没明白,现在oil life 是70%,一年了,才开了2000 miles。 xiaxuele 发表于 2025-03-10 10:37
哦,我的车子都只显示机油容量,没开过显示oil life的,我查了一下,好像30%才需要换。感觉比我这种一年换一次省钱。所以你的车一切正常。 A car''s oil life percentage is a gauge that shows how much life is left in the oil. It starts at 100% when the oil is fresh and decreases as the oil ages. When to change the oil 100%: Fresh oil 40%: Oil has 40% of its life remaining 15%: Service is due soon 5%: Service is due 0%: Service is overdue It''s generally recommended to change the oil when the indicator reaches 20–30%. Waiting until the oil life reaches zero can shorten the life of your engine.
没明白,现在oil life 是70%,一年了,才开了2000 miles。
我记得小时候学机械制图的时候说的是,engine oil的作用就是起润滑的,不会消耗燃烧,一切正常的话应该一直都是100%,所以你开了2k迈就少了30%肯定不正常。。。不过好像有的车就是设计不太行,就是会有烧机油的情况,我之前开的奥迪,就总听懂车的朋友说烧机油啥的,不过我那会儿还好,按时保养没遇到机油下降特别多的情况。。。。
一年开2000 miles 够少的
这是提醒你要去做service 了。和机油无直接关系。
车的oil change service minder都是assume normal driving condition行驶, 按里程算出来的。对于自吸纯油车,5k miles or 1 year是共识。对于one year这个要求,Youtbue大佬PF设计实验专门测了,已证实过了一年机油润滑效果其实没问题。
现在车厂推荐的换油里程一般都高于5k miles。但要清楚厂家的推荐只适用于高速为主的行驶。城区行驶被厂家定义为severe driving condition,其换油里程是normal driving condition的一半。这背后的原理如下:车的机油除了润滑这个最基本功能,还有清洁这个主要功能。5k miles之后油润滑功能没有问题,但severe driving condition会造成油里的各种脏东西很多。这些脏东西会在气缸活塞的油环周围形成积碳,进而卡死油环,造成拉缸,搞费engine。
Oil life 说的是使用寿命,不是油量。油一直在高温润滑工作,慢慢就变黑变黏了。
我的车十年开了27k,换了三次机油, 两次去dealer换的, 最后一次猪看youtube换的, so far so good, 都是等着车指示才去换
之前几年才去一次dealer, dealer也没bb。不过猪说他有空可以给我换勤点 maybe 两年一次?
oil life 不是 oil amount, 她开的车可能不显示这个,断章取义了。
哦,我的车子都只显示机油容量,没开过显示oil life的,我查了一下,好像30%才需要换。感觉比我这种一年换一次省钱。所以你的车一切正常。
A car''s oil life percentage is a gauge that shows how much life is left in the oil. It starts at 100% when the oil is fresh and decreases as the oil ages.
When to change the oil 100%: Fresh oil 40%: Oil has 40% of its life remaining 15%: Service is due soon 5%: Service is due 0%: Service is overdue It''s generally recommended to change the oil when the indicator reaches 20–30%. Waiting until the oil life reaches zero can shorten the life of your engine.
除了之前两次去过dealer换机油保养,(因为还在保修期内)就没去过,也没啥毛病, 无论大小。
前几天在costco买了个电池$120, 换了,应该算电池正常寿终正寝吧? 十年应该算高寿了