哥大被砍4亿经费,John Hopkins被砍8亿经费,还有60个学校上了黑名单要被调查 https://www.wboy.com/news/education/here-are-the-60-institutions-that-the-office-of-civil-rights-says-its-investigating-for-antisemitism/ LIST: 60 schools the Dept. of Ed. says it's investigating for antisemitism American University Arizona State University Boston University Brown University California State University, Sacramento Chapman University Columbia University Cornell University Drexel University Eastern Washington University Emerson College George Mason University Harvard University Illinois Wesleyan University Indiana University, Bloomington Johns Hopkins University Lafayette College Lehigh University Middlebury College Muhlenberg College Northwestern University Ohio State University Pacific Lutheran University Pomona College Portland State University Princeton University Rutgers University Rutgers University-Newark Santa Monica College Sarah Lawrence College Stanford University State University of New York Binghamton State University of New York Rockland State University of New York, Purchase Swarthmore College Temple University The New School Tufts University Tulane University Union College University of California Davis University of California San Diego University of California Santa Barbara University of California, Berkeley University of Cincinnati University of Hawaii at Manoa University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Michigan University of Minnesota, Twin Cities University of North Carolina University of South Florida University of Southern California University of Tampa University of Tennessee University of Virginia University of Washington-Seattle University of Wisconsin, Madison Wellesley College Whitman College Yale University
LIST: 60 schools the Dept. of Ed. says it's investigating for antisemitism American University Arizona State University Boston University Brown University California State University, Sacramento Chapman University Columbia University Cornell University Drexel University Eastern Washington University Emerson College George Mason University Harvard University Illinois Wesleyan University Indiana University, Bloomington Johns Hopkins University Lafayette College Lehigh University Middlebury College Muhlenberg College Northwestern University Ohio State University Pacific Lutheran University Pomona College Portland State University Princeton University Rutgers University Rutgers University-Newark Santa Monica College Sarah Lawrence College Stanford University State University of New York Binghamton State University of New York Rockland State University of New York, Purchase Swarthmore College Temple University The New School Tufts University Tulane University Union College University of California Davis University of California San Diego University of California Santa Barbara University of California, Berkeley University of Cincinnati University of Hawaii at Manoa University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Michigan University of Minnesota, Twin Cities University of North Carolina University of South Florida University of Southern California University of Tampa University of Tennessee University of Virginia University of Washington-Seattle University of Wisconsin, Madison Wellesley College Whitman College Yale University
真是胡扯! 你们这些人真是随口胡说毫不脸红!!怎么好意思的
以前科研经费都去搞科研了? 我觉得都去搞dei了。
别激动了,黄川这个德性,也不是第一天见识了。 不造谣不撒谎压根不会说话的呢。
玩排名最厉害的 东北 没有上榜呀。
Trump University
T20的大学本来就没什么奖学金,主要是助学金,这下子是不是要多招full pay学生了?
我看了看,Caltech, Duke,和UPenn不在名单上。
这几个显然也不是 那个黄川粉 所指的
UPenn还是有pro-Palestine活动的,前校长还是因为这个辞职的https://almanac.upenn.edu/articles/a-message-to-the-penn-community-resignation-of-president-liz-magill 不知道为什么不在名单上,可能是给总统母校面子?
Except a few in the swing states, the others are in blue states. Almost none is in red states.
上了吗 我不知道啊 🤷♀️ 我在猜测而已
MIT 是不是 因为名字里 不带 University, College 所以漏掉了。
来这个是我回复你的。WashU 就是。
Duke, Rice, Emory,南边的学校
WashU 排名很稳定的呀。 23年下去了是 因为 USNews 排名规则变了。 好多私校都掉下去了。
所以 我前面回复说,这里名单里好几个都是 最近几年靠 各种“搞噱头” 排名靠前的。 本来就应该查。 那个楼主 j叫我“川粉”让我 举例子,然后屏蔽我,不让我回复。
USnews 本来就是 本科排名,UC系列 那教学体验是什么鬼? 就应该查。
那个id说的是排名上升快,踏实办学的学校不在list上。然后拿一些排名稳定的说事儿。 不过谁跟川粉较劲呀,是偏执比得过还是无耻比得过呢
Red state也没什么好学校吧
额,我们UCLA是最早出手清理encampment的。 到现在也不知道是不是犹太人组织和学校演了双簧。 那些扎帐篷的学校是请了好多security gard看着, 然后有一天晚上突然从外面来了一车人, 来了就和扎帐篷的对打, 然后警察立马出手,抓人,强行拆了帐篷。 这事儿吧, 当时的校长两头不是人, 犹太方批评他出手不够及时,巴勒斯坦人权方更骂他了。
黄川粉 一般都是没脸在 小孩面前 承认自己是黄川粉的。
UCLA 没在上面?
不错Caltech, MIT, GaTech, UIUC,CMU, 还有WPI,一位咱华人女教授当校长的,这些硬核理工学校都没在名单上