回复 7楼 wudadan 的帖子 At the current rate of near 6.6%, total cost of interest would be around 250k over 30 yr period. U must have mistaken total payment with total interest.
回复 7楼 wudadan 的帖子 At the current rate of near 6.6%, total cost of interest would be around 250k over 30 yr period. U must have mistaken total payment with total interest. Constant_sorrow 发表于 2025-03-15 13:21
i never said that the total principal is $200,000 I said I would make additional $200,000 payment toward the principal
回复 12楼 的帖子 U maybe right, at 6.6%, yearly interest at 200k is a little over 13k, for 13k a year over 30 year, it can come up to 400k. U better pay it down!
钱投资可以平均回报5%,交税剩3% 算上利率减税算实际回报4%吧 你利率小于4%肯定不还 高于这个看自己情况
you do not understand how a fixed-rate mortgage works.
At the current rate of near 6.6%, total cost of interest would be around 250k over 30 yr period. U must have mistaken total payment with total interest.
不建议算利率减税,因为利率减税有cap,所以一般都是take standard deduction, 而且现在国债也没有5%这么高了。除非可以找到高收益的投资,否则提前还贷和买国债也没太大差别。
i never said that the total principal is $200,000 I said I would make additional $200,000 payment toward the principal
U maybe right, at 6.6%, yearly interest at 200k is a little over 13k, for 13k a year over 30 year, it can come up to 400k. U better pay it down!
你付的利息很可能大部分都没有抵税价值。你要看看Mortgage Interest + SALT减去Standard Deduction还剩多少。Standard Deduction一年比一年高,SALT万年不变,interest越来越少。