After repeated claims of taking over Greenland, the Trump administration is now asking Denmark for extra eggs amid shortage BYSASHA ROGELBERG March 14, 2025 at 1:36 PM EDT 不知道这鸡蛋收多少关税呢?
落地无声 发表于 2025-03-14 21:58 After repeated claims of taking over Greenland, the Trump administration is now asking Denmark for extra eggs amid shortage BYSASHA ROGELBERG March 14, 2025 at 1:36 PM EDT 不知道这鸡蛋收多少关税呢?
看鸡蛋的来源。从加拿大进口的鸡蛋,政府可以收到25%的关税。 And while the government hasn't said which nations it will import up to 100 million eggs from, Canada is the largest exporter to the U.S., making it a prime candidate. Given that Trump recently sparked a trade war with Canada and Mexico by imposing 25% tariffs on their goods, before delaying the tax, the president could be forced into an embarrassing climb down. Speaking at a cabinet meeting, Trump said: “We have to get the prices down — not the inflation down — the prices of eggs and various other things. Eggs are a disaster.”
所以他的意思是他不关心政府不关门对这个国家和人民的好坏,只关心和川普的对抗是否有利。 怪不得民主党要被人民抛弃了。It was a party for working class!
这个陷阱的说法可能性不是很大但是也不是没有可能。 因为谁也不知道doge 到底能疯狂到哪一步
dem真的太没用了 我都不想再投dem了
IRS 因为砍人,初步估计会减少70亿美元的税收收入,因为audit 少了,更多人逃税了。 赤字会继续加大
目前这个阶段,民主党本来也没用了,。 少数党在这个立法这个部门基本没法做什么。 现在只有个别司法部门可以立案维护程序公正。
从另外一个角度看, gop和川普走向自我毁灭的道路,那些玛噶红波子首当其冲,他们不被打疼的话,是永远不会吸取教训的,他们这波人属于天生缺乏同理心的人一根筋,只有他们自己利益受损、自己子女利益受损他们才会从川普邪教觉醒
不要紧,多收一些关税就可以了。收入税是富人交得多,关税是穷人交得多。 After repeated claims of taking over Greenland, the Trump administration is now asking Denmark for extra eggs amid shortage BYSASHA ROGELBERG March 14, 2025 at 1:36 PM EDT
Filibuster 合理合法,民主党为什么不用?当多数党的时候不废,因为觉得少数的时候可以用,少数的时候用了吗?Schumer 学学龟相的十分之一,我们也不致于落到今天这个地步
是的天天往中间靠,寒了基本盘的心,不过这次连共和党建制派都骂他们无能了。general election 还得捏着鼻子投他们,只是尽量primary 掉这几个老家伙吧。
你说的对,应该把这老头选下去,让aoc 上,aoc 不至于这么软骨病
And while the government hasn't said which nations it will import up to 100 million eggs from, Canada is the largest exporter to the U.S., making it a prime candidate.
Given that Trump recently sparked a trade war with Canada and Mexico by imposing 25% tariffs on their goods, before delaying the tax, the president could be forced into an embarrassing climb down. Speaking at a cabinet meeting, Trump said: “We have to get the prices down — not the inflation down — the prices of eggs and various other things. Eggs are a disaster.”