In Japanese divorce proceedings, there's no mandatory spousal maintenance or alimony after a divorce
The 2018 survey also revealed that 42.9% of these single-mothers have child support arrangements with their former spouse. However, only 24.3% of them actually receive the support. 完全走法律程序,师太情况只会比今天惨的多。。 所以整天扯法律,又自称是师太粉的那些人,不知道都在想啥。。
Namama 发表于 2025-03-17 14:47 In Japanese divorce proceedings, there''s no mandatory spousal maintenance or alimony after a divorce
The 2018 survey also revealed that 42.9% of these single-mothers have child support arrangements with their former spouse. However, only 24.3% of them actually receive the support. 完全走法律程序,师太情况只会比今天惨的多。。 所以整天扯法律,又自称是师太粉的那些人,不知道都在想啥。。
Namama 发表于 2025-03-17 14:47 In Japanese divorce proceedings, there's no mandatory spousal maintenance or alimony after a divorce
The 2018 survey also revealed that 42.9% of these single-mothers have child support arrangements with their former spouse. However, only 24.3% of them actually receive the support. 完全走法律程序,师太情况只会比今天惨的多。。 所以整天扯法律,又自称是师太粉的那些人,不知道都在想啥。。
The 2018 survey also revealed that 42.9% of these single-mothers have child support arrangements with their former spouse. However, only 24.3% of them actually receive the support.
Namama 发表于 2025-03-17 14:47 In Japanese divorce proceedings, there's no mandatory spousal maintenance or alimony after a divorce
The 2018 survey also revealed that 42.9% of these single-mothers have child support arrangements with their former spouse. However, only 24.3% of them actually receive the support. 完全走法律程序,师太情况只会比今天惨的多。。 所以整天扯法律,又自称是师太粉的那些人,不知道都在想啥。。
Yes, in the U.S., the custodial parent can request a modification of child support if the non-custodial parent’s income significantly increases after a finalized divorce. However, the process and requirements vary by state. Key Factors for a Child Support Increase: 1. Significant Change in Income: Most states allow a modification if the non-custodial parent’s income has substantially increased (e.g., a new high-paying job, promotion, or financial windfall). 2. Best Interests of the Child: Courts will consider whether an increase in support is necessary to meet the child’s needs. 3. State Guidelines: Some states have specific thresholds (e.g., a 10-20% change in income) before modifications are allowed. 4. Cost of Living Changes: If the child’s needs have changed (e.g., increased education or medical costs), it strengthens the case for an increase. 5. Court Review & Petition: The custodial parent must file a request with the family court for a formal review. How to Request a Child Support Modification: • File a motion in family court requesting a child support review. • Provide proof of the non-custodial parent’s increased income (e.g., pay stubs, tax returns, employer verification). • Attend a court hearing where a judge determines if an increase is warranted. Would you like help finding state-specific rules?
Yes, in Japan, the custodial parent can request an increase in child support payments if the non-custodial parent’s income significantly increases after a finalized divorce. Child support amounts in Japan are primarily determined based on the annual incomes of both parents, the number of children, and their ages.  Key Points: • Calculation Method: The Family Court uses specific schedules to calculate child support, considering the incomes of both parents and the children’s details.  • Modification Requests: If there’s a significant change in either parent’s income, the custodial parent can file a petition for mediation with the Family Court to adjust the child support amount accordingly. • Mediation Process: This process typically involves both parties negotiating the new terms, with the assistance of court-appointed mediators. If an agreement isn’t reached, the court may issue a determination.  It’s important to note that while the system allows for adjustments based on income changes, enforcing child support payments can be challenging in Japan. Reports indicate that a relatively low percentage of custodial parents receive full child support payments. For personalized guidance, it’s advisable to consult with a legal professional experienced in Japanese family law.
转发一个mm的帖子 mylittle9 查了一下,按照美国的法律,前夫离婚后发达了,也没有说前妻的生活水平会一起跟着提高。 前妻可以起诉多要抚养费,前提是得证明自己现在的开销比最初协议时候大了(譬如共同的孩子上大学),以前的抚养费不足以维持以前的生活。 也就是说,法律能保证的是,你能维持离婚时候判决的生活水准。不保证前夫收入高,前妻生活水准上涨。 保证的是,不比离婚时降低。 离婚后就是两家人,她和前夫唯一的法律保障,就是离婚时候的协议书。 虽然不知道日本的法律是不是会有所不同,但是李大脸不走法律途径,大概率是知道上了法庭,她也拿不到想要的数目。 所以这是打算通过舆论发酵,迫使前夫多给钱。
一群法盲。 美国抚养费增加的计算是跟non custody parent’s income 直接相关的。完全不需要证明need.
是的,我查了一下本州法律,如果前夫收入有大幅度增长,前妻和未满十八岁的孩子是可以要求提高赡养费和抚养费的,但前夫不同意,需要打官司,法官会根据前夫的收入和支出做调整。 就不知王的支出如何,他的毛收入肯定大增吧。
如果在东京一个月只给4000 人民币那也太少了。 东京也是大都市,
In Japanese divorce proceedings, there's no mandatory spousal maintenance or alimony after a divorce
The 2018 survey also revealed that 42.9% of these single-mothers have child support arrangements with their former spouse. However, only 24.3% of them actually receive the support.
99%概率: 王 几年中,从事和签证要求不符合的工作。 报税有问题。 非法雇佣员工。 低于最低时薪。 好奇他脱的了哪条。
你们这种自己是个靶子自己打的论证方法太搞笑了。 人家老王小李从头到尾没提过赡养费。女的也没拿过一分钱赡养费。女的也没有要赡养费的诉求。你们提赡养费干吗? 哈哈哈。就老王这种百万美元收入给百万日元抚养费的。您还觉得打官司还能给更少。还跟人家无业deadbeat公民比谁不给抚养费。分分钟被遣返啊。真是法盲中的法盲啊。
你这种连基本英文都看不懂的师太脑残粉, 确实非常适合给她打赏。。。
The 2018 survey also revealed that 42.9% of these single-mothers have child support arrangements with their former spouse. However, only 24.3% of them actually receive the support.
不值啥啊?不比一个人付费看only fans有趣多了。
是的,之前的互相打嘴仗是warm up,真正干事业的来了。
Yes, in the U.S., the custodial parent can request a modification of child support if the non-custodial parent’s income significantly increases after a finalized divorce. However, the process and requirements vary by state.
Key Factors for a Child Support Increase: 1. Significant Change in Income: Most states allow a modification if the non-custodial parent’s income has substantially increased (e.g., a new high-paying job, promotion, or financial windfall). 2. Best Interests of the Child: Courts will consider whether an increase in support is necessary to meet the child’s needs. 3. State Guidelines: Some states have specific thresholds (e.g., a 10-20% change in income) before modifications are allowed. 4. Cost of Living Changes: If the child’s needs have changed (e.g., increased education or medical costs), it strengthens the case for an increase. 5. Court Review & Petition: The custodial parent must file a request with the family court for a formal review.
How to Request a Child Support Modification: • File a motion in family court requesting a child support review. • Provide proof of the non-custodial parent’s increased income (e.g., pay stubs, tax returns, employer verification). • Attend a court hearing where a judge determines if an increase is warranted.
Would you like help finding state-specific rules?