Harvard University President Alan M. Garber and Edgerley Family Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Hopi Hoekstra on Monday announced that Harvard College will be free for students from families with annual incomes of $100,000 or less and tuition-free for students from families with annual incomes of $200,000 or less. This significant expansion of financial aid, which begins in the 2025-26 academic year, will make Harvard affordable to more students than ever, especially from middle-income families. “Putting Harvard within financial reach for more individuals widens the array of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives that all of our students encounter, fostering their intellectual and personal growth,” Garber said. “By bringing people of outstanding promise together to learn with and from one another, we truly realize the tremendous potential of the University.”
亏太大了 BREAKING: Harvard University has announced that tuition will be free for students from families with annual incomes of $200,000 or less starting in the 2025-26 academic year.
“Putting Harvard within financial reach for more individuals widens the array of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives that all of our students encounter, fostering their intellectual and personal growth,” Garber said. “By bringing people of outstanding promise together to learn with and from one another, we truly realize the tremendous potential of the University.”
哈弗录取 是
大学助学金是从endowment fund里出的,和indirect costs没有一毛钱关系。。。 哈佛有500亿美金的捐赠基金
我前同事,三个娃都是top 5, 她老婆不上班。他自己毅然辞职。三娃学费全免。他自己做数学私教,赚翻了还不上税,感觉不比上班赚的少。
学费也可以用来建房子付电费水费等等需要indirect cost来解决的事啊
哈佛有这么多捐赠基金,为什么比别的大学要求更高的indirect fee啊?难道不应该要求比别的大学更低的费用吗?跟别的大学收一样的indirect fee就是被打压科研啊?
BREAKING: Harvard University has announced that tuition will be free for students from families with annual incomes of $200,000 or less starting in the 2025-26 academic year.
大藤很看重spike 大多数spike 音乐也好体育也好都是钱堆出来的 还有legacy啥的 所以肯定富人孩子多 穷人孩子如果能进大藤的 要么学习能学到奥利匹克金牌这种 要么体育一早就天赋出众有赞助
赚翻了肯定谈不上,只是上班也没多赚多少,financial aid还要看家庭资产,能拿的绝对不是富人,当然也不一定怎么穷