NASA closes offices, lays off staff as it prepares for larger workforce reductions WASHINGTON — NASA is closing three offices and laying off their staff as a first step in broader workforce reductions at the agency ordered by the Trump administration. NASA announced March 10 that it was closing the Office of Technology, Policy, and Strategy; the Office of the Chief Scientist; and the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Branch of the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The employees of those offices, 23 in total, will be laid off.
NASA closes offices, lays off staff as it prepares for larger workforce reductions WASHINGTON — NASA is closing three offices and laying off their staff as a first step in broader workforce reductions at the agency ordered by the Trump administration. NASA announced March 10 that it was closing the Office of Technology, Policy, and Strategy; the Office of the Chief Scientist; and the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Branch of the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The employees of those offices, 23 in total, will be laid off. 千渔千寻 发表于 2025-03-10 20:01
楼主你是认真的么? NASA 裁员23人,叫做大裁员。意思说,NASA以前很少裁员,以至于裁员23人需要上新闻。NASA员工估计早就把政府当成铁饭碗的铁饭碗了。NASA可是一个近两万人的机构。预算两百五十亿。裁了23人,好可怕啊。 这么看,马斯克做的好。一个公司或部门,一般至少有10%的摸鱼的,政府部门更甚。 不知道为啥裁员23人可以上新闻,就是因为DEI么?说实话,我曾经看过一个资料,说美国工作人群(25-65)的年死亡率大约是千分之二,缴纳social security的人,总计有10%以上的人活不到65岁。也就是说,一个两万人的政府部门,平均死亡按概率就有几十人了。
WASHINGTON — NASA is closing three offices and laying off their staff as a first step in broader workforce reductions at the agency ordered by the Trump administration.
NASA announced March 10 that it was closing the Office of Technology, Policy, and Strategy; the Office of the Chief Scientist; and the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Branch of the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The employees of those offices, 23 in total, will be laid off.
NASA 里面搞DEI的不应该裁吗?
别传播谣言了, 美国登月要是假的, 那么多明显的漏洞, 等不到一堆民科蹦出来, 当年苏联早就揭发了。这是最简单的逻辑问题。
前菜而已。larger workforce reduction
晕死,全球人都知道登月是假的了,你现在才开始怀疑??惊讶的是很多华人还坚信不疑是真的,还叫别人不要传谣,晕😵💫.What?? 连新电视剧都出来讽刺.<登月大计划>
NASA重要的项目 都是outsource 给private sector比如洛马,spaceX,Northrop,波音之类做的。NASA挺小的,自己其实是没有能力生产,internal的项目不多
NASA 裁员23人,叫做大裁员。意思说,NASA以前很少裁员,以至于裁员23人需要上新闻。NASA员工估计早就把政府当成铁饭碗的铁饭碗了。NASA可是一个近两万人的机构。预算两百五十亿。裁了23人,好可怕啊。
不知道为啥裁员23人可以上新闻,就是因为DEI么?说实话,我曾经看过一个资料,说美国工作人群(25-65)的年死亡率大约是千分之二,缴纳social security的人,总计有10%以上的人活不到65岁。也就是说,一个两万人的政府部门,平均死亡按概率就有几十人了。
这次nasa被砍的基本上都是 within the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity,业务没影响,正热火朝天搞Artemis II呢
蒙古国海军部, 索马里宇航局, 美国教育部, 现在又加上个NASA。。。。。