Musk is “‘putting it on the line’ in order to help our Nation, and he is doing a FANTASTIC JOB!” claimed Trump. “But the Radical Left Lunatics, as they often do, are trying to illegally and collusively boycott Tesla, one of the World’s great automakers, and Elon’s “baby,” in order to attack and do harm to Elon, and everything he stands for,” he added. In any event, I’m going to buy a brand new Tesla tomorrow morning as a show of confidence and support for Elon Musk, a truly great American,” the president promised. “Why should he be punished for putting his tremendous skills to work in order to help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN???”
公用马甲8 发表于 2025-03-11 10:53 Musk is “‘putting it on the line’ in order to help our Nation, and he is doing a FANTASTIC JOB!” claimed Trump. “But the Radical Left Lunatics, as they often do, are trying to illegally and collusively boycott Tesla, one of the World’s great automakers, and Elon’s “baby,” in order to attack and do harm to Elon, and everything he stands for,” he added. In any event, I’m going to buy a brand new Tesla tomorrow morning as a show of confidence and support for Elon Musk, a truly great American,” the president promised. “Why should he be punished for putting his tremendous skills to work in order to help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN???”
公用马甲8 发表于 2025-03-11 10:53 Musk is “‘putting it on the line’ in order to help our Nation, and he is doing a FANTASTIC JOB!” claimed Trump. “But the Radical Left Lunatics, as they often do, are trying to illegally and collusively boycott Tesla, one of the World’s great automakers, and Elon’s “baby,” in order to attack and do harm to Elon, and everything he stands for,” he added. In any event, I’m going to buy a brand new Tesla tomorrow morning as a show of confidence and support for Elon Musk, a truly great American,” the president promised. “Why should he be punished for putting his tremendous skills to work in order to help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN???”
“But the Radical Left Lunatics, as they often do, are trying to illegally and collusively boycott Tesla, one of the World’s great automakers, and Elon’s “baby,” in order to attack and do harm to Elon, and everything he stands for,” he added.
In any event, I’m going to buy a brand new Tesla tomorrow morning as a show of confidence and support for Elon Musk, a truly great American,” the president promised. “Why should he be punished for putting his tremendous skills to work in order to help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN???”
你说巧不巧, 左党怎么变成了反电车呢?
你们左派把宇航员扔在太空,还不是要找马斯克星舰解救。 忘恩负义的左派都应该全部扔进太空,永不许回地球! 阿门!
晕鸡,你是仇富仇昏头了吗 觉得老川是穷人所以天天傻呵呵的共情一个疯子
马应龙在上海的车厂什么时候搬回美国本土支持一下美国制造。即使是德州车厂,很多零部件也不是美国制造。特斯拉雇人,希望廉价的印度工程师,也不会雇佣美国人。还有,上海车厂已经成立党支部了。MAGA 不知道吗?
MAGA口口声声American First,现在跪舔一个globalist billionaire, 怎么下嘴的。还有,口口声声的保守派来评论一下马应龙和畜生一样的 family value吧。
川普想把Tesla彻底害死啊。Tesla现在已经是众矢之的了,川普这么做是在上面再画一个大红圆圈,距离火烧Dealer 不远了。
好奇川普的基本盘是怎么评论马应龙和畜生一样的family value的。保守派一直标榜很有原则。