回复 1楼 helloterran4 的帖子 You are drawing ridiculous conclusion based on imaginations. A full-duration static fire in near vacuum is hard. v2 design is an improvement over v1 for engine feed and aerodynamic protection, but the changes can create new failure modes as it reduces the operational margins (such as heightened harmonic responses) that v1 enjoyed. Once these issues are addressed, v2 will be more robust than v1, which is why they changed the design. The problem is that simulating near-vacuum conditions on the ground is hard, it will require an enormous vacuum chamber which will add cost and delay to the project. From SpaceX point of view, it would rather fail in an actual test than tolerating delays in ground tests. What's surprising here is that FAA let them...or wait, nevermind, I forgot who owns FAA these days.
heartinny 发表于 2025-03-07 21:11 回复 1楼 helloterran4 的帖子 You are drawing ridiculous conclusion based on imaginations. A full-duration static fire in near vacuum is hard. v2 design is an improvement over v1 for engine feed and aerodynamic protection, but the changes can create new failure modes as it reduces the operational margins (such as heightened harmonic responses) that v1 enjoyed. Once these issues are addressed, v2 will be more robust than v1, which is why they changed the design. The problem is that simulating near-vacuum conditions on the ground is hard, it will require an enormous vacuum chamber which will add cost and delay to the project. From SpaceX point of view, it would rather fail in an actual test than tolerating delays in ground tests. What's surprising here is that FAA let them...or wait, nevermind, I forgot who owns FAA these days.
所以马公公最先把FAA搞掉,因为他们之前给spaceX的安全性提出质疑和警告,要他们不要急于求成而忽视安全。说实话,他那么大动作搞联邦机构,很有可能就是弹幕弹,主要目的就是把FAA敲掉,他把航空管理私人化,以后整个space 都归他一家管。贝佐斯现在越来越靠右,就是表忠心,怕马公公不给他的space dick 留机会。
简而言之,Elon摧毁了这个公司最重要的内核: 一致的伟大愿景,而且是不可逆的摧毁
但是现在这种魅力和领导力, 在他与消毒水党厮混过程中烟消云散, 泯然众人矣
马大嘴智商本来就不高,加入川粉之后, 智商更是掉的厉害。 没什么好办法。
现在的马斯克哪来这个时间。。 没他做最后决定,定期限,给压力,企业其他人肯定就循规蹈矩慢慢来。。进度肯定就会出问题
You are drawing ridiculous conclusion based on imaginations.
A full-duration static fire in near vacuum is hard. v2 design is an improvement over v1 for engine feed and aerodynamic protection, but the changes can create new failure modes as it reduces the operational margins (such as heightened harmonic responses) that v1 enjoyed.
Once these issues are addressed, v2 will be more robust than v1, which is why they changed the design.
The problem is that simulating near-vacuum conditions on the ground is hard, it will require an enormous vacuum chamber which will add cost and delay to the project. From SpaceX point of view, it would rather fail in an actual test than tolerating delays in ground tests.
What's surprising here is that FAA let them...or wait, nevermind, I forgot who owns FAA these days.
有道理。马斯克的所作所为,特斯拉车是让客户的保护地球的理想破灭,SpaceX 是让自己的工程团队拯救地球的理想破灭。
楼主几处hallucination SpaceX工资确实低,这些人确实有能力拿google大包裹,但是SpaceX是pre-IPO,很多人把pre-IPO的股票考虑在内 愿景?想想类似的scientists的工作,大多数scientist也不是为了愿景。口头上说愿景包装一下,其实是innovation的快乐。 失败是很常见的,你overstretch了