Categories for cutting Although many NIH research grants run for longer, scientists generally receive their funding one year at a time and are required to submit a progress report to the agency annually. NIH staff members then review this report and can issue a continuation of funding. The agency, based in Bethesda, Maryland, has now asked its employees to review new and ongoing projects for any DEI-related activities and to place them in one of four categories: projects that solely support DEI-related activities (category one), projects that partially support these activities (category two), projects that do not support these activities but include some DEI-related language (category three) and projects that do not support any DEI-related activities (category four). The NIH’s 27 institutes and centres should not issue awards for research in category one, according to a guidance document obtained by Nature and sent to some employees this week. Category-two research must be renegotiated with the lead researcher or institution on the grant to remove any DEI-related activities. If the work cannot be renegotiated, the institute must seek to terminate the project, the document says. Category-three research can continue unimpeded as long as any DEI-related language is stripped from the application or progress report. Category-four research can proceed as usual.
CatFatCat 发表于 2025-03-16 00:58 回复 187楼 europasole 的帖子 George Carlin有段独白: “现在,有一件事你们可能已经注意到了,我不会抱怨:政客。每个人都抱怨政客。每个人都说他们很差劲。那么,人们认为这些政客是从哪里来的呢?他们不是从天上掉下来的。他们不是从另一个现实中穿越而来的。他们来自美国父母和美国家庭,美国家园,美国学校,美国教堂,美国企业和美国大学,他们是由美国公民选举产生的。这是我们能做的最好的事情。这就是我们所能提供的。这就是我们的制度所产生的:垃圾进,垃圾出。如果你有自私、无知的公民,你就会得到自私、无知的领导人。任期限制不会带来任何好处;你只会得到一群全新的自私、无知的美国人。所以,也许,也许,也许,糟糕的不是政客。也许是这里其他东西很糟糕……比如,公众。是的,公众很糟糕。有人有一个很好的竞选口号:“公众糟透了。希望破灭了。” “Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. F*ck Hope.”
而且还去破产了那么多次。一个连公司都搞得多次破产的人,怎么能相信他不把国家搞破产?唉 虽然但是,民主党的确是不争气,烂泥扶不上墙,被钻了空子。
Categories for cutting Although many NIH research grants run for longer, scientists generally receive their funding one year at a time and are required to submit a progress report to the agency annually. NIH staff members then review this report and can issue a continuation of funding. The agency, based in Bethesda, Maryland, has now asked its employees to review new and ongoing projects for any DEI-related activities and to place them in one of four categories: projects that solely support DEI-related activities (category one), projects that partially support these activities (category two), projects that do not support these activities but include some DEI-related language (category three) and projects that do not support any DEI-related activities (category four).
The NIH’s 27 institutes and centres should not issue awards for research in category one, according to a guidance document obtained by Nature and sent to some employees this week. Category-two research must be renegotiated with the lead researcher or institution on the grant to remove any DEI-related activities. If the work cannot be renegotiated, the institute must seek to terminate the project, the document says. Category-three research can continue unimpeded as long as any DEI-related language is stripped from the application or progress report. Category-four research can proceed as usual.
既然是public service,应该公开,哪些是科研经费,哪些不是,省的都在猜
Alumni relationship 管校友捐赠,是来钱部门啊。实验室是花钱部门。砍哪个不是显而易见的么
Wow 层主贴的这段话,终极至郁啊!