不同,就不可能沟通,无所谓同处。故人类所能知觉与认知的一切,与人本身,在最底层而言,就是同一种东西。故而现在人类划分认知对象的所有概念,都还是从表象关联层面上来切割的。The underlying support here must be the underlying support that exists at all times and in all spaces. Only with such an underlying support can the supports above be of the same nature, so they can coexist with each other. Simply put, if the nature is different, it is impossible to communicate, and there is no such thing as coexistence.Therefore, everything that humans can perceive and know is the same thing as humans themselves at the most basic level. Therefore, all the concepts that humans use to divide cognitive objects are still divided at the level of representational association.   4、从时空实证上看,这样的底层承托底线是存在的,只是人类视而不见。细胞走稳了底层,和平互助构成无数生物体包括人类,星河走稳了底层,故熠熠争辉而和谐灿烂,人类摸到底层故创造了人类文明但常踉跄走不稳而使得任何文明成果都能成为摧毁文明的工具。From the empirical perspective of time and space, such a bottom line does exist, but humans turn a blind eye to it.Cells stand firmly on the bottom layer, and peace and mutual assistance constitute countless organisms including humans. The galaxy stands firmly on the bottom layer, so it sparkles and shines harmoniously. Humans touch the bottom layer, so they create human civilization, but they often stumble and lose stability, so that any achievements of civilization can become a tool to destroy civilization.   5、所以,来自宇宙能量运动组合合作产生的人类,找到宇宙本质底层全时空承托演绎的同一性规律,并站在这个规律上作为做任何事的价值判断底线视角,就不会再乱象不断地折腾而能实现人类社会合作的可持续永久和平。Therefore, human beings, who are produced from the combined cooperation of the movement of cosmic energy, should find the law of identity that supports the deduction of the entire space and time at the bottom of the essence of the universe, and stand on this law as the bottom line perspective for value judgment in doing anything. They will no longer be constantly troubled by chaos and will be able to achieve sustainable and permanent peace through cooperation in human society.   从这几个思路看,如果认可,就不难看到是什么决定文明。这里的承托文明全时空演绎的底层必然简约明了,但整个逻辑组合方式却与现在整个人类几千年形成的探索表象演绎关联形成的逻辑方式完全不同,所以,很难几句话讲的让人理解,最起码说十万字也不见得就被理解。这就像,你跟地心说思维的人说日心说,一开始就很难说清一样。文章说的底层规律是宇宙说,对现在公认走在世界文明前列地区文化的日心说思维模式的人讲,都很难几句话讲明。要跟有些地方几千年还在地心说思维模式的人讲,那就不是讲得明白与否的问题,而是极其危险了。因为危险来自全方位。全时空底层承托整个人类文明的规律,遍及每个人日常生活一切点滴到整个社会所有层面与方面,现在要全面从底层颠覆式改变几千年形成的转动方向,需要的扭矩力是非常强大且有可持续韧劲的,现在只有人类社会合作的组织机构,才基本具备这样的扭矩力。From these perspectives, if you agree with them, it is not difficult to see what determines civilization.The underlying foundation of the full-time and space interpretation of civilization here must be simple and clear, but the entire logical combination method is completely different from the logical method formed by the exploration of representational deduction and association formed by the entire human race for thousands of years. Therefore, it is difficult to make people understand it in a few words, at least it may not be understood even if it is explained in 100,000 words.It's like, if you talk about heliocentrism to people who think in geocentric terms, it's hard to explain it clearly at the beginning. The underlying law mentioned in the article is the cosmology, which is hard to explain in a few words to people who think in heliocentric terms in the regions that are now recognized as the forefront of world civilization. If you talk to people who have been thinking in geocentric terms for thousands of years in some places, it's not a question of whether you can explain it clearly or not, but it's extremely dangerous.Because danger comes from all directions. The underlying laws of the entire human civilization are supported by the entire time and space, covering every bit of everyone's daily life and all levels and aspects of the entire society. Now we need to completely subvert the direction of rotation formed over thousands of years from the bottom up. The torque required is very strong and sustainable. Now only the cooperative organizations of human society basically have such torque.   全人类都处在丛林思维模式困境里,而有些是丛林中的沼泽思维模式,这就是现实瞎争乱斗的总根源。人类走出物理丛林而比其它动物更善于合作创造了人类文明后,旋即被自己讲故事来聚集合作的本领导入了意识丛林中。当人类能走出意识丛林时,人类社会就实现了高级文明。All human beings are in the dilemma of jungle mentality, and some are in the swamp mentality in the jungle, which is the root cause of the chaos in reality.After humans emerged from the physical jungle and became better at cooperating than other animals to create human civilization, they were immediately led into the jungle of consciousness by their own ability to tell stories to gather cooperation. When humans were able to emerge from the jungle of consciousness, human society achieved advanced civilization.   哪一天真的全人类都站在宇宙本质视角观察思考问题了,人类就需要完全重整现在所有文明成果了,这个世界全景与个人生活,在每一个人类的眼中所呈现的,将是一个完全不同于现在的全新且简约而美妙世界。人类将彻底实现削繁存简、去伪存真,让人类语言边界清晰而简约化地实现真实而不含混的信息交流,实现轻松舒畅的人生生活。If one day all of humanity really observes and thinks about problems from the perspective of the essence of the universe, humanity will need to completely reorganize all current achievements of civilization. The world panorama and personal life will be presented in the eyes of every human being as a new, simple and wonderful world that is completely different from the present.Human beings will thoroughly achieve the goal of simplifying what is complex and retaining the true while eliminating the false, so that the boundaries of human language can be clearly and simply realized to achieve real and unambiguous information exchange and realize an easy and comfortable life.